public static void Send(ApplicationConfig applicationConfig, Message message) { var templateRestUrl = "{0}://{1}.{2}{3}&version=" + applicationConfig.Version; var envelopeString = message.Sign(applicationConfig).ToJson(); HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = null; HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = null; Stream httpWebRequestStream = null; try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; var buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(envelopeString); httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(String.Format(templateRestUrl, (!applicationConfig.Secure ? "http" : "https"), (!applicationConfig.Secure ? "api" : "apis"), applicationConfig.ClusterKey, applicationConfig.ApplicationKey)); httpWebRequest.Method = "POST"; httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; httpWebRequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length; httpWebRequestStream = httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(); httpWebRequestStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); httpWebRequestStream.Close(); httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); } finally { if (httpWebRequestStream != null) { httpWebRequestStream.Dispose(); } if (httpWebResponse != null) { httpWebResponse.Close(); } } }
// In this authentication example everyone gets authenticated by default, in production mode you would verify the // user by a session cookie or any other method to identify the user to either accept or deny the connection. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Fetch applicationKey and socketId var applicationKey = Request.QueryString["applicationKey"]; var socketId = Request.QueryString["socketId"]; // Construct a message for your authentication response var message = new Message(); // Add current timestamp to the message (which is mandatory when signing envelope) message.MessageData.Add("auth.unixtime", Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds).ToString()); // Construct a messageArg var messageArg = new MessageArg("server", "channel", "connection", "authenticate"); // Append messageArg.EventData.Add("", socketId); // Append socket.uuid // In this example we echo the, normally you would pass your unique id for the current user, eg. primary key or username from your database messageArg.EventData.Add("socket.uuid", socketId); // Add messageArg to message message.MessageArgs.Add(messageArg); // Setup an ApplicationConfig using your own keys (defined in web.config) var applicationConfig = new ApplicationConfig( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClusterKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignatureKey"], false ); // To allow the request you need to send the correct http status code (any other code than 202 will automatically deny the request, even if the signed envelope is valid) Response.StatusCode = 202; // Write the signed JSON envelope to page output Response.Write(message.Sign(applicationConfig).ToJson()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get application key var applicationKey = Request.QueryString["applicationKey"]; // Get HTTP POST stream containing the JSON envelope request var httpPostStream = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.InputStream); // Deserialize envelope from HTTP POST stream var requestEnvelope = Envelope.FromJson(httpPostStream.ReadToEnd()); // Deserialize message from envelope var requestMessage = Message.FromJson(requestEnvelope.Message); // Prepare a message to be sent in response var responseMessage = new Message(); // Add current timestamp to the message (which is mandatory when signing envelope) responseMessage.MessageData.Add("auth.unixtime", Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds).ToString()); // Iterate each subscription request foreach (var requestMessageArg in requestMessage.MessageArgs) { var socketId = requestMessageArg.EventData[""]; var socketUUID = requestMessageArg.EventData["socket.uuid"]; var channelPrefix = requestMessageArg.ChannelPrefix; var channelName = requestMessageArg.ChannelName; var eventPrefix = requestMessageArg.EventPrefix; var eventName = requestMessageArg.EventName; // Make sure that messageArg is a channel subscription request if (eventPrefix == "channel" && eventName == "subscribe") { // Construct a messageArg var responseMessageArg = new MessageArg(channelPrefix, channelName, eventPrefix, eventName); // Append socketId, no need to send socket.uuid) responseMessageArg.EventData.Add("", socketId); // In this example any subscription requests are allowed (set to false or ignore adding key/value to deny) responseMessageArg.EventData.Add("channel.subscription", "true"); switch (channelPrefix.ToLower()) { case "public": // Public channel subscriptions will never be sent out as channel subscription request do not need any authentication. // If client subscribes to a public and private channel at the same time only the private channel request will be sent // to the subscription endpoint case "private": // Allow subscriber to trigger events within the request channel (set to false or ignore adding key/value to deny) responseMessageArg.EventData.Add("channel.trigger", "true"); break; case "presence": // Allow subscriber to trigger events within the requested channel (set to false or ignore adding key/value to deny) responseMessageArg.EventData.Add("channel.trigger", "true"); // Describe the subscriber ( is echoed in this example, in real life you might send a JSON object with username, email etc..) responseMessageArg.EventData.Add("", socketId); break; } // Add messageArg to response message responseMessage.MessageArgs.Add(responseMessageArg); } } // Setup an ApplicationConfig using your own keys (defined in web.config) var applicationConfig = new ApplicationConfig( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClusterKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SignatureKey"], false ); // Write the signed JSON envelope to the output stream with correct status code and content-type Response.StatusCode = 202; Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); Response.Write(responseMessage.Sign(applicationConfig).ToJson()); Response.End(); }