private void tsbtnExportHigo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvwOrders.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "请选择需要导出的订单先.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = "Excel Files(*.xls)|*.xls|All Files(*.*)|*.*"; sfd.FileName = string.Format("buy{0}-dd.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); sfd.OverwritePrompt = true; if (DialogResult.OK == sfd.ShowDialog(this)) { string templateFilename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "template-higo.xls"); File.Copy(templateFilename, sfd.FileName); Egode.Excel excel = new Egode.Excel(sfd.FileName, Excel.OledbVersions.OLEDB40); foreach (DangdangOrderListViewItem item in lvwOrders.SelectedItems) { DangdangAddressParser ai = new DangdangAddressParser(item.Order.Address); //Trace.WriteLine(item.Order.Address); //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", ai.Province, ai.City, ai.District, ai.StreetAddress)); //Trace.WriteLine(string.Empty); //continue; object[] args = new object[] { "SAL06", "NBBLK", "邮政国内小包", item.Order.OrderId, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "否", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, item.Order.RecipientName, item.Order.Mobile, string.Empty, ai.Province, ai.City, ai.District, ai.StreetAddress, ProductInfo.GetProductByDangdangCode(item.Order.UniqueProductCode).NingboId, string.Empty, string.Empty, item.Order.ActualCount, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "否", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Format("{0},{1}", item.Order.RecipientName, item.Order.IdNumber), "支付宝", string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty }; excel.Insert("合作代发订单导入模板", string.Empty, args); } excel.Close(); } } finally { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }
private void tsbtnImportDangdangOrders_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lvwOrders.Items.Count > 0) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(this, "当前列表中的订单信息将会被清除.\n是否加载订单文件?", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (DialogResult.No == dr) { return; } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Excel Files(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|Excel Files 97-2003(*.xls)|*.xls|All Files(*.*)|*.*"; if (DialogResult.OK == ofd.ShowDialog(this)) { Egode.Excel excel = null; try { excel = new Egode.Excel(ofd.FileName, Excel.OledbVersions.OLEDB12); DataSet ds = excel.Get("Sheet0", string.Empty); lvwOrders.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 1; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; string orderId = row.ItemArray[1].ToString(); string sellerId = row.ItemArray[2].ToString(); string recipientName = row.ItemArray[3].ToString(); string idNumber = row.ItemArray[4].ToString(); string mobile = row.ItemArray[5].ToString(); string address = row.ItemArray[6].ToString(); string deliveryType = row.ItemArray[7].ToString(); string deliveryTime = row.ItemArray[8].ToString(); string paymentType = row.ItemArray[9].ToString(); float totalMoney = float.Parse(row.ItemArray[10].ToString()); /// DateTime dealTime = DateTime.Parse(row.ItemArray[15].ToString()); DateTime payTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.ItemArray[16].ToString()) ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.Parse(row.ItemArray[16].ToString()); string invoice = row.ItemArray[20].ToString(); string status = row.ItemArray[24].ToString(); float fee = float.Parse(row.ItemArray[26].ToString()); float tax = float.Parse(row.ItemArray[28].ToString()); string productCode = row.ItemArray[29].ToString(); int count = int.Parse(row.ItemArray[30].ToString()); float price = float.Parse(row.ItemArray[31].ToString()); string paymentId = row.ItemArray[32].ToString(); string device = row.ItemArray[33].ToString(); DateTime consigningTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.ItemArray[17].ToString()) ? DateTime.MinValue : DateTime.Parse(row.ItemArray[17].ToString()); string shipmentCompany = row.ItemArray[21].ToString(); string shipmentNumber = row.ItemArray[22].ToString(); DangdangOrder o = new DangdangOrder( orderId, sellerId, recipientName, idNumber, mobile, address, deliveryType, deliveryTime, paymentType, totalMoney, dealTime, payTime, invoice, status, fee, tax, productCode, count, price, paymentId, device, consigningTime, shipmentCompany, shipmentNumber); lvwOrders.Items.Add(new DangdangOrderListViewItem(o)); } } finally { if (null != excel && excel.Opened) { excel.Close(); } } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
