public static void TestJournal() { foreach (string s in Enum.GetNames(typeof(EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum))) //string s = "EDDItemSet"; { string json = "{ \"timestamp\":\"2017-04-05T11:16:19Z\", \"event\":\"" + s + "\" }"; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Event " + s + ":"); EliteDangerousCore.JournalEntry j = EliteDangerousCore.JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(json); Debug.Assert(j.Icon != null); string summary, info, detailed; j.FillInformation(out summary, out info, out detailed); Conditions.ConditionVariables vars = new Conditions.ConditionVariables(); vars.AddPropertiesFieldsOfClass(j, "EventClass_", new Type[] { typeof(System.Drawing.Bitmap), typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject) }, 5); //depth seems good enough int n = 0; foreach (string cv in vars.NameList) { if (n++ >= 1) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(","); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(cv); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(""); } }
private void buttonExt1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.IO.StreamReader filejr = new System.IO.StreamReader(textBoxFile.Text); string line; string system = ""; StarScan ss = new StarScan(); Dictionary <string, string> items = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while ((line = filejr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Equals("END")) { break; } //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(line); if (line.Length > 0) { JObject jo = (JObject)JObject.Parse(line); //JSONPrettyPrint jpp = new JSONPrettyPrint(EliteDangerous.JournalFieldNaming.StandardConverters(), "event;timestamp", "_Localised", (string)jo["event"]); //string s = jpp.PrettyPrintStr(line, 80); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(s); EliteDangerousCore.JournalEntry je = EliteDangerousCore.JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(je.EventTypeStr); if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.Location) { EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump jl = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump; system = jl.StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump; system = jfsd.StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.Scan) { //ss.Process(je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalScan, new EliteDangerousCore.SystemClass(system)); } } } }
public static HistoryEntryStatus Update(HistoryEntryStatus prev, JournalEntry je, string curStarSystem) { if (prev == null) { prev = new HistoryEntryStatus(); } switch (je.EventTypeID) { case JournalTypeEnum.Location: JournalLocation jloc = je as JournalLocation; TravelStateType t = jloc.Docked ? TravelStateType.Docked : (jloc.Latitude.HasValue ? TravelStateType.Landed : TravelStateType.NormalSpace); return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) // Bodyapproach copy over we should be in the same state as last.. { TravelState = t, MarketId = jloc.MarketID, BodyID = jloc.BodyID, BodyType = jloc.BodyType, BodyName = jloc.Body, Wanted = jloc.Wanted, StationName = jloc.StationName.Alt(null), // if empty string, set to null StationType = jloc.StationType.Alt(null), StationFaction = jloc.StationFaction, // may be null }); case JournalTypeEnum.CarrierJump: var jcj = (je as JournalCarrierJump); return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) // we are docked on a carrier { TravelState = TravelStateType.Docked, MarketId = jcj.MarketID, BodyID = jcj.BodyID, BodyType = jcj.BodyType, BodyName = jcj.Body, Wanted = jcj.Wanted, StationName = jcj.StationName.Alt(null), // if empty string, set to null StationType = jcj.StationType.Alt(null), }); case JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump: var jfsd = (je as JournalFSDJump); return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.Hyperspace, MarketId = null, BodyID = -1, BodyType = "Star", BodyName = jfsd.StarSystem, Wanted = jfsd.Wanted, StationName = null, StationType = null, BodyApproached = false, StationFaction = null, // to ensure }); case JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame: JournalLoadGame jlg = je as JournalLoadGame; bool isbuggy = ShipModuleData.IsSRV(jlg.ShipFD); string shiptype = isbuggy ? prev.ShipType : jlg.Ship; string shiptypefd = isbuggy ? prev.ShipTypeFD : jlg.ShipFD; int shipid = isbuggy ? prev.ShipID : jlg.ShipId; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) // Bodyapproach copy over we should be in the same state as last.. { OnCrewWithCaptain = null, // can't be in a crew at this point GameMode = jlg.GameMode, // set game mode Group = jlg.Group, // and group, may be empty TravelState = (jlg.StartLanded || isbuggy) ? TravelStateType.Landed : prev.TravelState, ShipType = shiptype, ShipID = shipid, ShipTypeFD = shiptypefd, StationFaction = null, // to ensure }); case JournalTypeEnum.Docked: JournalDocked jdocked = (JournalDocked)je; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} Station {1} {2}", jdocked.EventTimeUTC, jdocked.StationName, jdocked.Faction); return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.Docked, MarketId = jdocked.MarketID, Wanted = jdocked.Wanted, StationName = jdocked.StationName, StationType = jdocked.StationType, StationFaction = jdocked.Faction, }); case JournalTypeEnum.Undocked: return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.NormalSpace, MarketId = null, StationName = null, StationType = null, StationFaction = null, // to clear }); case JournalTypeEnum.Touchdown: if (((JournalTouchdown)je).PlayerControlled == true) // can get this when not player controlled { return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.Landed, }); } else { return(prev); } case JournalTypeEnum.Liftoff: if (((JournalLiftoff)je).PlayerControlled == true) // can get this when not player controlled { return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.NormalSpace, }); } else { return(prev); } case JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseExit: JournalSupercruiseExit jsexit = (JournalSupercruiseExit)je; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.NormalSpace, BodyName = (prev.BodyApproached) ? prev.BodyName : jsexit.Body, BodyType = (prev.BodyApproached) ? prev.BodyType : jsexit.BodyType, BodyID = (prev.BodyApproached) ? prev.BodyID : jsexit.BodyID, }); case JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseEntry: return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.Hyperspace, BodyName = !prev.BodyApproached ? curStarSystem : prev.BodyName, BodyType = !prev.BodyApproached ? "Star" : prev.BodyType, BodyID = !prev.BodyApproached ? -1 : prev.BodyID, }); case JournalTypeEnum.ApproachBody: JournalApproachBody jappbody = (JournalApproachBody)je; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { BodyApproached = true, BodyType = jappbody.BodyType, BodyName = jappbody.Body, BodyID = jappbody.BodyID, }); case JournalTypeEnum.ApproachSettlement: JournalApproachSettlement jappsettlement = (JournalApproachSettlement)je; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { BodyApproached = true, BodyType = jappsettlement.BodyType, BodyName = jappsettlement.BodyName, BodyID = jappsettlement.BodyID, }); case JournalTypeEnum.LeaveBody: JournalLeaveBody jlbody = (JournalLeaveBody)je; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { BodyApproached = false, BodyType = "Star", BodyName = curStarSystem, BodyID = -1, }); case JournalTypeEnum.StartJump: if (prev.TravelState != TravelStateType.Hyperspace) // checking we are into hyperspace, we could already be if in a series of jumps { return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { TravelState = TravelStateType.Hyperspace, }); } else { return(prev); } case JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardBuy: return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { ShipID = -1, ShipType = ((JournalShipyardBuy)je).ShipType // BUY does not have ship id, but the new entry will that is written later - journals 8.34 }); case JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardNew: JournalShipyardNew jsnew = (JournalShipyardNew)je; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { ShipID = jsnew.ShipId, ShipType = jsnew.ShipType, ShipTypeFD = jsnew.ShipFD, }); case JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardSwap: JournalShipyardSwap jsswap = (JournalShipyardSwap)je; return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { ShipID = jsswap.ShipId, ShipType = jsswap.ShipType, ShipTypeFD = jsswap.ShipFD, }); case JournalTypeEnum.JoinACrew: return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { OnCrewWithCaptain = ((JournalJoinACrew)je).Captain }); case JournalTypeEnum.QuitACrew: return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { OnCrewWithCaptain = null }); case JournalTypeEnum.Died: return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { BodyName = "Unknown", BodyID = -1, BodyType = "Unknown", StationName = "Unknown", StationType = "Unknown", MarketId = null, TravelState = TravelStateType.Docked, OnCrewWithCaptain = null, BodyApproached = false, // we have to clear this, we can't tell if we are going back to another place.. }); case JournalTypeEnum.Loadout: var jloadout = (JournalLoadout)je; if (!ShipModuleData.IsSRV(jloadout.ShipFD)) // just double checking! { return(new HistoryEntryStatus(prev) { ShipID = jloadout.ShipId, ShipType = jloadout.Ship, ShipTypeFD = jloadout.ShipFD, }); } else { return(prev); } default: return(prev); } }
public void ProcessWithUserDb(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, HistoryList hl) // called after above with a USER connection { MaterialCommodity = MaterialCommoditiesList.Process(je, prev?.MaterialCommodity); snc = SystemNoteClass.GetSystemNote(Journalid, IsFSDJump, System); // may be null }
public void ProcessWithUserDb(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, HistoryList hl, SQLiteConnectionUser conn) // called after above with a USER connection { materialscommodities = MaterialCommoditiesList.Process(je, prev?.materialscommodities, conn, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.ClearMaterials, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.ClearCommodities); snc = SystemNoteClass.GetSystemNote(Journalid, IsFSDJump, System); // may be null }
