static GJKoutput GJK(Collider a, Collider b) { Vector2 GetVertNearestToOrigin(Line line) { return(GetFarthestPointInDifference(GetNormalToLineFacingOrigin(line), a, b)); } bool SimplexContainsOrigin(List <Vector2> simplex) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int j = (i + 1) % 3; int k = (i + 2) % 3; //side jk third vert is i //a_k * x + b_k * y + c_k = 0 float a_k = simplex[j].y - simplex[k].y; float b_k = simplex[k].x - simplex[j].x; float c_k = Vector2.CrossProduct(simplex[j], simplex[k]); float half_space_simplex_i = sgn(a_k * simplex[i].x + b_k * simplex[i].y + c_k); float half_space_origin = sgn(c_k); if (half_space_simplex_i == -half_space_origin)//if Simplex[i] and origin //are in different half-spaces { return(false); } } return(true); } Vector2 init_direction = new Vector2(1, 0);//may be any instread of List <Vector2> Simplex = new List <Vector2>(); Simplex.Add(GetFarthestPointInDifference(init_direction, a, b)); Simplex.Add(GetFarthestPointInDifference(-init_direction, a, b)); Simplex.Add(GetVertNearestToOrigin(new Line(Simplex[0], Simplex[1]))); while (true) { if (SimplexContainsOrigin(Simplex)) { return(new GJKoutput { result = true, simplex = Simplex }); } //determine nearest side to origin // //if we have triangle the nearest side to origin is side such that another vertex of simplex //and origin lying in different half-spaces relatively this side // //ax + by + c = 0 //if sgn(a * dot0.x + b * dot0.y + c) == - sgn(a * dot1.x + b * dot1.y + c) then dot 0 and dot 1 //lying on different sides of line ax + by + c = 0 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int j = (i + 1) % 3; int k = (i + 2) % 3; //side ij third vert is k float a_k = Simplex[i].y - Simplex[j].y; float b_k = Simplex[j].x - Simplex[i].x; float c_k = Vector2.CrossProduct(Simplex[i], Simplex[j]); if (sgn(a_k * Simplex[k].x + b_k * Simplex[k].y + c_k) == -sgn(c_k)) { //needed side Simplex[k] = GetVertNearestToOrigin(new Line(Simplex[i], Simplex[j])); if (Simplex[k] * GetNormalToLineFacingOrigin(new Line(Simplex[i], Simplex[j])) <= 0) { //no origin in minkovski difference return(new GJKoutput() { result = false }); } if (((Simplex[k].x == Simplex[i].x) && (Simplex[k].y == Simplex[i].y)) || ((Simplex[k].x == Simplex[j].x) && (Simplex[k].y == Simplex[j].y))) { //no origin in minkovski difference return(new GJKoutput() { result = false }); } break; } } } }
internal static void Resolve(Collider a, Collider b, CollisionInfo info) { Body a_body = a.gameobject.body; Body b_body = b.gameobject.body; float bouncity = Body.CalculateBouncity(a_body.Bouncity, b_body.Bouncity); float static_friction = Body.CalculateStaticFriction(a_body.StaticFriction, b_body.StaticFriction); float dynamic_friction = Body.CalculateDynamicFriction(a_body.DynamicFriction, b_body.DynamicFriction); int ContactPointCount = info.ContactPoints.Count; for (int i = 0; i < ContactPointCount; i++) { var contact = info.ContactPoints[i]; Vector2 ra = contact.point - (a_body.CenterOfMass_local + a.gameobject.Position); Vector2 rb = contact.point - (b_body.CenterOfMass_local + b.gameobject.Position); Vector2 RelativeVelocity = (b_body.Velocity + Vector2.CrossProduct(b_body.AngularVelocity, rb)) - (a_body.Velocity + Vector2.CrossProduct(a_body.AngularVelocity, ra)); float VelAlongNormal = (RelativeVelocity * contact.normal); if (VelAlongNormal > 0) { continue; } float denominator = a_body.Inv_mass + b_body.Inv_mass + sqr(Vector2.CrossProduct(ra, contact.normal)) * a_body.Inv_MomentOfInertia + sqr(Vector2.CrossProduct(rb, contact.normal)) * b_body.Inv_MomentOfInertia; denominator *= ContactPointCount; //formula for impulse scalar float ImpulseScalar = (-(1 + bouncity) * VelAlongNormal) / denominator; Vector2 Impulse = contact.normal * ImpulseScalar; //applying impulse a_body.Velocity -= a_body.Inv_mass * Impulse; a_body.AngularVelocity -= a_body.Inv_MomentOfInertia * Vector2.CrossProduct(ra, Impulse); b_body.Velocity += b_body.Inv_mass * Impulse; b_body.AngularVelocity += b_body.Inv_MomentOfInertia * Vector2.CrossProduct(rb, Impulse); //********************** //friction //re-count relative velocity RelativeVelocity = (b_body.Velocity + Vector2.CrossProduct(b_body.AngularVelocity, rb)) - (a_body.Velocity + Vector2.CrossProduct(a_body.AngularVelocity, ra)); Vector2 tangent = (RelativeVelocity - (RelativeVelocity * contact.normal) * contact.normal).normalized; float jt = -(RelativeVelocity * tangent) / denominator; Vector2 FrictionImpulse; if (abs(jt) < ImpulseScalar * static_friction) { FrictionImpulse = jt * tangent; } else { FrictionImpulse = -ImpulseScalar * tangent * dynamic_friction; } //applying friction impulse a_body.Velocity -= a_body.Inv_mass * FrictionImpulse; a_body.AngularVelocity -= a_body.Inv_MomentOfInertia * Vector2.CrossProduct(ra, FrictionImpulse); b_body.Velocity += b_body.Inv_mass * FrictionImpulse; b_body.AngularVelocity += b_body.Inv_MomentOfInertia * Vector2.CrossProduct(rb, FrictionImpulse); } foreach (var contact in info.ContactPoints) { //positional correction float percent = 0.6f; float slop = 0.01f; Vector2 correction = ((max(contact.depth - slop, 0) / (a_body.Inv_mass + b_body.Inv_mass)) * contact.normal * percent) / ContactPointCount; a.gameobject.Position -= a_body.Inv_mass * correction; b.gameobject.Position += b_body.Inv_mass * correction; //******************* } }
public static CollisionInfo PolygonvsPolygon(Polygon a, Polygon b) { int GetFarthestPointIndex(Vector2[] polygon, Vector2 direction) { int index = 0; if (direction.y == 0)//x coord check { for (int vert = 0; vert < polygon.Length; vert++) { if (sgn(polygon[vert].x - polygon[index].x) == sgn(direction.x))//if direction == right searching max(x) else min { index = vert; } } return(index); } float k = -direction.x / direction.y; //perpendicular direction angular coefficient //y = kx + b line equation. we find line equation for each point and b //is the intersection point of this line with Oy. Extremum of b means that there is the //ultimate point in the direction, perpendicular to this line i.e. "direction" vector for (int vert = 0; vert < polygon.Length; vert++) { if (sgn((polygon[vert].y - polygon[vert].x * k) - (polygon[index].y - polygon[index].x * k)) == sgn(direction.y))//if top direction searching max(b) else min(b) { index = vert; } } return(index); } float GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(Vector2 point, Line line) { //ax + by + c = 0 //distance = |a * x1 + b * y1 + c| / sqrt(a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) float a_k = line.start.y - line.end.y; float b_k = line.end.x - line.start.x; float c_k = Vector2.CrossProduct(line.start, line.end); return(sqr(a_k * point.x + b_k * point.y + c_k) / (sqr(a_k) + sqr(b_k))); } bool PolygonContainsPoint(Vector2[] poly, Vector2 point) { for (int i = 0; i < poly.Length; i++) { int j = (i + 1) % poly.Length; float a_k = poly[i].y - poly[j].y; float b_k = poly[j].x - poly[i].x; float c_k = Vector2.CrossProduct(poly[i], poly[j]); int k = (i + 2) % poly.Length; float vert_halfspace = sgn(a_k * poly[k].x + b_k * poly[k].y + c_k); float point_halfspace = sgn(a_k * point.x + b_k * point.y + c_k); if (point_halfspace == -vert_halfspace) { return(false); } } return(true); } CollisionInfo info = new CollisionInfo(); GJKoutput GJKoutput = GJK(a, b); if (!GJKoutput.result) { return new CollisionInfo() { ContactPoints = new List <CollisionInfo.ContactPoint>() } } ; EPAoutput EPAoutput = EPA(GJKoutput.simplex, a, b); #region shitcode Vector2 normal = EPAoutput.normal; float distance = EPAoutput.distance; info.ContactPoints = new List <CollisionInfo.ContactPoint>(); bool flip = false; int incident_edge_start = GetFarthestPointIndex(a.Verts, normal); int incident_edge_end = (incident_edge_start + 1) % a.Verts.Length; if (!(abs((a.Verts[incident_edge_start] - a.Verts[incident_edge_end]) * normal) < tolerance)) { incident_edge_end = (incident_edge_start - 1 + a.Verts.Length) % a.Verts.Length; } if (!