public void CanScanDiceGames() { var client = new ElasticSearchClient("", 9500, TransportType.Thrift); var startDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-10).ToString("o"); var endDate = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o"); var lastTurnDate = new RangeQuery("LastTurnDate", startDate, endDate, true, true); var results = client.Scan<GameDataForList>("dice", new[] {"gameindex"}, lastTurnDate, null, 10, "1m"); int i = 0; foreach (var result in results) { i++; Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i, result.GameId); Assert.IsNotNull(result.GameId); if(i == 100) { return; } } }
public void TestCreateParentChildType() { var index = "index_test_parent_child_type"; var parentType = new TypeSetting("blog"); parentType.AddStringField("title"); var client = new ElasticSearchClient("localhost"); client.CreateIndex(index); var op= client.PutMapping(index, parentType); Assert.AreEqual(true,op.Acknowledged); var childType = new TypeSetting("comment",parentType); childType.AddStringField("comments"); op=client.PutMapping(index,childType); Assert.AreEqual(true, op.Acknowledged); var mapping=client.GetMapping(index, "comment"); Assert.True(mapping.IndexOf("_parent")>0); client.DeleteIndex(index); }
public void SimpleTests() { var indexName = "myindex_" + Guid.NewGuid(); var indexType = "type"; var client = new ElasticSearchClient("localhost"); var result = client.Index(indexName, indexType, "testkey", "{\"a\":\"b\",\"c\":\"d\"}"); Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Success); client.Refresh(indexName); var doc = client.Search(indexName, indexType, "c:d"); Console.WriteLine(doc.Response); Assert.AreEqual(1, doc.GetHits().Hits.Count); Assert.AreEqual("b", doc.GetHits().Hits[0].Source["a"]); client.Delete(indexName, indexType, "testkey"); client.Refresh(indexName); var doc1 = client.Get(indexName, indexType, "testkey"); Assert.AreEqual(null,doc1); client.DeleteIndex(indexName); }
public AnalyzeTest(ElasticSearchClient currentElasticSearchInstance, string indexName) { InitializeComponent(); this.currentElasticSearchInstance = currentElasticSearchInstance; this.indexName = indexName; this.button1.Visible = false; }
public void TestBulk() { var client = new ElasticSearchClient("localhost"); var fields = new Dictionary<string, object>(); fields.Add("name", "jack"); fields.Add("age", 25); var index = "index_123123123121"; try { client.DeleteIndex(index); client.CreateIndex(index); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } var result = client.Bulk(new List<BulkObject>() { new BulkObject() { Id = "1", Index = index, Type = "type", Fields = fields }, new BulkObject() { Id = "2", Index = index, Type = "type", Fields = fields }, new BulkObject() { Id = "3", Index = index, Type = "type", Fields = fields } }); Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Success); client.Refresh(); var c = client.Count(index, "type", "age:25"); Assert.AreEqual(3, c); result = client.Delete(index, "type", new string[] { "1", "2", "3" }); Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Success); result=client.DeleteIndex(index); Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Success); }
public void TestDynamicUserClusters() { ElasticSearchClient client = new ElasticSearchClient("", 9200, TransportType.Http); List<string> indices= client.GetIndices(); client=new ElasticSearchClient("",9500,TransportType.Thrift,true); indices= client.GetIndices(); }
public PostMapping(ElasticSearchClient currentElasticSearchInstance, string index, string type) { InitializeComponent(); jsonViewer = new JsonViewer(); jsonViewer.ShowTab(Tabs.Viewer); jsonViewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; panel2.Controls.Add(jsonViewer); textBox1.Text = index; textBox2.Text = type; this.currentElasticSearchInstance = currentElasticSearchInstance; }
public void CanIndexGetGemsGame() { var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var client = new ElasticSearchClient("", 9500, TransportType.Thrift); var data = new Dictionary<string, object> {{"GameId", "asdf"}}; var bulkObject = new BulkObject("gems","gameindex" , id, data); client.Bulk(new List<BulkObject> {bulkObject}); var loaded = client.Get("gems", "gameindex", id); Assert.IsNotNull(loaded); Assert.IsNotNull(loaded.GetFields()); Assert.AreEqual("asdf", loaded.GetFields()["GameId"]); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var client = new ElasticSearchClient("",9500,TransportType.Thrift); int failure = 0; var data = "{\"book\": \"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\"" + ",\"id\":"+1+ ",\"chapter\": \"Chapter 11\",\"text1\": \"All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done.