// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { gameStage = GameStage.Login; settingsPath = Application.dataPath + "/Settings.json"; LoadSettings(); Network.Connect(); }
void Start() { ScrollBar.size = 0.4f; Network.Enqueue(new C.RequestMapInformation { }); // Inventory.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void RemoveMemberFromParty(string playerName) { Network.Enqueue(new C.DeleteMemberFromGroup() { Name = playerName }); }
public void AllowGroupChange() { Network.Enqueue(new C.SwitchAllowGroup() { AllowGroup = allowGroupToggle.isOn }); }
void StartGame() { Network.Enqueue(new C.StartGame() { CharacterIndex = selectedCharacter.Index }); }
public void RegisterButton_OnClick() { string username = RegisterUserName.text; string password = RegisterPassword.text; string confirm = ConfirmPassword.text; if (username == string.Empty || password == string.Empty) { return; } if (confirm != password) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.NewAccount { AccountID = username, Password = password, EMailAddress = "*****@*****.**", BirthDate = DateTime.Now, UserName = "******", SecretQuestion = "na", SecretAnswer = "na" }); }
private IEnumerator BeginChange(string sceneName, string fileName, Scene oldScene) { GameManager.CurrentScene = null; AsyncOperation unloadoperation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(oldScene); AsyncOperation loadoperation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); while (!unloadoperation.isDone || !loadoperation.isDone) { Network.Process(); float progress = Mathf.Clamp01(loadoperation.progress / .9f) + Mathf.Clamp01(unloadoperation.progress / .9f); progress /= 2f; slider.value = progress; yield return(null); } GameManager.CurrentScene.LoadMap(fileName); GameManager.GameScene.MiniMapDialog.CreateMinimap(fileName); GameManager.UserGameObject.transform.position = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[GameManager.User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, GameManager.User.Player.CurrentLocation.y].position; slider.value = 1f; loadoperation = null; unloadoperation = null; Hide(); Network.Enqueue(new C.MapChanged { }); }
public void ReplyToPartyInvite(bool response) { Network.Enqueue(new C.RespondeToGroupInvite() { AcceptInvite = response }); receiveInviteWindow.SetActive(false); }
public void ConfirmRemovePlayerFromParty() { Network.Enqueue(new C.DeleteMemberFromGroup() { Name = currentSelectedMember }); currentSelectedMember = ""; }
public void LogOut_Click() { MessageBox.Show($"Return to Character Select?", okbutton: true, cancelbutton: true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.LogOut()); FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().Show(); }; }
public void LogoutButton_OnClick() { MessageBox.Show($"Return to Login?", okbutton: true, cancelbutton: true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.Logout() { }); }; }
/* TODO: Checks before sending package */ /* TODO: Optomise, only delete member when refresh, don't remake the full list*/ /* TODO: Packet receiver for initial allow group value or find where this is already sent * Careful with the ChangeAllowGroupValue and recursive loop.*/ /* TODO: Set currentSelectedMember to null when party window is closed */ /* TODO: SEND IN PACKAGE partyMembers CLASS, LEVEL and ICON on join group - is PlayerIcon implemented yet? */ /* TODO: Track partyMembers level for change? */ /* TODO: Show partyMembers hp bar in HUD */ /* TODO: Clean this shit up... it's a mess */ public void LeaveParty() // This can't be the way to do this? { Network.Enqueue(new C.SwitchAllowGroup() { AllowGroup = false }); Network.Enqueue(new C.SwitchAllowGroup() { AllowGroup = true }); }
private void CmdLeaveParty() // This can't be the way to do this? { Network.Enqueue(new ClientPackets.SwitchAllowGroup() { AllowGroup = false }); Network.Enqueue(new ClientPackets.SwitchAllowGroup() { AllowGroup = true }); }
public void ChangeAttackMode(int amode) { if (amode >= Enum.GetNames(typeof(AttackMode)).Length) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.ChangeAMode() { Mode = (AttackMode)amode }); }
