private static Span <byte> ConvertBitArray(Span <byte> bytes, PngFileHeader header) { int bits = header.BitDepth; if (bits == 8) { return(bytes); } if (bits < 8) { return(ImageUtil.ToArrayByBitsLength(bytes, bits, header.ColorType != 3)); } if (bits > 16) { return(bytes); } Span <ushort> conv = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, ushort>(bytes); Span <byte> byteArray = new byte[conv.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < byteArray.Length; i++) { // Simulate a 8bit display by clipping everything above 255. byteArray[i] = (byte)conv[i]; } return(byteArray); }
private static int GetScanlineLength(int width, PngFileHeader fileHeader) { int scanlineLength = width * fileHeader.BitDepth * ColorTypes[fileHeader.ColorType].ChannelsPerColor; int amount = scanlineLength % 8; if (amount != 0) { scanlineLength += 8 - amount; } scanlineLength /= 8; return(scanlineLength); }
private static int GetScanlineLengthInterlaced(int columns, PngFileHeader fileHeader, int channelsPerColor) { int scanlineLength = columns * fileHeader.BitDepth * channelsPerColor; int amount = scanlineLength % 8; if (amount != 0) { scanlineLength += 8 - amount; } scanlineLength /= 8; return(scanlineLength); }
private static int GetScanlineLength(PngFileHeader fileHeader, int channelsPerColor) { int scanlineLength = (int)fileHeader.Size.X * fileHeader.BitDepth * channelsPerColor; int amount = scanlineLength % 8; if (amount != 0) { scanlineLength += 8 - amount; } scanlineLength /= 8; return(scanlineLength); }
private static void ParseInterlaced(byte[] data, PngFileHeader fileHeader, int bytesPerPixel, IColorReader reader, byte[] pixels) { const int passes = 7; var readOffset = 0; var done = false; var r = new Span <byte>(data); for (var i = 0; i < passes; i++) { int columns = Adam7.ComputeColumns(fileHeader.Width, i); if (columns == 0) { continue; } int rowSize = GetScanlineLength(columns, fileHeader) + 1; // Read rows. Span <byte> prevRowData = null; for (int row = Adam7.FirstRow[i]; row < fileHeader.Height; row += Adam7.RowIncrement[i]) { // Early out if invalid pass. if (r.Length - readOffset < rowSize) { done = true; break; } var rowData = new Span <byte>(new byte[rowSize]); r.Slice(readOffset, rowSize).CopyTo(rowData); int filter = rowData[0]; rowData = rowData.Slice(1); readOffset += rowSize; // Apply filter to the whole row. for (var column = 0; column < rowData.Length; column++) { rowData[column] = ApplyFilter(rowData, prevRowData, filter, column, bytesPerPixel); } reader.ReadScanlineInterlaced(rowData, pixels, fileHeader, row, i); prevRowData = rowData; } if (done) { break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Encodes the provided BGRA, Y flipped, pixel data to a PNG image. /// </summary> /// <param name="pixels">The pixel date to encode.</param> /// <param name="width">The width of the image in the data.</param> /// <param name="height">The height of the image in the data.</param> /// <returns>A PNG image as bytes.</returns> public static byte[] Encode(byte[] pixels, int width, int height) { var pngHeader = new byte[] { 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A }; const int maxBlockSize = 0xFFFF; using var stream = new MemoryStream(); // Write the png header. stream.Write(pngHeader, 0, 8); var header = new PngFileHeader { Width = width, Height = height, ColorType = 6, BitDepth = 8, FilterMethod = 0, CompressionMethod = 0, InterlaceMethod = 0 }; // Write header chunk. var chunkData = new byte[13]; WriteInteger(chunkData, 0, header.Width); WriteInteger(chunkData, 4, header.Height); chunkData[8] = header.BitDepth; chunkData[9] = header.ColorType; chunkData[10] = header.CompressionMethod; chunkData[11] = header.FilterMethod; chunkData[12] = header.InterlaceMethod; WriteChunk(stream, PngChunkTypes.HEADER, chunkData); // Write