public static HistoryEntry FromJournalEntry(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, out bool journalupdate, SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = null) { ISystem isys = prev == null ? new SystemClass("Unknown") : prev.System; int indexno = prev == null ? 1 : prev.Indexno + 1; journalupdate = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location || je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { JournalLocOrJump jl = je as JournalLocOrJump; ISystem newsys; if (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) // LAZY LOAD IF it has a co-ord.. the front end will when it needs it { newsys = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem, jl.StarPos.X, jl.StarPos.Y, jl.StarPos.Z) { EDSMID = jl.EdsmID < 0 ? 0 : jl.EdsmID, // pass across the EDSMID for the lazy load process. Faction = jl.Faction, Government = jl.EDGovernment, PrimaryEconomy = jl.EDEconomy, Security = jl.EDSecurity, Population = jl.Population ?? 0, State = jl.EDState, Allegiance = jl.EDAllegiance, UpdateDate = jl.EventTimeUTC, status = SystemStatusEnum.EDDiscovery, SystemAddress = jl.SystemAddress, }; // If it was a new system, pass the coords back to the StartJump if (prev != null && prev.journalEntry is JournalStartJump) { prev.System = newsys; // give the previous startjump our system.. } } else { // NOTE Rob: 09-JAN-2018 I've removed the Jumpstart looking up a system by name since they were using up lots of lookup time during history reading. // This is used for pre 2.2 systems without co-ords, which now should be limited. // JumpStart still gets the system when the FSD loc is processed, see above. // Jumpstart was also screwing about with the EDSM ID fill in which was broken. This is now working again. // Default one newsys = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem); newsys.EDSMID = je.EdsmID; ISystem s = SystemCache.FindSystem(newsys, conn); // has no co-ord, did we find it? if (s != null) // found a system.. { if (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) // if journal Loc, and journal has a star position, use that instead of EDSM.. { s.X = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.X * 32.0) / 32.0; s.Y = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Y * 32.0) / 32.0; s.Z = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Z * 32.0) / 32.0; } //Debug.WriteLine("HistoryList found system {0} {1}", s.id_edsm,; newsys = s; if (jl != null && je.EdsmID <= 0 && newsys.EDSMID > 0) // only update on a JL.. { journalupdate = true; Debug.WriteLine("HE EDSM ID update requested {0} {1}", newsys.EDSMID, newsys.Name); } } else { newsys.EDSMID = -1; // mark as checked but not found } } JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; if (jfsd != null) { if (jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate && newsys.HasCoordinate) // if no JDist, its a really old entry, and if previous has a co-ord { jfsd.JumpDist = isys.Distance(newsys); // fill it out here if (jfsd.JumpDist > 0) { journalupdate = true; Debug.WriteLine("Je Jump distance update(3) requested {0} {1} {2}", newsys.EDSMID, newsys.Name, jfsd.JumpDist); } } } isys = newsys; } HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry { Indexno = indexno, journalEntry = je, System = isys, EntryStatus = HistoryEntryStatus.Update(prev?.EntryStatus, je, isys.Name) }; if (prev != null) { if (prev.StopMarker) // if we had a stop marker previously, means the next one needs to clear the counters { he.isTravelling = false; // still travelling if its a start marker he.TravelledDistance = 0; he.TravelledSeconds = new TimeSpan(0); he.TravelledMissingjump = 0; he.Travelledjumps = 0; } else { he.isTravelling = prev.isTravelling; he.TravelledDistance = prev.TravelledDistance; he.TravelledSeconds = prev.TravelledSeconds; he.TravelledMissingjump = prev.TravelledMissingjump; he.Travelledjumps = prev.Travelledjumps; } } if (he.StartMarker) // start marker, start travelling { he.isTravelling = true; } if (he.isTravelling) { if (he.IsFSDJump && !he.MultiPlayer) // if jump, and not multiplayer.. { double dist = ((JournalFSDJump)je).JumpDist; if (dist <= 0) { he.TravelledMissingjump++; } else { he.TravelledDistance += dist; he.Travelledjumps++; } } if (prev != null) { TimeSpan diff = he.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(prev.EventTimeUTC); if (he.EntryType != JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame && diff < new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)) // time between last entry and load game is not real time { he.TravelledSeconds += diff; } } } return(he); }
static public bool IsUIEventType(JournalEntry j) { return(j is JournalMusic); }
// given a list of files to reparse, read them and store to db or fire them back (and set firebacklastn to make it work) public void ProcessDetectedNewFiles(List <EDJournalReader> readersToUpdate, Action <int, string> updateProgress, Action <JournalEntry, int, int, int, int> fireback = null, int firebacklastn = 0) { for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++) { EDJournalReader reader = readersToUpdate[i]; List <JournalEntry> entries = new List <JournalEntry>(); List <UIEvent> uievents = new List <UIEvent>(); bool readanything = reader.ReadJournal(entries, uievents, historyrefreshparsing: true); // this may create new commanders, and may write to the TLU if (fireback != null) { if (readanything) // need to update TLU pos if read anything { reader.TravelLogUnit.Update(); } if (i >= readersToUpdate.Count - firebacklastn) // if within fireback window { for (int e = 0; e < entries.Count; e++) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Fire {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}", entries[e].CommanderId, i, readersToUpdate.Count, e, entries.Count, entries[e].EventTypeStr ); fireback(entries[e], i, readersToUpdate.Count, e, entries.Count); } } } else { UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { // only lookup TLUs if there is actually anything to compare against ILookup <DateTime, JournalEntry> existing = entries.Count > 0 ? JournalEntry.GetAllByTLU(reader.ID, cn.Connection).ToLookup(e => e.EventTimeUTC) : null; //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("PJF"), i + " into db"); using (DbTransaction tn = cn.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (JournalEntry jre in entries) { //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("--- Check {0} {1} Existing {2} : {3}", jre.EventTimeUTC, jre.EventTypeStr, existing[jre.EventTimeUTC].Count(), jre.GetJson().ToString())); if (!existing[jre.EventTimeUTC].Any(e => JournalEntry.AreSameEntry(jre, e, cn.Connection, ent1jo: jre.GetJson(cn.Connection, tn)))) { //foreach (var x in existing[jre.EventTimeUTC]) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(" passed vs {0} Deepequals {1}", x.GetJson().ToString(), x.GetJson().DeepEquals(jre.GetJson()))); } BaseUtils.JSON.JObject jo = jre.GetJson(cn.Connection, tn); jre.Add(jo, cn.Connection, tn); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Write Journal to db {0} {1}", jre.EventTimeUTC, jre.EventTypeStr)); } else { //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Duplicate Journal to db {0} {1}", jre.EventTimeUTC, jre.EventTypeStr)); } } if (readanything) { reader.TravelLogUnit.Update(cn.Connection, tn); } tn.Commit(); } }); } updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.FullName); lastnfi = reader; } updateProgress(-1, ""); }
// inhistoryrefreshparse = means reading history in batch mode // returns null if journal line is bad or its a repeat.. It does not throw private JournalEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool inhistoryrefreshparse) { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Line in '" + line + "'"); int cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue ? TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value : -2; //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown if (line.Length == 0) { return(null); } JObject jo = JObject.Parse(line, JToken.ParseOptions.AllowTrailingCommas | JToken.ParseOptions.CheckEOL); // parse, null if failed if (jo == null) // decode failed, gently return null { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"{TravelLogUnit.FullName} Bad journal line: {line}"); return(null); } JournalEntry je = null; try { // use a try block in case anything in the creation goes t**s up je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(jo, true); } catch { je = null; } if (je == null) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"{TravelLogUnit.FullName} Bad journal creation: {line}"); return(null); } bool toosoon = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader) { JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je; if ((header.Beta && !EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.DisableBetaCommanderCheck) || EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.ForceBetaOnCommander) // if beta, and not disabled, or force beta { TravelLogUnit.Type |= TravelLogUnit.BetaMarker; } if (header.Part > 1) { // if we have a last continued, and its header parts match, and it has a commander, and its not too different in time.. if (lastcontinued != null && lastcontinued.Part == header.Part && lastcontinued.CommanderId >= 0 && Math.Abs(header.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(lastcontinued.EventTimeUTC).TotalSeconds) < 5) { cmdrid = lastcontinued.CommanderId; TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = lastcontinued.CommanderId; // copy commander across. } else { // this only works if you have a history... EDD does. JournalEvents.JournalContinued contd = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalEvents.JournalContinued>(je.EventTimeUTC.AddSeconds(1), e => e.Part == header.Part); // Carry commander over from previous log if it ends with a Continued event. if (contd != null && Math.Abs(header.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(contd.EventTimeUTC).TotalSeconds) < 5 && contd.CommanderId >= 0) { cmdrid = lastcontinued.CommanderId; TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = contd.CommanderId; } } } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Continued) { lastcontinued = je as JournalEvents.JournalContinued; // save.. we are getting a new file soon } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { var jlg = je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame; string newname = jlg.LoadGameCommander; if ((TravelLogUnit.Type & TravelLogUnit.BetaMarker) == TravelLogUnit.BetaMarker) { newname = "[BETA] " + newname; } EDCommander commander = EDCommander.GetCommander(newname); if (commander == null) { // in the default condition, we have a hidden commander, and first Cmdr. Jameson. commander = EDCommander.GetListCommanders().FirstOrDefault(); if (EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders == 2 && commander != null && commander.Name == "Jameson (Default)") { commander.Name = newname; commander.EdsmName = newname; EDCommander.Update(new List <EDCommander> { commander }, false); } else { commander = EDCommander.Create(name: newname, journalpath: EDJournalUIScanner.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path); } } commander.FID = jlg.FID; cmdrid = commander.Nr; if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue) // we do not need to write to DB the TLU at this point, since we read something the upper layers will do that { TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid; //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1} at {2}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Size)); } } else if (je is ISystemStationEntry && ((ISystemStationEntry)je).IsTrainingEvent) { //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"{filename} Training detected:\n{line}"); return(null); } if (je is IAdditionalFiles) { if ((je as IAdditionalFiles).ReadAdditionalFiles(TravelLogUnit.Path, inhistoryrefreshparse, ref jo) == false) // if failed { return(null); } } if (je is JournalEvents.JournalShipyard) // when going into shipyard { toosoon = lastshipyard != null && lastshipyard.Yard.Equals((je as JournalEvents.JournalShipyard).Yard); lastshipyard = je as JournalEvents.JournalShipyard; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips) // when going into shipyard { toosoon = laststoredships != null && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredships.ShipsHere, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips).ShipsHere) && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredships.ShipsRemote, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips).ShipsRemote); laststoredships = je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules) // when going into outfitting { toosoon = laststoredmodules != null && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredmodules.ModuleItems, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules).ModuleItems); laststoredmodules = je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting) // when doing into outfitting { toosoon = lastoutfitting != null && lastoutfitting.ItemList.Equals((je as JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting).ItemList); lastoutfitting = je as JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalMarket) { toosoon = lastmarket != null && lastmarket.Equals(je as JournalEvents.JournalMarket); lastmarket = je as JournalEvents.JournalMarket; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalCargo) { var cargo = je as JournalEvents.JournalCargo; if (lastcargo != null) { toosoon = lastcargo.SameAs(cargo); // if exactly the same, swallow. System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Cargo vs last " + toosoon); } lastcargo = cargo; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalUndocked || je is JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame) // undocked, Load Game, repeats are cleared { lastshipyard = null; laststoredmodules = null; lastoutfitting = null; laststoredmodules = null; laststoredships = null; lastcargo = null; cqc = (je is JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame) && ((JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame)je).GameMode == null; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalMusic) { var music = je as JournalEvents.JournalMusic; if (music.MusicTrackID == JournalEvents.EDMusicTrackEnum.CQC || music.MusicTrackID == JournalEvents.EDMusicTrackEnum.CQCMenu) { cqc = true; } } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalNavRoute) { var route = je as JournalEvents.JournalNavRoute; if (lastnavroute != null && (route.EventTimeUTC == lastnavroute.EventTimeUTC || route.EventTimeUTC == lastnavroute.EventTimeUTC.AddSeconds(1))) { toosoon = true; } lastnavroute = route; } if (toosoon) // if seeing repeats, remove { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Remove as dup " + je.EventTypeStr); return(null); } if (cqc) // Ignore events if in CQC { return(null); } je.SetTLUCommander(TravelLogUnit.ID, cmdrid); return(je); }