public void NPCTextButton(string LinkId) { if (LinkId == "@exit") { NPCDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.CallNPC { ObjectID = NPCID, Key = "[" + LinkId + "]" }); GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; }
public void Create_Click() { if (NameInput.text.Length < 5) { ShowMessageBox("Name must be minimum 5 characters"); return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.NewCharacter { Name = NameInput.text, Class = selectedClass, Gender = selectedGender }); }
public void DeleteCharacter_OnClick() { if (selectedCharacter == null) { return; } MessageBox.Show($"Delete {selectedCharacter.Name}?", okbutton: true, cancelbutton: true); MessageBox.OK += () => { Network.Enqueue(new C.DeleteCharacter() { CharacterIndex = selectedCharacter.Index }); }; }
public void LoginButton_OnClick() { string username = UserName.text; string password = Password.text; if (username == string.Empty || password == string.Empty) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.Login { AccountID = username, Password = password }); UserName.text = string.Empty; Password.text = string.Empty; }
private IEnumerator BeginLoad(string sceneName, string fileName) { AsyncOperation operation = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, LoadSceneMode.Additive); while (!operation.isDone) { Network.Process(); float progress = Mathf.Clamp01(operation.progress / .9f); slider.value = progress; yield return(null); } GameManager.CurrentScene.LoadMap(fileName); GameManager.GameScene.MiniMapDialog.CreateMinimap(fileName); slider.value = operation.progress; operation = null; Hide(); Network.Enqueue(new C.MapLoaded { }); }
public void SendInviteToPlayer() { if (!RoomForMorePlayers()) { return; } if (!IsPartyLeader()) { return; } if (inputPlayerName.text.Length <= 3) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.AddMemberToGroup() { Name = inputPlayerName.text }); inputPlayerName.text = ""; inviteWindow.SetActive(false); }
public void MapChanged(S.MapChanged p) { ClearObjects(); ClearAction(); User.Player.CurrentLocation = new Vector2Int(p.Location.X, p.Location.Y); if (p.SceneName != CurrentScene.gameObject.scene.name) { FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().ChangeScene(p.SceneName, p.FileName, CurrentScene.gameObject.scene); } else { if (p.FileName != CurrentScene.FileName) { CurrentScene.LoadMap(p.FileName); GameScene.MiniMapDialog.CreateMinimap(p.FileName); } Network.Enqueue(new C.MapChanged { }); UserGameObject.transform.position = CurrentScene.Cells[User.Player.CurrentLocation.x, User.Player.CurrentLocation.y].position; } }
public void ChangePasswordButton_OnClick() { string username = ChangeUserName.text; string password = ChangeCurrentPassword.text; string newpassword = ChangeNewPassword.text; string confirm = ChangeConfirmPassword.text; if (username == string.Empty || password == string.Empty || newpassword == string.Empty) { return; } if (confirm != newpassword) { return; } Network.Enqueue(new C.ChangePassword { AccountID = username, CurrentPassword = password, NewPassword = newpassword }); }
public void OnLoaded() { activeLocation = GameObject.Find("ActiveLocation"); inactiveLocation = GameObject.Find("InactiveLocation"); previewLocation = GameObject.Find("PreviewLocation"); loginCamera = GameObject.Find("LoginCamera"); LoginPosition = GameObject.Find("LoginCameraPosition").transform; CharSelPosition = GameObject.Find("CharSelCameraPosition").transform; loginCamera.gameObject.SetActive(false); loginCamera.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(CharSelPosition.position, CharSelPosition.rotation); loginCamera.gameObject.SetActive(true); loginCamera.GetComponent <CameraFade>().Reset(); loginCamera.GetComponent <CameraFade>().CurrentCurve = loginCamera.GetComponent <CameraFade>().FadeInCurve; audioSource.Play(); Camera.main.fieldOfView = 50; SelectCharacterBox.SetActive(true); LogOutButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameManager.gameStage = GameStage.Select; Network.Enqueue(new C.RequestCharacters { }); FindObjectOfType <LoadScreenManager>().Hide(); }
