public void Add(AssetList list)
     foreach(Asset asset in list)
        /// <summary>
        /// This ensures that items in sell orders appear in the list of the player's assets.
        /// It is called just after new asset XML from the API has been processed but before
        /// the update is applied to the database.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessSellOrders(EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetData, AssetList changes,
            long ownerID)
            List<int> itemIDs = new List<int>();
            List<long> stationIDs = new List<long>();
            List<AssetAccessParams> accessParams = new List<AssetAccessParams>();
            accessParams.Add(new AssetAccessParams(ownerID));
            // Get active sell orders
            OrdersList sellOrders = Orders.LoadOrders(accessParams, itemIDs, stationIDs, 999, "Sell");
            EMMADataSet.AssetsRow changedAsset = null;
            // Note that modifiedAssets is indexed first by itemID and second by stationID
            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, AssetInfo>> modifiedAssets = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, AssetInfo>>();

            foreach (Order sellOrder in sellOrders)
                bool foundMatch = false;
                long assetID = 0;

                // If there is already an asset row with a state of 'ForSaleViaMarket' in the same location,
                // and with the same item type then check quantity.
                // If it matches then just set to processed and move on.
                // If it does not then record the difference in quantities and go to the next order.
                // If we can't find a match then add a new asset row and record the items gained.
                if (Assets.AssetExists(assetData, ownerID, sellOrder.StationID, sellOrder.ItemID,
                    (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaMarket, false, 0, false, false, true, true,
                    true, 0, ref assetID))
                    foundMatch = true;
                    DataRow[] data =
                        assetData.Select("ItemID = " + sellOrder.ItemID + " AND OwnerID = " +
                        ownerID.ToString() + " AND LocationID = " + sellOrder.StationID +
                        " AND Status = " + (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaMarket);
                    if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                        foundMatch = true;
                        assetID = ((EMMADataSet.AssetsRow)data[0]).ID;

                if (foundMatch)
                    changedAsset = assetData.FindByID(assetID);
                    if (changedAsset.Quantity != sellOrder.RemainingVol)
                        // If the quantities do not match then store how many units we are removing
                        // from the stack, the most likely cause is more than one sell order for
                        // this item in this location and if we know how many units we've removed
                        // We can make sure that the other order(s) quantity matches up.
                        Dictionary<long, AssetInfo> itemDeltaVol = new Dictionary<long, AssetInfo>();
                        if (modifiedAssets.ContainsKey(sellOrder.ItemID))
                            itemDeltaVol = modifiedAssets[sellOrder.ItemID];
                            modifiedAssets.Add(sellOrder.ItemID, itemDeltaVol);
                        if (itemDeltaVol.ContainsKey(sellOrder.StationID))
                            AssetInfo info = itemDeltaVol[sellOrder.StationID];
                            info.quantity += sellOrder.RemainingVol - changedAsset.Quantity;
                            itemDeltaVol[sellOrder.StationID] = info;
                            changedAsset.Quantity += sellOrder.RemainingVol;
                            AssetInfo info = new AssetInfo();
                            info.quantity = sellOrder.RemainingVol - changedAsset.Quantity;
                            info.assetID = changedAsset.ID;
                            itemDeltaVol.Add(sellOrder.StationID, info);
                            changedAsset.Quantity = sellOrder.RemainingVol;
                    changedAsset.Processed = true;
                    // Also set it to processed in the database.
                    SetProcessedFlag(changedAsset.ID, true);

                // We havn't managed to match the order to an existing 'ForSaleViaMarket' stack in
                // the database or in memory.
                // As such, we need to create a new one.
                if (!foundMatch)
                    // Create the new asset row..
                    changedAsset = assetData.NewAssetsRow();
                    changedAsset.AutoConExclude = true;
                    changedAsset.ContainerID = 0;
                    changedAsset.CorpAsset = false;
                    // Set cost to zero for now, it will be worked out later when gains/losses are reconciled.
                    changedAsset.Cost = 0;
                    changedAsset.CostCalc = false;
                    changedAsset.IsContainer = false;
                    changedAsset.ItemID = sellOrder.ItemID;
                    changedAsset.EveItemID = 0;
                    changedAsset.LocationID = sellOrder.StationID;
                    changedAsset.OwnerID = sellOrder.OwnerID;
                    changedAsset.Processed = true;
                    changedAsset.Quantity = sellOrder.RemainingVol;
                    changedAsset.RegionID = sellOrder.RegionID;
                    changedAsset.ReprocExclude = true;
                    changedAsset.SystemID = sellOrder.SystemID;
                    changedAsset.BoughtViaContract = false;
                    changedAsset.Status = (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaMarket;


                    // Store the changes we are making to quantities
                    Dictionary<long, AssetInfo> itemDeltaVol = new Dictionary<long, AssetInfo>();
                    if (modifiedAssets.ContainsKey(sellOrder.ItemID))
                        itemDeltaVol = modifiedAssets[sellOrder.ItemID];
                        modifiedAssets.Add(sellOrder.ItemID, itemDeltaVol);
                    if (itemDeltaVol.ContainsKey(sellOrder.StationID))
                        AssetInfo info = itemDeltaVol[sellOrder.StationID];
                        info.quantity += sellOrder.RemainingVol;
                        itemDeltaVol[sellOrder.StationID] = info;
                        AssetInfo info = new AssetInfo();
                        info.quantity = sellOrder.RemainingVol;
                        info.assetID = changedAsset.ID;
                        itemDeltaVol.Add(sellOrder.StationID, info);


            // Once we've finished processing all the orders, store the overall quantity changes.
            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, AssetInfo>>.Enumerator enumerator = modifiedAssets.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                Dictionary<long, AssetInfo>.Enumerator enumerator2 = enumerator.Current.Value.GetEnumerator();
                    Asset change = new Asset();
                    change.ID = enumerator2.Current.Value.assetID;
                    change.ItemID = enumerator.Current.Key;
                    change.LocationID = enumerator2.Current.Key;
                    change.Quantity = enumerator2.Current.Value.quantity;
                    change.StatusID = (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaMarket;
                    change.IsContainer = false;
                    change.Container = null;
                    change.AutoConExclude = true;
                    change.OwnerID = ownerID;
                    change.UnitBuyPrice = 0;
                    change.UnitBuyPricePrecalculated = false;

        private void DisplayAssets()
            if (ContinueWithoutSave())
                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    _change = false;
                    _modifiedIndicies = new List<int>();

                    _itemID = short.Parse(cmbItem.Tag.ToString());
                    long locationID = 0, systemID = 0;
                    List<long> regionIDs = new List<long>();
                    Asset container = null;


                    if (assetsTree.SelectedNode != null)
                        AssetViewNode tag = assetsTree.SelectedNode.Tag as AssetViewNode;
                        if (tag != null)
                            switch (tag.Type)
                                case AssetViewNodeType.All:
                                case AssetViewNodeType.Region:
                                case AssetViewNodeType.System:
                                    systemID = (long)tag.Id;
                                case AssetViewNodeType.Station:
                                    locationID = (long)tag.Id;
                                case AssetViewNodeType.Container:
                                    container = tag.Data as Asset;

                    //ListSortDirection sortDirection = ListSortDirection.Descending;
                    //DataGridViewColumn sortColumn = AssetsGrid.SortedColumn;
                    //if (AssetsGrid.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending) sortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
                    List<SortInfo> sortInfo = AssetsGrid.GridSortInfo;

                    if (container == null)
                        _assets = Assets.LoadAssets(_accessParams, regionIDs, _itemID, locationID, systemID,
                            false, 0, true, false);
                        _assets = Assets.LoadAssets(container, _itemID);

                    _assetsBindingSource.DataSource = _assets;


                    //if (sortColumn != null)
                    //    AssetsGrid.Sort(sortColumn, sortDirection);
                    AssetsGrid.GridSortInfo = sortInfo;