\"}"; client.Index("benchmark_test", "default", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), data); int count = int.Parse(args[0]); var begin = DateTime.Now; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { data = "{\"book\": \"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\"" + ",\"id\":" + i + ",\"chapter\": \"Chapter 11\",\"text1\": \"All the doors in this spaceship have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done.\"}"; client.Index("benchmark_test", "default", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), data); var response = client.Index("benchmark_test", "default", Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), data); if (!response.Success) { failure++; } } var end = DateTime.Now; var timespan = end - begin; var avg = timespan.TotalMilliseconds / count; Console.WriteLine("iteration:{0},failure:{3},elapsed time:{1},avg time:{2}ms", count, timespan, avg, failure); client.DeleteIndex("benchmark_test"); Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . . "); Console.ReadKey(true); }
private void InitTree(string clusterName, ElasticSearchClient instance) { var model = new TreeModel(); if (instance != null) { var indices = instance.Status(); if(indices==null){throw new ServerException("can't connect to server");} currentCluster = clusterName; currentElasticSearchInstance = instance; var node = new ElasticNode(clusterName); model.Root.Nodes.Add(node); var sortedIndices = indices.IndexStatus.OrderBy(d => d.Key); foreach (var index in sortedIndices) { var tempNode = new ElasticNode(string.Format("{0} ({1})", index.Key, index.Value.DocStatus.NumDocs)); tempNode.ElasticSearchInstance = instance; tempNode.Tag = index; tempNode.IndexName = index.Key; tempNode.IndexStatus = index.Value; node.Nodes.Add(tempNode); } } treeViewAdv1.Model = model; treeViewAdv1.Refresh(); }
private void connectToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (toolStripComboBox1.Text != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolStripComboBox1.Text)) { string clusterName = toolStripComboBox1.Text; var srcClient = new ElasticSearchClient(clusterName); InitTree(clusterName, srcClient); } }
/// <summary> /// reload tree /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void aDDToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (connect.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var srcClient = new ElasticSearchClient(connect.Host, connect.Port, connect.Type); var cluster = string.Format("{0}:{1}", connect.Host, connect.Port); InitTree(cluster, srcClient); //DuplicateCheck(); } }
private void IndexTransfer(string index, string toIndex, int from, int limit, int bulkSize, ElasticSearchClient srcClient, ElasticSearchClient descClient, bool complicatedSource,bool resolveTenant,bool showLog) { var docs = srcClient.Search(index, "*", from, limit, "_id:asc"); WriteLog("Search:{0},{1},{2}", index, from, limit); int i = 0; var bulkObjects = new List<BulkObject>(); if(complicatedSource) { //complicated object if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docs.Response)) { var obj = JObject.Parse(docs.Response); var hits = obj["hits"]["hits"]; foreach (var hit in hits) { var source = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)(hit["_source"])).ToString().Replace("\r\n",string.Empty);// hit["_source"].Value<string>(); var _type = hit["_type"].Value<string>(); var _id = hit["_id"].Value<string>(); i++; if(showLog) { WriteLog("curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/{0}/{1}/{2} -d'{3}'", toIndex, _type, _id, source); } bulkObjects.Add(new BulkObject(toIndex,_type, _id, source)); if (i > bulkSize) { descClient.Bulk(bulkObjects); bulkObjects.Clear(); i = 0; WriteLog("Buik Commit."); } } } } else { foreach (var variable in docs.GetHits().Hits) { #region logging // WriteLog("\tIndex:{0}", variable.Index); // WriteLog("\tType:{0}", variable.Type); // WriteLog("\tId:{0}", variable.Id); Dictionary<string, object> fields = variable.Fields; // WriteLog("\tTotalFieldsCount:{0}", fields.Count); #endregion #region // foreach (var VARIABLE in fields) // { //WriteLog(string.Format("\t\t{0}:{1}", VARIABLE.Key, VARIABLE.Value)); // } #endregion #region BulkInsert i++; bulkObjects.Add(new BulkObject( toIndex, variable.Type,variable.Id, fields)); if (i > bulkSize) { descClient.Bulk(bulkObjects); bulkObjects.Clear(); i = 0; WriteLog("Buik Commit."); } #endregion } } #region final cleanup if (i > 0) { descClient.Bulk(bulkObjects); WriteLog("Final Cleanup,{0}.", bulkObjects.Count); bulkObjects.Clear(); } #endregion }
