        public void Init()
            serviceClient = new CatalogServiceClient();
            full          = path + "/" + alias;

            // create test Catalogs that can be used with the create and update methods
            Catalog_in.Alias = alias;

            Catalog_in.IsVisible          = true;
            Catalog_in.IsVisibleSpecified = true;
            Catalog_in.ParentCatalog      = path;

            TLocalizedValue name_de = new TLocalizedValue();

            name_de.LanguageCode = "de";
            name_de.Value        = "Mein Katalogname";
            TLocalizedValue name_en = new TLocalizedValue();

            name_en.LanguageCode = "en";
            name_en.Value        = "My Catalog Name";
            Catalog_in.Name      = new TLocalizedValue[] { name_de, name_en };

            TAttribute attr = new TAttribute();

            attr.Name             = "Date";
            attr.Type             = "DateTime";
            attr.Value            = "2005-12-24T10:00:00";
            Catalog_in.Attributes = new TAttribute[] { attr };

            Catalog_update.Path = full;

            // IMPORTANT!!!
            // .NET has the terrible behavior, to set all boolean and numeric value that are not
            // defined to "false" resp. "0"
            // So if you update an object and do not set the "IsVisible" flag, it will set the object to
            // invisible!!!
            Catalog_update.IsVisible          = true;
            Catalog_update.IsVisibleSpecified = true;

            TLocalizedValue name_de_updated = new TLocalizedValue();

            name_de_updated.LanguageCode = "de";
            name_de_updated.Value        = "Mein geänderter Katalogname";
            TLocalizedValue name_en_updated = new TLocalizedValue();

            name_en_updated.LanguageCode = "en";
            name_en_updated.Value        = "My updated Catalog Name";
            Catalog_update.Name          = new TLocalizedValue[] { name_de_updated, name_en_updated };

            TAttribute attr_update = new TAttribute();

            attr_update.Name          = "Date";
            attr_update.Type          = "DateTime";
            attr_update.Value         = "2005-12-24T18:00:00";
            Catalog_update.Attributes = new TAttribute[] { attr_update };
		public void Init()
			serviceClient = new CatalogServiceClient();
			full = path + "/" + alias;
			// create test Catalogs that can be used with the create and update methods
			Catalog_in.Alias = alias;
			Catalog_in.IsVisible = true;
            Catalog_in.IsVisibleSpecified = true;
			Catalog_in.ParentCatalog = path;
			TLocalizedValue name_de = new TLocalizedValue();
			name_de.LanguageCode = "de";
			name_de.Value = "Mein Katalogname";
			TLocalizedValue name_en = new TLocalizedValue();
			name_en.LanguageCode = "en";
			name_en.Value = "My Catalog Name";
			Catalog_in.Name = new TLocalizedValue[]{name_de, name_en};

            TAttribute attr = new TAttribute();
			attr.Name = "Date";
            attr.Type = "DateTime";
            attr.Value = "2005-12-24T10:00:00";
            Catalog_in.Attributes = new TAttribute[] { attr };

			Catalog_update.Path = full;

			// IMPORTANT!!!
			// .NET has the terrible behavior, to set all boolean and numeric value that are not
			// defined to "false" resp. "0"
			// So if you update an object and do not set the "IsVisible" flag, it will set the object to
			// invisible!!!
			Catalog_update.IsVisible = true;
            Catalog_update.IsVisibleSpecified = true;

			TLocalizedValue name_de_updated = new TLocalizedValue();
			name_de_updated.LanguageCode = "de";
			name_de_updated.Value = "Mein geänderter Katalogname";
			TLocalizedValue name_en_updated = new TLocalizedValue();
			name_en_updated.LanguageCode = "en";
			name_en_updated.Value = "My updated Catalog Name";
			Catalog_update.Name = new TLocalizedValue[]{name_de_updated, name_en_updated};

            TAttribute attr_update = new TAttribute();
			attr_update.Name = "Date";
            attr_update.Type = "DateTime";
            attr_update.Value = "2005-12-24T18:00:00";
            Catalog_update.Attributes = new TAttribute[] { attr_update };
		static void Main(string[] args)
			Console.WriteLine("Please start: nunit-gui.exe EpagesWebServices.exe /run");
            CatalogServiceClient c = new CatalogServiceClient();
 static void Main(string[] args)
     Console.WriteLine("Please start: nunit-gui.exe EpagesWebServices.exe /run");
     CatalogServiceClient c = new CatalogServiceClient();