public bool FitsPattern(OperationRecurrencePattern pattern) { return(localIntervals.Any(i => pattern.IntervalFits(i.Item1, i.Item2))); }
private void tick(object state) { TelemetryStatics.ExecuteBlockWithStandardExceptionHandling( () => { // We need to schedule the next tick even if there is an exception thrown in this one. Use try-finally instead of CallEveryMethod so we don't lose // exception stack traces. try { var currentInstant = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant(); var interval = new TickInterval(new Interval(lastTickInstant, currentInstant)); lastTickInstant = currentInstant; if (ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation && interval.FitsPattern(OperationRecurrencePattern.CreateDaily(0, 0))) { EmailStatics.SendHealthCheckEmail(WindowsServiceMethods.GetServiceInstalledName(service)); } service.Tick(interval); } finally { try { timer.Change(tickInterval, Timeout.Infinite); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { // This should not be necessary with the Timer.Dispose overload we are using, but see } } }); }