data chunks. var data = new byte[width * height * 4 + height]; int rowLength = width * 4 + 1; for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { data[y * rowLength] = 0; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { // Calculate the offset for the new array. int dataOffset = y * rowLength + x * 4 + 1; // Calculate the offset for the original pixel array. int pixelOffset = (y * width + x) * 4; data[dataOffset + 0] = pixels[pixelOffset + 2]; data[dataOffset + 1] = pixels[pixelOffset + 1]; data[dataOffset + 2] = pixels[pixelOffset + 0]; data[dataOffset + 3] = pixels[pixelOffset + 3]; } } byte[] buffer = ZlibStreamUtility.Compress(data, 6); int numChunks = buffer.Length / maxBlockSize; if (buffer.Length % maxBlockSize != 0) { numChunks++; } for (var i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) { int length = buffer.Length - i * maxBlockSize; if (length > maxBlockSize) { length = maxBlockSize; } WriteChunk(stream, PngChunkTypes.DATA, buffer, i * maxBlockSize, length); } // Write end chunk. WriteChunk(stream, PngChunkTypes.END, null); stream.Flush(); return(stream.ToArray()); }
private static void Parse(byte[] data, PngFileHeader fileHeader, int bytesPerPixel, IColorReader reader, byte[] pixels) { // Find the scan line length. int scanlineLength = GetScanlineLength(fileHeader.Width, fileHeader) + 1; int scanLineCount = data.Length / scanlineLength; // Run through all scanlines. var cannotParallel = new List <int>(); ParallelWork.FastLoops(scanLineCount, (start, end) => { int readOffset = start * scanlineLength; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { // Early out for invalid data. if (data.Length - readOffset < scanlineLength) { break; } // Get the current scanline. var rowData = new Span <byte>(data, readOffset + 1, scanlineLength - 1); int filter = data[readOffset]; readOffset += scanlineLength; // Check if it has a filter. // PNG filters require the previous row. // We can't do those in parallel. if (filter != 0) { lock (cannotParallel) { cannotParallel.Add(i); } continue; } reader.ReadScanline(rowData, pixels, fileHeader, i); } }).Wait(); if (cannotParallel.Count == 0) { return; } PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Parse Sequential", "Loading"); // Run scanlines which couldn't be parallel processed. if (scanLineCount >= 2000) { Engine.Log.Trace("Loaded a big PNG with scanlines which require filtering. If you re-export it without that, it will load faster.", MessageSource.ImagePng); } cannotParallel.Sort(); for (var i = 0; i < cannotParallel.Count; i++) { int idx = cannotParallel[i]; int rowStart = idx * scanlineLength; Span <byte> prevRowData = idx == 0 ? null : new Span <byte>(data, (idx - 1) * scanlineLength + 1, scanlineLength - 1); var rowData = new Span <byte>(data, rowStart + 1, scanlineLength - 1); // Apply filter to the whole row. int filter = data[rowStart]; for (var column = 0; column < rowData.Length; column++) { rowData[column] = ApplyFilter(rowData, prevRowData, filter, column, bytesPerPixel); } reader.ReadScanline(rowData, pixels, fileHeader, idx); } PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Parse Sequential", "Loading"); }
/// <summary> /// Decode the provided png file to a BGRA pixel array, Y flipped. /// </summary> /// <param name="pngData">The png file as bytes.</param> /// <param name="fileHeader">The png file's header.</param> /// <returns>The RGBA pixel data from the png.</returns> public static byte[] Decode(byte[] pngData, out PngFileHeader fileHeader) { fileHeader = new PngFileHeader(); if (!IsPng(pngData)) { Engine.Log.Warning("Tried to decode a non-png image!", MessageSource.ImagePng); return(null); } using var stream = new MemoryStream(pngData); stream.