        private static byte[] ParseInterlaced(byte[] pureData, PngFileHeader fileHeader, int bytesPerPixel, int channelsPerColor, ColorReader reader)
            PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventStart("PNG Parse Interlaced", "Loading");

            // Combine interlaced pixels into one image here.
            var width       = (int)fileHeader.Size.X;
            var height      = (int)fileHeader.Size.Y;
            var combination = new byte[width * height * channelsPerColor];
            var pixels      = new byte[width * height * 4];

            const int passes     = 7;
            var       readOffset = 0;
            var       done       = false;
            var       data       = new Span <byte>(pureData);

            for (var i = 0; i < passes; i++)
                int columns = Adam7.ComputeColumns(width, i);
                if (columns == 0)
                int scanlineLength = GetScanlineLengthInterlaced(columns, fileHeader, channelsPerColor) + 1;
                int length         = scanlineLength - 1;

                int pixelsInLine = Adam7.ComputeBlockWidth(width, i);

                // Read scanlines in this pass.
                var previousScanline = Span <byte> .Empty;
                for (int row = Adam7.FirstRow[i]; row < height; row += Adam7.RowIncrement[i])
                    // Early out if invalid pass.
                    if (data.Length - readOffset < scanlineLength)
                        done = true;

                    Span <byte> scanLine = data.Slice(readOffset + 1, length);
                    int         filter   = data[readOffset];
                    readOffset += scanlineLength;
                    ApplyFilter(scanLine, previousScanline, filter, bytesPerPixel);

                    // Dump the row into the combined image.
                    Span <byte> convertedLine = ConvertBitArray(scanLine, fileHeader);
                    for (var pixel = 0; pixel < pixelsInLine; pixel++)
                        int offset    = row * bytesPerPixel * width + (Adam7.FirstColumn[i] + pixel * Adam7.ColumnIncrement[i]) * bytesPerPixel;
                        int offsetSrc = pixel * bytesPerPixel;
                        for (var p = 0; p < bytesPerPixel; p++)
                            combination[offset + p] = convertedLine[offsetSrc + p];

                    previousScanline = scanLine;

                if (done)

            // Read the combined image.
            int stride        = width * bytesPerPixel;
            int scanlineCount = combination.Length / stride;

            for (var i = 0; i < scanlineCount; i++)
                Span <byte> row = new Span <byte>(combination).Slice(stride * i, stride);
                reader(width, row, pixels, i);

            PerfProfiler.ProfilerEventEnd("PNG Parse Interlaced", "Loading");