                    Text = "Viewing " + _assetsBindingSource.Count + " assets";
                    Cursor = Cursors.Default;
 public Asset(EMMADataSet.AssetsRow dataRow)
     if (dataRow != null)
         _id = dataRow.ID;
         _ownerID = dataRow.OwnerID;
         if (dataRow.CorpAsset)
             _corpAsset = true;
             _ownerID = UserAccount.CurrentGroup.GetCharacter(_ownerID).CorpID;
         _locationID = dataRow.LocationID;
         _itemID = dataRow.ItemID;
         _quantity = dataRow.Quantity;
         _autoConExclude = dataRow.AutoConExclude;
         _reprocExclude = dataRow.ReprocExclude;
         _processed = dataRow.Processed;
         _statusID = dataRow.Status;
         _isContainer = dataRow.IsContainer;
         _container = null;
         _containerID = dataRow.ContainerID;
         _regionID = dataRow.RegionID;
         _systemID = dataRow.SystemID;
         _contents = new AssetList();
         _unitBuyPrice = dataRow.Cost;
         _pureUnitBuyPrice = _unitBuyPrice;
         _gotUnitBuyPrice = dataRow.CostCalc;
         _unitBuyPricePrecalc = dataRow.CostCalc;
         _eveItemInstanceID = dataRow.EveItemID;
        private static void LookForAssetMatch(Contract contract, bool updateAssets, ref long qToFind,
            ref decimal itemBuyPrice, AssetList assets, bool ignoreOwner)
            foreach (Asset a in assets)
                if (ignoreOwner || a.OwnerID == contract.OwnerID)
                    if (qToFind > 0)
                        long deltaQ = Math.Min(qToFind, a.Quantity);
                        itemBuyPrice += a.UnitBuyPrice * deltaQ;
                        qToFind -= deltaQ;
                        a.Quantity -= deltaQ;

                        // Update the database with changes to the asset row.
                        if (updateAssets)
                            EMMADataSet.AssetsRow data = Assets.GetAssetDetail(a.ID);
                            data.Quantity -= deltaQ;
                            if (data.Quantity == 0) { data.Delete(); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive method to update the supplied assets data table based upon the supplied xml node list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetData"></param>
        /// <param name="assetList"></param>
        /// <param name="locationID"></param>
        /// <param name="corc"></param>
        /// <param name="containerID"></param>
        /// <param name="expectedChanges"></param>
        private void UpdateAssets(EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetData, XmlNodeList assetList, long locationID,
            CharOrCorp corc, long containerID, AssetList changes)
            int counter = 0;
            if (containerID == 0)
                UpdateStatus(counter, assetList.Count, "Getting asset data from file", "", false);
                UpdateStatus(-1, -1, "Getting asset data from file", "", false,
                    counter, assetList.Count, "Container progress");

            foreach (XmlNode asset in assetList)
                int itemID;
                long assetID = 0, eveInstanceID, quantity;
                bool isContainer = false, needNewRow = false;

                XmlNode locationNode = asset.SelectSingleNode("@locationID");
                if (locationNode != null)
                    locationID = long.Parse(locationNode.Value);

                    // Translate location ID from a corporate office to a station ID if required.
                    if (locationID >= 66000000 && locationID < 67000000)
                        // NPC station.
                        locationID -= 6000001;
                    if (locationID >= 67000000 && locationID < 68000000)
                        // Conquerable station.
                        locationID -= 6000000;
                itemID = int.Parse(asset.SelectSingleNode("@typeID").Value,
                eveInstanceID = long.Parse(asset.SelectSingleNode("@itemID").Value,
                quantity = long.Parse(asset.SelectSingleNode("@quantity").Value,
                if (asset.LastChild != null && asset.LastChild.Name.Equals("rowset"))
                    isContainer = true;

                EMMADataSet.AssetsRow assetRow;
                needNewRow = true;

                // Note that if a match is not found for the specific eve instance ID we pass in then
                // EMMA will automatically search for an asset matching all the other parameters.
                if (Assets.AssetExists(assetData, corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, locationID,
                    itemID, (int)AssetStatus.States.Normal, containerID != 0, containerID, isContainer,
                    false, !isContainer, false, true, eveInstanceID, ref assetID))
                    needNewRow = false;
                else if(!isContainer)
                    // We havn't actually updated the database with anything yet so we may already have a
                    // matching item stack in memory but not in the database. Check for that here.
                    DataRow[] data =
                        assetData.Select("ItemID = " + itemID + " AND OwnerID = " + _charID + " AND CorpAsset = " +
                        (corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? 1 : 0) + " AND LocationID = " + locationID +
                        " AND Status = " + (int)AssetStatus.States.Normal + " AND ContainerID = " + containerID +
                        " AND EveItemID = " + eveInstanceID);
                    if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                        needNewRow = false;
                        assetID = ((EMMADataSet.AssetsRow)data[0]).ID;

                Asset change = null;
                if (!needNewRow)
                    assetRow = assetData.FindByID(assetID);

                    if (assetRow.Processed)
                        // Row is already in the database but has been processed so just add the current
                        // quantity to the row.
                        // (i.e. there are multiple stacks of the same item in the same location in-game
                        // EMMA merges these since we don't care how things are stacked and it makes
                        // things a little easier.)
                        assetRow.Quantity = assetRow.Quantity + quantity;
                        // We're stacking multiple eve item instances so just set the eve item ID to zero.
                        assetRow.EveItemID = 0;

                        // Store the changes that are being made to the quantity of
                        // items here.
                        // This means that once the update processing is complete, we
                        // can try and work out where these items came from.
                        #region Remember changes to item quantities
                        changes.ItemFilter = "ID = " + assetRow.ID;
                        if (changes.FiltredItems.Count > 0)
                            change = (Asset)changes.FiltredItems[0];
                            change.Quantity += quantity;
                            change.EveItemInstanceID = 0;
                            if (change.Quantity == 0) { changes.ItemFilter = ""; changes.Remove(change); }
                            change = new Asset(assetRow);
                            change.Quantity = quantity;
                            change.Processed = false;
                        if (assetRow.Quantity == quantity)
                            // The row already exists in the database and quantity is the same so
                            // set the processed flag on the database directly and remove the row
                            // from the dataset without setting it to be deleted when the database
                            // is updated.
                            // Note the processed flag MUST be set on the database for later routines
                            // to work correctly. (e.g. Assets.ProcessSellOrders)
                            if (assetRow.EveItemID != 0)
                                Assets.SetProcessedFlag(assetID, true);
                                // If Eve instance ID is not yet set then set it.
                                Assets.SetProcessedFlag(assetID, true);
                                assetRow.Processed = true;
                                assetRow.EveItemID = eveInstanceID;
                        else if (assetRow.Quantity != quantity)
                            // The row already exists in the database, has not yet been processed
                            // and the quantity does not match what we've got from the XML.

                            // Store the changes that are being made to the quantity of
                            // items here.
                            // This means that once the update processing is complete, we
                            // can try and work out where these items came from.
                            #region Remember changes to item quantities
                            change = new Asset(assetRow);
                            change.Quantity = quantity - assetRow.Quantity;
                            change.EveItemInstanceID = eveInstanceID;
                            change.Processed = false;

                            // All we need to do is update the quantity and set the processed flag.
                            assetRow.Quantity = quantity;
                            assetRow.Processed = true;
                            assetRow.EveItemID = eveInstanceID;
                            // Also set the processed flag on the database directly. This will
                            // stop us from picking up this row later on (e.g. Assets.ProcessSellOrders)
                            Assets.SetProcessedFlag(assetID, true);
                    // The row does not currently exist in the database so we need to create it.
                    assetRow = assetData.NewAssetsRow();
                    //assetRow.OwnerID = _charID;
                    assetRow.OwnerID = corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID;
                    assetRow.CorpAsset = corc == CharOrCorp.Corp;
                    assetRow.ItemID = itemID;
                    assetRow.EveItemID = eveInstanceID;
                    assetRow.LocationID = locationID;
                    assetRow.Status = 1;
                    assetRow.Processed = true;
                    assetRow.AutoConExclude = false;
                    assetRow.ReprocExclude = false;
                    assetRow.Cost = 0;
                    assetRow.CostCalc = false;
                    assetRow.BoughtViaContract = false;

                    long systemID = 0, regionID = 0;
                    if (locationID >= 30000000 && locationID < 40000000)
                        systemID = locationID;
                        EveDataSet.mapSolarSystemsRow system = SolarSystems.GetSystem(locationID);
                        if (system != null)
                            regionID = system.regionID;
                            new EMMAEveAPIException(ExceptionSeverity.Warning, "Asset row added with unknown " +
                                "solar system ID (" + locationID + ")");
                        EveDataSet.staStationsRow station = null;
                            station = Stations.GetStation(locationID);
                        catch (EMMADataMissingException) { }

                        if (station != null)
                            systemID = station.solarSystemID;
                            regionID = station.regionID;
                            new EMMAEveAPIException(ExceptionSeverity.Warning, "Asset row added with unknown " +
                                "station ID (" + locationID + ")");
                    assetRow.SystemID = systemID;
                    assetRow.RegionID = regionID;
                    assetRow.Quantity = quantity;
                    assetRow.ContainerID = containerID;
                    assetRow.IsContainer = isContainer;
                    if (isContainer)
                        // If this asset is a container and has child assets then we must add it to the
                        // database now and get the correct ID number.
                        // (Because IDs are assigned by the database itself)
                        assetID = Assets.AddRowToDatabase(assetRow);
                        // Otherwise, we can just add it to the data table to be stored later along with
                        // everything else.