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current); var endChunkReached = false; byte[] palette = null; byte[] paletteAlpha = null; using var dataStream = new MemoryStream(); // Read chunks while there are valid chunks. PngChunk currentChunk; while ((currentChunk = new PngChunk(stream)).Valid) { if (endChunkReached) { Engine.Log.Warning("Image did not end with an end chunk...", MessageSource.ImagePng); continue; } switch (currentChunk.Type) { case PngChunkTypes.HEADER: { Array.Reverse(currentChunk.Data, 0, 4); Array.Reverse(currentChunk.Data, 4, 4); fileHeader.Width = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentChunk.Data, 0); fileHeader.Height = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentChunk.Data, 4); fileHeader.BitDepth = currentChunk.Data[8]; fileHeader.ColorType = currentChunk.Data[9]; fileHeader.FilterMethod = currentChunk.Data[11]; fileHeader.InterlaceMethod = currentChunk.Data[12]; fileHeader.CompressionMethod = currentChunk.Data[10]; // Validate header. if (fileHeader.ColorType >= ColorTypes.Length || ColorTypes[fileHeader.ColorType] == null) { Engine.Log.Warning($"Color type '{fileHeader.ColorType}' is not supported or not valid.", MessageSource.ImagePng); return(null); } if (!ColorTypes[fileHeader.ColorType].SupportedBitDepths.Contains(fileHeader.BitDepth)) { Engine.Log.Warning($"Bit depth '{fileHeader.BitDepth}' is not supported or not valid for color type {fileHeader.ColorType}.", MessageSource.ImagePng); } if (fileHeader.FilterMethod != 0) { Engine.Log.Warning("The png specification only defines 0 as filter method.", MessageSource.ImagePng); } break; } case PngChunkTypes.DATA: dataStream.Write(currentChunk.Data, 0, currentChunk.Data.Length); break; case PngChunkTypes.PALETTE: palette = currentChunk.Data; break; case PngChunkTypes.PALETTE_ALPHA: paletteAlpha = currentChunk.Data; break; case PngChunkTypes.END: endChunkReached = true; break; } } stream.Dispose(); // Determine color reader to use. PngColorTypeInformation colorTypeInformation = ColorTypes[fileHeader.ColorType]; if (colorTypeInformation == null) { return(null); } IColorReader colorReader = colorTypeInformation.CreateColorReader(palette, paletteAlpha); // Calculate the bytes per pixel. var bytesPerPixel = 1; if (fileHeader.BitDepth >= 8) { bytesPerPixel = colorTypeInformation.ChannelsPerColor * fileHeader.BitDepth / 8; } // Decompress data. dataStream.Position = 0; PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Decompression", "Loading"); byte[] data = ZlibStreamUtility.Decompress(dataStream); PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Decompression", "Loading"); // Parse into pixels. var pixels = new byte[fileHeader.Width * fileHeader.Height * 4]; if (fileHeader.InterlaceMethod == 1) { ParseInterlaced(data, fileHeader, bytesPerPixel, colorReader, pixels); } else { Parse(data, fileHeader, bytesPerPixel, colorReader, pixels); } return(pixels); }
private static byte[] ParseInterlaced(byte[] pureData, PngFileHeader fileHeader, int bytesPerPixel, int channelsPerColor, ColorReader reader) { PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Parse Interlaced", "Loading"); // Combine interlaced pixels into one image here. var width = (int)fileHeader.Size.X; var height = (int)fileHeader.Size.Y; var combination = new byte[width * height * channelsPerColor]; var pixels = new byte[width * height * 4]; const int passes = 7; var readOffset = 0; var done = false; var data = new Span <byte>(pureData); for (var i = 0; i < passes; i++) { int columns = Adam7.ComputeColumns(width, i); if (columns == 0) { continue; } int scanlineLength = GetScanlineLengthInterlaced(columns, fileHeader, channelsPerColor) + 1; int length = scanlineLength - 1; int pixelsInLine = Adam7.ComputeBlockWidth(width, i); // Read scanlines in this pass. var