public static void PopulateMonsterList() { IMonster rat = new IMonster(MONSTER_ID_RAT, "Giant Rat", 10, 1, 1, 10, 1); rat.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(IItem.ItemID(100), 100, 1, 1)); IMonster wolf = new IMonster(MONSTER_ID_WOLF, "Lone Wolf", 11, 2, 3, 15, 2); wolf.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(IItem.ItemID(101), 100, 1, 1)); IMonster snake = new IMonster(MONSTER_ID_SNAKE, "Adder", 7, 0, 1, 10, 1); snake.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(IItem.ItemID(102), 100, 1, 1)); IMonster spider = new IMonster(MONSTER_ID_SPIDER, "Giant Spider", 8, 2, 3, 15, 1); spider.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(IItem.ItemID(103), 100, 1, 2)); IMonster mushroomboss = new IMonster(MONSTER_ID_MUSHROOMBOSS, "Man Eating Mushroom", 20, 3, 4, 25, 0); mushroomboss.LootTable.Add(new LootItem(IItem.ItemID(105), 100, 1, 1)); MonsterList.Add(rat); MonsterList.Add(wolf); MonsterList.Add(snake); MonsterList.Add(spider); MonsterList.Add(mushroomboss); }
public static void PopulateLocList() { ILocation house = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_HOUSE, "Your House", "This is your home.", 0, 0) { Discovered = true, Revealed = true }; ILocation forest = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_FOREST, "Forest", "It's very quiet and shady.", 1, 0) { MonsterHere = IMonster.MonsterID(2), Discovered = true, QuestReqToSearch = IQuest.QuestID(4), ItemHere = IItem.ItemID(104), AfterSearchText = "When your hand touches the mushroom, you hear an angry growl in the distance." }; ILocation deepforest = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_DEEP_FOREST, "Deep Forest", "It's dark and damp this far into the woods.", 2, 0) { MonsterHere = IMonster.MonsterID(1), QuestReqToSearch = IQuest.QuestID(4), ItemHere = IItem.ItemID(104), AfterSearchText = "As you pick the mushroom, a huge shape rises and knocks you over, before disappearing away to the east. When you look down at your clothes, they are covered in mushroom spores, which you shake off." }; ILocation spidernest = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_SPIDER_NEST, "Spider's Nest", "There are webs everywhere...", 1, 1) { MonsterHere = IMonster.MonsterID(3) }; ILocation graveyard = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_GRAVEYARD, "Graveyard", "It's always eerie walking through a graveyard in the dark.", 1, -1) { MonsterHere = IMonster.MonsterID(0) }; ILocation mushroomgrove = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_MUSHROOM_GROVE, "Mushroom Grove", "Countless small mushrooms are growing on trees and underfoot.", 2, 1) { QuestReqToSearch = IQuest.QuestID(5), BossHere = IMonster.MonsterID(4), AfterSearchText = "During your search, you accidentally step on one of the faintly glowing mushrooms on the ground. There is a howl of rage from behind you, and a huge mushroom turns and charges you!" }; ILocation hut = new ILocation(LOCN_ID_ALCHEMIST_HOUSE, "Hut", "There is a sign outside that says \"Fizzlebrew Alchemy\". Blue smoke is coming out of the chimney.", 3, 0) { QuestReqToSearch = IQuest.QuestID(4), ItemHere = IItem.ItemID(104), AfterSearchText = "After you put the mushroom in your bag, you think you see a lumpy shadow shambling into the woods.", NpcHere = INpc.NpcID(0) }; LocList.Add(house); LocList.Add(forest); LocList.Add(deepforest); LocList.Add(spidernest); LocList.Add(graveyard); LocList.Add(hut); LocList.Add(mushroomgrove); }
public Location(int id, string name, string description, IItem itemRequiredToEnter = null, IQuest questAvailableHere = null, IMonster monsterLivesHere = null) { ID = id; Name = name; Description = description; ItemRequiredToEnter = itemRequiredToEnter; QuestAvailableHere = questAvailableHere; MonsterLivingHere = monsterLivesHere; }
public Monster(IMonster monsterType) { MonsterType = monsterType; Name = monsterType.Name; HpCur = monsterType.HpMax; DmgMin = monsterType.DmgMin; DmgMax = monsterType.DmgMax; XpReward = monsterType.XpReward; GoldReward = monsterType.GoldReward; LootTable = monsterType.LootTable; }