        public SmallIndexSet(DataSet Data, Key K)
            : base(BuildSchema(K, Data.Columns))

            // Open readers/writers //
            RecordWriter rw = this.OpenWriter();
            RecordReader rr = Data.OpenReader();

            // Main loop //
            while (!rr.EndOfData)

                // Need to pull the id and position here because read next will advance the stream
                int pos = rr.Position;
                long id = rr.SetID;
                Record q = rr.ReadNext();
                Record r = Record.Stitch(new Cell(id), new Cell(pos), new Cell(q.GetHashCode(K)));
                r = Record.Join(r, Record.Split(q, K));


            // Sort table //
            Key sort = new Key(2);
            for (int i = 0; i < K.Count; i++)
                sort.Add(3 + i);

        public BigIndexSet(string SinkDir, RecordReader Stream, Key K)
            : base(SinkDir, TableHeader.TempName(), BuildSchema(K, Stream.SourceSchema))

            // Open readers/writers //
            RecordWriter rw = this.OpenWriter();
            // Main loop //
            while (!Stream.EndOfData)

                // Need to pull the id and position here because read next will advance the stream
                int pos = Stream.Position;
                long id = Stream.SetID;
                Record q = Stream.ReadNext();
                Record r = Record.Stitch(new Cell(id), new Cell(pos), new Cell(q.GetHashCode(K)));
                r = Record.Join(r, Record.Split(q, K));


            // Sort table //
            Key sort = new Key(2);
            for (int i = 0; i < K.Count; i++)
                sort.Add(3 + i);

        private bool ItterateOnce()

            // Create the cluster mapping FNode; this node does the nearest neighbor test //
            FNodeSet keys = new FNodeSet();
            FNode n = new FNodeResult(null, new RowClusterCellFunction(this._rule, this._means));
            foreach (FNode t in this._fields.Nodes)
            keys.Add("CLUSTER_ID", n);

            // Create the aggregate//
            AggregateSet set = new AggregateSet();

            // Add a counter to the aggregate //
            set.Add(new AggregateSum(FNodeFactory.Value(1D)), "CLUSTER_ELEMENT_COUNT");

            // load the aggregate with the mean aggregates //
            for (int i = 0; i < this._fields.Count; i++)
                set.Add(new AggregateAverage(this._fields[i].CloneOfMe()), this._fields.Alias(i));

            // Load the aggregate with the variance aggregates //
            for (int i = 0; i < this._fields.Count; i++)
                set.Add(new AggregateVarianceP(this._fields[i].CloneOfMe()), "VAR_" + this._fields.Alias(i));

            // Run the aggregate; this is basically a horse aggregate step with the cluster node mapping as the key, and averaging as the value
            RecordSet rs = AggregatePlan.Render(this._data, this._where, keys, set);

            // Need to chop up the recordset we just created //
            Key mean_keeper = Key.Build(this._means.Columns.Count);
            RecordSet means = FastReadPlan.Render(rs, Predicate.TrueForAll, mean_keeper, long.MaxValue);
            Key stat_keeper = new Key(0,1); // keep the id and the count
            for (int i = mean_keeper.Count; i < rs.Columns.Count; i++)
            this._stats = FastReadPlan.Render(rs, Predicate.TrueForAll, stat_keeper, long.MaxValue);
            // Check for cluster misses; cluster misses occur when no node maps to a cluster correctly //
            if (means.Count != this._means.Count)

            // Compare the changes between itterations
            double change = this.CompareChanges(this._means, means);
            // Set the means to the newly calculated means //
            this._means = means;
            // Return a boolean indicating if we failed or not
            return change < this._exit_condition;

文件: Schema.cs 项目: pwdlugosz/Horse
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses a string into a key
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Columns">A variable list of columns</param>
 /// <returns>A key</returns>
 public Key KeyParse(string[] Columns)
     Key k = new Key();
     foreach (string s in Columns)
     return k;
文件: Schema.cs 项目: pwdlugosz/Horse
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a string into a key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Text">The text list of columns</param>
        /// <returns>A key</returns>
        public Key KeyParse(string Text)

            Key k = new Key();
            if (Text == "*") 
                return Key.Build(this.Count);

            string[] t = Text.Split(',');

            foreach (string s in t)