// History load system, read DB for entries and make a history up public static HistoryList LoadHistory(Action <string> reportProgress, int CurrentCommander, int fullhistoryloaddaylimit, string essentialitems ) { HistoryList hist = new HistoryList(); Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL", true).Item1 + " History Load"); reportProgress("Reading Database"); List <JournalEntry> jlist; // returned in date ascending, oldest first order. if (fullhistoryloaddaylimit > 0) { var list = (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents : (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents : (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents : (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents : JournalEssentialEvents.EssentialEvents; jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander, ids: list, allidsafterutc: DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(fullhistoryloaddaylimit, 0, 0, 0)) ); } else { jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander); } Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL").Item1 + " Journals read from DB"); reportProgress("Creating History"); HistoryEntry hprev = null; foreach (JournalEntry je in jlist) { if (MergeEntries(hprev?.journalEntry, je)) // if we merge, don't store into HE { continue; } // Clean up "UnKnown" systems from EDSM log if (je is JournalFSDJump && ((JournalFSDJump)je).StarSystem == "UnKnown") { JournalEntry.Delete(je.Id); continue; } if (je is EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalMusic) // remove music.. not shown.. now UI event. remove it for backwards compatibility { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Filter out " + je.EventTypeStr + " on " + je.EventTimeLocal.ToString()); continue; } HistoryEntry he = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, hprev); // create entry he.UpdateMaterialsCommodities(je, hprev?.MaterialCommodity); // update material commodities BEFORE we possibly remove entries, as Cargo is one of the removal options Debug.Assert(he.MaterialCommodity != null); if (CheckForRemoval(he, hprev)) // check here to see if we want to remove the entry.. can move this lower later, but at first point where we have the data { continue; } hist.historylist.Add(he); // now add it to the history hprev = he; } Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL").Item1 + " History List Created"); reportProgress("Analysing History"); for (int i = 0; i < hist.historylist.Count; i++) { HistoryEntry he = hist.historylist[i]; JournalEntry je = he.journalEntry; he.UpdateStats(je, hist.statisticsaccumulator, he.StationFaction); he.UpdateSystemNote(); hist.CashLedger.Process(je); // update the ledger he.Credits = hist.CashLedger.CashTotal; hist.Shipyards.Process(je); hist.Outfitting.Process(je); Tuple <ShipInformation, ModulesInStore> ret = hist.ShipInformationList.Process(je, he.WhereAmI, he.System); // the ships he.UpdateShipInformation(ret.Item1); he.UpdateShipStoredModules(ret.Item2); he.UpdateMissionList(hist.MissionListAccumulator.Process(je, he.System, he.WhereAmI)); AddToVisitsScan(hist, i, null); // add to scan but don't complain if can't add } //for (int i = hist.Count - 10; i < hist.Count; i++) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Hist {0} {1} {2}", hist[i].EventTimeUTC, hist[i].Indexno , hist[i].EventSummary); // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL").Item1 + " Anaylsis End"); hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander; #if LISTSCANS { using (var fileout = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\code\scans.csv")) { fileout.WriteLine($"System,0,fullname,ownname,customname,bodyname,bodydesignation, bodyid,parentlist"); foreach (var sn in hist.StarScan.ScansSortedByName()) { foreach (var body in sn.Bodies) { string pl = body.ScanData?.ParentList(); fileout.WriteLine($"{sn.System.Name},0, {body.FullName},{body.OwnName},{body.CustomName},{body.ScanData?.BodyName},{body.ScanData?.BodyDesignation},{body.BodyID},{pl}"); } } } } #endif return(hist); }
// Called on a New Entry, by EDDiscoveryController:NewEntry, to add an journal entry in public HistoryEntry AddJournalEntry(JournalEntry je, Action <string> logerror) // always return he { HistoryEntry prev = GetLast; bool journalupdate = false; HistoryEntry he = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, out journalupdate); // we may check edsm for this entry if (journalupdate) { JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; if (jfsd != null) { JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(jfsd.Id, he.System, !jfsd.HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate, jfsd.JumpDist); } } using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser()) { he.ProcessWithUserDb(je, prev, this, conn); // let some processes which need the user db to work cashledger.Process(je, conn); he.Credits = cashledger.CashTotal; shipyards.Process(je, conn); outfitting.Process(je, conn); Tuple <ShipInformation, ModulesInStore> ret = shipinformationlist.Process(je, conn, he.WhereAmI, he.System); he.ShipInformation = ret.Item1; he.StoredModules = ret.Item2; he.MissionList = missionlistaccumulator.Process(je, he.System, he.WhereAmI, conn); } historylist.Add(he); if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Scan) { JournalScan js = je as JournalScan; JournalLocOrJump jl; HistoryEntry jlhe; if (!starscan.AddScanToBestSystem(js, Count - 1, EntryOrder, out jlhe, out jl)) { // Ignore scans where the system name has been changed // Also ignore belt clusters if (jl == null || (jl.StarSystem.Equals(jlhe.System.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !js.BodyDesignation.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(" belt cluster "))) { logerror("Cannot add scan to system - alert the EDDiscovery developers using either discord or Github (see help)" + Environment.NewLine + "Scan object " + js.BodyName + " in " + he.System.Name); } } } else if (je is IBodyNameAndID) { JournalLocOrJump jl; HistoryEntry jlhe; starscan.AddBodyToBestSystem((IBodyNameAndID)je, Count - 1, EntryOrder, out jlhe, out jl); } return(he); }
static public void ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload, int currentcmdrid) { error = null; if (datapath == null) { error = "Netlog directory not set!"; return; } if (!Directory.Exists(datapath)) // if logfiles directory is not found { error = "Netlog directory is not present!"; return; } // list of systems in journal, sorted by time List <JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsEnts = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(j => j.EventTimeUTC).ToList(); // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray(); List <NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List <NetLogFileReader>(); List <TravelLogUnit> tlutoadd = new List <TravelLogUnit>(); for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++) { FileInfo fi = allFiles[i]; var reader = OpenFileReader(fi.FullName, currentcmdrid); if (reader.ID == 0) // if not present, add to commit add list { tlutoadd.Add(reader.TravelLogUnit); } if (forceReload) // Force a reload of the travel log { reader.Pos = 0; } if (reader.Pos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1) // File not already in DB, or is the last one { readersToUpdate.Add(reader); } } if (tlutoadd.Count > 0) // now, on spinning rust, this takes ages for 600+ log files first time, so transaction it { UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { using (DbTransaction txn = cn.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (var tlu in tlutoadd) { tlu.Add(cn.Connection, txn); } txn.Commit(); } }); } for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++) { UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { int ji = 0; NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i]; updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.FullName); var systems = JournalEntry.GetAllByTLU(reader.ID, cn.Connection).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().ToList(); var last = systems.LastOrDefault(); // find last system recorded for this TLU, may be null if no systems.. using (DbTransaction tn = cn.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { var ienum = reader.ReadSystems(last, cancelRequested, currentcmdrid); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Scanning TLU " + reader.ID + " " + reader.FullName); foreach (JObject jo in ienum) { jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour; JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo); je.SetTLUCommander(reader.TravelLogUnit.ID, currentcmdrid); while (ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count && vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC < je.EventTimeUTC) { ji++; // move to next entry which is bigger in time or equal to ours. } JournalLocOrJump prev = (ji > 0 && (ji - 1) < vsSystemsEnts.Count) ? vsSystemsEnts[ji - 1] : null; JournalLocOrJump next = ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count ? vsSystemsEnts[ji] : null; bool previssame = (prev != null && prev.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!prev.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (prev.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01)); bool nextissame = (next != null && next.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!next.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (next.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01)); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", ji, vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC, je.EventTimeUTC); if (!(previssame || nextissame)) { je.Add(jo, cn.Connection, tn); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, jo.ToString()); } } reader.TravelLogUnit.Update(cn.Connection, tn); tn.Commit(); } if (updateProgress != null) { updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.FullName); } }); } }
