        private void treeSell_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            TreeListHitInfo hi = treeSell.CalcHitInfo(e.Location);

            if (hi.HitInfoType == DevExpress.XtraTreeList.HitInfoType.Cell)
                // TreeList'ten marka seçildiğnide yapılacak işlemler.
                if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Müşteri Cari Hesapları")
                    Sell.FrmCurrentList list = new Sell.FrmCurrentList();
                    list.MdiParent = this;
                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Satış Fiyat Listeleri")
                    Sell.FrmSellPrices list = new Sell.FrmSellPrices();
                    FormFill(@"SELECT        PL.Ref as Ref, PL.code AS [Liste Kodu], PL.name AS [Liste Adı]
                    FROM            StSellPriceList PL with(nolock)
                    WHERE PL.active = 1 /*AND  @date between PL.startDate and PL.finishDate*/
                    ", "Satış Fiyatları", list);
                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Satış Kampanyaları")
                    Sell.FrmCampaings list = new Sell.FrmCampaings();
                    FormFill(@"SELECT        PL.Ref as Ref, PL.code AS [Liste Kodu], PL.name AS [Liste Adı]
                    FROM            StSellCampaing PL with(nolock)         
                    WHERE PL.active = 1/* AND  {0} between PL.startDate and PL.finishDate*/
                    ", "Satış Kampanyaları", list);

                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "İndirimler")
                    Sell.FrmDiscount list = new Sell.FrmDiscount();
                    db.AddParameterValue("@date", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), SqlDbType.Date);
                    FormFill(@"SELECT        PL.Ref as Ref, PL.code AS [Liste Kodu], PL.name AS [Liste Adı]
                    FROM            StSellDiscount PL with(nolock)         
                    WHERE PL.active = 1 /*AND  GETDATE() between PL.startDate and PL.finishDate*/
                    ", "İndirimler", list);
                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Satış Siparişleri")
                    Sell.FrmSellOrder list = new Sell.FrmSellOrder();
                    db.AddParameterValue("@date", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), SqlDbType.Date);
                    FormFill(@"					SELECT SO.Ref,SO.Code as Kod,SO.name as [Adı],SO.date as [Tarih],SW.name as Şube,SB.name as Depo,
                    CA.name as Müşteri, SO.totalPrice as [Toplam Tutar]
                    FROM StSellOrder as SO
                    INNER JOIN StCustomerAccount as CA ON SO.customerRef = CA.Ref
                    INNER JOIN AtlasSys.dbo.sysWhouse as SW on SO.WhouseRef = SW.Ref
                    INNER JOIN AtlasSys.dbo.sysBranch as SB ON SO.BranchRef = SB.Ref ", "Satış Siparişleri", list);
        private void treeBuy_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            TreeListHitInfo hi = treeBuy.CalcHitInfo(e.Location);

            if (hi.HitInfoType == DevExpress.XtraTreeList.HitInfoType.Cell)
                if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Tedarikçi Cari Hesapları")
                    Sell.FrmCurrentList list = new Sell.FrmCurrentList();
                    list.MdiParent = this;

                if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Hizmet Tanımları")
                    Buy.FrmBuyServices services = new Buy.FrmBuyServices();
                    services.MdiParent = this;

                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Satınalma Fiyat Listeleri")
                    Buy.FrmBuyList list = new Buy.FrmBuyList();
                    db.AddParameterValue("@date", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), SqlDbType.Date);
                    FormFill(@"SELECT        PL.Ref as Ref, PL.code AS [Liste Kodu], PL.name AS [Liste Adı]
                    FROM            StBuyPriceList PL with(nolock)
                    WHERE PL.active = 1 /*AND  @date between PL.startDate and PL.finishDate*/
                    ", "Alış Fiyatları", list);

                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Satınalma Talebi")
                    Buy.FrmBuyOrder order = new Buy.FrmBuyOrder();
                    FormFill(@"SELECT        BO.Ref as Ref, BO.code AS [Sipariş Kodu], BO.name AS [Sipariş Adı], BO.Date AS [Sipariş Tarihi], BO.totalPrice as [Toplam Tutar] ,BR.name as [Şube], WH.name as [Depo]
FROM            StBuyOrder BO with(nolock) 
INNER JOIN AtlasSys.dbo.sysBranch BR ON BR.Ref = BO.branchRef
INNER JOIN AtlasSys.dbo.sysWhouse WH ON WH.Ref = BO.whouseRef
WHERE        (BO.state = 1) ", "Satınalma Talepleri", order);

                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Hizmet Satınalma Talebi")
                    Buy.FrmServiceOrder order = new Buy.FrmServiceOrder();
                    FormFill(@"SELECT        BO.Ref as Ref, BO.code AS [Hizmet Kodu], BO.name AS [Hizmet Adı], BO.Date AS [Hizmet Tarihi],BO.totalPrice as [Toplam Tutar], BR.name as [Şube] 
FROM            StBuyServiceOrder BO with(nolock) 
INNER JOIN AtlasSys.dbo.sysBranch BR ON BR.Ref = BO.branchRef
WHERE        (BO.state = 1) ", "Hizmet Satınalma Talepleri", order);

                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Toplu Satınalma Talebi Kapatma")
                    Buy.FrmOrderList orderList = new Buy.FrmOrderList();
                    orderList.MdiParent = this;
                else if (hi.Node[cololaylar].ToString() == "Alım İade Faturası")
                    Buy.FrmBuyReturn Ret = new Buy.FrmBuyReturn();
                    FormFill(@"", "Alım İade Faturası", Ret);