(abs((a.Verts[incident_edge_start] - a.Verts[incident_edge_end]) * normal) < tolerance)) { flip = true; incident_edge_start = GetFarthestPointIndex(b.Verts, -normal); incident_edge_end = (incident_edge_start + 1) % b.Verts.Length; if (!(abs((b.Verts[incident_edge_start] - b.Verts[incident_edge_end]) * normal) < tolerance)) { incident_edge_end = (incident_edge_start - 1 + b.Verts.Length) % b.Verts.Length; } } Line incident_edge; if (!flip) { //a incident_edge = new Line(a.Verts[incident_edge_start], a.Verts[incident_edge_end]); } else { //b incident_edge = new Line(b.Verts[incident_edge_start], b.Verts[incident_edge_end]); } if (!flip) { //a int b_farthest = GetFarthestPointIndex(b.Verts, -normal); int b_farthest_left_neighb = (b_farthest + 1) % b.Verts.Length; int b_farthest_right_neighb = (b_farthest - 1 + b.Verts.Length) % b.Verts.Length; info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = distance, normal = normal, point = b.Verts[b_farthest] + normal * distance }); bool a_contains_left = PolygonContainsPoint(a.Verts, b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb]); bool a_contains_right = PolygonContainsPoint(a.Verts, b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb]); if (a_contains_left && a_contains_right) { float left_sqr_dist = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge); float right_sqr_dist = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge); int b_almostfarthest = (right_sqr_dist > left_sqr_dist) ? b_farthest_right_neighb : b_farthest_left_neighb; float b_almost_farthest_distance = sqrt(max(right_sqr_dist, left_sqr_dist)); info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = b_almost_farthest_distance, normal = normal, point = b.Verts[b_almostfarthest] + normal * b_almost_farthest_distance }); } else if (!a_contains_left && !a_contains_right) { return(info); } else if (a_contains_left) { float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge)); info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = dist, normal = normal, point = b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb] + normal * dist }); } else { float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge)); info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = dist, normal = normal, point = b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb] + normal * dist }); } return(info); } else { //b int a_farthest = GetFarthestPointIndex(a.Verts, normal); int a_farthest_left_neighb = (a_farthest + 1) % a.Verts.Length; int a_farthest_right_neighb = (a_farthest - 1 + a.Verts.Length) % a.Verts.Length; info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = distance, normal = normal, point = a.Verts[a_farthest] + normal * distance }); bool b_contains_left = PolygonContainsPoint(b.Verts, a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb]); bool b_contains_right = PolygonContainsPoint(b.Verts, a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb]); if (b_contains_left && b_contains_right) { float left_sqr_dist = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge); float right_sqr_dist = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge); int a_almostfarthest = (right_sqr_dist > left_sqr_dist) ? a_farthest_right_neighb : a_farthest_left_neighb; float a_almost_farthest_distance = sqrt(max(right_sqr_dist, left_sqr_dist)); info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = a_almost_farthest_distance, normal = normal, point = a.Verts[a_almostfarthest] + normal * a_almost_farthest_distance }); } else if (!b_contains_left && !b_contains_right) { return(info); } else if (b_contains_left) { float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge)); info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = dist, normal = normal, point = a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb] + normal * dist }); } else { float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge)); info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint() { depth = dist, normal = normal, point = a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb] + normal * dist }); } return(info); } #endregion }