        private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //check which employee was selected
            Employee selectedEmployee = lbxEmployees.SelectedItem as Employee;

            //check if an employee is selected
            if (selectedEmployee != null)
                //sets the employees name to the input in the textboxes
                selectedEmployee.FirstName = tbxFirstName.Text;
                selectedEmployee.LastName  = tbxLastName.Text;

                //check if employee is a FullTimeEmployee
                if (selectedEmployee is FullTimeEmployee)
                    //puts selected employee in new employee of correct derived class (FullTimeEmployee) so you can call the correct properties (Salary)
                    FullTimeEmployee selectedFTEmployee = selectedEmployee as FullTimeEmployee;
                    //sets the Salary to the input in the textbox
                    selectedFTEmployee.Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxSalary.Text);
                //check if employee is a PartTimeEmployee
                else if (selectedEmployee is PartTimeEmployee)
                    //puts selected employee in new employee of correct derived class (PartTimeEmployee) so you can call the correct properties (HoursWorked, HourlyRate)
                    PartTimeEmployee selectedPTEmployee = selectedEmployee as PartTimeEmployee;
                    //sets the HoursWorked and HourlyRate to the input in the textboxes
                    selectedPTEmployee.HoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(tbxHoursWorked.Text);
                    selectedPTEmployee.HourlyRate  = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxHourlyRate.Text);
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //read inputs from textboxes and put them into variables
            string firstName = tbxFirstName.Text;
            string lastName  = tbxLastName.Text;

            //checks if FullTime radio button is checked
            if (rbFullTime.IsChecked == true)
                //reads salary input and places it in a variable
                decimal salary = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxSalary.Text);
                //make a new employee and put it into employees list
                FullTimeEmployee employee = new FullTimeEmployee(firstName, lastName, salary);
            //checks if PartTime radio button is checked
            else if (rbPartTime.IsChecked == true)
                //reads hoursWorked and hourlyRate inputs and places them in a variables
                double  hoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(tbxHoursWorked.Text);
                decimal hourlyRate  = Convert.ToDecimal(tbxHourlyRate.Text);
                //make a new employee and put it into employees list
                PartTimeEmployee employee = new PartTimeEmployee(firstName, lastName, hourlyRate, hoursWorked);
            //update display manually
            lbxEmployees.ItemsSource = null;
            lbxEmployees.ItemsSource = employees;
        private void lbxEmployees_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            //clears each tbx each time a new employee is selected

            //check which employee is selected
            Employee selectedEmployee = lbxEmployees.SelectedItem as Employee;

            //check to see if there is an employee selected
            if (selectedEmployee != null)
                //display employee's name
                tbxFirstName.Text = selectedEmployee.FirstName;
                tbxLastName.Text  = selectedEmployee.LastName;

                //check if selected employee is FullTimeEmployee or PartTimeEmployee
                if (selectedEmployee is FullTimeEmployee)
                    //puts selected employee in new employee of correct derived class (FullTimeEmployee) so you can call the correct properties (Salary)
                    FullTimeEmployee selectedFTEmployee = selectedEmployee as FullTimeEmployee;
                    //checks fulltime radio button
                    rbFullTime.IsChecked = true;
                    //displays FullTimeEmployee's Salary
                    tbxSalary.Text = selectedFTEmployee.Salary.ToString();
                    //displays employees monthly pay by calling the class method
                    tblkCalcMonthlyPay.Text = ("€" + selectedFTEmployee.CalculateMonthlyPay().ToString("F"));
                else if (selectedEmployee is PartTimeEmployee)
                    //puts selected employee in new employee of correct derived class (PartTimeEmployee) so you can call the correct properties (HoursWorked, HourlyRate)
                    PartTimeEmployee selectedPTEmployee = selectedEmployee as PartTimeEmployee;
                    //checks part time radio button
                    rbPartTime.IsChecked = true;
                    //display PartTimeEmployee's HoursWorked and HourlyRate
                    tbxHoursWorked.Text = selectedPTEmployee.HoursWorked.ToString();
                    tbxHourlyRate.Text  = selectedPTEmployee.HourlyRate.ToString();
                    //displays employees monthly pay by calling the class method
                    tblkCalcMonthlyPay.Text = ("€" + selectedPTEmployee.CalculateMonthlyPay().ToString("F"));
        public MainWindow()
            //makes both checkboxes checked upon initialization
            cboxFullTime.IsChecked = true;
            cboxPartTime.IsChecked = true;

            //create objects
            FullTimeEmployee em1 = new FullTimeEmployee("Jess", "Walsh", 50000);
            FullTimeEmployee em2 = new FullTimeEmployee("Joe", "Murphy", 100000);
            PartTimeEmployee em3 = new PartTimeEmployee("John", "Smith", 15, 10);
            PartTimeEmployee em4 = new PartTimeEmployee("Jane", "Jones", 13, 15);

            //add objects to list

            //sort employees by LastName(uses IComparible)