private void ExportDataToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Connect connect = new Connect(); if (connect.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ElasticSearchClient descClient = new ElasticSearchClient(connect.Host, connect.Port, connect.Type); Export export = new Export(); if (export.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var toIndex = export.IndexName; var limit = export.LimitSize; var buffer = export.BufferSize; var bulkSize = export.BulkSize; var complicatedSource = export.ComplicatedSource; var resolveTenant = export.ResolveTenant; var showLog = export.ShowLog; var skipCount = export.SkipCount; foreach (var selectedNode in treeViewAdv1.SelectedNodes) { var elasticNode = ((ElasticNode)(selectedNode.Tag)); var index = elasticNode.IndexName; WriteLog("Export for: {0}", selectedNode.Tag); int bufferSize = buffer; int limitSize = limit; new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate() { try { var start = DateTime.Now; var total = elasticNode.ElasticSearchInstance.Count(index, "*"); if (limitSize > total) limitSize = total; if (bufferSize > limitSize) bufferSize = limitSize; WriteLog( "Transform Index : {0} To Index : {1},{2} Pending Docs", index, toIndex, limitSize); for (int i = skipCount; i < limitSize; i += bufferSize) { IndexTransfer(index, toIndex, i, bufferSize, bulkSize, elasticNode.ElasticSearchInstance, descClient, complicatedSource, resolveTenant, showLog); } WriteLog( "Index : {0} Transform Finished,Time Elapsed : {1}", index, DateTime.Now - start); }catch(Exception ex) { //todo } })).Start(); } } } }
public void TestBulkForFramdThrift() { var client = new ElasticSearchClient("localhost"); var fields = new Dictionary<string, object>(); fields.Add("name", "jack"); fields.Add("age", 25); var index = "index_bulk_framed"; try { client.DeleteIndex(index); client.CreateIndex(index); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } var jsondata = JsonSerializer.Get(fields); var result = client.Bulk(new List<BulkObject>() { new BulkObject() { Id = "1", Index = index, Type = "type", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "2", Index = index, Type = "type", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "3", Index = index, Type = "type", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "4", Index = index, Type = "type", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "5", Index = index, Type = "type",ParentId = "1", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "6", Index = index, Type = "type",ParentId = "1", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "7", Index = index, Type = "type",ParentId = "1", JsonData = jsondata }, new BulkObject() { Id = "8", Index = index, Type = "type",ParentId = "1", JsonData = jsondata }, }); Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Success); }
public void Setup() { client = new ElasticSearchClient("localhost"); }
public void Setup() { client=new ElasticSearchClient("localhost"); }
public void TestHighlight() { ElasticSearch.Client.ElasticSearchClient client=new ElasticSearchClient("localhost",9200,TransportType.Http); string indexName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); client.CreateIndex(indexName); TypeSetting type=new TypeSetting("type"); type.AddStringField("title").Analyzer = "whitespace"; type.AddStringField("snippet").Analyzer = "whitespace"; client.PutMapping(indexName, type); //index sample Dictionary<string, object> dict=new Dictionary<string, object>(); dict["title"] = "quick fox jump away"; dict["snippet"] = "quick fox jump away,where are you?"; client.Index(indexName, "type", "1", dict); dict=new Dictionary<string, object>(); dict["title"] = "fox river is nearby"; dict["snippet"] = "where is fox river,where is it?"; client.Index(indexName, "type", "2", dict); ElasticQuery query=new ElasticQuery( new QueryStringQuery("fox") .AddField("title",5) .AddField("snippet",5),null,0,5 ); query.AddHighlightField(new HightlightField("title")); query.AddHighlightField(new HightlightField("snippet")); client.Refresh(indexName); var result= client.Search(indexName, query); Console.Out.WriteLine(result.Query); Console.Out.WriteLine(result.Response); Console.Out.WriteLine("---"); HitStatus hits = result.GetHits(); if (hits != null) foreach (var o in hits.Hits) { foreach (var pair in o.Highlight) { Console.Out.WriteLine(pair.Key + ":"); foreach (var field in pair.Value) { Console.Out.WriteLine(field); } Console.Out.WriteLine(); } } client.DeleteIndex(indexName); }