                // Parse out the 'NAME KEY_AFFINITY' logic //
                string[] u = s.Trim().Split(' ');
                string v = u[0]; // column name
                string w = "A"; // affinity (Optional)
                if (u.Length > 1) 
                    w = u[1];

                // get index and affinity
                int j = this.ColumnIndex(v);
                KeyAffinity a = Key.ParseAffinity(w);
                // Add values //
                if (j != -1)
                    k.Add(j, a);
                else if (v.ToList().TrueForAll((c) => { return "1234567890".Contains(c); }))
                    k.Add(int.Parse(v), a);

            return k;

        // Update //
        public static UpdatePlan RenderUpdatePlan(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Crudam_updateContext context)

            // Get the data source //
            DataSet data = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, context.full_table_name());

            // Create expression visitor //
            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis = new ExpressionVisitor(null, Home, data.Name, data.Columns, null);

            // Get where //
            Predicate where = VisitorHelper.GetWhere(exp_vis, context.where_clause());

            // Create the key and fnodeset //
            Key keys = new Key();
            FNodeSet expressions = new FNodeSet();
            foreach (HScriptParser.Update_unitContext ctx in context.update_unit())

            return new UpdatePlan(data, keys, expressions, where);

        // Merge //
        public static MergePlan RenderMergePlan(Workspace Home, HScriptParser.Crudam_mergeContext context)

            // Get the data sources //
            DataSet data1 = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, context.merge_source()[0].full_table_name());
            DataSet data2 = VisitorHelper.GetData(Home, context.merge_source()[1].full_table_name());

            // Get the aliases //
            string alias1 = (context.merge_source()[0].IDENTIFIER() ?? context.merge_source()[0].full_table_name().table_name().IDENTIFIER()).GetText();
            string alias2 = (context.merge_source()[1].IDENTIFIER() ?? context.merge_source()[1].full_table_name().table_name().IDENTIFIER()).GetText();

            // Build the registers; the join functions only use static registers //
            StaticRegister mem1 = new StaticRegister(null);
            StaticRegister mem2 = new StaticRegister(null);

            // Create our expression builder //
            ExpressionVisitor exp_vis = new ExpressionVisitor(null, Home);
            exp_vis.AddSchema(alias1, data1.Columns, mem1);
            exp_vis.AddSchema(alias2, data2.Columns, mem2);

            // Get the equality keys //
            Key eq1 = new Key();
            Key eq2 = new Key();
            foreach (HScriptParser.Merge_equi_predicateContext ctx in context.merge_equi_predicate())

                string a1 = ctx.table_variable()[0].IDENTIFIER()[0].GetText();
                string a2 = ctx.table_variable()[1].IDENTIFIER()[0].GetText();
                string c1 = ctx.table_variable()[0].IDENTIFIER()[1].GetText();
                string c2 = ctx.table_variable()[1].IDENTIFIER()[1].GetText();
                int idx1 = -1;
                int idx2 = -1;

                if (a1 == alias1 && a2 == alias2)

                    // Look up indicides //
                    idx1 = data1.Columns.ColumnIndex(c1);
                    idx2 = data2.Columns.ColumnIndex(c2);

                    // Check for invalid keys //
                    if (idx1 == -1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Column '{0}' does not exist in '{1}'", c1, alias1));
                    if (idx2 == -1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Column '{0}' does not exist in '{1}'", c2, alias2));

                else if (a1 == alias2 && a2 == alias1)

                    // Look up indicides //
                    idx1 = data1.Columns.ColumnIndex(c2);
                    idx2 = data2.Columns.ColumnIndex(c1);

                    // Check for invalid keys //
                    if (idx1 == -1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Column '{0}' does not exist in '{1}'", c2, idx1));
                    if (idx2 == -1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Column '{0}' does not exist in '{1}'", c1, idx2));

                    throw new Exception("Aliases passed are invalid");

                // add the keys //


            // Get the predicate //
            Predicate where = VisitorHelper.GetWhere(exp_vis, context.where_clause());

            // Get the list of expressions //
            FNodeSet nodes = VisitorHelper.GetReturnStatement(exp_vis, context.return_action().expression_or_wildcard_set());

            // Get the output cursor //
            RecordWriter out_data = VisitorHelper.GetWriter(Home, nodes.Columns, context.return_action());

            // Get the join method //
            MergeMethod method = VisitorHelper.GetMergeMethod(context.merge_type());