public override void SetAction() { if (this == GameManager.User.Player && Time.time > GameManager.NextAction && GameScene.QueuedAction != null) { ActionFeed.Clear(); ActionFeed.Add(GameScene.QueuedAction); GameScene.QueuedAction = null; } if (ActionFeed.Count == 0) { if (Dead) { CurrentAction = MirAction.Dead; } else { CurrentAction = MirAction.Standing; } } else { if (this == GameManager.User.Player && Time.time < GameManager.NextAction) { return; } QueuedAction action = ActionFeed[0]; ActionFeed.RemoveAt(0); CurrentAction = action.Action; Direction = action.Direction; Model.transform.rotation = ClientFunctions.GetRotation(Direction); switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Walking: case MirAction.Running: int steps = 1; if (CurrentAction == MirAction.Running) { steps = 2; } Vector3 targetpos = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[action.Location.x, action.Location.y].position; TargetPosition = targetpos; if (this != GameManager.User.Player) { Vector2Int back = ClientFunctions.Back(action.Location, Direction, steps); gameObject.transform.position = GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[back.x, back.y].position; } GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[CurrentLocation.x, CurrentLocation.y].RemoveObject(this); GameManager.CurrentScene.Cells[action.Location.x, action.Location.y].AddObject(this); StartPosition = gameObject.transform.position; TargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, targetpos); IsMoving = true; RefreshSounds(); break; } CurrentLocation = action.Location; Spell = Spell.None; if (this == GameManager.User.Player) { switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Standing: Network.Enqueue(new C.Turn { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; GameManager.User.CanRun = false; break; case MirAction.Walking: Network.Enqueue(new C.Walk { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; GameManager.User.LastRunTime = Time.time; GameManager.User.CanRun = true; break; case MirAction.Running: Network.Enqueue(new C.Run { Direction = action.Direction }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; GameManager.InputDelay = Time.time + 0.5f; GameManager.User.LastRunTime = Time.time; break; case MirAction.Attack: if (GameScene.Slaying && GameScene.TargetObject != null) { Spell = Spell.Slaying; GameScene.Slaying = false; } Network.Enqueue(new C.Attack { Direction = Direction, Spell = Spell }); GameManager.NextAction = Time.time + 2.5f; break; case MirAction.Die: Blocking = false; if (HealthBar != null) { HealthBar.gameObject.SetActive(false); } break; case MirAction.Revive: Blocking = true; ActionFeed.Clear(); ActionFeed.Add(new QueuedAction { Action = MirAction.Standing, Direction = action.Direction }); //GameScene.pControl.TextureValid = false; break; } } switch (CurrentAction) { case MirAction.Attack: PlayAnimation("Attack", -1, 0); break; case MirAction.Struck: SetAnimation("Struck", true); break; } } //GetComponentInChildren<Animator>()?.SetInteger("CurrentAction", (int)CurrentAction); SetAnimation("CurrentAction", (int)CurrentAction); }
private void CmdSpecialRepairItem(UserItem item) => Network.Enqueue(new C.SRepairItem() { UniqueID = item.UniqueID });
private void CmdBuyItem(ulong itemUniqueId, uint count) => Network.Enqueue(new C.BuyItem() { ItemIndex = itemUniqueId, Count = count, Type = PanelType.Buy });
private void CmdBuyItem(UserItem item) => Network.Enqueue(new C.BuyItem() { ItemIndex = item.UniqueID, Count = 1, Type = PanelType.Buy });
private void CmdSellItem(UserItem item) => Network.Enqueue(new C.SellItem() { UniqueID = item.UniqueID, Count = item.Count });
private void CmdSendInviteToPlayer(string memberName) => Network.Enqueue(new C.AddMemberToGroup() { Name = memberName });
private void CmdReplyToInvite(bool response) => Network.Enqueue(new C.RespondeToGroupInvite() { AcceptInvite = response });