		private void OnInitialize(EventArgs e)
			#region Config

			string path = Path.Combine(TShock.SavePath, "essentials.json");
			Config = Config.Read(path);
			if (!File.Exists(path))


			#region Database

			if (TShock.Config.StorageType.Equals("mysql", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
				if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Config.MySqlHost) ||
					Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
					Console.WriteLine("[Essentials+] MySQL is enabled, but the Essentials+ MySQL Configuration has not been set.");
					Console.WriteLine("[Essentials+] Please configure your MySQL server information in essentials.json, then restart the server.");
					Console.WriteLine("[Essentials+] This plugin will now disable itself...");

					GeneralHooks.ReloadEvent -= OnReload;
					PlayerHooks.PlayerCommand -= OnPlayerCommand;

					ServerApi.Hooks.GameInitialize.Deregister(this, OnInitialize);
					ServerApi.Hooks.GamePostInitialize.Deregister(this, OnPostInitialize);
					ServerApi.Hooks.NetGetData.Deregister(this, OnGetData);
					ServerApi.Hooks.ServerJoin.Deregister(this, OnJoin);


				string[] host = Config.MySqlHost.Split(':');
				Db = new MySqlConnection
					ConnectionString = String.Format("Server={0}; Port={1}; Database={2}; Uid={3}; Pwd={4};",
						host.Length == 1 ? "3306" : host[1],
			else if (TShock.Config.StorageType.Equals("sqlite", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
				Db = new SqliteConnection(
					"uri=file://" + Path.Combine(TShock.SavePath, "essentials.sqlite") + ",Version=3");
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid storage type!");

			Mutes = new MuteManager(Db);


			#region Commands

			//Allows overriding of already created commands.
			Action<Command> Add = c =>
				//Finds any commands with names and aliases that match the new command and removes them.
				TShockAPI.Commands.ChatCommands.RemoveAll(c2 => c2.Names.Exists(s2 => c.Names.Contains(s2)));
				//Then adds the new command.

			Add(new Command(Permissions.Find, Commands.Find, "find")
				HelpText = "Finds an item and/or NPC with the specified name."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.FreezeTime, Commands.FreezeTime, "freezetime")
				HelpText = "Toggles freezing the time."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.HomeDelete, Commands.DeleteHome, "delhome")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Deletes one of your home points."
			Add(new Command(Permissions.HomeSet, Commands.SetHome, "sethome")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Sets you a home point."
			Add(new Command(Permissions.HomeTp, Commands.MyHome, "myhome")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Teleports you to one of your home points."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.KickAll, Commands.KickAll, "kickall")
				HelpText = "Kicks everyone on the server."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.LastCommand, Commands.RepeatLast, "=")
				HelpText = "Allows you to repeat your last command."

			//This will override TShock's 'mute' command
			Add(new Command(Permissions.Mute, Commands.Mute, "mute")
				HelpText = "Manages mutes."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.PvP, Commands.PvP, "pvp")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Toggles your PvP status."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.Ruler, Commands.Ruler, "ruler")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Allows you to measure the distances between two blocks."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.Send, Commands.Send, "send")
				HelpText = "Broadcasts a message in a custom color."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.Sudo, Commands.Sudo, "sudo")
				HelpText = "Allows you to execute a command as another user."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.TimeCmd, Commands.TimeCmd, "timecmd")
				HelpText = "Executes a command after a given time interval."

			Add(new Command(Permissions.TpBack, Commands.Back, "back", "b")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Teleports you back to your previous position after dying or teleporting."
			Add(new Command(Permissions.TpDown, Commands.Down, "down")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Teleports you down through a layer of blocks."
			Add(new Command(Permissions.TpLeft, Commands.Left, "left")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Teleports you left through a layer of blocks."
			Add(new Command(Permissions.TpRight, Commands.Right, "right")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Teleports you right through a layer of blocks."
			Add(new Command(Permissions.TpUp, Commands.Up, "up")
				AllowServer = false,
				HelpText = "Teleports you up through a layer of blocks."

		private void OnPostInitialize(EventArgs e)
			Homes = new HomeManager(Db);
			Mutes = new MuteManager(Db);