                    // Store the changes that are being made to the quantity of
                    // items here.
                    // This means that once the update processing is complete, we
                    // can try and work out where these items came from.
                    #region Remember changes to item quantities
                    change = new Asset(assetRow);
                    if (isContainer) { change.ID = assetID; }
                    change.Quantity = quantity;
                    change.Processed = false;

                if (isContainer)
                    XmlNodeList contained = asset.SelectNodes("rowset/row");
                    UpdateAssets(assetData, contained, locationID, corc, assetID, changes);

                if (containerID == 0)
                    UpdateStatus(counter, assetList.Count, "Getting asset data from file", "", false);
                    UpdateStatus(-1, -1, "Getting asset data from file", "", false,
                        counter, assetList.Count, "Container progress");
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called after an import of XML asset data but before the changes are commited
        /// to the database.
        /// The aim is to try to work out which assets have simply moved location and which have 
        /// been added or lost. Additionally, if items have moved, update the cost of the item 
        /// stack appropriately.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetData">The datatable containing the changes that will be applied to the assets database</param>
        /// <param name="charID"></param>
        /// <param name="corp"></param>
        /// <param name="changes">Contains changes in quantities of item stacks that were in the XML.</param>
        /// <param name="gained">A list of items that have been gained from 'nowhere'</param>
        /// <param name="lost">A list of items that have been totally lost from the owner's asset data.</param>
        public static void AnalyseChanges(EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetData, long ownerID,
            AssetList changes, out AssetList gained, out AssetList lost)
            // Note that 'changes' will only include items that exist in the XML from the API. i.e. Any
            // stacks that have been completely removed from a location will not show up.
            // To get these removed assets, we need to retrieve any 'unprocessed' assets from the
            // assetData table.
            gained = new AssetList();
            lost = new AssetList();

            // Add any unprocessed asset stacks to the 'changes' collection.
            // Although the main data changes have not yet been supplied to the database,
            // the processed flags have been set for the relevant asset rows.
            // This means that we can get the list of unprocessed assets direct from
            // the database.
            List<AssetAccessParams> accessParams = new List<AssetAccessParams>();
            accessParams.Add(new AssetAccessParams(ownerID));
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable unprocMatches = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            Assets.GetAssets(unprocMatches, accessParams, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.AssetsRow unprocMatch in unprocMatches)
                Asset change = new Asset(unprocMatch);
                // Ignore any assets 'for sale via contract' or 'in transit'
                if (change.Quantity != 0 && change.StatusID != (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaContract &&
                    change.StatusID != (int)AssetStatus.States.InTransit)
                    change.Quantity *= -1; // These assets are effectively missing so invert the quantity.

            // Note 'changes2' is a list of the same items as 'changes'.
            // It is needed because the filter functionallity changes the list which we cannot
            // do within the main foreach loop.
            AssetList changes2 = new AssetList();
            foreach (Asset change in changes)

            // See if any of our 'missing' assets match transactions that are marked to have thier profit
            // calculated during an assets update.
            #region Update transactions with CalcProfitFromAssets flag
            EMMADataSet.TransactionsDataTable transData = new EMMADataSet.TransactionsDataTable();
                UserAccount.CurrentGroup.GetFinanceAccessParams(APIDataType.Transactions), 0, true);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.TransactionsRow trans in transData)
                long quantityRemaining = trans.Quantity;
                decimal totalBuyPrice = 0;

                changes.ItemFilter = "ItemID = " + trans.ItemID + " AND Quantity < 0";
                foreach (Asset change in changes.FiltredItems)
                    // If we get a match then use the missing items's cost to calculate the
                    // transaction's profit.
                    // Note that we don't need to adjust any item quantities since either the
                    // changes have already been made or the item stack is 'unprocessed' and will
                    // be cleared out anyway.
                    long deltaQ = Math.Min(Math.Abs(change.Quantity), quantityRemaining);
                    // Adjust the quantity of the 'missing' items.
                    change.Quantity += deltaQ;
                    quantityRemaining -= deltaQ;
                    // Because this transaction's asset quantity change will have been made
                    // back when the transaction was processed, we will have some unexpected
                    // added items as well.
                    // E.g. Consider station A and B. At A, there are 2 units of item X, at B
                    // there is nothing.
                    // At a later date, the player moves 2 of X from A to B and sells it.
                    // When the sell transaction is processed, station B will be set to -2
                    // units of X and the transaction will be set as 'CalcProfitFromAssets'.
                    // When the asset update occurs, it will show zero for both locations so
                    // they will be unprocessed.
                    // This will result in 2 unexplained units gained at station B and 2 lost
                    // at station A. (We've gone from A=2,B=-2 to A=0 B=0)
                    changes2.ItemFilter = "ItemID = " + trans.ItemID + " AND LocationID = " + trans.StationID +
                        " AND Status = 1";
                    if (changes2.FiltredItems.Count > 0)
                        // We've already accounted for the cost of items, etc so just reduce the
                        // quantity.
                        changes2[0].Quantity -= deltaQ;

                    totalBuyPrice += (change.UnitBuyPrice * deltaQ);

                    if (quantityRemaining != trans.Quantity)
                        // We've found enough missing items to match this transaction either completely
                        // or partially so calculate it's profit and set it as completed.
                        trans.CalcProfitFromAssets = false;
                        trans.SellerUnitProfit = trans.Price - (totalBuyPrice / trans.Quantity);
            foreach (Asset change in changes)
                // Note: because we are changing quantity within the foreach loop
                // we don't use the filter on the AssetList.
                // Instead, just use this if condition each time around.
                if (change.Quantity < 0 && !noTransItemIDs.Contains(change.ItemID))
                    // If we get a match then use the missing items's cost to calculate the
                    // transaction's profit.
                    // Note that we don't need to adjust any item quantities since either the
                    // changes have already been made or the item stack is 'unprocessed' and will
                    // be cleared out anyway.
                        change.ItemID, true);
                    if (transData.Count == 0) { noTransItemIDs.Add(change.ItemID); }
                    foreach (EMMADataSet.TransactionsRow trans in transData)
                        if (trans.ItemID == change.ItemID && !completedTrans.Contains(trans.ID))
                            long quantityRemaining = trans.Quantity;
                            TransProcessData data = new TransProcessData();
                            if (processData.ContainsKey(trans.ID))
                                data = processData[trans.ID];
                                quantityRemaining = data.QuantityRemaining;
                                data.QuantityMatched = 0;
                                data.QuantityRemaining = trans.Quantity;
                                data.TotalBuyPrice = 0;
                                processData.Add(trans.ID, data);

                            long deltaQ = Math.Min(Math.Abs(change.Quantity), quantityRemaining);
                            // Adjust the quantity of the 'missing' items.
                            change.Quantity += deltaQ;
                            // Because this transaction's asset quantity change will have been made
                            // back when the transaction was processed, we will have some unexpected
                            // added items as well.
                            // E.g. Consider station A and B. At A, there are 2 units of item X, at B
                            // there is nothing.
                            // At a later date, the player moves 2 of X from A to B and sells it.
                            // When the sell transaction is processed, station B will be set to -2
                            // units of X and the transaction will be set as 'CalcProfitFromAssets'.
                            // When the asset update occurs, it will show zero for both locations so
                            // they will be unprocessed.
                            // This will result in 2 unexplained units gained at station B and 2 lost
                            // at station A. (We've gone from A=2,B=-2 to A=0 B=0)
                            changes2.ItemFilter = "ItemID = " + trans.ItemID + " AND LocationID = " + trans.StationID;
                            foreach (Asset change2 in changes2)
                                if (change2.Quantity > 0)
                                    // We've already accounted for the cost of items, etc so just reduce the
                                    // quantity.
                                    change2.Quantity -= deltaQ;

                            data.QuantityRemaining = data.QuantityRemaining - deltaQ;
                            data.QuantityMatched = data.QuantityMatched + deltaQ;
                            data.TotalBuyPrice = data.TotalBuyPrice + (change.UnitBuyPrice * deltaQ);

                            if (data.QuantityRemaining == 0)
                                // We've found enough missing items to match this transaction completely
                                // so calculate it's profit and set it as completed.
                                trans.CalcProfitFromAssets = false;
                                trans.SellerUnitProfit = trans.Price - (data.TotalBuyPrice / data.QuantityMatched);
                                if (uncompletedTrans.Contains(trans.ID)) { uncompletedTrans.Remove(trans.ID); }
                                // We havn't found enough missing items to completely match this transaction
                                // yet so add to to the list of uncompleted transactions.

