        //Initializes the world data given its initial state
        public void initWorldData(string filePath = "", int width = 0, int height = 0, string behavior = null, List <ActorData> actors = null)
            this.worldName        = ResourceComponent.getKeyFromPath(filePath);
            this.filePath         = ResourceComponent.getFullPathFromKey(filePath);
            this.worldBehaviorKey = behavior;
            this.worldTileData    = new TileData[1, width, height];
            this.worldActorData   = actors;

            if (this.worldActorData == null)
                this.worldActorData = new List <ActorData>();
            if (this.worldBehaviorKey == null)
                this.worldBehaviorKey = "";

            //Construct tiles
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    worldTileData[0, x, y] = new TileData("");
        private void setTileBehavior()
            string       openFile = "";
            DialogResult res;

                res = openDlg.ShowDialog();

                if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                    openFile = openDlg.FileName;
            catch (Exception e) { }

            if (!openFile.Equals(""))
                string key = ResourceComponent.getKeyFromPath(openFile);
                editor.currentValues.behavior = key;
                editor.currentTile.behavior   = key;
                if (!behaviorOverwriteBox.isDown)
        internal ILoadable resource;   //Resource that this handle represents

        /* Handle constructor
         * Initialize the handle. Sets up the internal data, but does not actually perform loading from disk.
         * @param rc The engine resource component object
         * @param s The relative path to the resource (see key above)
        public Handle(ResourceComponent rc, string s)
            this.rc = rc;
            //In order to load the resource from disk, we need the full path to it.
            this.fullPath = ResourceComponent.getFullPathFromKey(s);
            if (s.Length < 1)
                key = "";
            //Makes sure the key is well-formed to be a handle-key
            this.key = ResourceComponent.getKeyFromPath(s);
         * Sets the currently running world
         * @param filePath the map-key to load
         * @param mapFile the mapFile to load, overrides the filePath
        public virtual void setWorld(string filePath, Mapfile mapFile = null)
            string worldName = ResourceComponent.getKeyFromPath(filePath);

            if (worldName != currentWorldName)

            if (!resourceComponent.loadWorld(filePath, mapFile))
            world = resourceComponent.getWorld(worldName);

            world.firstUpdate = true;
            currentWorldName  = worldName;
        public void load(ResourceComponent resourceComponent, string path)
            rc             = resourceComponent;
            this.scriptKey = ResourceComponent.getKeyFromPath(path);

            ScriptEngine engine = rc.scriptEngine;

                script = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(path).Compile();
            catch (SyntaxErrorException e)
                ExceptionOperations eo;
                eo = engine.GetService <ExceptionOperations>();
                string error = eo.FormatException(e);

                throw new Exception("\nPython syntax error:\n" + error);
        public void selectBehaviorAction(Vector2 pos, MouseKeyBinding.MouseButton button)
            openFile = "";
            DialogResult res;

                res = openDlg.ShowDialog();

                if (res == DialogResult.OK)
                    openFile = openDlg.FileName;
            catch (Exception e) { }

            if (!openFile.Equals(""))
                string key = ResourceComponent.getKeyFromPath(openFile);
                editor.engine.world.file.worldBehaviorKey = key;