protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); OnStart(); optionTool = new OptionTool(this); loadTool = new LoadTool(this); saveTool = new SaveTool(this); newTool = new NewTool(this); pencilTool = new PencilTool(this); flagTool = new FlagTool(this); fillTool = new FillTool(this); actorTool = new ActorTool(this); eraseTool = new EraserTool(this); stampTool = new StampTool(this); EditorInput input = inputComponent as EditorInput; (input[EditorInput.EditBindings.SCROLLLOCK] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += flipScroll; (input[EditorInput.EditBindings.FULLSCREEN] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += flipFull; (input[EditorInput.EditBindings.ZOOMIN] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += zoomIn; (input[EditorInput.EditBindings.ZOOMOUT] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += zoomOut; (input[EditorInput.EditBindings.QUIT] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += Exit; = true; activeTool = pencilTool; graphicsComponent.guiComponent.current.performLayout(); graphicsComponent.guiComponent.current.performLayout(); }
public Editor() { resourceComponent = new GameResources(this.Content, this); inputComponent = new EditorInput(this); physicsComponent = new EditorPhysics(this); graphicsComponent = new EditorGraphics(this); audioComponent = new EditorAudio(this); fullscreen = false; Tile.noLOS = true; }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); float width = /; float height = /; EditorInput input = tileEngine.inputComponent as EditorInput; egl.size = new Vector2(width, .25f * height); egl.location = new Vector2(0, .75f * height); egl.Initialize(); egl.pack(); current = egl; focus = current; }
public Tool(Editor editor) { this.editor = editor; EditorInput input = this.editor.inputComponent as EditorInput; gui = new ToolOptionsGUI(editor.graphicsComponent.guiComponent as EditorGUI); toolAction = new Stack <ToolAction>(); undos = new Stack <ToolAction>(); /* * bindings = new InputBinding[Enum.GetValues(typeof(ToolBindings)).Length]; * bindings[(int)ToolBindings.LEFT] = new SinglePressBinding(input, null, null, InputComponent.MouseButton.LEFT); * bindings[(int)ToolBindings.RIGHT] = new SinglePressBinding(input, null, null, InputComponent.MouseButton.RIGHT); * * (bindings[(int)ToolBindings.LEFT] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += doLeftAction; * (bindings[(int)ToolBindings.RIGHT] as SinglePressBinding).downEvent += doRightAction; */ }
public override void Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime) { EditorWorld editorWorld = as EditorWorld; base.Update(gameTime); if ((tileEngine as Editor) { (tileEngine as Editor).activeTool.doMoveAction(); } // Move camera position to center of player position AxisBinding xaim, yaim, xmove, ymove; EditorInput input = tileEngine.inputComponent as EditorInput; AxisBinding.origin = (new Vector2(.5f * camera.screenWidth, .4f * camera.screenHeight)); //AxisBinding.origin = new Vector2(0,0); xaim = input[EditorInput.EditBindings.XAIM] as AxisBinding; yaim = input[EditorInput.EditBindings.YAIM] as AxisBinding; xmove = input[EditorInput.EditBindings.XMOVE] as AxisBinding; ymove = input[EditorInput.EditBindings.YMOVE] as AxisBinding; Debug.WriteLine(xaim.position + " " + yaim.position + "\n"); camera.velocity = Vector2.Zero; camera.velocity = new Vector2(xaim.position, -yaim.position); camera.velocity *= 20f; // scale by speed if (camera.velocity.Length() > 2.5 && !editorWorld.scrollLock) { if (camera.position.X + camera.velocity.X < 0 || camera.position.X + camera.velocity.X >= * Tile.size) { camera.velocity = new Vector2(0, camera.velocity.Y); } if (camera.position.Y + camera.velocity.Y < 0 || camera.position.Y + camera.velocity.Y >= * Tile.size) { camera.velocity = new Vector2(camera.velocity.X, 0); } if (fullscreen) { camera.position += camera.velocity * 5 / (camera.scale - camera.scaleChange); } if (!fullscreen) { camera.position += camera.velocity / (camera.scale - camera.scaleChange); } } else { if (editorWorld.scrollLock && !(guiComponent.focus is TextArea)) { camera.velocity = new Vector2(xmove.position, -ymove.position); if (camera.position.X + camera.velocity.X < 0 || camera.position.X + camera.velocity.X >= * Tile.size) { camera.velocity = new Vector2(0, camera.velocity.Y); } if (camera.position.Y + camera.velocity.Y < 0 || camera.position.Y + camera.velocity.Y >= * Tile.size) { camera.velocity = new Vector2(camera.velocity.X, 0); } if (fullscreen) { camera.position += camera.velocity * 15 / (camera.scale - camera.scaleChange); } if (!fullscreen) { camera.position += camera.velocity * 15 / (camera.scale - camera.scaleChange); } } } }