public App() { Button helloWorldButton = new Button(); helloWorldButton.Text = "Hello world"; Button planarSubdivisionButton = new Button(); planarSubdivisionButton.Text = "Planar Subdivision"; Button faceDetectionButton = new Button(); faceDetectionButton.Text = "Face Detection (CascadeClassifier)"; Button faceLandmarkDetectionButton = new Button(); faceLandmarkDetectionButton.Text = "Face Landmark Detection (DNN Module)"; Button sceneTextDetectionButton = new Button(); sceneTextDetectionButton.Text = "Scene Text detection (DNN Module)"; Button featureDetectionButton = new Button(); featureDetectionButton.Text = "Feature Matching"; Button shapeDetectionButton = new Button(); shapeDetectionButton.Text = "Shape Detection"; Button pedestrianDetectionButton = new Button(); pedestrianDetectionButton.Text = "Pedestrian Detection"; Button ocrButton = new Button(); ocrButton.Text = "OCR"; Button maskRcnnButton = new Button(); maskRcnnButton.Text = "Mask RCNN (DNN module)"; Button yoloButton = new Button(); yoloButton.Text = "Yolo (DNN module)"; Button stopSignDetectionButton = new Button(); stopSignDetectionButton.Text = "Stop Sign Detection (DNN module)"; Button licensePlateRecognitionButton = new Button(); licensePlateRecognitionButton.Text = "License Plate Recognition (DNN Module)"; List <View> buttonList = new List <View>() { helloWorldButton, planarSubdivisionButton, faceDetectionButton, faceLandmarkDetectionButton, sceneTextDetectionButton, featureDetectionButton, shapeDetectionButton, pedestrianDetectionButton, ocrButton, maskRcnnButton, stopSignDetectionButton, yoloButton, licensePlateRecognitionButton }; var openCVConfigDict = CvInvoke.ConfigDict; bool haveViz = (openCVConfigDict["HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ"] != 0); bool haveDNN = (openCVConfigDict["HAVE_OPENCV_DNN"] != 0); bool haveFreetype = (openCVConfigDict["HAVE_OPENCV_FREETYPE"] != 0); bool hasInferenceEngine = false; if (haveDNN) { var dnnBackends = DnnInvoke.AvailableBackends; hasInferenceEngine = Array.Exists(dnnBackends, dnnBackend => (dnnBackend.Backend == Dnn.Backend.InferenceEngine || dnnBackend.Backend == Dnn.Backend.InferenceEngineNgraph || dnnBackend.Backend == Dnn.Backend.InferenceEngineNnBuilder2019)); } if (haveViz) { Button viz3dButton = new Button(); viz3dButton.Text = "Simple 3D reconstruction"; buttonList.Add(viz3dButton); viz3dButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { using (Mat left = CvInvoke.Imread("imL.png", ImreadModes.Color)) using (Mat right = CvInvoke.Imread("imR.png", ImreadModes.Color)) using (Mat points = new Mat()) using (Mat colors = new Mat()) { Simple3DReconstruct.GetPointAndColor(left, right, points, colors); Viz3d v = Simple3DReconstruct.GetViz3d(points, colors); v.Spin(); } }; } if (haveFreetype) { Button freetypeButton = new Button(); freetypeButton.Text = "Free Type"; buttonList.Add(freetypeButton); freetypeButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new FreetypePage()); }; } StackLayout buttonsLayout = new StackLayout { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start, }; foreach (View b in buttonList) { buttonsLayout.Children.Add(b); } // The root page of your application ContentPage page = new ContentPage() { Content = new ScrollView() { Content = buttonsLayout, } }; String aboutIcon = null; /* * String aboutIcon; * if (Emgu.Util.Platform.OperationSystem == Emgu.Util.Platform.OS.IOS) * { * aboutIcon = null; * } * else if (Emgu.Util.Platform.ClrType == Emgu.Util.Platform.Clr.NetFxCore) * aboutIcon = null; * else * aboutIcon = "questionmark.png";*/ NavigationPage navigationPage = new NavigationPage(page); MainPage = navigationPage; //Fix for UWP navigation text if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.WPF) { navigationPage.BarTextColor = Color.Green; } ToolbarItem aboutItem = new ToolbarItem("About", aboutIcon, () => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutPage()); //page.DisplayAlert("Emgu CV Examples", "App version: ...", "Ok"); } ); page.ToolbarItems.Add(aboutItem); helloWorldButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new HelloWorldPage()); }; planarSubdivisionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PlanarSubdivisionPage()); }; faceDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage faceAndEyeDetectorPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new CascadeFaceAndEyeDetector(), "Face and eye detection (Cascade classifier)", "lena.jpg", "Cascade