            // Calculate profits as best we can for any 'uncompleted' transactions.
            // i.e. those that we did not have enough missing items to match completely.
            foreach (long transID in uncompletedTrans)
                EMMADataSet.TransactionsRow trans = transData.FindByID(transID);
                if (trans != null && processData.ContainsKey(transID))
                    TransProcessData data = processData[transID];
                    trans.CalcProfitFromAssets = false;
                    trans.SellerUnitProfit = trans.Price - (data.TotalBuyPrice / data.QuantityMatched);
             * */
            // Update transactions database

            // Work through the list of changes.
            // If items have been added then see if there is a matching quantity that has been removed
            // somwhere. If so, use the old asset stack cost to set the cost for the new asset stack.
            // If we can't find a match for any added items then add them to the 'gained' list.
            // By definititon, any items that have been removed and match stacks added elsewhere will
            // be matched by the above process. Any removed items that are left over are added to the
            // 'lost' list of assets.
            changes.ItemFilter = "";

            // If we're in manufacturing mode then we don't want to try and match
            // lost assets with gained assets until after the user has selected
            // what has been built, etc.
            if (!UserAccount.Settings.ManufacturingMode)
                #region Try and match gains in one place against losses in another.
                List<int> zeroLossItemIDs = new List<int>();
                foreach (Asset change in changes)
                    if (change.Quantity > 0 && !zeroLossItemIDs.Contains(change.ItemID))
                        int itemID = change.ItemID;
                        long locationID = change.LocationID;

                        changes2.ItemFilter = "ItemID = " + itemID + " AND Quantity < 0";
                        if (changes2.FiltredItems.Count == 0)
                            if (!zeroLossItemIDs.Contains(change.ItemID)) { zeroLossItemIDs.Add(change.ItemID); }

                        foreach (Asset change2 in changes2.FiltredItems)
                            if (change.Quantity > 0 && change2.Quantity < 0)
                                // Get the asset data lines associated with the two changes in asset quantities
                                // that we have found.
                                //bool got1 = Assets.AssetExists(assetData, charID, corp, locationID, itemID,
                                //    change.StatusID, change.ContainerID != 0, change.ContainerID, change.IsContainer,
                                //    true, true, change.AutoConExclude, ref assetID1);
                                //bool got2 = Assets.AssetExists(assetData, charID, corp, change2.LocationID, itemID,
                                //    change2.StatusID, change2.ContainerID != 0, change2.ContainerID, change2.IsContainer,
                                //    true, true, change2.AutoConExclude, ref assetID2);
                                Assets.AddAssetToTable(assetData, change.ID);
                                Assets.AddAssetToTable(assetData, change2.ID);

                                EMMADataSet.AssetsRow row1 = assetData.FindByID(change.ID);
                                EMMADataSet.AssetsRow row2 = assetData.FindByID(change2.ID);
                                Asset a1 = new Asset(row1, null);
                                Asset a2 = new Asset(row2, null);
                                long thisAbsDeltaQ = Math.Min(Math.Abs(change.Quantity), Math.Abs(change2.Quantity));

                                // If the rows are processed then the actual movement of items has already happened
                                // so we don't need to adjust quantities.
                                // If they are not processed then we need to adjust the quantities now.
                                if (!row1.Processed) { row1.Quantity += thisAbsDeltaQ; }
                                if (!row2.Processed) { row2.Quantity -= thisAbsDeltaQ; }

                                // If the stack we're adding to now has zero items in it then we can just
                                // remove it. Otherwise we need to work out the value of the new stack.
                                if (row1.Quantity > 0)
                                    // Calculate the cost of items in the new stack based on the
                                    // cost of items from the old stack.
                                    decimal newCost = 0;
                                    newCost = ((a1.TotalBuyPrice) + (a2.UnitBuyPrice * thisAbsDeltaQ)) /
                                        (a1.Quantity + thisAbsDeltaQ);
                                    row1.Cost = newCost;
                                    row1.CostCalc = true;
                                else if (row1.Quantity == 0) { row1.Delete(); }
                                if (row2.Quantity == 0) { row2.Delete(); }

                                change.Quantity -= thisAbsDeltaQ;
                                change2.Quantity += thisAbsDeltaQ;


            // We have some items left over that could not be accounted for from losses/gains
            // elsewhere. Add these to the appropriate 'lost' or 'gained' list.
            #region Add remaining unexplained changes to the appropriate lost/gained list
            foreach (Asset change in changes)
                if (change.Quantity != 0)
                    Asset unexplained = new Asset();
                    unexplained.ID = change.ID;
                    unexplained.ItemID = change.ItemID;
                    unexplained.LocationID = change.LocationID;
                    unexplained.Quantity = change.Quantity;
                    unexplained.StatusID = change.StatusID;
                    unexplained.IsContainer = change.IsContainer;
                    unexplained.Container = change.Container;
                    unexplained.AutoConExclude = change.AutoConExclude;
                    unexplained.OwnerID = change.OwnerID;
                    if (change.UnitBuyPricePrecalculated)
                        unexplained.UnitBuyPrice = change.UnitBuyPrice;
                        unexplained.UnitBuyPricePrecalculated = true;
                        unexplained.UnitBuyPrice = 0;
                        unexplained.UnitBuyPricePrecalculated = false;
                    if (change.Quantity > 0)
                        // If the unexplained assets are for sale via contract or in transit then we
                        // would expect them not to show up if they are in the same state as before.
                        // This being the case, we do not need to add them to the list of unexplained items.
                        if (change.StatusID != (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaContract &&
                            change.StatusID != (int)AssetStatus.States.InTransit) { gained.Add(unexplained); }
                        // If the unexplained assets are for sale via contract or in transit then we
                        // would expect them not to show up if they are in the same state as before.
                        // This being the case, we do not need to add them to the list of unexplained items.
                        if (change.StatusID != (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaContract &&
                            change.StatusID != (int)AssetStatus.States.InTransit) { lost.Add(unexplained); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the assets table based on the transactions meeting the specified criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="charID"></param>
        /// <param name="corpID"></param>
        /// <param name="useCorp"></param>
        /// <param name="minimumTransID"></param>
        /// <param name="includeTransAfter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static long UpdateFromTransactions(EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetsData,
            AssetList changes, long charID, long corpID, bool useCorp, long minimumTransID,
            DateTime includeTransAfter)
            long maxID = 0;
            long ownerID = useCorp ? corpID : charID;

            EMMADataSet.TransactionsDataTable transactions = new EMMADataSet.TransactionsDataTable();
            transactions = GetTransactions(charID, corpID, useCorp, minimumTransID, includeTransAfter);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.TransactionsRow trans in transactions)
                // If the ID is greater than 9000000000000000000 then it must have been created by EMMA as part of
                // an item exchange contract. These should be ignored here.
                if (trans.ID < 9000000000000000000)
                    int deltaQuantity = trans.Quantity;
                    if (trans.SellerID == ownerID) { deltaQuantity *= -1; }

                    // Change this to not actually make the change in the database. Instead, use the
                    // asset data table passed in and record the changes made in the 'changes' list.