previousScanline = Span <byte> .Empty; for (int row = Adam7.FirstRow[i]; row < height; row += Adam7.RowIncrement[i]) { // Early out if invalid pass. if (data.Length - readOffset < scanlineLength) { done = true; break; } Span <byte> scanLine = data.Slice(readOffset + 1, length); int filter = data[readOffset]; readOffset += scanlineLength; ApplyFilter(scanLine, previousScanline, filter, bytesPerPixel); // Dump the row into the combined image. Span <byte> convertedLine = ConvertBitArray(scanLine, fileHeader); for (var pixel = 0; pixel < pixelsInLine; pixel++) { int offset = row * bytesPerPixel * width + (Adam7.FirstColumn[i] + pixel * Adam7.ColumnIncrement[i]) * bytesPerPixel; int offsetSrc = pixel * bytesPerPixel; for (var p = 0; p < bytesPerPixel; p++) { combination[offset + p] = convertedLine[offsetSrc + p]; } } previousScanline = scanLine; } if (done) { break; } } // Read the combined image. int stride = width * bytesPerPixel; int scanlineCount = combination.Length / stride; for (var i = 0; i < scanlineCount; i++) { Span <byte> row = new Span <byte>(combination).Slice(stride * i, stride); reader(width, row, pixels, i); } PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Parse Interlaced", "Loading"); return(pixels); }
/// <summary> /// Encodes the provided Y flipped pixel data to a PNG image. /// </summary> /// <param name="pixels">The pixel date to encode.</param> /// <param name="size">The size of the image..</param> /// <param name="format">The format of the pixel data.</param> /// <returns>A PNG image as bytes.</returns> public static byte[] Encode(byte[] pixels, Vector2 size, PixelFormat format) { using var stream = new MemoryStream(); stream.Write(_pngHeader, 0, 8); // Write header chunk. var chunkData = new byte[13]; var width = (int)size.X; var height = (int)size.Y; WriteInteger(chunkData, 0, width); WriteInteger(chunkData, 4, height); var header = new PngFileHeader { Size = size, ColorType = (byte)(format == PixelFormat.Red ? 0 : 6), // Greyscale, otherwise RGBA BitDepth = 8, FilterMethod = 0, CompressionMethod = 0, InterlaceMethod = 0, PixelFormat = format }; chunkData[8] = header.BitDepth; chunkData[9] = header.ColorType; chunkData[10] = header.CompressionMethod; chunkData[11] = header.FilterMethod; chunkData[12] = header.InterlaceMethod; WriteChunk(stream, PngChunkTypes.HEADER, chunkData); // Write data chunks. int bytesPerPixel = Gl.PixelFormatToComponentCount(format); var data = new byte[width * height * bytesPerPixel + height]; int rowLength = width * bytesPerPixel + 1; // One byte for the filter for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { data[y * rowLength] = 0; for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { // Calculate the offset for the new array. int dataOffset = y * rowLength + x * bytesPerPixel + 1; // Calculate the offset for the original pixel array. int pixelOffset = (y * width + x) * bytesPerPixel; if (format == PixelFormat.Rgba) { data[dataOffset + 0] = pixels[pixelOffset + 0]; data[dataOffset + 1] = pixels[pixelOffset + 1]; data[dataOffset + 2] = pixels[pixelOffset + 2]; data[dataOffset + 3] = pixels[pixelOffset + 3]; } else if (format == PixelFormat.Bgra) { data[dataOffset + 0] = pixels[pixelOffset + 2]; data[dataOffset + 1] = pixels[pixelOffset + 1]; data[dataOffset + 2] = pixels[pixelOffset + 0]; data[dataOffset + 3] = pixels[pixelOffset + 3]; } else if (format == PixelFormat.Red) { data[dataOffset] = pixels[pixelOffset]; } else { throw new Exception($"Unsupported encoding pixel format - {format}"); } } } // Compress data. byte[] buffer = ZlibStreamUtility.Compress(data, 6); int numChunks = buffer.Length / MAX_BLOCK_SIZE; if (buffer.Length % MAX_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { numChunks++; } for (var i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) { int length = buffer.Length - i * MAX_BLOCK_SIZE; if (length > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { length = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE; } WriteChunk(stream, PngChunkTypes.DATA, buffer, i * MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, length); } // Write end chunk. WriteChunk(stream, PngChunkTypes.END, null); stream.Flush(); return(stream.ToArray()); }