static public void ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false, Dictionary <string, NetLogFileReader> netlogreaders = null, int currentcmdrid = -1) { error = null; if (datapath == null) { error = "Netlog directory not set!"; return; } if (!Directory.Exists(datapath)) // if logfiles directory is not found { error = "Netlog directory is not present!"; return; } if (netlogreaders == null) { netlogreaders = new Dictionary <string, NetLogFileReader>(); } if (currentcmdrid < 0) { currentcmdrid = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID; } // TLUs List <TravelLogUnit> tlus = TravelLogUnit.GetAll(); Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit> netlogtravelogUnits = tlus.Where(t => t.type == 1).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name); Dictionary <long, string> travellogunitid2name = netlogtravelogUnits.Values.ToDictionary(t =>, t => t.Name); Dictionary <string, List <JournalLocOrJump> > vsc_lookup = JournalEntry.GetAll().OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().GroupBy(v => v.TLUId).Where(g => travellogunitid2name.ContainsKey(g.Key)).ToDictionary(g => travellogunitid2name[g.Key], g => g.ToList()); // list of systems in journal, sorted by time List <JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsEnts = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(j => j.EventTimeUTC).ToList(); // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray(); List <NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List <NetLogFileReader>(); for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++) { FileInfo fi = allFiles[i]; var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, netlogtravelogUnits, vsc_lookup, netlogreaders); if (!netlogtravelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name)) { netlogtravelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit; reader.TravelLogUnit.Add(); } if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name)) { netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader; } if (forceReload) { // Force a reload of the travel log reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0; } if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1) // File not already in DB, or is the last one { readersToUpdate.Add(reader); } } for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++) { using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { int ji = 0; NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i]; updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name); using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (JObject jo in reader.ReadSystems(cancelRequested, currentcmdrid)) { jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour; JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo); je.SetTLUCommander(, currentcmdrid); while (ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count && vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC < je.EventTimeUTC) { ji++; // move to next entry which is bigger in time or equal to ours. } JournalLocOrJump prev = (ji > 0 && (ji - 1) < vsSystemsEnts.Count) ? vsSystemsEnts[ji - 1] : null; JournalLocOrJump next = ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count ? vsSystemsEnts[ji] : null; bool previssame = (prev != null && prev.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!prev.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (prev.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01)); bool nextissame = (next != null && next.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!next.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (next.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01)); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", ji, vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC, je.EventTimeUTC); if (!(previssame || nextissame)) { je.Add(jo, cn, tn); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, jo.ToString()); } } tn.Commit(); reader.TravelLogUnit.Update(); } if (updateProgress != null) { updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name); } } } }
public void UpdateMaterials(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev) { MaterialCommodity = MaterialCommoditiesList.Process(je, prev?.MaterialCommodity); }
public List <Tuple <JournalEntry, ISystem> > ToProcess = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, ISystem> >(); // entries seen but yet to be processed due to no scan node (used by reports which do not create scan nodes) public void SaveForProcessing(JournalEntry je, ISystem sys) { ToProcess.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, ISystem>(je, sys)); }
private void FillInSystemFromDBInt(HistoryEntry syspos, ISystem edsmsys, SQLiteConnectionUser uconn, DbTransaction utn) // call to fill in ESDM data for entry, and also fills in all others pointing to the system object { List <HistoryEntry> alsomatching = new List <HistoryEntry>(); foreach (HistoryEntry he in historylist) // list of systems in historylist using the same system object { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(he.System, syspos.System)) { alsomatching.Add(he); } } if (edsmsys != null) { ISystem oldsys = syspos.System; bool updateedsmid = oldsys.EDSMID <= 0 && edsmsys.EDSMID > 0; bool updatesyspos = !oldsys.HasCoordinate && edsmsys.HasCoordinate; bool updatename = oldsys.HasCoordinate && edsmsys.HasCoordinate && oldsys.Distance(edsmsys) < 0.1 && !String.Equals(edsmsys.Name, oldsys.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && edsmsys.UpdateDate > syspos.EventTimeUTC; ISystem newsys = new SystemClass { Name = updatename ? edsmsys.Name : oldsys.Name, X = updatesyspos ? edsmsys.X : oldsys.X, Y = updatesyspos ? edsmsys.Y : oldsys.Y, Z = updatesyspos ? edsmsys.Z : oldsys.Z, EDSMID = updateedsmid ? edsmsys.EDSMID : oldsys.EDSMID, SystemAddress = oldsys.SystemAddress ?? edsmsys.SystemAddress, Allegiance = oldsys.Allegiance == EDAllegiance.Unknown ? edsmsys.Allegiance : oldsys.Allegiance, Government = oldsys.Government == EDGovernment.Unknown ? edsmsys.Government : oldsys.Government, Population = oldsys.Government == EDGovernment.Unknown ? edsmsys.Population : oldsys.Population, PrimaryEconomy = oldsys.PrimaryEconomy == EDEconomy.Unknown ? edsmsys.PrimaryEconomy : oldsys.PrimaryEconomy, Security = oldsys.Security == EDSecurity.Unknown ? edsmsys.Security : oldsys.Security, State = oldsys.State == EDState.Unknown ? edsmsys.State : oldsys.State, Faction = oldsys.Faction ?? edsmsys.Faction, CommanderCreate = edsmsys.CommanderCreate, CommanderUpdate = edsmsys.CommanderUpdate, CreateDate = edsmsys.CreateDate, EDDBID = edsmsys.EDDBID, EDDBUpdatedAt = edsmsys.EDDBUpdatedAt, GridID = edsmsys.GridID, NeedsPermit = edsmsys.NeedsPermit, RandomID = edsmsys.RandomID, UpdateDate = edsmsys.UpdateDate, SystemNote = edsmsys.SystemNote, status = SystemStatusEnum.EDSM }; foreach (HistoryEntry he in alsomatching) // list of systems in historylist using the same system object { bool updatepos = (he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump || he.EntryType == JournalTypeEnum.Location) && updatesyspos; if (updatepos || updateedsmid) { JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, edsmsys, updatepos, -1, uconn, utn); // update pos and edsmid, jdist not updated } he.System = newsys; } } else { foreach (HistoryEntry he in alsomatching) // list of systems in historylist using the same system object { he.System.EDSMID = -1; // can't do it } } }
public static HistoryList LoadHistory(EDJournalClass journalmonitor, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress, string NetLogPath = null, bool ForceNetLogReload = false, bool ForceJournalReload = false, int CurrentCommander = Int32.MinValue, bool Keepuievents = true) { HistoryList hist = new HistoryList(); EDCommander cmdr = null; if (CurrentCommander >= 0) { cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(CurrentCommander); journalmonitor.ParseJournalFiles(() => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), forceReload: ForceJournalReload); // Parse files stop monitor.. if (NetLogPath != null) { string errstr = null; NetLogClass.ParseFiles(NetLogPath, out errstr, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.DefaultMapColour, () => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), ForceNetLogReload, currentcmdrid: CurrentCommander); } } reportProgress(-1, "Resolving systems"); List <JournalEntry> jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander).OrderBy(x => x.EventTimeUTC).ThenBy(x => x.Id).ToList(); List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> > jlistUpdated = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> >(); using (SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem()) { HistoryEntry prev = null; JournalEntry jprev = null; foreach (JournalEntry je in jlist) { if (MergeEntries(jprev, je)) // if we merge.. we may have updated info, so reprint. { jprev.FillInformation(out prev.EventSummary, out prev.EventDescription, out prev.EventDetailedInfo); // need to keep this up to date.. continue; } if (je.IsUIEvent && !Keepuievents) // filter out any UI events { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Filter out " + je.EventTypeStr + " on " + je.EventTimeLocal.ToString()); continue; } bool journalupdate = false; HistoryEntry he = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, out journalupdate, conn, cmdr); prev = he; jprev = je; hist.historylist.Add(he); if (journalupdate) { jlistUpdated.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry>(je, he)); Debug.WriteLine("Queued update requested {0} {1}", he.System.EDSMID, he.System.Name); } } } if (jlistUpdated.Count > 0) { reportProgress(-1, "Updating journal entries"); using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> jehe in jlistUpdated) { JournalEntry je = jehe.Item1; HistoryEntry he = jehe.Item2; double dist = (je is JournalFSDJump) ? (je as JournalFSDJump).JumpDist : 0; bool updatecoord = (je is JournalLocOrJump) ? (!(je as JournalLocOrJump).HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate) : false; Debug.WriteLine("Push update {0} {1} to JE {2} HE {3}", he.System.EDSMID, he.System.Name, je.Id, he.Indexno); JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(je.Id, he.System, updatecoord, dist, conn, txn); } txn.Commit(); } } } // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander; hist.ProcessUserHistoryListEntries(h => h.ToList()); // here, we update the DBs in HistoryEntry and any global DBs in historylist return(hist); }
public static HistoryEntry FromJournalEntry(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, out bool journalupdate, SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = null, EDCommander cmdr = null) { ISystem isys = prev == null ? new SystemClass("Unknown") : prev.System; int indexno = prev == null ? 1 : prev.Indexno + 1; int mapcolour = 0; journalupdate = false; bool starposfromedsm = false; bool firstdiscover = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location || je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { JournalLocOrJump jl = je as JournalLocOrJump; ISystem newsys; if (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) // LAZY LOAD IF it has a co-ord.. the front end will when it needs it { newsys = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem, jl.StarPos.X, jl.StarPos.Y, jl.StarPos.Z) { EDSMID = jl.EdsmID < 0 ? 0 : jl.EdsmID, // pass across the EDSMID for the lazy load process. Faction = jl.Faction, Government = jl.EDGovernment, PrimaryEconomy = jl.EDEconomy, Security = jl.EDSecurity, Population = jl.Population ?? 