FindFeatures() public method

Finds (with high probability) the k nearest neighbors in tr for each of the given (row-)vectors in desc, using best-bin-first searching ([Beis97]). The complexity of the entire operation is at most O(m*emax*log2(n)), where n is the number of vectors in the tree
public FindFeatures ( float descriptors, Matrix &results, Matrix &dist, int k, int emax ) : void
descriptors float The m feature descriptors to be searched from the feature tree
results Matrix /// The results of the best matched from the feature tree. A m x matrix. Contains -1 in some columns if fewer than k neighbors found. /// For each row the k neareast neighbors are not sorted. To findout the closet neighbour, look at the output matrix . ///
dist Matrix /// A m x Matrix of the distances to k nearest neighbors ///
k int The number of neighbors to find
emax int For k-d tree only: the maximum number of leaves to visit. Use 20 if not sure
return void
        public void TestKDTree()
            float[][] features = new float[10][];
             for (int i = 0; i < features.Length; i++)
            features[i] = new float[] { (float)i };
             FeatureTree tree = new FeatureTree(features);

             Matrix<Int32> result;
             Matrix<double> distance;
             float[][] features2 = new float[1][];
             features2[0] = new float[] { 5.0f };

             tree.FindFeatures(features2, out result, out distance, 1, 20);
             Assert.AreEqual(result[0, 0], 5);
             Assert.AreEqual(distance[0, 0], 0.0);
      static void Run()
         Image<Gray, Byte> modelImage = new Image<Gray, byte>("box.png");

         #region extract features from the object image
         MCvSURFParams param1 = new MCvSURFParams(500, false);
         SURFFeature[] modelFeatures = modelImage.ExtractSURF(ref param1);
         SURFFeature[] modelFeaturesPositiveLaplacian = Array.FindAll<SURFFeature>(modelFeatures, delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Point.laplacian >= 0; });
         SURFFeature[] modelFeaturesNegativeLaplacian = Array.FindAll<SURFFeature>(modelFeatures, delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Point.laplacian < 0; });

         //Create feature trees for the given features
         FeatureTree featureTreePositiveLaplacian = new FeatureTree(
            Array.ConvertAll<SURFFeature, Matrix<float>>(
               delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Descriptor; }));
         FeatureTree featureTreeNegativeLaplacian = new FeatureTree(
            Array.ConvertAll<SURFFeature, Matrix<float>>(
               delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Descriptor; }));

         Image<Gray, Byte> observedImage = new Image<Gray, byte>("box_in_scene.png");

         #region extract features from the observed image
         MCvSURFParams param2 = new MCvSURFParams(500, false);
         SURFFeature[] imageFeatures = observedImage.ExtractSURF(ref param2);
         SURFFeature[] imageFeaturesPositiveLaplacian = Array.FindAll<SURFFeature>(imageFeatures, delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Point.laplacian >= 0; });
         SURFFeature[] imageFeaturesNegativeLaplacian = Array.FindAll<SURFFeature>(imageFeatures, delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Point.laplacian < 0; });

         #region Merge the object image and the observed image into one image for display
         Image<Gray, Byte> res = new Image<Gray, byte>(Math.Max(modelImage.Width, observedImage.Width), modelImage.Height + observedImage.Height);
         res.ROI = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, modelImage.Width, modelImage.Height);
         modelImage.Copy(res, null);
         res.ROI = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, modelImage.Height, observedImage.Width, observedImage.Height);
         observedImage.Copy(res, null);
         res.ROI = Rectangle.Empty;

         double matchDistanceRatio = 0.8;
         List<PointF> modelPoints = new List<PointF>();
         List<PointF> observePoints = new List<PointF>();

         #region using Feature Tree to match feature
         Matrix<float>[] imageFeatureDescriptorsPositiveLaplacian = Array.ConvertAll<SURFFeature, Matrix<float>>(
            delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Descriptor; });
         Matrix<float>[] imageFeatureDescriptorsNegativeLaplacian = Array.ConvertAll<SURFFeature, Matrix<float>>(
            delegate(SURFFeature f) { return f.Descriptor; });
         Matrix<Int32> result1;
         Matrix<double> dist1;

         featureTreePositiveLaplacian.FindFeatures(imageFeatureDescriptorsPositiveLaplacian, out result1, out dist1, 2, 20);
           matchDistanceRatio, result1.Data, dist1.Data, modelPoints, observePoints);

         featureTreeNegativeLaplacian.FindFeatures(imageFeatureDescriptorsNegativeLaplacian, out result1, out dist1, 2, 20);
              matchDistanceRatio, result1.Data, dist1.Data, modelPoints, observePoints);

         Matrix<float> homographyMatrix = CameraCalibration.FindHomography(
            modelPoints.ToArray(), //points on the object image
            observePoints.ToArray(), //points on the observed image

         #region draw the projected object in observed image
         for (int i = 0; i < modelPoints.Count; i++)
            PointF p = observePoints[i];
            p.Y += modelImage.Height;
            res.Draw(new LineSegment2DF(modelPoints[i], p), new Gray(0), 1);

         System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = modelImage.ROI;
         Matrix<float> orginalCornerCoordinate = new Matrix<float>(new float[,] 
            {{  rect.Left, rect.Bottom, 1.0f},
               { rect.Right, rect.Bottom, 1.0f},
               { rect.Right, rect.Top, 1.0f},
               { rect.Left, rect.Top, 1.0f}});

         Matrix<float> destCornerCoordinate = homographyMatrix * orginalCornerCoordinate.Transpose();
         float[,] destCornerCoordinateArray = destCornerCoordinate.Data;

         Point[] destCornerPoints = new Point[4];
         for (int i = 0; i < destCornerPoints.Length; i++)
            float denominator = destCornerCoordinateArray[2, i];
            destCornerPoints[i] = new Point(
               (int)(destCornerCoordinateArray[0, i] / denominator),
               (int)(destCornerCoordinateArray[1, i] / denominator) + modelImage.Height);

         res.DrawPolyline(destCornerPoints, true, new Gray(255.0), 5);
