public Task <TResponse> GlobalCheckpointsAsync <TResponse>(string index, GlobalCheckpointsRequestParameters requestParameters = null, CancellationToken ctx = default)
     where TResponse : class, ITransportResponse, new() => DoRequestAsync <TResponse>(GET, Url($"{index:index}/_fleet/global_checkpoints"), ctx, null, RequestParams(requestParameters));
 ///<summary>GET on /{index}/_fleet/global_checkpoints</summary>
 ///<param name = "index">The name of the index.</param>
 ///<param name = "requestParameters">Request specific configuration such as querystring parameters &amp; request specific connection settings.</param>
 ///<remarks>Note: Experimental within the Elasticsearch server, this functionality is Experimental and may be changed or removed completely in a future release. Elastic will take a best effort approach to fix any issues, but experimental features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. This functionality is subject to potential breaking changes within a minor version, meaning that your referencing code may break when this library is upgraded.</remarks>
 public TResponse GlobalCheckpoints <TResponse>(string index, GlobalCheckpointsRequestParameters requestParameters = null)
     where TResponse : class, ITransportResponse, new() => DoRequest <TResponse>(GET, Url($"{index:index}/_fleet/global_checkpoints"), null, RequestParams(requestParameters));