public void AddAdjacent(City adj) { Adjacent.Add(adj); if (Adjacent.Count > 6) { int a = 0; } }
public GameWorld(int Width, int Height, Point start, int seed = 0) { ////TODO: Make better world generation rng = new Random(0); width = Width; height = Height; map = new MapObject[width, height]; int ID = 0; //Fill map with air for (int x = 0; x <= map.GetUpperBound(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= map.GetUpperBound(1); y++) { map[x, y] = new Space(ID++, new Point(x, y)); } } if (Width % Room.RoomBaseSize != 0 || Height % Room.RoomBaseSize != 0) { throw new Exception("The large map can not be mapped onto the smaller!"); } roomMap = new Room[Width / Room.RoomBaseSize, Height / Room.RoomBaseSize]; //Define all possible rooms Point _Position = new Point(0, 0); List <Room> possibilites = new List <Room> { new IntersectionRoom(_Position), new TIntersectionBottom(_Position), new TIntersectionTop(_Position), new TIntersectionLeft(_Position), new TIntersectionRight(_Position), new SingleEntranceRoomTop(_Position), new SingleEntranceRoomRight(_Position), new SingleEntranceRoomLeft(_Position), new SingleEntranceRoomBottom(_Position), new FilledRoom(_Position) }; //Add start room roomMap[0, 0] = new StartRoom(new Point(0, 0)); roomMap[0, 0].Generate(ref map, ref ID); for (int x = 0; x <= roomMap.GetUpperBound(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y <= roomMap.GetUpperBound(1); y++) { if (roomMap[x, y] != null) { continue; } //Find possible rooms //Find needed exits List <int> top; List <int> bottom; List <int> left; List <int> right; if (y == 0) { top = new List <int>(); } else { top = roomMap[x, y - 1].exits.bottom; } if (y == roomMap.GetUpperBound(1)) { bottom = new List <int>(); } else if (roomMap[x, y + 1] != null) { bottom = roomMap[x, y + 1]; } else { bottom = null; } if (x == 0) { left = new List <int>(); } else { left = roomMap[x - 1, y].exits.right; } if (x == roomMap.GetUpperBound(0)) { right = new List <int>(); } else if (roomMap[x + 1, y] != null) { right = roomMap[x + 1, y].exits.left; } else { right = null; } Adjacent <List <int> > neededExits = new Adjacent <List <int> >(top, left, right, bottom); //Find possible rooms Room room = possibilites.First(p => { bool _top =; bool _left = p.exits.left.SequenceEqual(neededExits.left); bool _right = null == neededExits.right || p.exits.right.SequenceEqual(neededExits.right); bool _bottom = null == neededExits.bottom || p.exits.bottom.SequenceEqual(neededExits.bottom); return(_top && _left && _right && _bottom); }); //Add room roomMap[x, y] = room.NewRoom(new Point(x * Room.RoomBaseSize, y * Room.RoomBaseSize)); roomMap[x, y].Generate(ref map, ref ID); } } }