classifier"); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(faceAndEyeDetectorPage); }; shapeDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage shapeDetectionPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new ShapeDetector(), "Shape detection", "pic3.png", "Shape detection"); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(shapeDetectionPage); }; pedestrianDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage pedestrianDetectorPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new PedestrianDetector(), "Pedestrian detection", "pedestrian.png", "HOG pedestrian detection"); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(pedestrianDetectorPage); }; featureDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new FeatureMatchingPage()); }; licensePlateRecognitionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage vehicleLicensePlateDetectorPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new VehicleLicensePlateDetector(), "Perform License Plate Recognition", "cars_license_plate.png", "This demo is based on the security barrier camera demo in the OpenVino model zoo. The models is trained with BIT-vehicle dataset. License plate is trained based on Chinese license plate that has white character on blue background. You will need to re-train your own model if you intend to use this in other countries."); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(vehicleLicensePlateDetectorPage); }; maskRcnnButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage maskRcnnPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new MaskRcnn(), "Mask-rcnn Detection", "dog416.png", ""); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(maskRcnnPage); }; faceLandmarkDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage faceLandmarkDetectionPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new FaceAndLandmarkDetector(), "Perform Face Landmark Detection", "lena.jpg", ""); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(faceLandmarkDetectionPage); }; sceneTextDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage sceneTextDetectionPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new SceneTextDetector(), "Perform Scene Text Detection", "cars_license_plate.png", "This model is trained on MSRA-TD500, so it can detect both English and Chinese text instances."); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(sceneTextDetectionPage); }; stopSignDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MaskRcnn model = new MaskRcnn(); model.ObjectsOfInterest = new string[] { "stop sign" }; ProcessAndRenderPage stopSignDetectionPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( model, "Mask-rcnn Detection", "stop-sign.jpg", "Stop sign detection using Mask RCNN"); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(stopSignDetectionPage); }; yoloButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { ProcessAndRenderPage yoloPage = new ProcessAndRenderPage( new Yolo(), "Yolo Detection", "dog416.png", ""); MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(yoloPage); }; ocrButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new OcrPage()); }; maskRcnnButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; faceLandmarkDetectionButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; stopSignDetectionButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; yoloButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; sceneTextDetectionButton.IsVisible = haveDNN && haveFreetype; licensePlateRecognitionButton.IsVisible = hasInferenceEngine; }
public App() { Button helloWorldButton = new Button(); helloWorldButton.Text = "Hello world"; Button planarSubdivisionButton = new Button(); planarSubdivisionButton.Text = "Planar Subdivision"; Button faceDetectionButton = new Button(); faceDetectionButton.Text = "Face Detection (CascadeClassifier)"; Button faceLandmarkDetectionButton = new Button(); faceLandmarkDetectionButton.Text = "Face Landmark Detection (DNN Module)"; Button featureDetectionButton = new Button(); featureDetectionButton.Text = "Feature Matching"; Button shapeDetectionButton = new Button(); shapeDetectionButton.Text = "Shape Detection"; Button pedestrianDetectionButton = new Button(); pedestrianDetectionButton.Text = "Pedestrian Detection"; Button ocrButton = new Button(); ocrButton.Text = "OCR"; Button maskRcnnButton = new Button(); maskRcnnButton.Text = "Mask RCNN (DNN module)"; Button yoloButton = new Button(); yoloButton.Text = "Yolo (DNN module)"; Button stopSignDetectionButton = new Button(); stopSignDetectionButton.Text = "Stop Sign Detection (DNN module)"; Button licensePlateRecognitionButton = new Button(); licensePlateRecognitionButton.Text = "License Plate Recognition"; List <View> buttonList = new List <View>() { helloWorldButton, planarSubdivisionButton, faceDetectionButton, faceLandmarkDetectionButton, featureDetectionButton, shapeDetectionButton, pedestrianDetectionButton, ocrButton, maskRcnnButton, stopSignDetectionButton, yoloButton, licensePlateRecognitionButton }; var openCVConfigDict = CvInvoke.ConfigDict; bool haveViz = (openCVConfigDict["HAVE_OPENCV_VIZ"] != 0); bool haveDNN = (openCVConfigDict["HAVE_OPENCV_DNN"] != 0); bool haveFreetype = (openCVConfigDict["HAVE_OPENCV_FREETYPE"] != 0); bool hasInferenceEngine = false; if (haveDNN) { var dnnBackends = DnnInvoke.AvailableBackends; hasInferenceEngine = Array.Exists(dnnBackends, dnnBackend => (dnnBackend.Backend == Dnn.Backend.InferenceEngine || dnnBackend.Backend == Dnn.Backend.InferenceEngineNgraph || dnnBackend.Backend == Dnn.Backend.InferenceEngineNnBuilder2019)); } if (haveViz) { Button viz3dButton = new Button(); viz3dButton.Text = "Simple 3D reconstruction"; buttonList.Add(viz3dButton); viz3dButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { using (Mat left = CvInvoke.Imread("imL.png", ImreadModes.Color)) using (Mat right = CvInvoke.Imread("imR.png", ImreadModes.Color)) using (Mat points = new Mat()) using (Mat colors = new Mat()) { Simple3DReconstruct.GetPointAndColor(left, right, points, colors); Viz3d v = Simple3DReconstruct.GetViz3d(points, colors); v.Spin(); } }; } if (haveFreetype) { Button freetypeButton = new Button(); freetypeButton.Text = "Free Type"; buttonList.Add(freetypeButton); freetypeButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new FreetypePage()); }; } StackLayout buttonsLayout = new StackLayout { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start, }; foreach (View b in buttonList) { buttonsLayout.Children.Add(b); } // The root page of your application ContentPage page = new ContentPage() { Content = new ScrollView() { Content = buttonsLayout, } }; String aboutIcon = null; /* * String aboutIcon; * if (Emgu.Util.Platform.OperationSystem == Emgu.Util.Platform.OS.IOS) * { * aboutIcon = null; * } * else if (Emgu.Util.Platform.ClrType == Emgu.Util.Platform.Clr.NetFxCore) * aboutIcon = null; * else * aboutIcon = "questionmark.png";*/ NavigationPage navigationPage = new NavigationPage(page); MainPage = navigationPage; //Fix for UWP navigation text if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.WPF) { navigationPage.BarTextColor = Color.Green; } ToolbarItem aboutItem = new ToolbarItem("About", aboutIcon, () => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutPage()); //page.DisplayAlert("Emgu CV Examples", "App version: ...", "Ok"); } ); page.ToolbarItems.Add(aboutItem); helloWorldButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new HelloWorldPage()); }; planarSubdivisionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PlanarSubdivisionPage()); }; faceDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new FaceDetectionPage()); }; shapeDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new ShapeDetectionPage()); }; pedestrianDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new PedestrianDetectionPage()); }; featureDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new FeatureMatchingPage()); }; licensePlateRecognitionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new LicensePlateRecognitionPage()); }; maskRcnnButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new MaskRcnnPage()); }; faceLandmarkDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new FaceLandmarkDetectionPage()); }; stopSignDetectionButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MaskRcnnPage stopSignDetectionPage = new MaskRcnnPage(); stopSignDetectionPage.DefaultImage = "stop-sign.jpg"; stopSignDetectionPage.ObjectsOfInterest = new string[] { "stop sign" }; MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(stopSignDetectionPage); }; yoloButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new YoloPage()); }; ocrButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new OcrPage()); }; maskRcnnButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; faceLandmarkDetectionButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; stopSignDetectionButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; yoloButton.IsVisible = haveDNN; licensePlateRecognitionButton.IsVisible = hasInferenceEngine; }