         * Flip TriangleList(I) with TriangleList(J).
        private bool FlipTriangles(int TriangleIndexOne, int TriangleIndexTwo)
            BSTriangle A = TriangleList[TriangleIndexOne];
            BSTriangle B = TriangleList[TriangleIndexTwo];

            // if already optimized, don't have to do any
            BSPoint TestPt = A.FindNonSharingPoint(B);

            // If it's not inside, we don't have to do any
            if (GetCircumcircleState(A, TestPt) != ECircumCircleState.Inside)

            BSTriangle[] NewTriangles  = new BSTriangle[2];
            int          TrianglesMade = 0;

            for (int VertexIndexOne = 0; VertexIndexOne < 2; ++VertexIndexOne)
                for (int VertexIndexTwo = VertexIndexOne + 1; VertexIndexTwo < 3; ++VertexIndexTwo)
                    // Check if these vertices form a valid triangle (should be non-colinear)
                    if (IsEligibleForTriangulation(A.Vertices[VertexIndexOne], A.Vertices[VertexIndexTwo], TestPt))
                        // Create the new triangle and check if the final (original) vertex falls inside or outside of it's circumcircle
                        BSTriangle NewTriangle      = new BSTriangle(A.Vertices[VertexIndexOne], A.Vertices[VertexIndexTwo], TestPt);
                        int        VertexIndexThree = 3 - (VertexIndexTwo + VertexIndexOne);
                        if (GetCircumcircleState(NewTriangle, A.Vertices[VertexIndexThree]) == ECircumCircleState.Outside)
                            // If so store the triangle and increment the number of triangles
                            //checkf(TrianglesMade < 2, TEXT("Incorrect number of triangles created"));
                            NewTriangles[TrianglesMade] = NewTriangle;

            // In case two triangles were generated the flip was successful so we can add them to the list
            if (TrianglesMade == 2)
                AddTriangle(NewTriangles[0], false);
                AddTriangle(NewTriangles[1], false);

            return(TrianglesMade == 2);