0, State = jl.EDState, Allegiance = jl.EDAllegiance, UpdateDate = jl.EventTimeUTC, status = SystemStatusEnum.EDDiscovery, SystemAddress = jl.SystemAddress, }; // If it was a new system, pass the coords back to the StartJump if (prev != null && prev.journalEntry is JournalStartJump) { prev.System = newsys; // give the previous startjump our system.. } } else { // NOTE Rob: 09-JAN-2018 I've removed the Jumpstart looking up a system by name since they were using up lots of lookup time during history reading. // This is used for pre 2.2 systems without co-ords, which now should be limited. // JumpStart still gets the system when the FSD loc is processed, see above. // Jumpstart was also screwing about with the EDSM ID fill in which was broken. This is now working again. // Default one newsys = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem); newsys.EDSMID = je.EdsmID; ISystem s = SystemCache.FindSystem(newsys, conn); // has no co-ord, did we find it? if (s != null) // found a system.. { if (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) // if journal Loc, and journal has a star position, use that instead of EDSM.. { s.X = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.X * 32.0) / 32.0; s.Y = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Y * 32.0) / 32.0; s.Z = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Z * 32.0) / 32.0; } //Debug.WriteLine("HistoryList found system {0} {1}", s.id_edsm,; newsys = s; if (jl != null && je.EdsmID <= 0 && newsys.EDSMID > 0) // only update on a JL.. { journalupdate = true; Debug.WriteLine("HE EDSM ID update requested {0} {1}", newsys.EDSMID, newsys.Name); } } else { newsys.EDSMID = -1; // mark as checked but not found } } JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; if (jfsd != null) { if (jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate && newsys.HasCoordinate) // if no JDist, its a really old entry, and if previous has a co-ord { jfsd.JumpDist = isys.Distance(newsys); // fill it out here if (jfsd.JumpDist > 0) { journalupdate = true; Debug.WriteLine("Je Jump distance update(3) requested {0} {1} {2}", newsys.EDSMID, newsys.Name, jfsd.JumpDist); } } mapcolour = jfsd.MapColor; } isys = newsys; starposfromedsm = (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) ? jl.StarPosFromEDSM : newsys.HasCoordinate; firstdiscover = jl == null ? false : jl.EDSMFirstDiscover; } string summary, info, detailed; je.FillInformation(out summary, out info, out detailed); HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry { Indexno = indexno, EntryType = je.EventTypeID, Journalid = je.Id, journalEntry = je, System = isys, EventTimeUTC = je.EventTimeUTC, MapColour = mapcolour, EdsmSync = je.SyncedEDSM, EDDNSync = je.SyncedEDDN, EGOSync = je.SyncedEGO, StartMarker = je.StartMarker, StopMarker = je.StopMarker, EventSummary = summary, EventDescription = info, EventDetailedInfo = detailed, IsStarPosFromEDSM = starposfromedsm, IsEDSMFirstDiscover = firstdiscover, Commander = cmdr ?? EDCommander.GetCommander(je.CommanderId) }; // WORK out docked/landed state if (prev != null) { if (prev.docked.HasValue) // copy docked.. { he.docked = prev.docked; } if (prev.landed.HasValue) { he.landed = prev.landed; } if (prev.hyperspace.HasValue) { he.hyperspace = prev.hyperspace; } if (prev.marketId != null) { he.marketId = prev.marketId; } if (prev.wanted.HasValue) { he.wanted = prev.wanted; } he.stationName = prev.stationName; he.shiptype = prev.shiptype; he.shipid = prev.shipid; he.whereami = prev.whereami; he.onCrewWithCaptain = prev.onCrewWithCaptain; he.gamemode = prev.gamemode; =; } if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location) { JournalLocation jl = je as JournalLocation; he.docked = jl.Docked; he.landed = jl.Latitude.HasValue; he.whereami = jl.Docked ? jl.StationName : jl.Body; he.hyperspace = false; he.wanted = jl.Wanted; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked) { JournalDocked jl = je as JournalDocked; he.docked = true; he.whereami = jl.StationName; he.stationName = jl.StationName; he.marketId = jl.MarketID; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Undocked) { he.docked = false; he.stationName = null; he.marketId = null; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Touchdown) { he.landed = true; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Liftoff) { he.landed = !(je as JournalLiftoff).PlayerControlled; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseEntry) { he.whereami = (je as JournalSupercruiseEntry).StarSystem; he.hyperspace = true; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseExit) { he.whereami = (je as JournalSupercruiseExit).Body; he.hyperspace = false; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { JournalFSDJump ju = (je as JournalFSDJump); he.whereami = ju.StarSystem; he.hyperspace = true; he.wanted = ju.Wanted; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.StartJump) { he.hyperspace = true; // some of these are just to make sure, as FSDJump will also set it } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { JournalLoadGame jl = je as JournalLoadGame; he.onCrewWithCaptain = null; // can't be in a crew at this point he.gamemode = jl.GameMode; // set game mode = jl.Group; // and group, may be empty he.landed = jl.StartLanded; he.hyperspace = false; if (jl.Ship.IndexOf("buggy", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) // load game with buggy, can't tell what ship we get back into, so ignore { he.shiptype = (je as JournalLoadGame).Ship; he.shipid = (je as JournalLoadGame).ShipId; } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardBuy) // BUY does not have ship id, but the new entry will that is written later - journals 8.34 { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardBuy).ShipType; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardNew) { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardNew).ShipType; he.shipid = (je as JournalShipyardNew).ShipId; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardSwap) { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardSwap).ShipType; he.shipid = (je as JournalShipyardSwap).ShipId; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.JoinACrew) { he.onCrewWithCaptain = (je as JournalJoinACrew).Captain; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.QuitACrew) { he.onCrewWithCaptain = null; } if (prev != null && prev.travelling) // if we are travelling.. { he.travelled_distance = prev.travelled_distance; he.travelled_missingjump = prev.travelled_missingjump; he.travelled_jumps = prev.travelled_jumps; if (he.IsFSDJump && !he.MultiPlayer) // if jump, and not multiplayer.. { double dist = ((JournalFSDJump)je).JumpDist; if (dist <= 0) { he.travelled_missingjump++; } else { he.travelled_distance += dist; he.travelled_jumps++; } } he.travelled_seconds = prev.travelled_seconds; TimeSpan diff = he.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(prev.EventTimeUTC); if (he.EntryType != JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame && diff < new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)) // time between last entry and load game is not real time { he.travelled_seconds += diff; } if (he.StopMarker || he.StartMarker) { //Debug.WriteLine("Travelling stop at " + he.Indexno); he.travelling = false; he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelled " + he.travelled_distance.ToStringInvariant("0.0") + " LY" + ", " + he.travelled_jumps + " jumps" + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? ", " + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps" : "") + ", time " + he.travelled_seconds; he.travelled_distance = 0; he.travelled_seconds = new TimeSpan(0); } else { he.travelling = true; if (he.IsFSDJump) { he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelling" + " distance " + he.travelled_distance.ToString("0.0") + " LY" + ", " + he.travelled_jumps + " jumps" + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? ", " + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps" : "") + ", time " + he.travelled_seconds; } } } if (he.StartMarker) { //Debug.WriteLine("Travelling start at " + he.Indexno); he.travelling = true; } return(he); }
// ordered in time, id order, ascending, oldest first static public List <JournalEntry> GetAll(int commander = -999, DateTime?afterutc = null, DateTime?beforeutc = null, JournalTypeEnum[] ids = null, DateTime?allidsafterutc = null) { var tluslist = TravelLogUnit.GetAll(); Dictionary <long, TravelLogUnit> tlus = tluslist.ToDictionary(t => t.ID); DbCommand cmd = null; DbDataReader reader = null; List <JournalEntry> entries = new List <JournalEntry>(); try { cmd = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => cn.Connection.CreateCommand("select * from JournalEntries")); reader = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { string cnd = ""; if (commander != -999) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("CommanderID = @commander", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@commander", commander); } if (afterutc != null) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTime >= @after", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@after", afterutc.Value); } if (beforeutc != null) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTime <= @before", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@before", beforeutc.Value); } if (ids != null) { int[] array = Array.ConvertAll(ids, x => (int)x); if (allidsafterutc != null) { cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@idafter", allidsafterutc.Value); cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("(EventTypeId in (" + string.Join(",", array) + ") Or EventTime>=@idafter)", " and "); } else { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTypeId in (" + string.Join(",", array) + ")", " and "); } } if (cnd.HasChars()) { cmd.CommandText += " where " + cnd; } cmd.CommandText += " Order By EventTime,Id ASC"; return(cmd.ExecuteReader()); }); List <JournalEntry> retlist = null; do { // experiments state that reading the DL takes 270/4000ms, reading json -> 1250, then the rest is creating and decoding the fields // not much scope to improve it outside of the core json speed. retlist = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => // split into smaller chunks to allow other things access.. { List <JournalEntry> list = new List <JournalEntry>(); while (list.Count < 1000 && reader.Read()) { JournalEntry sys = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(reader); sys.beta = tlus.ContainsKey(sys.TLUId) ? tlus[sys.TLUId].Beta : false; list.Add(sys); } return(list); }); entries.AddRange(retlist); }while (retlist != null && retlist.Count != 0); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Getall Exception " + ex); } finally { if (reader != null || cmd != null) { UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { reader?.Close(); cmd?.Dispose(); }); } } return(entries); }
public static HistoryList LoadHistory(EDJournalClass journalmonitor, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> reportProgress, string NetLogPath = null, bool ForceNetLogReload = false, bool ForceJournalReload = false, bool CheckEdsm = false, int CurrentCommander = Int32.MinValue, bool Keepuievents = true) { HistoryList hist = new HistoryList(); EDCommander cmdr = null; if (CurrentCommander >= 0) { cmdr = EDCommander.GetCommander(CurrentCommander); journalmonitor.ParseJournalFiles(() => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), forceReload: ForceJournalReload); // Parse files stop monitor.. if (NetLogPath != null) { string errstr = null; NetLogClass.ParseFiles(NetLogPath, out errstr, EliteConfigInstance.InstanceConfig.DefaultMapColour, () => cancelRequested(), (p, s) => reportProgress(p, s), ForceNetLogReload, currentcmdrid: CurrentCommander); } } reportProgress(-1, "Resolving systems"); List <JournalEntry> jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander).OrderBy(x => x.EventTimeUTC).ThenBy(x => x.Id).ToList(); List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> > jlistUpdated = new List <Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> >(); using (SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = new SQLiteConnectionSystem()) { HistoryEntry prev = null; foreach (JournalEntry inje in jlist) { foreach (JournalEntry je in hist.ProcessJournalEntry(inje)) // pass thru the repeat remover.. { if (je.IsUIEvent && !Keepuievents) // filter out any UI events { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Filter out " + je.EventTypeStr + " on " + je.EventTimeLocal.ToString()); continue; } bool journalupdate = false; HistoryEntry he = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, prev, CheckEdsm, out journalupdate, conn, cmdr); prev = he; hist.historylist.Add(he); if (journalupdate) { jlistUpdated.Add(new Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry>(je, he)); } } } } if (jlistUpdated.Count > 0) { reportProgress(-1, "Updating journal entries"); using (SQLiteConnectionUser conn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { using (DbTransaction txn = conn.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (Tuple <JournalEntry, HistoryEntry> jehe in jlistUpdated) { JournalEntry je = jehe.Item1; HistoryEntry he = jehe.Item2; JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; if (jfsd != null) { JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(jfsd.Id, he.System, !jfsd.HasCoordinate && he.System.HasCoordinate, jfsd.JumpDist, conn, txn); } } txn.Commit(); } } } // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander; hist.ProcessUserHistoryListEntries(h => h.ToList()); // here, we update the DBs in HistoryEntry and any global DBs in historylist hist.SendEDSMStatusInfo(hist.GetLast, true); return(hist); }