            // Find the best algorithm //
            MergeAlgorithm alg = MergeAlgorithm.SortMerge;
            if (context.merge_algorithm() != null)
                string suggest_alg = exp_vis.ToNode(context.merge_algorithm().expression()).Evaluate().valueSTRING.ToUpper();
                if (suggest_alg == "NL")
                    alg = MergeAlgorithm.NestedLoop;
                else if (suggest_alg == "SM")
                    alg = MergeAlgorithm.SortMerge;
                else if (suggest_alg == "HT")
                    alg = MergeAlgorithm.HashTable;
            if (eq1.Count == 0)
                alg = MergeAlgorithm.NestedLoop;

            return new MergePlan(method, alg, out_data, nodes, where, data1, data2, eq1, eq2, mem1, mem2);

文件: Key.cs 项目: pwdlugosz/Horse
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a key with a certain number of ascending elements
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="StartAt">The starting index of the key</param>
 /// <param name="Count">The upper bound non-inclusive</param>
 /// <returns>Key</returns>
 public static Key Build(int StartAt, int Count)
     Key k = new Key();
     for (int i = StartAt; i < StartAt + Count; i++)
     return k;
文件: Key.cs 项目: pwdlugosz/Horse
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a key from a string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Text">Text to parse</param>
        /// <returns>Key parsed from the string</returns>
        public static Key Parse(string Text)

            string[] s = Text.Split(',');
            int i = 0;
            KeyAffinity ka = KeyAffinity.Ascending;
            Key k = new Key();

            foreach (string r in s)

                string[] t = r.Trim().Split(' ');

                if (s.Length == 2)
                    ka = ParseAffinity(s[1]);
                    ka = KeyAffinity.Ascending;

                i = int.Parse(t[0]);

                k.Add(i, ka);


            return k;

        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a string into a key
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Columns">The schema that will be used in the key generation</param>
        /// <param name="Text">The key string to be parsed</param>
        /// <returns>A key with defined sort affinities</returns>
        public Key Render(Schema Columns, string Text)

            Columns = Columns ?? new Schema();

            string[] tokens = Text.Split(this._FieldDelims.ToArray());

            Key k = new Key();

            foreach (string t in tokens)

                string[] temp = t.Split(this._AscDescDelims.ToArray(),StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                // Get the field name //
                string field_or_index = temp[0];
                int idx = Columns.ColumnIndex(field_or_index);
                if (idx == -1)
                    if (!int.TryParse(field_or_index, out idx))
                        throw new Exception("Element passed is neither a field or an index: " + field_or_index);

                // Get the affinity //
                string asc_or_desc = (temp.Length < 2) ? "\0" : temp[1];
                KeyAffinity sort_type = KeyAffinity.Ascending;
                if (this._AscTokens.Contains(asc_or_desc, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    sort_type = KeyAffinity.Ascending;
                else if (this._DescTokens.Contains(asc_or_desc, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    sort_type = KeyAffinity.Descending;

                k.Add(idx, sort_type);


            return k;

        // Hash Table - Collection Map //
        private static DataSet BuildJoinHelper(DataSet Data1, DataSet Data2, MergeMethod JM)

            // Create the predicate fields //
            Key joiner = new Key();
            int T1Count = Data1.Columns.Count;
            for (int i = 2; i < T1Count; i++)

            // Memory Registers //
            StaticRegister mem1 = new StaticRegister(null);
            StaticRegister mem2 = new StaticRegister(null);

            // Build the output fields //
            FNodeSet keeper = new FNodeSet();
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 0, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem1));
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 1, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem1));
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 0, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem2));
            keeper.Add(new FNodeFieldRef(null, 1, CellAffinity.INT, 8, mem2));

            // Create the hashing variables //
            string dir = (Data1.Directory != null ? Data1.Directory : Data2.Directory);
            string name = Header.TempName();
            Schema s = new Schema("set_id1 int, row_id1 int, set_id2 int, row_id2 int");

            // Write the join result to the data set //
            DataSet hash = DataSet.CreateOfType(Data1, dir, name, s, Data1.MaxRecords);
            RecordWriter brw = hash.OpenWriter();
            MergeFunctions.SortMerge(JM, brw, keeper, Predicate.TrueForAll, Data1, Data2, joiner, joiner, mem1, mem2);

            // Return //
            return hash;
