GetInstructionInfo() public static method

public static GetInstructionInfo ( char character, Instruction &instruction, NodeType &type ) : bool
character char
instruction Instruction
type NodeType
return bool
        private static void findMatchingEnd(string source, int start, int addIndex, out int?conditionEndIndex, out int?elseIndex, out bool elsePops, out int endIndex)
            conditionEndIndex = null;
            elseIndex         = null;
            elsePops          = false;
            var         depth = 0;
            Instruction instruction;
            NodeType    type;

            for (int i = start; i < source.Length; i++)
                if (ScliptingUtil.GetInstructionInfo(source[i], out instruction, out type))
                    if (type == NodeType.BlockHead)
                    else if (type == NodeType.BlockConditionEnd && depth == 1)
                        if (conditionEndIndex != null)
                            throw new CompileException("“{0}” block cannot have multiple condition-block instructions.".Fmt(source[start]), start + addIndex, i - start + addIndex + 1);
                        conditionEndIndex = i;
                    else if (type == NodeType.BlockElse && depth == 1)
                        if (elseIndex != null)
                            throw new CompileException("“{0}” block cannot have multiple else-block instructions.".Fmt(source[start]), start + addIndex, i - start + addIndex + 1);
                        elseIndex = i;
                        elsePops  = source[i] == '不';
                    else if (type == NodeType.BlockEnd)
                        if (depth == 0)
                            endIndex = i;
            throw new CompileException("Block instruction “{0}” is missing a matching end instruction.".Fmt(source[start]), start + addIndex, 1);
        public static List <Node> Parse(string source, int addIndex)
            Instruction           instruction;
            NodeType              type;
            ListStringInstruction listStringType;
            bool backwards;

            var ret   = new List <Node>();
            int index = 0;

            while (index < source.Length)
                var ch = source[index];
                if (ch < 0x0100)
                    // can wlite comments using infeliol Amelican and Eulopean chalactels
                else if (ch >= 0xac00 && ch < 0xbc00)
                    // Beginning of byte allay
                    var origIndex = index;
                    var hangeul   = ParseByteArrayToken(source, index);
                    index += hangeul.Length;
                        ret.Add(new ByteArray {
                            Array = ScliptingUtil.DecodeByteArray(hangeul), Index = origIndex + addIndex, Count = index - origIndex
                    catch (CompileException ce)
                        throw new CompileException(ce.Message, ce.Index + origIndex + addIndex, ce.Length);
                else if (ch >= 0xbc00 && ch <= 0xd7a3)
                    ret.Add(new NegativeNumber {
                        Number = 0xbbff - ch, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '①' && ch <= '⑳')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.CopyFromBottom, Value = ch - '①' + 1, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '㉑' && ch <= '㉟')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.CopyFromBottom, Value = ch - '㉑' + 21, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '㊱' && ch <= '㊿')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.CopyFromBottom, Value = ch - '㊱' + 36, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '⓵' && ch <= '⓾')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.MoveFromTop, Value = ch - '⓵' + 1, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '❶' && ch <= '❿')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.CopyFromTop, Value = ch - '❶' + 1, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '⓫' && ch <= '⓴')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.CopyFromTop, Value = ch - '⓫' + 11, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '⑴' && ch <= '⒇')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.MoveFromBottom, Value = ch - '⑴' + 1, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= '⒈' && ch <= '⒛')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.SwapFromBottom, Value = ch - '⒈' + 1, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ch >= 'Ⓐ' && ch <= 'Ⓩ')
                    ret.Add(new StackOrRegexNode {
                        Type = StackOrRegexNodeType.RegexCapture, Value = ch - 'Ⓐ' + 1, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1
                else if (ListStringElementNode.Characters.Contains(ch))
                    ret.Add(new ListStringElementNode(ch, index++ + addIndex));
                else if (ScliptingUtil.GetInstructionInfo(ch, out listStringType, out backwards))
                    ret.Add(new ListStringElementNode(listStringType, backwards, index++ + addIndex));
                else if (ScliptingUtil.GetInstructionInfo(ch, out instruction, out type))
                    switch (type)
                    case NodeType.SingularNode:
                        ret.Add(new SingularNode {
                            ThisInstruction = instruction, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1

                    case NodeType.FunctionExecutionNode:
                        ret.Add(new ExecuteFunction {
                            Instruction = instruction, Index = index++ + addIndex, Count = 1

                    case NodeType.BlockHead:
                        int? conditionEndIndex;
                        int? elseIndex;
                        bool elsePops;
                        int  endIndex;
                        findMatchingEnd(source, index, addIndex, out conditionEndIndex, out elseIndex, out elsePops, out endIndex);
                        var         primaryBlock   = Parse(source.Substring(index + 1, (conditionEndIndex ?? elseIndex ?? endIndex) - index - 1), index + 1 + addIndex);
                        List <Node> conditionBlock = null;
                        if (conditionEndIndex != null)
                            conditionBlock = primaryBlock;
                            primaryBlock   = Parse(source.Substring(conditionEndIndex.Value + 1, (elseIndex ?? endIndex) - conditionEndIndex.Value - 1), conditionEndIndex.Value + 1 + addIndex);
                        var elseBlock  = elseIndex == null ? null : Parse(source.Substring(elseIndex.Value + 1, endIndex - elseIndex.Value - 1), elseIndex.Value + 1 + addIndex);
                        var blockInstr = BlockNode.Create(ch, instruction, index, addIndex, conditionEndIndex, elseIndex, elsePops);
                        blockInstr.PrimaryBlock      = primaryBlock;
                        blockInstr.ConditionBlock    = conditionBlock;
                        blockInstr.ConditionEndIndex = (conditionEndIndex ?? 0) + addIndex;
                        blockInstr.ElseBlock         = elseBlock;
                        blockInstr.ElseBlockPops     = elsePops;
                        blockInstr.Index             = index + addIndex;
                        blockInstr.Count             = endIndex - index + 1;
                        blockInstr.ElseIndex         = (elseIndex ?? 0) + addIndex;
                        index = endIndex + 1;

                    case NodeType.BlockElse:
                    case NodeType.BlockEnd:
                        throw new CompileException("Else or end instruction encountered without a matching block head instruction.", index + addIndex, 1);

                        throw new CompileException("Unrecognised instruction: “{0}”.".Fmt(ch), index + addIndex, 1);
                    throw new CompileException("Unrecognised instruction: “{0}”.".Fmt(ch), index + addIndex, 1);