                    /*ChangeAssets(charID, useCorp, trans.StationID, trans.ItemID, 0, (int)AssetStatus.States.Normal,
                        false, deltaQuantity, (deltaQuantity > 0 ? trans.Price : 0), deltaQuantity > 0);*/
                    long assetID = 0;
                    EMMADataSet.AssetsRow asset = null;

                    AssetExists(assetsData, ownerID, trans.StationID, trans.ItemID,
                        (int)AssetStatus.States.Normal, false, 0, false, false, true, false, true, 0, ref assetID);

                    if (assetID != 0)
                        // Asset stack already exists in database and/or datatable, modify it
                        // based upon the transaction data.
                        asset = assetsData.FindByID(assetID);
                        asset.Quantity += deltaQuantity;
                        if (deltaQuantity > 0)
                            Asset logicalAsset = new Asset(asset);
                            asset.CostCalc = true;
                            asset.Cost = (logicalAsset.TotalBuyPrice + (trans.Price * trans.Quantity)) /
                                (logicalAsset.Quantity + trans.Quantity);
                        Asset chg = new Asset(asset);
                        chg.Quantity = deltaQuantity;
                        // Asset does not exist in database so add it to the datatable.
                        asset = assetsData.NewAssetsRow();
                        asset.Quantity = deltaQuantity;
                        asset.AutoConExclude = false;
                        asset.ContainerID = 0;
                        asset.CorpAsset = useCorp;
                        asset.Cost = trans.Price;
                        asset.CostCalc = true;
                        asset.IsContainer = false;
                        asset.ItemID = trans.ItemID;
                        asset.EveItemID = 0;
                        asset.LocationID = trans.StationID;
                        asset.OwnerID = charID;
                        asset.Processed = true;
                        asset.RegionID = trans.RegionID;
                        asset.ReprocExclude = false;
                        asset.Status = (int)AssetStatus.States.Normal;
                        asset.SystemID = Stations.GetStation(trans.StationID).solarSystemID;
                        asset.BoughtViaContract = false;
                        changes.Add(new Asset(asset));

                    if (trans.ID > maxID) { maxID = trans.ID; }

            return maxID;
        public void PopulateLists()
            if (!this.InvokeRequired)
                this.StatusChange += new StatusChangeHandler(ViewUnacknowledgedAssets_StatusChange);

                Thread t0 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PopulateLists));

                if (_lostAssets == null) { _lostAssets = new AssetList(); }
                if (_gainedAssets == null) { _gainedAssets = new AssetList(); }

                // Build complete lists of unacknowledged gained/lost assets for all
                // characters and corps within the report group.
                foreach (EVEAccount account in UserAccount.CurrentGroup.Accounts)
                    foreach (APICharacter character in account.Chars)
                        if (character.UnacknowledgedGains != null && character.UnacknowledgedGains.Count > 0)
                            character.UnacknowledgedGains = null;
                        if (character.CorpUnacknowledgedGains != null && character.CorpUnacknowledgedGains.Count > 0)
                            character.CorpUnacknowledgedGains = null;
                        if (character.UnacknowledgedLosses != null && character.UnacknowledgedLosses.Count > 0)
                            character.UnacknowledgedLosses = null;
                        if (character.CorpUnacknowledgedLosses != null && character.CorpUnacknowledgedLosses.Count > 0)
                            character.CorpUnacknowledgedLosses = null;

                // Only cross check if we are not in manufacturing mode
                if (!UserAccount.Settings.ManufacturingMode)


                this.StatusChange -= ViewUnacknowledgedAssets_StatusChange;
 private void MaterialsFilterData()
     if (this.InvokeRequired)
         this.Invoke(new Callback(MaterialsFilterData));
         if (grpMaterials.Enabled)
             this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                 AssetList tmpAssets = new AssetList();
                 foreach (TempAssetKey material in lstMaterials.Items)
                     _lostAssets.ItemFilter = "ItemID = " + material.ItemID;
                     foreach (Asset a in _lostAssets.FiltredItems)
                 lostItemsGrid.DataSource = tmpAssets;
                 _lostAssets.ItemFilter = "";
                 this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
             //lostItemsGrid.DataSource = _lostAssets.FiltredItems;
             lostItemsGrid.DataSource = _lostAssets;
        private void ViewItemDetail_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                chkOwners.ItemCheck += new ItemCheckEventHandler(chkOwners_ItemCheck);
                chkOwners.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(chkOwners_SelectedIndexChanged);

                EveDataSet.invTypesDataTable allitems = UserAccount.CurrentGroup.TradedItems.GetAllItems();
                ItemInfo[] info = new ItemInfo[allitems.Count];
                for(int i = 0 ; i < allitems.Count; i++)
                    EveDataSet.invTypesRow item = allitems[i];
                    info[i] = new ItemInfo(item.typeID, item.typeName);
                chkItems.Sorted = true;

                DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle(BuyOrderPriceColumn.DefaultCellStyle);
                style.Format = IskAmount.FormatString();
                BuyOrderPriceColumn.DefaultCellStyle = style;
                SellOrderPriceColumn.DefaultCellStyle = style;
                TransactionsPriceColumn.DefaultCellStyle = style;
                TransactionsTotalColumn.DefaultCellStyle = style;
                TransactionsGrossProfitColumn.DefaultCellStyle = style;
                TransactionsGrossUnitProfit.DefaultCellStyle = style;

                buyOrdersView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                buyOrdersView.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
                buyOrdersView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                BuyOrderDateTimeColumn.DataPropertyName = "Date";
                BuyOrderItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                BuyOrderMovement12HoursColumn.DataPropertyName = "TwelveHourMovement";
                BuyOrderMovement2DaysColumn.DataPropertyName = "TwoDayMovement";
                BuyOrderMovement7DaysColumn.DataPropertyName = "SevenDayMovement";
                BuyOrderOwnerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Owner";
                BuyOrderPriceColumn.DataPropertyName = "Price";
                BuyOrderRangeColumn.DataPropertyName = "RangeText";
                BuyOrderRegionColumn.DataPropertyName = "Region";
                BuyOrderRemainingUnits.DataPropertyName = "RemainingVol";
                BuyOrderStationColumn.DataPropertyName = "Station";
                BuyOrderStatus.DataPropertyName = "State";
                BuyOrderSystemColumn.DataPropertyName = "System";
                BuyOrderTotaUnits.DataPropertyName = "TotalVol";
                BuyOrderPercentageCompleteColumn.DataPropertyName = "PercentageCompleted";

                sellOrdersView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                sellOrdersView.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
                sellOrdersView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                SellOrderDateColumn.DataPropertyName = "Date";
                SellOrderItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                SellOrderMovement12HoursColumn.DataPropertyName = "TwelveHourMovement";
                SellOrderMovement2DaysColumn.DataPropertyName = "TwoDayMovement";
                SellOrderMovement7DaysColumn.DataPropertyName = "SevenDayMovement";
                SellOrderOwnerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Owner";
                SellOrderPriceColumn.DataPropertyName = "Price";
                SellOrderRangeColumn.DataPropertyName = "RangeText";
                SellOrderRegionColumn.DataPropertyName = "Region";
                SellOrderRemainingUnitsColumn.DataPropertyName = "RemainingVol";
                SellOrderStationColumn.DataPropertyName = "Station";
                SellOrderStatusColumn.DataPropertyName = "State";
                SellOrderSystemColumn.DataPropertyName = "System";
                SellOrderTotalUnitsColumn.DataPropertyName = "TotalVol";
                SellOrderPercentageCompleteColumn.DataPropertyName = "PercentageCompleted";
                SellOrderLocalStockAvailable.DataPropertyName = "LocalStockAvailable";
                SellOrderMatchingBuyOrderExistsColumn.DataPropertyName = "BuyOrderExistsForThisItem";

                transactionsView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                transactionsView.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
                transactionsView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                TransactionsBuyerCharacterColumn.DataPropertyName = "BuyerChar";
                TransactionsBuyerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Buyer";
                TransactionsBuyerWalletColumn.DataPropertyName = "BuyerWallet";
                TransactionsDateTimeColumn.DataPropertyName = "Datetime";
                TransactionsItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                TransactionsPriceColumn.DataPropertyName = "Price";
                TransactionsQuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "Quantity";
                TransactionsSellerCharacterColumn.DataPropertyName = "SellerChar";
                TransactionsSellerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Seller";
                TransactionsSellerWalletColumn.DataPropertyName = "SellerWallet";
                TransactionsStationColumn.DataPropertyName = "Station";
                TransactionsTotalColumn.DataPropertyName = "Total";
                TransactionsGrossProfitColumn.DataPropertyName = "GrossProfit";
                TransactionsGrossUnitProfit.DataPropertyName = "GrossUnitProfit";

                inventoryView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                inventoryView.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
                inventoryView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                InventoryItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                InventoryQuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "Quantity";
                InventoryRegionColumn.DataPropertyName = "Region";
                InventoryLocationColumn.DataPropertyName = "Location";
                InventorySystemColumn.DataPropertyName = "System";
                InventoryOwnerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Owner";

