private void considerRoute(MarketDatabase.Order sellOrder, MarketDatabase.Order buyOrder) { Route r = new Route(); r.profitPerItem = buyOrder.price * (1.0 - TAX_RATE) - sellOrder.price; if (r.profitPerItem<=0.0) return; double volumePerItem = items.idToEntry[sellOrder.item.typeId].volume; //int outlayQuantityBound = (int)(constraints.maxOutlay / sellOrder.price); //int volumeQuantityBound = (int)(constraints.maxVolume / volumePerItem); //int constraintsQuantityBound = Math.Min(outlayQuantityBound, volumeQuantityBound); r.seller = sellOrder; r.buyer = buyOrder; r.jumps = pather.getDistance(sellOrder.location, buyOrder.location); //negative jumps indicates no path found if (r.jumps < 0) return; r.quantity = Math.Min(sellOrder.quantity, buyOrder.quantity); r.profitDensityRate = r.profitPerItem / (volumePerItem * Math.Max(r.jumps, 1)); r.bulkProfitRate = r.profitPerItem * r.quantity / Math.Max(r.jumps, 1); if ((r.profitDensityRate > constraints.minProfitDensityRate) && (r.bulkProfitRate > constraints.minBulkProfitRate)) { systemRoutes[pather.graph.nameToId[]].Add(r); addedRoutes++; } }
public TradeRouteMiner(Pathfinder pather, MarketDatabase market, ItemDatabase items) { this.pather = pather; = market; this.items = items; systemRoutes = new Dictionary<UniverseGraph.SystemId, List<Route>>(); addedRoutes = 0; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //test space time profit cache //SpaceTimeProfitCache stpCache = new SpaceTimeProfitCache(); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache.achievesBetterProfit("foobar", 1.0, 100)); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache.achievesBetterProfit("foobar", 1.0, 100)); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache.achievesBetterProfit("foobar", 2.0, 100)); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache.achievesBetterProfit("foobar", 3.0, 150)); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache.achievesBetterProfit("foobar", 3.0, 175)); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache.achievesBetterProfit("foobar", 0.5, 175)); //Console.WriteLine(stpCache); //Console.ReadLine(); //return; //test pqueue //PriorityQueue<int, int> pq = new PriorityQueue<int, int>(); //Random r = new Random(); //for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) //{ // pq.push(r.Next(1000) - 500, i); //} //while (pq.count() > 0) //{ // PriorityQueue<int, int>.Pair p = pq.pop(); // Console.WriteLine("key = " + p.key + ", value = " + p.value); //} //Console.ReadKey(); //return; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to a rather ghetto build of EveSpaceTrucker."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Importing Solar System Info..."); //import system info StreamReader reader = File.OpenText( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\snap\\Desktop\\eve\\space trucking\\quantum rise database csvs\\solarSystems.csv"); UniverseGraph universeGraph = new UniverseGraph(); string line = reader.ReadLine(); //ignore header line line = reader.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { universeGraph.addSystemInfo(line); line = reader.ReadLine(); } reader.Close(); Console.WriteLine(" OK."); Console.Write("Importing System Jump Info..."); //import jump info to construct adjacency lists reader = File.OpenText( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\snap\\Desktop\\eve\\space trucking\\quantum rise database csvs\\solarSystemJumps.csv"); line = reader.ReadLine(); //ignore header line line = reader.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { universeGraph.addJumpInfo(line); line = reader.ReadLine(); } reader.Close(); Console.WriteLine(" OK."); float lowSecThreshhold = 0.5f; Console.WriteLine("Removing Systems with Security < "+lowSecThreshhold+" ..."); // cull lowsec from the map int cullCount = universeGraph.removeLowSecuritySystems(lowSecThreshhold); Console.WriteLine("OK, number of systems culled was "+cullCount); Console.Write("Importing Item Type Info ..."); ItemDatabase items = new ItemDatabase(); items.parseInvTypes( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\snap\\Desktop\\eve\\space trucking\\quantum rise database csvs\\invTypes.csv"); Console.WriteLine(" OK."); Console.Write("Importing Market Dumps ..."); MarketDatabase market = new MarketDatabase(universeGraph, items); DirectoryInfo dumpDir = new DirectoryInfo( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\snap\\My Documents\\EVE\\logs\\Marketlogs\\"); FileInfo[] dumps = dumpDir.GetFiles("*.txt"); foreach (FileInfo fi in dumps) { string dumpPath = fi.FullName; //Console.WriteLine("- " + dumpPath); market.parseMarketDumpFile(dumpPath); } Console.WriteLine(" OK."); TradeRouteMiner.Constraints constraints; //trade routes must meet or exceed this level of profit / (volume * jump) constraints.minProfitDensityRate = 3.0; //trade routes must meet or exceed this level of profit / jump assuming ALL items were transported //this ensures orders with small quantities are ignored, unless they are very profitable per item constraints.minBulkProfitRate = 30000.0; Pathfinder pather = new Pathfinder(universeGraph, 0.5f, 1024); TradeRouteMiner routeMiner = new TradeRouteMiner(pather, market, items); routeMiner.setConstraints(constraints); string distanceCachePath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\snap\\Desktop\\eve\\space trucking\\cache\\jumps.cache"; Console.WriteLine("Importing jumps from "+distanceCachePath); pather.importDistanceCache(distanceCachePath); Console.Write(" OK."); Console.WriteLine("Computing trade routes ..."); routeMiner.computeRoutes(); Console.WriteLine(" OK."); Console.WriteLine(" ~ " + routeMiner.addedRoutes + " were added"); Console.WriteLine("Exporting jumps to " + distanceCachePath); pather.exportDistanceCache(distanceCachePath); Console.WriteLine(" OK."); bool quit = false; double initialWallet = 0.0; double initialCargoCap = 0.0; string initialSystemName = ""; int maxJumps = 0; while (!quit) { try { Console.WriteLine("GHETTO PLANNER INTERFACE"); Console.WriteLine("available commands: query, plan"); Console.Write("Cmd >"); string cmd = Console.ReadLine(); if (cmd.Equals("query")) { Console.WriteLine("item names are case sensitive"); Console.Write("Item Name >"); string itemName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("database entry: " + items.nameToEntry[itemName]); continue; } else if (cmd.Equals("plan")) { Console.Write("Wallet >"); initialWallet = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("CargoCap >"); initialCargoCap = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("SystemName >"); initialSystemName = Console.ReadLine(); //double initialWallet = 60000000.0; //double initialCargoCap = 13000.0; //string initialSystemName = "Amarr"; Console.Write("MaxJumps >"); maxJumps = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else { continue; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("parse error (?)"); continue; } Console.Write("Attempting to Plan Trade Routes (Experimental, yet Promising!) ..."); TradePlanner planner = new TradePlanner(routeMiner, universeGraph); TradePlanner.PlannerState ps = planner.computePlan(initialWallet, initialCargoCap, initialSystemName, maxJumps); Console.WriteLine(" OK."); planner.nicelyDumpPlanToConsole(ps); Console.ReadKey(); } }