/// <summary> /// 判断用户登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="sCode"></param> 编号 /// <param name="sUser"></param> 用户名 /// <param name="sPass"></param> 密码 /// <param name="dba"></param> 数据库操作 /// <returns></returns> 返回查询结果值 public int loginJudge(string sCode, string sUser, string sPass, dbAccess dba) { String sLog = "Select count(1) as usercount from users where user_code ='" + sCode + "' and user_detail = '" + sUser + "' and user_pwd = '" + sPass + "'"; return(Convert.ToInt32(getQueryResultBySQL(sLog))); }
/// <summary> /// 更新或新增记录 特殊用法 /// </summary> /// <param name="sTable"></param> 表名 /// <param name="sColValTye"></param> 字符串数组,组成方式为 “字段名,值,字段类型” /// <param name="sWhere"></param> 更新条件 /// <param name="dba"></param> 数据库处理对象 /// <returns></returns> 返回值,成功1、失败-1 public static int UpdateOrInsert(string sTable, int iMode, List <string> sColValTye, string sWhere, dbAccess dba) { try { string sSql = "", sSql2 = "", sTmp = ""; string[] strTmp; if (iMode == 1) //新增 { for (int i = 0; i < sColValTye.Count; i++) { if (sColValTye[i] == null || sColValTye[i].Length == 0) { continue; } strTmp = sColValTye[i].Split(','); if (strTmp.Length == 3) { if (strTmp[2].ToLower() == "string") { sSql += strTmp[0] + ","; sSql2 += "'" + strTmp[1] + "',"; } else if (strTmp[2].ToLower() == "datetime") { sSql += strTmp[0] + ","; sSql2 += "cast('" + strTmp[1] + "' as datetime),"; } else if (strTmp[2].ToLower() == "int") { sSql += strTmp[0] + ","; sSql2 += strTmp[1] + ","; } } else if (strTmp.Length > 3) { sTmp = ""; for (int j = 1; j < strTmp.Length - 1; j++) { sTmp = sTmp + strTmp[j] + ","; } sTmp = sTmp.TrimEnd(','); if (strTmp[strTmp.Length - 1].ToLower() == "string") { sSql += strTmp[0] + ","; sSql2 += "'" + sTmp + "',"; } else if (strTmp[strTmp.Length - 1].ToLower() == "datetime") { sSql += strTmp[0] + ","; sSql2 += "cast('" + strTmp[1] + "' as datetime),"; } else if (strTmp[strTmp.Length - 1].ToLower() == "int") { sSql += strTmp[0] + ","; sSql2 += sTmp + ","; } } } if (sSql.Length > 0) { sSql = sSql.TrimEnd(','); sSql2 = sSql2.TrimEnd(','); sSql = "Insert into " + sTable + "(" + sSql + ") values (" + sSql2 + ")"; } } else if (iMode == 2) //修改 { for (int i = 0; i < sColValTye.Count; i++) { if (sColValTye[i] == null || sColValTye[i].Length == 0) { continue; } strTmp = sColValTye[i].Split(','); if (strTmp.Length == 3) { if (strTmp[2].ToLower() == "string") { sSql += strTmp[0] + " = '" + strTmp[1] + "',"; } else if (strTmp[2].ToLower() == "datetime") { sSql += strTmp[0] + " = cast('" + strTmp[1] + "' as datetime),"; } else if (strTmp[2].ToLower() == "int") { sSql += strTmp[0] + " = " + strTmp[1] + ","; } } else if (strTmp.Length > 3) { sTmp = ""; for (int j = 1; j < strTmp.Length - 1; j++) { sTmp = sTmp + strTmp[j] + ","; } sTmp = sTmp.TrimEnd(','); if (strTmp[strTmp.Length - 1].ToLower() == "string") { sSql += strTmp[0] + " = '" + sTmp + "',"; } else if (strTmp[strTmp.Length - 1].ToLower() == "datetime") { sSql += strTmp[0] + " = cast('" + strTmp[1] + "' as datetime),"; } else if (strTmp[strTmp.Length - 1].ToLower() == "int") { sSql += strTmp[0] + " = " + sTmp + ","; } } } if (sSql.Length > 0) { sSql = sSql.TrimEnd(','); sSql = "Update " + sTable + " Set " + sSql + (sWhere.Length > 0 ? sWhere : ""); } } if (sSql.Length > 0 && dba.UpdateDbBySQL(sSql) != 1) { return(-1); } } catch { return(-1); } return(1); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtCode.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("用户编码不能为空,请输入!", "提示"); txtCode.Focus(); return; } ; if (txtUser.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("用户名称不能为空,请输入!", "提示"); txtUser.Focus(); return; } ; if (txtPass.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("用户密码不能为空,请输入!", "提示"); txtPass.Focus(); return; } ; dbAccess dA = new dbAccess(); dA.conn.ConnectionString = GetConnectString(); try { if (dA.OpenConn()) { if (dA.loginJudge(txtCode.Text.Trim(), txtUser.Text.Trim(), txtPass.Text.Trim(), dA) != 1) { MessageBox.Show("登录失败,请重新检查用户编码、用户姓名、登录密码!!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); txtCode.Focus(); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("数据库连接失败,请检查连接设置!", "提示"); return; } mainForm sMain = new mainForm(); mainForm.dba = dA; sMain.Show(); this.Hide(); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message + "\r\n请重新设置数据库连接!", "错误"); return; } finally { if (dA.ConnState == ConnectionState.Open) { dA.CloseConn(); } dA = null; } }