                _transactions = new TransactionList();
                _inventory = new AssetList();
                transactionsView.DataSource = _transactions;
                inventoryView.DataSource = _inventory;
            catch (Exception ex)
                EMMAException emmaEx = ex as EMMAException;
                if (emmaEx == null)
                    new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Error, "Problem loading item detail view", ex);
                MessageBox.Show("Problem loading item detail view:\r\n" + ex.Message, "Error",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        private void UpdateInventory()
                string groupBy = "None";
                if (rdbOwner.Checked) { groupBy = "Owner"; }
                if (rdbRegion.Checked) { groupBy = "Region"; }
                if (rdbSystem.Checked) { groupBy = "System"; }

                Assets.BuildResults(_assetParams, _itemIDs, groupBy);
                _inventoryDataVisible = true;
                int pageSize = 100;
                int startRow = 1;
                AssetList inventory = new AssetList();

                while (Assets.GetResultsPage(startRow, pageSize, ref inventory))
                    startRow += pageSize;
                    inventory = new AssetList();
                _inventoryGettingData = false;
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // User has aborted, just drop out.
            catch (Exception ex)
                new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Error, "Error when updating inventory data in item detail", ex);
        private void StartUpdate()
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                _ordersDataVisible = false;
                _inventoryDataVisible = false;
                _transactionsDataVisible = false;
                _ordersGettingData = true;
                _inventoryGettingData = true;
                _transactionsGettingData = true;

                _inventory = new AssetList();
                _transactions = new TransactionList();
                inventoryView.DataSource = _inventory;
                transactionsView.DataSource = _transactions;

                // Generate finance access parameters
                _finParams = new List<FinanceAccessParams>();
                Dictionary<long, List<int>>.Enumerator enumerator = _useDataFrom.GetEnumerator();
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    // If we are accessing all wallets for a corp then no need to bether with this
                    // as the default is to access everything when a blank list is supplied.
                    List<short> walletIDs = new List<short>();
                    if (enumerator.Current.Value.Count < 7)
                        foreach (short walletId in enumerator.Current.Value)

                    _finParams.Add(new FinanceAccessParams(enumerator.Current.Key, walletIDs));

                // Generate asset access parameters
                _assetParams = new List<AssetAccessParams>();
                foreach (object item in chkOwners.CheckedItems)
                    bool done = false;
                    CharCorpOption owner = (CharCorpOption)item;

                    foreach (AssetAccessParams character in _assetParams)
                        if (character.OwnerID == owner.Data.ID)
                            // If the specified ownerID is already in the access parameter list then
                            // don't add it again.
                            done = true;

                    if (!done)
                        _assetParams.Add(new AssetAccessParams(owner.Data.ID));

                _itemIDs = new List<int>();
                foreach (object item in chkItems.CheckedItems)

                _orderPlaceholderType = OrderPlaceholderType.None;
                if (rdbItemPlaceholders.Checked)
                    _orderPlaceholderType = OrderPlaceholderType.PerItem;
                else if (rdbAllPlaceholders.Checked)
                    _orderPlaceholderType = OrderPlaceholderType.PerItemPerEntity;

                // Kick off the threads that will do the updating of the data tables.
                _ordersUpdateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateOrders));
                _transactionsUpdateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateTransactions));
                _inventoryUpdateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateInventory));
            catch (Exception ex)
                new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Error, "Error when starting data update in item detail", ex);
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
 private void AddInventory(AssetList inventory)
     if (this.InvokeRequired)
         AddInventoryCallback callback = new AddInventoryCallback(AddInventory);
         object[] parameters = new object[1];
         parameters[0] = inventory;
         this.Invoke(callback, parameters);
         foreach (Asset asset in inventory)
        private void ViewAssets_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle(CostColumn.DefaultCellStyle);
                style.Format = IskAmount.FormatString();
                CostColumn.DefaultCellStyle = style;

                _assets = new AssetList();
                _assetsBindingSource = new BindingSource();
                _assetsBindingSource.DataSource = _assets;

                AssetsGrid.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                AssetsGrid.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;

                AssetsGrid.DataSource = _assetsBindingSource;
                OwnerColumn.DataPropertyName = "Owner";
                ItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                LocationColumn.DataPropertyName = "Location";
                QuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "Quantity";
                AutoConExcludeColumn.DataPropertyName = "AutoConExclude";
                ReprocessorExcludeColumn.DataPropertyName = "ReprocessorExclude";
                StatusColumn.DataPropertyName = "Status";
                CostColumn.DataPropertyName = UserAccount.Settings.CalcCostInAssetView ? "UnitBuyPrice" : "PureUnitBuyPrice";
                //_regularStyle = OwnerColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Clone();
                //_inTransitStyle = OwnerColumn.DefaultCellStyle.Clone();
                //_inTransitStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

                UserAccount.Settings.GetColumnWidths(this.Name, AssetsGrid);

                cmbItem.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
                cmbItem.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
                cmbItem.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(cmbItem_KeyDown);
                cmbItem.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbItem_SelectedIndexChanged);
                cmbItem.Tag = 0;

                List<CharCorpOption> charcorps = UserAccount.CurrentGroup.GetCharCorpOptions(APIDataType.Assets);
                _corporateOwners = new List<long>();
                _personalOwners = new List<long>();
                foreach (CharCorpOption chop in charcorps)
                    if (chop.Corp)
                cmbOwner.DisplayMember = "Name";
                cmbOwner.ValueMember = "Data";
                cmbOwner.DataSource = charcorps;
                cmbOwner.SelectedValue = 0;
                cmbOwner.Enabled = false;
                cmbOwner.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbOwner_SelectedIndexChanged);
                chkIngoreOwner.Checked = true;
                chkIngoreOwner.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkIngoreOwner_CheckedChanged);
                chkCalcCost.Checked = UserAccount.Settings.CalcCostInAssetView;
                chkCalcCost.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkCalcCost_CheckedChanged);


                assetsTree.AfterExpand += new TreeViewEventHandler(assetsTree_AfterExpand);
                assetsTree.AfterSelect += new TreeViewEventHandler(assetsTree_AfterSelect);
                this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(ViewAssets_FormClosing);

                Diagnostics.DisplayDiag("View assets setup time: " +
                    Diagnostics.GetRunningTime("ViewAssets").ToString() +
                    "\r\n  Initalise: " + Diagnostics.GetRunningTime("ViewAssets.Part1").ToString() +
                    "\r\n  Setup owners: " + Diagnostics.GetRunningTime("ViewAssets.Part2").ToString() +
                    "\r\n  Display Tree: " + Diagnostics.GetRunningTime("ViewAssets.Part3").ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Creating new EMMAexception will cause error to be logged.
                EMMAException emmaex = ex as EMMAException;
                if (emmaex == null)
                    emmaex = new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Critical, "Error setting up assets form", ex);
                MessageBox.Show("Problem setting up assets view.\r\nCheck " + Globals.AppDataDir + "Logging\\ExceptionLog.txt" +
                    " for details.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the assets table based on the transactions meeting the specified criteria.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="charID"></param>
 /// <param name="corpID"></param>
 /// <param name="useCorp"></param>
 /// <param name="minimumTransID"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static long UpdateFromTransactions(EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetsData,
     AssetList changes, long charID, long corpID, bool useCorp, long minimumTransID)
     return UpdateFromTransactions(assetsData, changes, charID, corpID, useCorp, minimumTransID, DateTime.MaxValue);
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the assets table based on the transactions meeting the specified criteria.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="charID"></param>
 /// <param name="corpID"></param>
 /// <param name="useCorp"></param>
 /// <param name="includeTransAfter"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static long UpdateFromTransactions(EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetsData,
     AssetList changes, long charID, long corpID, bool useCorp, DateTime includeTransAfter)
     return UpdateFromTransactions(assetsData, changes, charID, corpID, useCorp, -1, includeTransAfter);
        private void RefreshItemList()
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                DataGridViewColumn sortColumn = ItemsToReprocessView.SortedColumn;
                ListSortDirection sortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
                if (ItemsToReprocessView.SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending) { sortDirection = ListSortDirection.Descending; }

                _assets = new AssetList();
                _reprocessJob = null;
                Asset container = null;
                if (cmbContainers.SelectedItem != null)
                    container = ((ContainerItem)cmbContainers.SelectedItem).Data;

                if ((long)txtStation.Tag != 0 && cmbDefaultReprocessor.SelectedValue != null)
                    CharCorp charcorp = (CharCorp)cmbDefaultReprocessor.SelectedValue;
                    long station = (long)txtStation.Tag;