public void ParseJournalFiles(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false) { // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("PJF", true), "Scanned " + WatcherFolder); Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => (t.type & TravelLogUnit.TypeMask) == TravelLogUnit.JournalType).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name); // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(WatcherFolder, journalfilematch, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray(); List <EDJournalReader> readersToUpdate = new List <EDJournalReader>(); for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++) { FileInfo fi = allFiles[i]; var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits); // open it if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name)) { m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit; reader.TravelLogUnit.type = TravelLogUnit.JournalType; reader.TravelLogUnit.Add(); } if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name)) { netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader; } if (forceReload) { // Force a reload of the travel log reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0; } if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1) // File not already in DB, or is the last one { readersToUpdate.Add(reader); } } //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("PJF"), "Ready to update"); for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++) { EDJournalReader reader = readersToUpdate[i]; updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("PJF"), i + " read "); reader.ReadJournal(out List <JournalReaderEntry> entries, out List <UIEvent> uievents, historyrefreshparsing: true, resetOnError: true); // this may create new commanders, and may write to the TLU db UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { if (entries.Count > 0) { ILookup <DateTime, JournalEntry> existing = JournalEntry.GetAllByTLU(, cn.Connection).ToLookup(e => e.EventTimeUTC); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap("PJF"), i + " into db"); using (DbTransaction tn = cn.Connection.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in entries) { if (!existing[jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC].Any(e => JournalEntry.AreSameEntry(jre.JournalEntry, e, cn.Connection, ent1jo: jre.Json))) { jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn.Connection, tn); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Write Journal to db {0} {1}", jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC, jre.JournalEntry.EventTypeStr)); } } tn.Commit(); } } reader.TravelLogUnit.Update(cn.Connection); updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name); lastnfi = reader; }); } updateProgress(-1, ""); }
public IEnumerable <JObject> ReadSystems(Func <bool> cancelRequested = null, int cmdrid = -1) { if (cancelRequested == null) { cancelRequested = () => false; } if (cmdrid < 0) { cmdrid = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID; } JournalLocOrJump last = null; long startpos = filePos; if (TimeZone == null) { if (!ReadHeader()) // may be empty if we read it too fast.. don't worry, monitor will pick it up { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("File was empty (for now) " + FileName); yield break; } } JObject jo; JournalLocOrJump je; using (Stream stream = File.Open(this.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ReadData " + FileName + " from " + startpos + " to " + filePos); while (!cancelRequested() && ReadNetLogSystem(out jo, out je, cancelRequested, stream)) { if (last == null) { if (systems.Count == 0) { last = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalLocOrJump>(cmdrid, je.EventTimeUTC); } else { last = systems[systems.Count - 1]; } } if (last != null && je.StarSystem.Equals(last.StarSystem, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && (!je.HasCoordinate || !last.HasCoordinate || (je.StarPos - last.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.001)) { continue; } if (je.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(gammastart).TotalMinutes > 0) // Ta bara med efter gamma. { systems.Add(je); yield return(jo); last = je; } } } if (startpos != filePos) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Parse ReadData " + FileName + " from " + startpos + " to " + filePos); } }
public static HistoryEntry FromJournalEntry(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, bool checkedsm, out bool journalupdate, SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = null, EDCommander cmdr = null) { ISystem isys = prev == null ? new SystemClassDB("Unknown") : prev.System; int indexno = prev == null ? 1 : prev.Indexno + 1; int mapcolour = 0; journalupdate = false; bool starposfromedsm = false; bool firstdiscover = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location || je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { JournalLocOrJump jl = je as JournalLocOrJump; JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; ISystem newsys; if (jl.HasCoordinate) // LAZY LOAD IF it has a co-ord.. the front end will when it needs it { newsys = new SystemClassDB(jl.StarSystem, jl.StarPos.X, jl.StarPos.Y, jl.StarPos.Z); newsys.id_edsm = jl.EdsmID < 0 ? 0 : jl.EdsmID; // pass across the EDSMID for the lazy load process. if (jfsd != null && jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate) // if we don't have a jump distance (pre 2.2) but the last sys does have pos, we can compute distance and update entry { jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClassDB.Distance(isys, newsys); // fill it out here journalupdate = true; } } else { // Default one newsys = new SystemClassDB(jl.StarSystem); newsys.id_edsm = jl.EdsmID; if (checkedsm) // see if we can find the right system { SystemClassDB s = SystemClassDB.FindEDSM(newsys, conn); // has no co-ord, did we find it? if (s != null) // yes, use, and update the journal with the esdmid, and also the position if we have a co-ord { // so next time we don't have to do this again.. if (jl.HasCoordinate) { s.x = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.X * 32.0) / 32.0; s.y = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Y * 32.0) / 32.0; s.z = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Z * 32.0) / 32.0; } newsys = s; if (jfsd != null && jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && newsys.HasCoordinate && isys.HasCoordinate) // if we don't have a jump distance (pre 2.2) but the last sys does, we can compute { jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClassDB.Distance(isys, newsys); // fill it out here. EDSM systems always have co-ords, but we should check anyway journalupdate = true; } if (jl.EdsmID <= 0 && newsys.id_edsm > 0) { journalupdate = true; } } } } if (jfsd != null) { if (jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate && newsys.HasCoordinate) // if no JDist, its a really old entry, and if previous has a co-ord { jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClassDB.Distance(isys, newsys); // fill it out here journalupdate = true; } mapcolour = jfsd.MapColor; } isys = newsys; starposfromedsm = jl.HasCoordinate ? jl.StarPosFromEDSM : newsys.HasCoordinate; firstdiscover = jl.EDSMFirstDiscover; } string summary, info, detailed; je.FillInformation(out summary, out info, out detailed); HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry { Indexno = indexno, EntryType = je.EventTypeID, Journalid = je.Id, journalEntry = je, System = isys, EventTimeUTC = je.EventTimeUTC, MapColour = mapcolour, EdsmSync = je.SyncedEDSM, EDDNSync = je.SyncedEDDN, EGOSync = je.SyncedEGO, StartMarker = je.StartMarker, StopMarker = je.StopMarker, EventSummary = summary, EventDescription = info, EventDetailedInfo = detailed, IsStarPosFromEDSM = starposfromedsm, IsEDSMFirstDiscover = firstdiscover, Commander = cmdr ?? EDCommander.GetCommander(je.CommanderId) }; // WORK out docked/landed state if (prev != null) { if (prev.docked.HasValue) // copy docked.. { he.docked = prev.docked; } if (prev.landed.HasValue) { he.landed = prev.landed; } he.shiptype = prev.shiptype; he.shipid = prev.shipid; he.whereami = prev.whereami; he.onCrewWithCaptain = prev.onCrewWithCaptain; he.gamemode = prev.gamemode; =; } if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location) { JournalLocation jl = je as JournalLocation; he.docked = jl.Docked; he.whereami = jl.Docked ? jl.StationName : jl.Body; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked) { JournalDocked jl = je as JournalDocked; he.docked = true; he.whereami = jl.StationName; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Undocked) { he.docked = false; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Touchdown) { he.landed = true; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Liftoff) { he.landed = false; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseEntry) { he.whereami = (je as JournalSupercruiseEntry).StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.SupercruiseExit) { he.whereami = (je as JournalSupercruiseExit).Body; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { he.whereami = (je as JournalFSDJump).StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { JournalLoadGame jl = je as JournalLoadGame; he.onCrewWithCaptain = null; // can't be in a crew at this point he.gamemode = jl.GameMode; // set game mode = jl.Group; // and group, may be empty he.landed = jl.StartLanded; if (jl.Ship.IndexOf("buggy", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1) // load game with buggy, can't tell what ship we get back into, so ignore { he.shiptype = (je as JournalLoadGame).Ship; he.shipid = (je as JournalLoadGame).ShipId; } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardBuy) // BUY does not have ship id, but the new entry will that is written later - journals 8.34 { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardBuy).ShipType; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardNew) { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardNew).ShipType; he.shipid = (je as JournalShipyardNew).ShipId; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipyardSwap) { he.shiptype = (je as JournalShipyardSwap).ShipType; he.shipid = (je as JournalShipyardSwap).ShipId; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.JoinACrew) { he.onCrewWithCaptain = (je as JournalJoinACrew).Captain; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.QuitACrew) { he.onCrewWithCaptain = null; } if (prev != null && prev.travelling) // if we are travelling.. { he.travelled_distance = prev.travelled_distance; he.travelled_missingjump = prev.travelled_missingjump; he.travelled_jumps = prev.travelled_jumps; if (he.IsFSDJump && !he.MultiPlayer) // if jump, and not multiplayer.. { double dist = ((JournalFSDJump)je).JumpDist; if (dist <= 0) { he.travelled_missingjump++; } else { he.travelled_distance += dist; he.travelled_jumps++; } } he.travelled_seconds = prev.travelled_seconds; TimeSpan diff = he.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(prev.EventTimeUTC); if (he.EntryType != JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame && diff < new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0)) // time between last entry and load game is not real time { he.travelled_seconds += diff; } if (he.StopMarker || he.StartMarker) { //Debug.WriteLine("Travelling stop at " + he.Indexno); he.travelling = false; he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelled " + he.travelled_distance.ToStringInvariant("0.0") + " LY" + ", " + he.travelled_jumps + " jumps" + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? ", " + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps" : "") + ", time " + he.travelled_seconds; he.travelled_distance = 0; he.travelled_seconds = new TimeSpan(0); } else { he.travelling = true; if (he.IsFSDJump) { he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelling" + " distance " + he.travelled_distance.ToString("0.0") + " LY" + ", " + he.travelled_jumps + " jumps" + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? ", " + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps" : "") + ", time " + he.travelled_seconds; } } } if (he.StartMarker) { //Debug.WriteLine("Travelling start at " + he.Indexno); he.travelling = true; } return(he); }