private static byte[] Parse(int scanlineLength, int scanlineCount, byte[] pureData, int bytesPerPixel, PngFileHeader header, ColorReader reader, int bytesPerPixelOutput) { var width = (int)header.Size.X; var height = (int)header.Size.Y; var pixels = new byte[width * height * bytesPerPixelOutput]; int length = scanlineLength - 1; var data = new Span <byte>(pureData); // Analyze if the scanlines can be read in parallel. byte filterMode = data[0]; for (var i = 0; i < scanlineCount; i++) { byte f = data[scanlineLength * i]; if (f == filterMode) { continue; } filterMode = byte.MaxValue; break; } // Multiple filters or a dependency filter are in affect. if (filterMode == byte.MaxValue || filterMode != 0 && filterMode != 1) { if (scanlineCount >= 1500) { Engine.Log.Trace("Loaded a big PNG with scanlines which require filtering. If you re-export it without filters, it will load faster.", MessageSource.ImagePng); } PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Parse Sequential", "Loading"); var readOffset = 0; var previousScanline = Span <byte> .Empty; for (var i = 0; i < scanlineCount; i++) { // Early out for invalid data. if (data.Length - readOffset < scanlineLength) { break; } Span <byte> scanline = data.Slice(readOffset + 1, length); int filter = data[readOffset]; ApplyFilter(scanline, previousScanline, filter, bytesPerPixel); reader(width, ConvertBitArray(scanline, header), pixels, i); previousScanline = scanline; readOffset += scanlineLength; } PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Parse Sequential", "Loading"); return(pixels); } // Single line filter if (filterMode == 1) { PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Parse Threaded", "Loading"); ParallelWork.FastLoops(scanlineCount, (start, end) => { int readOffset = start * scanlineLength; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { // Early out for invalid data. if (pureData.Length - readOffset < scanlineLength) { break; } Span <byte> scanline = new Span <byte>(pureData).Slice(readOffset + 1, length); for (int j = bytesPerPixel; j < scanline.Length; j++) { scanline[j] = (byte)(scanline[j] + scanline[j - bytesPerPixel]); } reader(width, ConvertBitArray(scanline, header), pixels, i); readOffset += scanlineLength; } }).Wait(); PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Parse Threaded", "Loading"); } // No filter! // ReSharper disable once InvertIf if (filterMode == 0) { PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Parse Threaded", "Loading"); ParallelWork.FastLoops(scanlineCount, (start, end) => { int readOffset = start * scanlineLength; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { // Early out for invalid data. if (pureData.Length - readOffset < scanlineLength) { break; } Span <byte> row = ConvertBitArray(new Span <byte>(pureData).Slice(readOffset + 1, length), header); reader(width, row, pixels, i); readOffset += scanlineLength; } }).Wait(); PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Parse Threaded", "Loading"); } return(pixels); }
