public void QualityPeriodCycleTest() { DateTime asOf = DateTime.Now; YearlySchedule yearlySchedule = new YearlySchedule(asOf); Cycle parent = yearlySchedule.Cycles.First(); Quality quality = null; DateTime startDate = new DateTime(); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(); QualityPeriod target = new QualityPeriod(parent, quality, startDate, endDate); Cycle actual, expected; actual = target.Cycle; expected = parent; Assert.AreEqual<Cycle>(expected, actual, "Cycle not storing and returning proper values."); }
public void QualityPeriodAsOfTest() { DateTime asOf = DateTime.Now; YearlySchedule yearlySchedule = new YearlySchedule(asOf); Cycle parent = new Cycle(yearlySchedule, DateTime.MinValue); Quality quality = null; DateTime startDate = new DateTime(); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(); QualityPeriod target = new QualityPeriod(parent, quality, startDate, endDate); DateTime actual, expected; actual = target.AsOf; expected = asOf; Assert.AreEqual<DateTime>(expected, actual, "AsOf not correctly retrieving from parent object heirarchy."); }
private static ICollection<QualityPeriod> CreateQualityPeriods(DateTime cycleStart, Cycle parent) { List<QualityPeriod> qualityPeriods = new List<QualityPeriod>(); DateTime periodStart, periodEnd; periodStart = cycleStart; periodEnd = cycleStart.AddDays(7).AddMilliseconds(-1); foreach (Quality q in CycleDefinition.QualityDefinitions.OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder)) { QualityPeriod qp = new QualityPeriod(parent, q, periodStart, periodEnd); qualityPeriods.Add(qp); periodStart = periodStart.AddDays(7); periodEnd = periodStart.AddDays(7).AddMilliseconds(-1); } return qualityPeriods; }
public void QualityPeriodEndDateTest() { Cycle parent = null; Quality quality = null; DateTime startDate = new DateTime(); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(); QualityPeriod target = new QualityPeriod(parent, quality, startDate, endDate); DateTime actual, expected; actual = target.EndDate; expected = endDate; Assert.AreEqual<DateTime>(expected, actual, "EndDate not storing and returning proper values."); }
public void QualityPeriodQualityPeriodConstructorTest() { Cycle parent = null; Quality quality = null; DateTime startDate = new DateTime(); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(); QualityPeriod target = new QualityPeriod(parent, quality, startDate, endDate); Assert.IsNotNull(target); }
public void QualityPeriodIsCurrentNotYetCurrentTest() { DateTime asOf = DateTime.Now.FirstMondayOfYear().AddDays(1); //NOTE: Set as of into first cycle YearlySchedule yearlySchedule = new YearlySchedule(asOf); Cycle parent = yearlySchedule.Cycles.First(); Quality quality = null; DateTime startDate = parent.QualityPeriods.Last().StartDate; DateTime endDate = parent.QualityPeriods.Last().EndDate; QualityPeriod target = new QualityPeriod(parent, quality, startDate, endDate); bool actual, expected; actual = target.IsCurrent; expected = false; Assert.AreEqual<bool>(expected, actual, "IsActive not correctly deriving from parent object heirarchy when not active."); }
public void QualityPeriodIsActiveActiveNotCurrentTest() { DateTime asOf = DateTime.Now.FirstMondayOfYear().AddDays(7); //NOTE: Set as of in active but not current period YearlySchedule yearlySchedule = new YearlySchedule(asOf); Cycle parent = yearlySchedule.Cycles.First(); Quality quality = null; DateTime startDate = parent.QualityPeriods.First().StartDate; DateTime endDate = parent.QualityPeriods.First().EndDate; QualityPeriod target = new QualityPeriod(parent, quality, startDate, endDate); bool actual, expected; actual = target.IsActive; expected = true; //NOTE: this is active/not current test Assert.AreEqual<bool>(expected, actual, "IsActive not correctly deriving from parent object heirarchy when active but not current."); }