// History load system, read DB for entries and make a history up public static HistoryList LoadHistory(Action <string> reportProgress, int CurrentCommander, int fullhistoryloaddaylimit, string essentialitems ) { HistoryList hist = new HistoryList(); Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL", true).Item1 + " History Load"); reportProgress("Reading Database"); List <JournalEntry> jlist; // returned in date ascending, oldest first order. if (fullhistoryloaddaylimit > 0) { var list = (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.JumpScanEssentialEvents : (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.JumpEssentialEvents : (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.NoEssentialEvents : (essentialitems == nameof(JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents)) ? JournalEssentialEvents.FullStatsEssentialEvents : JournalEssentialEvents.EssentialEvents; jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander, ids: list, allidsafterutc: DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(fullhistoryloaddaylimit, 0, 0, 0)) ); } else { jlist = JournalEntry.GetAll(CurrentCommander); } Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL").Item1 + " Journals read from DB"); reportProgress("Creating History"); hist.hlastprocessed = null; foreach (JournalEntry je in jlist) { if (MergeOrDiscardEntries(hist.hlastprocessed?.journalEntry, je)) // if we merge, don't store into HE { continue; } // Clean up "UnKnown" systems from EDSM log if (je is JournalFSDJump && ((JournalFSDJump)je).StarSystem == "UnKnown") { JournalEntry.Delete(je.Id); continue; } HistoryEntry he = HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, hist.hlastprocessed); // create entry he.UpdateMaterialsCommodities(hist.MaterialCommoditiesMicroResources.Process(je, hist.hlastprocessed?.journalEntry, he.Status.TravelState == HistoryEntryStatus.TravelStateType.SRV)); // IN THIS order, so suits can be added, then weapons, then loadouts he.UpdateSuits(hist.SuitList.Process(je, he.WhereAmI, he.System)); he.UpdateWeapons(hist.WeaponList.Process(je, he.WhereAmI, he.System)); // update the entries in suit entry list he.UpdateLoadouts(hist.SuitLoadoutList.Process(je, hist.WeaponList, he.WhereAmI, he.System)); he.UpdateStats(je, hist.statisticsaccumulator, he.StationFaction); he.UpdateSystemNote(); hist.CashLedger.Process(je); // update the ledger he.Credits = hist.CashLedger.CashTotal; hist.Shipyards.Process(je); hist.Outfitting.Process(je); Tuple <ShipInformation, ModulesInStore> ret = hist.ShipInformationList.Process(je, he.WhereAmI, he.System); // the ships he.UpdateShipInformation(ret.Item1); he.UpdateShipStoredModules(ret.Item2); he.UpdateMissionList(hist.MissionListAccumulator.Process(je, he.System, he.WhereAmI)); hist.hlastprocessed = he; var reorderlist = hist.ReorderRemove(he); foreach (var heh in reorderlist.EmptyIfNull()) { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" ++ {0} {1}", heh.EventTimeUTC.ToString(), heh.EntryType); heh.Index = hist.historylist.Count; // store its index for quick ordering, after all removal etc hist.historylist.Add(heh); // then add to history hist.AddToVisitsScan(null); // add to scan database but don't complain } } Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL").Item1 + " History List Created"); foreach (var s in hist.StarScan.ToProcess) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("StarScan could not find " + s.Item2.SystemAddress + " at " + s.Item1.EventTimeUTC); } //for (int i = hist.Count - 10; i < hist.Count; i++) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Hist {0} {1} {2}", hist[i].EventTimeUTC, hist[i].Indexno , hist[i].EventSummary); // now database has been updated due to initial fill, now fill in stuff which needs the user database Trace.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLapDelta("HLL").Item1 + " Anaylsis End"); hist.CommanderId = CurrentCommander; #if LISTSCANS { using (var fileout = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\code\scans.csv")) { fileout.WriteLine($"System,0,fullname,ownname,customname,bodyname,bodydesignation, bodyid,parentlist"); foreach (var sn in hist.StarScan.ScansSortedByName()) { foreach (var body in sn.Bodies) { string pl = body.ScanData?.ParentList(); fileout.WriteLine($"{sn.System.Name},0, {body.FullName},{body.OwnName},{body.CustomName},{body.ScanData?.BodyName},{body.ScanData?.BodyDesignation},{body.BodyID},{pl}"); } } } } #endif return(hist); }
public static HistoryEntry FromJournalEntry(JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, bool checkdbforunknownsystem, out bool journalupdate) { ISystem isys = prev == null ? new SystemClass("Unknown") : prev.System; int indexno = prev == null ? 1 : prev.Indexno + 1; journalupdate = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location || je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { JournalLocOrJump jl = je as JournalLocOrJump; ISystem newsys; if (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) // LAZY LOAD IF it has a co-ord.. the front end will when it needs it { newsys = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem, jl.StarPos.X, jl.StarPos.Y, jl.StarPos.Z) { EDSMID = jl.EdsmID < 0 ? 0 : jl.EdsmID, // pass across the EDSMID for the lazy load process. SystemAddress = jl.SystemAddress, Population = jl.Population ?? 0, Faction = jl.Faction, Government = jl.EDGovernment, Allegiance = jl.EDAllegiance, State = jl.EDState, Security = jl.EDSecurity, PrimaryEconomy = jl.EDEconomy, Power = jl.PowerList, PowerState = jl.PowerplayState, source = jl.StarPosFromEDSM ? SystemSource.FromEDSM : SystemSource.FromJournal, }; SystemCache.FindCachedJournalSystem(newsys); // If it was a new system, pass the coords back to the StartJump if (prev != null && prev.journalEntry is JournalStartJump) { prev.System = newsys; // give the previous startjump our system.. } } else { // NOTE Rob: 09-JAN-2018 I've removed the Jumpstart looking up a system by name since they were using up lots of lookup time during history reading. // This is used for pre 2.2 systems without co-ords, which now should be limited. // JumpStart still gets the system when the FSD loc is processed, see above. // Jumpstart was also screwing about with the EDSM ID fill in which was broken. This is now working again. // Default one newsys = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem); // this will be a synthesised one, unless we find an EDSM to replace it newsys.EDSMID = je.EdsmID; ISystem s = checkdbforunknownsystem ? SystemCache.FindSystem(newsys) : null; // did we find it? if (s != null) // found a system.. { if (jl != null && jl.HasCoordinate) // if journal Loc, and journal has a star position, use that instead of EDSM.. { s.X = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.X * 32.0) / 32.0; s.Y = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Y * 32.0) / 32.0; s.Z = Math.Round(jl.StarPos.Z * 32.0) / 32.0; } //Debug.WriteLine("HistoryList found system {0} {1}", s.id_edsm,; newsys = s; if (jl != null && je.EdsmID <= 0 && newsys.EDSMID > 0) // only update on a JL.. { journalupdate = true; Debug.WriteLine("HE EDSM ID update requested {0} {1}", newsys.EDSMID, newsys.Name); } } else { newsys.EDSMID = -1; // mark as checked but not found } } JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as JournalFSDJump; if (jfsd != null) { if (jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate && newsys.HasCoordinate) // if no JDist, its a really old entry, and if previous has a co-ord { jfsd.JumpDist = isys.Distance(newsys); // fill it out here if (jfsd.JumpDist > 0) { journalupdate = true; Debug.WriteLine("Je Jump distance update(3) requested {0} {1} {2}", newsys.EDSMID, newsys.Name, jfsd.JumpDist); } } } isys = newsys; } HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry { Indexno = indexno, journalEntry = je, System = isys, EntryStatus = HistoryEntryStatus.Update(prev?.EntryStatus, je, isys.Name) }; he.TravelStatus = HistoryTravelStatus.Update(prev?.TravelStatus, prev, he); // need a real he so can't do that as part of the constructor. return(he); }
// this allows entries to be merged or discarded before any processing // true if to discard public static bool MergeOrDiscardEntries(JournalEntry prev, JournalEntry je) { if (prev != null && !EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.DisableMerge) { bool prevsame = je.EventTypeID == prev.EventTypeID; if (prevsame) { if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FuelScoop) // merge scoops { EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFuelScoop jfs = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFuelScoop; EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFuelScoop jfsprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFuelScoop; jfsprev.Scooped += jfs.Scooped; jfsprev.Total = jfs.Total; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Merge FS " + jfsprev.EventTimeUTC); return(true); } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Friends) // merge friends { EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFriends jfprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFriends; EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFriends jf = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFriends; jfprev.AddFriend(jf); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Merge Friends " + jfprev.EventTimeUTC + " " + jfprev.NameList.Count); return(true); } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSSSignalDiscovered) { var jdprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSSSignalDiscovered; var jd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSSSignalDiscovered; jdprev.Add(jd); return(true); } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ShipTargeted) { var jdprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalShipTargeted; var jd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalShipTargeted; jdprev.Add(jd); return(true); } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.UnderAttack) { var jdprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalUnderAttack; var jd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalUnderAttack; jdprev.Add(jd.Target); return(true); } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.ReceiveText) { var jdprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalReceiveText; var jd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalReceiveText; // merge if same channel if (jd.Channel == jdprev.Channel) { jdprev.Add(jd); return(true); } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSSAllBodiesFound) { var jdprev = prev as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSSAllBodiesFound; var jd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSSAllBodiesFound; // throw away if same.. if (jdprev.SystemName == jd.SystemName && jdprev.Count == jd.Count) // if same, we just waste the repeater, ED sometimes spews out multiples { return(true); } } } } return(false); }
