public void NewOtherIntsallThread(string fileNamePath, string tempInstallPath, string toLocation, string fromLocation) { _form1.DisableInstallButton(false); string entryTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); File.Copy(fileNamePath, tempInstallPath, true); Process productInstall = new Process(); productInstall.StartInfo.FileName = fileNamePath; productInstall.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/S /D=" + toLocation; productInstall.Start(); productInstall.WaitForExit(); File.Delete(tempInstallPath); switch (selectedInstallProduct) { case "DataCollection": try { string DCLaunchPath = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", toLocation, "DataCollection Extended Warehouse.exe"); ExecuteAsAdmin(DCLaunchPath); } catch { string DCLaunchPath = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", toLocation, "SalesPad Inventory Manager Extended Warehouse.exe"); ExecuteAsAdmin(DCLaunchPath); } break; case "SalesPad Mobile": Process.Start(toLocation + "\\SalesPad.GP.Mobile.Server.exe"); break; case "ShipCenter": Process.Start(toLocation + "\\SalesPad.ShipCenter.exe"); break; case "Card Control": Process.Start(toLocation + "\\CardControl.exe"); break; } //LOG INSTALL BuildModel build = new BuildModel(fromLocation, null, entryTime, selectedInstallProduct); SqliteDataAccess.SaveBuild(build); LastInstalledModel lastInstalled = new LastInstalledModel(toLocation, selectedInstallProduct); SqliteDataAccess.SaveBuild(lastInstalled); _form1.DisableInstallButton(true); }
public void NewInstallThread(string installPath, bool runDBUpdate) { _form1.DisableInstallButton(false); //ProgressBar pb = new ProgressBar(); //ProgressBar.startingLabel = "Starting..."; //pb.Show(); string entryTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); //**COPY INSTALLER FROM NETWORK** //Thread pb1 = new Thread(() => pb.UpdateProgressBar("Copying installer...", 10)); //pb1.Start(); string pathToCopy = fullInstallerPath; // the full path of the installer (path + file name + file extension) string installerFileName = Path.GetFileName(pathToCopy); // the name of the install file (SalesPad.Desktop.Setup.x.x.x.Vers.exe) string installerPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToCopy); // the path of the installer (no file name or extension) string tempInstaller = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Installers\" + installerFileName; // the destination path to copy the selected installer to (EnvMgr\Installers\SalesPad.Desktop.Setup.x.x.x.Vers.exe) File.Copy(pathToCopy, tempInstaller, true); //**SILENTLY INSTALLING SPGP //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Silently Installing SalesPad...", 10); Process spgpInstall = new Process(); spgpInstall.StartInfo.FileName = tempInstaller; spgpInstall.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/S /D=" + installPath; spgpInstall.Start(); spgpInstall.WaitForExit(); // WRITE DATABASE PATH TO INSTALLEDBUILD TABLE //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Logging build path to InstalledBuild table...", 10); BuildModel build = new BuildModel(installerPath, selectedProductVersion, entryTime, "SalesPad GP"); SqliteDataAccess.SaveBuild(build); // WRITE DATABASE PATH TO LASTINSTALLED TABLE //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Logging build path to LastInstalled table...", 10); LastInstalledModel lastInstalled = new LastInstalledModel(installPath, "SalesPad GP"); SqliteDataAccess.SaveBuild(lastInstalled); //**DELETING THE INSTALLER //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Deleting installer...", 10); File.Delete(tempInstaller); string extPath = installerPath + "\\ExtModules\\" + selectedProductVersion + "\\"; string custPath = installerPath + "\\CustomModules\\" + selectedProductVersion + "\\"; List <string> custDllToAdd = new List <string>(); List <string> extDllToAdd = new List <string>(); //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Checking for common project modules...", 10); // ADD LIST OF COMMON PROJECT DLLS IF THEIR RESPECTIVE CHECKBOXES ARE CHECKED CommonProjectsModules commonProjectsModules = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommonProjectsModules>(File.ReadAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Files\CommonProjectsModules.json")); if (checkExpressPointDLLs.Checked) { custDllToAdd.AddRange(commonProjectsModules.ExpresspointCust); extDllToAdd.AddRange(commonProjectsModules.ExpresspointExt); } if (checkTPGDLLs.Checked) { custDllToAdd.AddRange(commonProjectsModules.TPGCust); extDllToAdd.AddRange(commonProjectsModules.TPGExt); } if (checkEDIDLL.Checked) { extDllToAdd.AddRange(commonProjectsModules.EDI); } if (checkAutomationAgentDLLs.Checked) { extDllToAdd.AddRange(commonProjectsModules.AutomationAgent); } // ADD ANY SELECTED DLLS TO THE LIST //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Adding selected dlls to the list...", 10); var selectedCustDlls = lbCustomDLLList.SelectedItems; foreach (string dll in selectedCustDlls) { custDllToAdd.Add(dll); } custDllToAdd.Sort(); var selectedExtDlls = lbExtendedDLLList.SelectedItems; foreach (string dll in selectedExtDlls) { extDllToAdd.Add(dll); } extDllToAdd.Sort(); // COPY/RECORD DLLS ADDED TO INSTALL //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Copying any added dlls to the install folder...", 10); if (custDllToAdd.Count > 0) { foreach (string dll in custDllToAdd.Distinct()) { string dllName = "SalesPad.Module." + dll + "." + TrimSPVersion(installerPath) + "." + selectedProductVersion.ToUpper(); File.Copy(custPath + dllName + ".Zip", Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DLLs\SalesPad.Module." + dll + ".Zip", true); DllModel dllModel = new DllModel(SqliteDataAccess.GetLastParentId(), dllName, "Custom DLL", selectedProductVersion, entryTime); SqliteDataAccess.SaveDlls(dllModel); } } if (extDllToAdd.Count > 0) { foreach (string dll in extDllToAdd.Distinct()) { string dllName = "SalesPad.Module." + dll + "." + TrimSPVersion(installerPath) + "." + selectedProductVersion.ToUpper(); File.Copy(extPath + dllName + ".Zip", Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DLLs\SalesPad.Module." + dll + ".Zip", true); DllModel dllModel = new DllModel(SqliteDataAccess.GetLastParentId(), dllName, "Extended DLL", selectedProductVersion, entryTime); SqliteDataAccess.SaveDlls(dllModel); } } // UNZIP DLLS IF THERE ARE ANY //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Unzipping any added dlls...", 10); if (custDllToAdd.Count > 0 || extDllToAdd.Count > 0) { string[] toExtract = Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DLLs"); foreach (string dll in toExtract) { string dllName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dll); string dllTempFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DLLs\" + dllName; Directory.CreateDirectory(dllTempFolder); using (ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.Open(dll, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { try { zip.ExtractToDirectory(dllTempFolder); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("An error was encountered while trying to extract {0}. Exception message is as follows:\n\n{1}", dllName, e.Message)); } zip.Dispose(); } File.Delete(dll); } } foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\DLLs\")) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir)) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file); try { File.Copy(file, String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", installPath, fileName), true); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("An error was encountered while trying to copy {0} to {1}. Exception message is as follows:\n\n{2}", fileName, installPath, e.Message)); } } Directory.Delete(dir, true); } // RUN DB UPDATE IF SELECTED if (runDBUpdate) { try { //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Running the database update...", 5); Process dbUpdate = new Process(); dbUpdate.StartInfo.FileName = installPath + @"\SalesPad.exe"; dbUpdate.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/dbUpdate /userfields /conn=TWO"; dbUpdate.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; dbUpdate.Start(); dbUpdate.WaitForExit(); // LAUNCH THE INSTALLED APPLICATION //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Launching SalesPad...", 5); Process.Start(installPath + @"\SalesPad.exe"); if (checkOpenInstallFolder.Checked) { Process.Start(installPath); } _form1.DisableInstallButton(true); return; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("This failed:\n\n" + e.ToString()); } } // LAUNCH THE INSTALLED APPLICATION //pb.UpdateProgressBar("Launching SalesPad...", 10); Process.Start(installPath + @"\SalesPad.exe"); if (checkOpenInstallFolder.Checked) { Process.Start(installPath); } _form1.DisableInstallButton(true); //pb.CloseProgressBar(); return; }