/// <summary> /// Decode the provided png file to a BGRA pixel array, Y flipped. /// </summary> /// <param name="pngData">The png file as bytes.</param> /// <param name="fileHeader">The png file's header.</param> /// <returns>The RGBA pixel data from the png.</returns> public static byte[] Decode(ReadOnlyMemory <byte> pngData, out PngFileHeader fileHeader) { fileHeader = new PngFileHeader(); if (!IsPng(pngData)) { Engine.Log.Warning("Tried to decode a non-png image!", MessageSource.ImagePng); return(null); } using var stream = new ByteReader(pngData); stream.Seek(8, SeekOrigin.Current); // Increment by header bytes. // Read chunks while there are valid chunks. var dataStream = new ReadOnlyLinkedMemoryStream(); PngChunk currentChunk; var endChunkReached = false; ReadOnlyMemory <byte> palette = null, paletteAlpha = null; int width = 0, height = 0; while ((currentChunk = new PngChunk(stream)).Valid) { if (endChunkReached) { Engine.Log.Warning("Image did not end with an end chunk...", MessageSource.ImagePng); continue; } switch (currentChunk.Type) { case PngChunkTypes.HEADER: { ByteReader chunkReader = currentChunk.ChunkReader; width = chunkReader.ReadInt32BE(); height = chunkReader.ReadInt32BE(); fileHeader.Size = new Vector2(width, height); fileHeader.BitDepth = chunkReader.ReadByte(); fileHeader.ColorType = chunkReader.ReadByte(); fileHeader.CompressionMethod = chunkReader.ReadByte(); fileHeader.FilterMethod = chunkReader.ReadByte(); fileHeader.InterlaceMethod = chunkReader.ReadByte(); break; } case PngChunkTypes.DATA: dataStream.AddMemory(currentChunk.ChunkReader.Data); break; case PngChunkTypes.PALETTE: palette = currentChunk.ChunkReader.Data; break; case PngChunkTypes.PALETTE_ALPHA: paletteAlpha = currentChunk.ChunkReader.Data; break; case PngChunkTypes.END: endChunkReached = true; break; } } // Decompress data. PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Decompression", "Loading"); byte[] data = ZlibStreamUtility.Decompress(dataStream); PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Decompression", "Loading"); if (data == null) { return(null); } var channelsPerColor = 0; int bytesPerPixelOutput = 4; ColorReader reader; fileHeader.PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Bgra; // Default. switch (fileHeader.ColorType) { case 0: // Grayscale - No Alpha channelsPerColor = 1; bytesPerPixelOutput = 1; reader = Grayscale; fileHeader.PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Red; break; case 2: // RGB channelsPerColor = 3; reader = Rgb; break; case 3: // Palette channelsPerColor = 1; reader = (rowPixels, row, imageDest, destRow) => { Palette(palette.Span, paletteAlpha.Span, rowPixels, row, imageDest, destRow); }; break; case 4: // Grayscale - Alpha channelsPerColor = 2; reader = GrayscaleAlpha; break; case 6: // RGBA channelsPerColor = 4; reader = Rgba; fileHeader.PixelFormat = PixelFormat.Rgba; break; default: reader = null; break; } // Unknown color mode. if (reader == null) { Engine.Log.Warning($"Unsupported color type - {fileHeader.ColorType}", MessageSource.ImagePng); return(new byte[width * height * bytesPerPixelOutput]); } // Calculate the bytes per pixel. var bytesPerPixel = 1; if (fileHeader.BitDepth == 0 || fileHeader.BitDepth == 3) { Engine.Log.Warning("Invalid bit depth.", MessageSource.ImagePng); return(null); } if (fileHeader.BitDepth != 8) { Engine.Log.Warning("Loading PNGs with a bit depth different than 8 will be deprecated in future versions.", MessageSource.ImagePng); } if (fileHeader.BitDepth >= 8) { bytesPerPixel = channelsPerColor * fileHeader.BitDepth / 8; } // Check interlacing. if (fileHeader.InterlaceMethod == 1) { Engine.Log.Warning("Loading interlaced PNGs will be deprecated in future versions. Convert your images!", MessageSource.ImagePng); return(ParseInterlaced(data, fileHeader, bytesPerPixel, channelsPerColor, reader)); } int scanlineLength = GetScanlineLength(fileHeader, channelsPerColor) + 1; int scanLineCount = data.Length / scanlineLength; return(Parse(scanlineLength, scanLineCount, data, bytesPerPixel, fileHeader, reader, bytesPerPixelOutput)); }