static public List <JournalEntry> GetAll(int commander = -999, DateTime?after = null, DateTime?before = null, JournalTypeEnum[] ids = null, DateTime?allidsafter = null) { Dictionary <long, TravelLogUnit> tlus = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().ToDictionary(t =>; DbCommand cmd = null; DbDataReader reader = null; List <JournalEntry> entries = new List <JournalEntry>(); try { cmd = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => cn.Connection.CreateCommand("select * from JournalEntries")); reader = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { string cnd = ""; if (commander != -999) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("CommanderID = @commander", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@commander", commander); } if (after != null) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTime >= @after", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@after", after.Value); } if (before != null) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTime <= @before", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@before", before.Value); } if (ids != null) { int[] array = Array.ConvertAll(ids, x => (int)x); if (allidsafter != null) { cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@idafter", allidsafter.Value); cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("(EventTypeId in (" + string.Join(",", array) + ") Or EventTime>=@idafter)", " and "); } else { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTypeId in (" + string.Join(",", array) + ")", " and "); } } if (cnd.HasChars()) { cmd.CommandText += " where " + cnd; } cmd.CommandText += " Order By EventTime ASC"; return(cmd.ExecuteReader()); }); List <JournalEntry> retlist = null; do { retlist = UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { List <JournalEntry> list = new List <JournalEntry>(); while (list.Count < 1000 && reader.Read()) { JournalEntry sys = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(reader); sys.beta = tlus.ContainsKey(sys.TLUId) ? tlus[sys.TLUId].Beta : false; list.Add(sys); } return(list); }); entries.AddRange(retlist); }while (retlist != null && retlist.Count != 0); return(entries); } finally { if (reader != null || cmd != null) { UserDatabase.Instance.ExecuteWithDatabase(cn => { reader?.Close(); cmd?.Dispose(); }); } } }
// inhistoryrefreshparse = means reading history in batch mode private JournalReaderEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool inhistoryrefreshparse, bool resetOnError) { int cmdrid = -2; //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue) { cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value; // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name)); } if (line.Length == 0) { return(null); } JObject jo = null; JournalEntry je = null; try { jo = JObject.Parse(line); je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(jo); } catch { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}"); if (resetOnError) { throw; } else { return(null); } } if (je == null) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}"); return(null); } if (StoreJsonInJE) { je.JsonCached = jo; } bool toosoon = false; if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader) { JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je; if ((header.Beta && !EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.DisableBetaCommanderCheck) || EliteConfigInstance.InstanceOptions.ForceBetaOnCommander) // if beta, and not disabled, or force beta { TravelLogUnit.type |= TravelLogUnit.BetaMarker; } if (header.Part > 1) { JournalEvents.JournalContinued contd = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalEvents.JournalContinued>(je.EventTimeUTC.AddSeconds(1), e => e.Part == header.Part); // Carry commander over from previous log if it ends with a Continued event. if (contd != null && Math.Abs(header.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(contd.EventTimeUTC).TotalSeconds) < 5 && contd.CommanderId >= 0) { TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = contd.CommanderId; } } } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame) { var jlg = je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame; string newname = jlg.LoadGameCommander; if ((TravelLogUnit.type & TravelLogUnit.BetaMarker) == TravelLogUnit.BetaMarker) { newname = "[BETA] " + newname; } EDCommander commander = EDCommander.GetCommander(newname); if (commander == null) { // in the default condition, we have a hidden commander, and first Cmdr. Jameson. commander = EDCommander.GetListCommanders().FirstOrDefault(); if (EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders == 2 && commander != null && commander.Name == "Jameson (Default)") { commander.Name = newname; commander.EdsmName = newname; EDCommander.Update(new List <EDCommander> { commander }, false); } else { commander = EDCommander.Create(newname, null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path); } } commander.FID = jlg.FID; cmdrid = commander.Nr; if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue) { TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid; TravelLogUnit.Update(); // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid)); } } else if (je is ISystemStationEntry && ((ISystemStationEntry)je).IsTrainingEvent) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Training detected:\n{line}"); return(null); } if (je is IAdditionalFiles) { if ((je as IAdditionalFiles).ReadAdditionalFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), inhistoryrefreshparse, ref jo) == false) // if failed { return(null); } } if (je is JournalEvents.JournalShipyard) // when going into shipyard { toosoon = lastshipyard != null && lastshipyard.Yard.Equals((je as JournalEvents.JournalShipyard).Yard); lastshipyard = je as JournalEvents.JournalShipyard; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips) // when going into shipyard { toosoon = laststoredships != null && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredships.ShipsHere, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips).ShipsHere) && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredships.ShipsRemote, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips).ShipsRemote); laststoredships = je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredShips; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules) // when going into outfitting { toosoon = laststoredmodules != null && CollectionStaticHelpers.Equals(laststoredmodules.ModuleItems, (je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules).ModuleItems); laststoredmodules = je as JournalEvents.JournalStoredModules; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting) // when doing into outfitting { toosoon = lastoutfitting != null && lastoutfitting.ItemList.Equals((je as JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting).ItemList); lastoutfitting = je as JournalEvents.JournalOutfitting; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalMarket) { toosoon = lastmarket != null && lastmarket.Equals(je as JournalEvents.JournalMarket); lastmarket = je as JournalEvents.JournalMarket; } else if (je is JournalEvents.JournalUndocked || je is JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame) // undocked, Load Game, repeats are cleared { lastshipyard = null; laststoredmodules = null; lastoutfitting = null; laststoredmodules = null; laststoredships = null; } if (toosoon) // if seeing repeats, remove { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("**** Remove as dup " + je.EventTypeStr); return(null); } je.SetTLUCommander(, cmdrid); return(new JournalReaderEntry { JournalEntry = je, Json = jo }); }
public void ParseJournalFiles(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Scanned " + m_watcherfolder); Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => (t.type & 0xFF) == 3).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name); // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_watcherfolder, "Journal*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray(); List <EDJournalReader> readersToUpdate = new List <EDJournalReader>(); for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++) { FileInfo fi = allFiles[i]; var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits); if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name)) { m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit; reader.TravelLogUnit.type = 3; reader.TravelLogUnit.Add(); } if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name)) { netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader; } if (forceReload) { // Force a reload of the travel log reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0; } if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1) // File not already in DB, or is the last one { readersToUpdate.Add(reader); } } for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++) { using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { EDJournalReader reader = readersToUpdate[i]; updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name); List <JournalReaderEntry> entries = reader.ReadJournalLog(true).ToList(); // this may create new commanders, and may write to the TLU db ILookup <DateTime, JournalEntry> existing = JournalEntry.GetAllByTLU( => e.EventTimeUTC); using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction()) { foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in entries) { if (!existing[jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC].Any(e => JournalEntry.AreSameEntry(jre.JournalEntry, e, ent1jo: jre.Json))) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Write Journal to db {0} {1}", jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC, jre.JournalEntry.EventTypeStr)); jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn, tn); } } tn.Commit(); } reader.TravelLogUnit.Update(cn); updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name); lastnfi = reader; } } updateProgress(-1, ""); }
static public List <JournalEntry> GetAll(int commander = -999, DateTime?after = null, DateTime?before = null, JournalTypeEnum[] ids = null, DateTime?allidsafter = null) { Dictionary <long, TravelLogUnit> tlus = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().ToDictionary(t =>; List <JournalEntry> list = new List <JournalEntry>(); using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true)) { using (DbCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand("select * from JournalEntries")) { string cnd = ""; if (commander != -999) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("CommanderID = @commander", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@commander", commander); } if (after != null) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTime >= @after", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@after", after.Value); } if (before != null) { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTime <= @before", " and "); cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@before", before.Value); } if (ids != null) { int[] array = Array.ConvertAll(ids, x => (int)x); if (allidsafter != null) { cmd.AddParameterWithValue("@idafter", allidsafter.Value); cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("(EventTypeId in (" + string.Join(",", array) + ") Or EventTime>=@idafter)", " and "); } else { cnd = cnd.AppendPrePad("EventTypeId in (" + string.Join(",", array) + ")", " and "); } } if (cnd.HasChars()) { cmd.CommandText += " where " + cnd; } cmd.CommandText += " Order By EventTime ASC"; using (DbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { JournalEntry sys = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(reader); sys.beta = tlus.ContainsKey(sys.TLUId) ? tlus[sys.TLUId].Beta : false; list.Add(sys); } } return(list); } } }