                    _reprocessJob = new ReprocessJob(station, UserAccount.CurrentGroup.ID, charcorp.ID);

                    if (container == null)
                        _assets = Assets.LoadReprocessableAssets(charcorp.ID, station, 1, false, true);
                        _assets = container.Contents;

                    foreach (Asset asset in _assets)
                        asset.ForceNoReproValAsUnitVal = true;

                ItemsToReprocessView.DataSource = _assets;
                decimal total = 0;
                foreach (Asset asset in _assets)
                    if (asset.Selected)
                        total += asset.TotalValue;
                lblValueBefore.Tag = total;
                lblValueBefore.Text = new IskAmount(total).ToString();

                if (sortColumn != null)
                    ItemsToReprocessView.Sort(sortColumn, sortDirection);
            catch (Exception ex)
                new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Error, "Problem refreshing available assets", ex);
                MessageBox.Show("Problem refreshing available assets.\r\nSee Logging/exceptionlog.txt" +
                    " for details.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the assets stored at the specified station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stationID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /*static public EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable GetAssetsAt(List<AccessParams> accessParams, int stationID)
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable retVal = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            assetsTableAdapter.FillByItemAndLocation(retVal, BuildAccessList(accessParams), "", stationID, 0);
            return retVal;
        public static AssetList GetAssets(List<AssetAccessParams> accessParams, int itemID, List<long> stationIDs,
            List<long> regionIDs, bool includeInTransit, bool includeContainers, bool includeSingletons)
            AssetList retVal = new AssetList();
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable data = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            if (regionIDs == null || regionIDs.Count == 0) { regionIDs = new List<long>(); regionIDs.Add(0); }
            if (stationIDs == null || stationIDs.Count == 0) { stationIDs = new List<long>(); stationIDs.Add(0); }

            StringBuilder regionString = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder stationString = new StringBuilder("");
            foreach (int regionID in regionIDs)
                if (regionString.Length > 0) { regionString.Append(","); }
            foreach (int stationID in stationIDs)
                if (stationString.Length > 0) { stationString.Append(","); }

            lock (assetsTableAdapter)
                assetsTableAdapter.FillByItem(data, AssetAccessParams.BuildAccessList(accessParams),
                    regionString.ToString(), stationString.ToString(), itemID,
                    includeInTransit, includeContainers, includeSingletons);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.AssetsRow asset in data)
                retVal.Add(new Asset(asset));

            return retVal;
        private void Reprocessor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                List<CharCorpOption> charcorps = UserAccount.CurrentGroup.GetCharCorpOptions();
                cmbDefaultReprocessor.DisplayMember = "Name";
                cmbDefaultReprocessor.ValueMember = "Data";
                cmbDefaultReprocessor.DataSource = charcorps;
                cmbDefaultReprocessor.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbDefaultReprocessor_SelectedIndexChanged);
                cmbDefaultReprocessor.SelectedIndex = 0;

                _recentStations = UserAccount.CurrentGroup.Settings.RecentStations;
                AutoCompleteStringCollection stations = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
                txtStation.AutoCompleteCustomSource = stations;
                txtStation.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
                txtStation.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
                txtStation.Leave += new EventHandler(txtStation_Leave);
                txtStation.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(txtStation_KeyDown);
                txtStation.Tag = (long)0;
                txtStation.Text = "";

                DataGridViewCellStyle iskStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle(UnitValueColumn.DefaultCellStyle);
                iskStyle.Format = IskAmount.FormatString();
                UnitValueColumn.DefaultCellStyle = iskStyle;
                TotalValueColumn.DefaultCellStyle = iskStyle;
                ResultValueColumn.DefaultCellStyle = iskStyle;
                ResultTotalValueColumn.DefaultCellStyle = iskStyle;
                ReprocessValueColumn.DefaultCellStyle = iskStyle;

                _assets = new AssetList();
                ItemsToReprocessView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                ItemsToReprocessView.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
                ItemsToReprocessView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                ItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                QuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "Quantity";
                UnitValueColumn.DataPropertyName = "UnitValue";
                TotalValueColumn.DataPropertyName = "TotalValue";
                ReprocessColumn.DataPropertyName = "Selected";
                ReprocessValueColumn.DataPropertyName = "ReprocessValue";
                ItemsToReprocessView.DataSource = _assets;

                ReprocessResultsView.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None;
                ReprocessResultsView.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None;
                ReprocessResultsView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
                ResultItemColumn.DataPropertyName = "Item";
                ResultMaxQuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "MaxQuantity";
                ResultActualQuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "ActualQuantity";
                StationTakesQuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "StationTakes";
                ResultFinalQuantityColumn.DataPropertyName = "Quantity";
                ResultValueColumn.DataPropertyName = "UnitSellPrice";
                ResultTotalValueColumn.DataPropertyName = "EstSellPrice";

                lblValueAfter.Text = "0.00 ISK";
                lblValueBefore.Tag = 0.0m;
                lblValueBefore.Text = "0.00 ISK";

                this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(Reprocessor_FormClosing);


                cmbContainers.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbContainers_SelectedIndexChanged);
            catch (Exception ex)
                EMMAException emmaEx = ex as EMMAException;
                if (emmaEx == null)
                    new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Error, "Problem loading reprocessor", ex);
                MessageBox.Show("Problem loading reprocessor:\r\n" + ex.Message, "Error",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <param name="quantity"></param>
        /// <returns>Return the assets required to build the specified item. (Assuming perfect skills, 
        /// efficiency, etc).</returns>
        public static AssetList GetBillOfMaterials(int itemID, long quantity)
            AssetList retVal = new AssetList();

            throw new NotImplementedException();

            return retVal;
        public static bool GetResultsPage(int startPos, int pageSize, ref AssetList assets)
            if (startPos <= 0) startPos = 1;
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable table = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            lock (assetsTableAdapter)
                assetsTableAdapter.FillByResultsPage(table, startPos, pageSize);
            foreach (EMMADataSet.AssetsRow asset in table)
                assets.Add(new Asset(asset, null));

            return table.Count == pageSize;
        private void UpdateAssetsFromXML(CharOrCorp corc, XmlDocument xml)
            DateTime earliestUpdate = GetLastAPIUpdateTime(corc, APIDataType.Assets).AddHours(23);
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable assetData = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            DateTime dataDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                XmlNodeList assetList = null;

                UpdateStatus(0, 1, "Getting asset data from file", "", false);

                dataDate = EveAPI.GetDataTime(xml);
                DateTime assetsEffectiveDate = corc == CharOrCorp.Char ?
                    Settings.CharAssetsEffectiveDate : Settings.CorpAssetsEffectiveDate;
                if (dataDate.CompareTo(assetsEffectiveDate) < 0)
                    UpdateStatus(1, 1, "Error", "This data in this file is from " + dataDate.ToString() +
                        ". EMMA has already imported asset data dated " + assetsEffectiveDate + " therefore the" +
                        " database will not be updated.", true);
                    assetList = null;
                    assetList = EveAPI.GetResults(xml);
                    UpdateStatus(1, 1, "", assetList.Count + " asset data lines found.", false);

                if (assetList != null)
                    // Set the 'processed' flag to false for all of this char/corp's assets.
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, (int)AssetStatus.States.Normal, false);
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaMarket, false);
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaContract, false);
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, (int)AssetStatus.States.InTransit, false);

                    AssetList changes = new AssetList();

                    // Create an in-memory datatable with all of the changes required to the assets
                    // database in order to reflect the data in the xml file.
                    UpdateAssets(assetData, assetList, 0, corc, 0, changes);
                    // Use the currently active sell order to account for assets that appear to be
                    // missing.
                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, "Processing active sell orders", "", false);
                    Assets.ProcessSellOrders(assetData, changes, corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID);
                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, "", "Complete", false);
                    // Use transactions that occured after the effective date of the asset data file
                    // to ensure that the asset list is as up-to-date as possible.
                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, "Updating assets from transactions that occur after " +
                        "the asset file's effective date", "", false);
                    long maxID = Assets.UpdateFromTransactions(assetData, changes, _charID, _corpID,
                        corc == CharOrCorp.Corp, dataDate);
                    if (corc == CharOrCorp.Char) { Settings.CharAssetsTransUpdateID = maxID; }
                    else { Settings.CorpAssetsTransUpdateID = maxID; }
                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, "", "Complete", false);

                    AssetList gained = new AssetList();
                    AssetList lost = new AssetList();
                    if ((corc == CharOrCorp.Char && Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsChar) ||
                        (corc == CharOrCorp.Corp && Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsCorp))
                        UpdateStatus(0, 0, "Analysing changes to assets", "", false);
                        Assets.AnalyseChanges(assetData, corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID,
                            changes, out gained, out lost);
                        UpdateStatus(0, 0, "", "Complete", false);
                    // If this is the first assets update then we want to try and assign sensible cost
                    // values to assets that we have not yet got a value for.
                    if ((corc == CharOrCorp.Char && !Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsChar) ||
                        (corc == CharOrCorp.Corp && !Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsCorp))
                        Assets.AssignApproxCosts(assetData, corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID);

                    if (corc == CharOrCorp.Char)
                        _unacknowledgedGains = gained;
                        _unacknowledgedLosses = lost;
                        _corpUnacknowledgedGains = gained;
                        _corpUnacknowledgedLosses = lost;

                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, "Updating assets database", "", false);
                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, "", "Complete", false);

                    // Set all 'for sale via contract' and 'in transit' assets in the database to processed.
                    // These types of assets would not be expected to show up in either the XML from the
                    // API or the list of current market orders.
                    // Any assets of these types that have been moved to a different state (e.g. in transit
                    // items that have arrived or contracts that have expired) will have been updated already
                    // in this method or ProcessSellOrders.
                    // Therefore, the ones that are left are still in the same situation as before.
                    // i.e. either 'for sale via contract' or 'in transit'.
                    // We set them to processed to prevent them from being removed along with other
                    // unprocessed assets.
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID,
                        (int)AssetStatus.States.ForSaleViaContract, true);
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID,
                        (int)AssetStatus.States.InTransit, true);
                    // Clear any remaining assets that have not been processed.
                    Assets.ClearUnProcessed(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, false);
                    Assets.SetProcessedFlag(corc == CharOrCorp.Corp ? _corpID : _charID, 0, false);

                    UpdateStatus(0, 0, assetData.Count + " asset database entries modified.", "", false);

                    // Update the assets effective date setting.
                    // Also set the 'FirstUpdateDone' flag
                    if (corc == CharOrCorp.Char)
                        Settings.CharAssetsEffectiveDate = dataDate;
                        Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsChar = true;
                        Settings.CorpAssetsEffectiveDate = dataDate;
                        if (!Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsCorp)
                            Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsCorp = true;
                            foreach (EVEAccount account in UserAccount.CurrentGroup.Accounts)
                                foreach (APICharacter character in account.Chars)
                                    if (character.CharID != _charID && character.CorpID == _corpID)
                                        Settings.FirstUpdateDoneAssetsCorp = true;

                    UpdateStatus(1, 1, "", "Complete", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                EMMAException emmaEx = ex as EMMAException;
                if (emmaEx == null)
                    // If we've caught a standard exception rather than an EMMA one then log it be creating a
                    // new exception.
                    // Note that we don't need to actually throw it..
                    emmaEx = new EMMAException(ExceptionSeverity.Error, "Error when processing assets data", ex);

                UpdateStatus(-1, -1, "Error", ex.Message, true);
                SetLastAPIUpdateError(corc, APIDataType.Assets, ex.Message);

            if (UpdateEvent != null)
                if (_unacknowledgedLosses == null) { _unacknowledgedLosses = new AssetList(); }
                if (_unacknowledgedGains == null) { _unacknowledgedGains = new AssetList(); }
                if (_corpUnacknowledgedLosses == null) { _corpUnacknowledgedLosses = new AssetList(); }
                if (_corpUnacknowledgedGains == null) { _corpUnacknowledgedGains = new AssetList(); }

                if ((corc == CharOrCorp.Char && _unacknowledgedLosses.Count + _unacknowledgedGains.Count == 0) ||
                    (corc == CharOrCorp.Corp && _corpUnacknowledgedGains.Count + _corpUnacknowledgedLosses.Count == 0))
                    UpdateEvent(this, new APIUpdateEventArgs(APIDataType.Assets,
                        corc == CharOrCorp.Char ? _charID : _corpID,
                    SetLastAPIUpdateError(corc, APIDataType.Assets, "AWAITING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT");
                    UpdateEvent(this, new APIUpdateEventArgs(APIDataType.Assets,
                        corc == CharOrCorp.Char ? _charID : _corpID,
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve assets that are stored in the specified container 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AssetList LoadAssets(Asset container, int itemID)
            AssetList retVal = new AssetList();
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable table = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            lock (assetsTableAdapter)
                assetsTableAdapter.FillByContainerID(table, container.ID, itemID);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.AssetsRow row in table)
                Asset asset = new Asset(row, container);
            return retVal;
        public Asset(XmlNode apiAssetData, long ownerID, bool corpAsset, Asset container)
            _id = 0;
            _ownerID = ownerID;
            _corpAsset = corpAsset;
            XmlNode locationNode = apiAssetData.SelectSingleNode("@locationID");
            if (locationNode != null)
                _locationID = long.Parse(locationNode.Value);

                // Translate location ID from a corporate office to a station ID if required.
                if (_locationID >= 66000000 && _locationID < 67000000)
                    // NPC station.
                    _locationID -= 6000001;
                if (_locationID >= 67000000 && _locationID < 68000000)
                    // Conquerable station.
                    _locationID -= 6000000;
            _itemID = int.Parse(apiAssetData.SelectSingleNode("@typeID").Value);
            _eveItemInstanceID = long.Parse(apiAssetData.SelectSingleNode("@itemID").Value);
            _quantity = int.Parse(apiAssetData.SelectSingleNode("@quantity").Value);
            if (apiAssetData.LastChild != null && apiAssetData.LastChild.Name.Equals("rowset"))
                _isContainer = true;
            _autoConExclude = false;
            _reprocExclude = false;
            _processed = false;
            _statusID = 1;
            _contents = new AssetList();
            _container = container;
            _containerID = container.ID;
            _contents = new AssetList();
            _unitBuyPrice = 0;
            _pureUnitBuyPrice = _unitBuyPrice;
            _gotUnitBuyPrice = false;
            _unitBuyPricePrecalc = false;

            if (_isContainer)
                XmlNodeList contents = apiAssetData.SelectNodes("rowset/row");
                foreach (XmlNode asset in contents)
                    _contents.Add(new Asset(asset, ownerID, corpAsset, this));
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of assets that meet the specified parameters.
        /// Note that the list does NOT include assets stored within other containers, ships, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessParams"></param>
        /// <param name="regionIDs"></param>
        /// <param name="itemID"></param>
        /// <param name="locationID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AssetList LoadAssetsByItemAndContainersOfItem(List<AssetAccessParams> accessParams,
            List<long> regionIDs, int itemID, long locationID, long systemID, bool containersOnly,
            int status, bool excludeContainers)
            AssetList retVal = new AssetList();
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable table = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();
            string regionString = "";
            // Do not do this, just pass in an empty list and it'll match all regions.
            //if (regionIDs.Count == 0) { regionIDs.Add(0); }
            foreach (int region in regionIDs)
                regionString = regionString + (regionString.Length == 0 ? "" : ",") + region;
            lock (assetsTableAdapter)
                    AssetAccessParams.BuildAccessList(accessParams), regionString, systemID,
                    locationID, itemID, containersOnly, false, status);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.AssetsRow row in table)
                if (row.Quantity > 0 && (!row.IsContainer || !excludeContainers))
                    Asset asset = new Asset(row, null);
            return retVal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a list of assets that meet the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        public static AssetList LoadReprocessableAssets(long ownerID, long stationID,
            int status, bool includeContainers, bool includeNonContainers)
            AssetList retVal = new AssetList();
            EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable table = new EMMADataSet.AssetsDataTable();

            lock (assetsTableAdapter)
                assetsTableAdapter.FillByReprocessables(table, ownerID, stationID,
                    status, includeContainers, includeNonContainers);

            foreach (EMMADataSet.AssetsRow row in table)
                if (row.Quantity > 0)
                    Asset asset = new Asset(row, null);
            return retVal;
        private void ClearAssets()
            List<SortInfo> sortInfo = AssetsGrid.GridSortInfo;
            _assets = new AssetList();
            _assetsBindingSource.DataSource = _assets;
            AssetsGrid.GridSortInfo = sortInfo;

            Text = "Viewing " + _assetsBindingSource.Count + " assets";