private string GeneratePackingListExcelFile(List <PacketInfo> packetInfos, string folder) { // Generate list for JHT. string destPackingListJHT = CreateOutputFile( Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName, PACKING_LIST_TEMPLATE, folder, string.Format(PACKING_LIST_OUTPUT_JHT, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destPackingListJHT)) { #region error message MessageBox.Show( this, "Create excel file for shipping list for JHT failed.\nMaybe the template file missed.\nMake sure the template file exists in the same folder with the executable file.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); #endregion return(string.Empty); } Excel excelPackingListJHT = new Excel(destPackingListJHT); try { for (int i = 0; i < packetInfos.Count; i++) { PacketInfo pi = packetInfos[i]; string[] products = pi.ProductInfo.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }); for (int j = 0; j < products.Length; j++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(products[j].Trim())) { continue; } string[] productDetails = products[j].Split(';'); object[] values = new object[] { j == 0 ? (i + 1).ToString():" ", j == 0 ? pi.RecipientNameCn:" ", j == 0 ? "000000000000":" ", productDetails[0].Trim(), productDetails[1].Trim(), productDetails.Length >= 3 ? productDetails[2].Trim() : string.Empty }; excelPackingListJHT.Insert("Sheet1", string.Empty, values); } } } catch (Exception ex) { #region error message MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during write data into excel file for packing:" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); #endregion } finally { excelPackingListJHT.Close(); } return(destPackingListJHT); }
private string GenerateOuhuaFiles(List <PacketInfo> packetInfos, string folder) { try { string destExcelFile = CreateOutputFile( Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName, OUHUA_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, folder, string.Format(OUHUA_EXCEL_OUTPUT_FILENAME, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))); #region error message if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destExcelFile)) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Create excel file for Ohua failed.\nMaybe rainbow template file missed.\nMake sure the template file exists in the same folder with the executable file.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(string.Empty); } #endregion Excel excel = new Excel(destExcelFile); try { string packTitle = string.Empty; string realkk = string.Empty; string pingzhangEmail = string.Empty; string weight = string.Empty; string JHT = string.Empty; string OttoBrennerStr = string.Empty; string str4a = string.Empty; string PLZ47877 = string.Empty; string OrtWillich = string.Empty; string TelNr021548839989 = string.Empty; string deutschland = string.Empty; string recipientName = string.Empty; string address = string.Empty; string address2 = string.Empty; string address3 = string.Empty; string postCode = string.Empty; string provinceCity = string.Empty; string china = string.Empty; string phoneNumber = string.Empty; string fullAddressCn = string.Empty; string milkPowder = string.Empty; string count = string.Empty; string moneyAmount = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < packetInfos.Count; i++) { PacketInfo pi = packetInfos[i]; packTitle += string.Format("'包裹单{0:00}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), i + 1); //realkk += "'realkk'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); //pingzhangEmail += "'*****@*****.**'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); weight += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), ((float)pi.Weight / 1000).ToString("0.0")); JHT += "'JHT International GmbH'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); OttoBrennerStr += "'Otto Brenner Str.'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); str4a += "'4a'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); PLZ47877 += "'47877'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); OrtWillich += "'Willich'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); TelNr021548839989 += "'02154 8839989'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); deutschland += "'Germany'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); recipientName += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.RecipientNameEn); address += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.AddressEn); address2 += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), " "); address3 += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), " "); postCode += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.PostCode); provinceCity += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.ProvinceCityEn); china += "'China'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); phoneNumber += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.PhoneNumber); fullAddressCn += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.FullAddress); milkPowder += "'Milk powder'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); count += "'10'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); moneyAmount += "'115.90'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); } string endColumn = Excel.GetColumnIndex("D", packetInfos.Count - 1); int row = 5; //packTitle = "' ',' ',' '," + packTitle; //excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Empty, packTitle); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), packTitle); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), JHT); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), OttoBrennerStr); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), str4a); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), PLZ47877); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), OrtWillich); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), TelNr021548839989); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), recipientName); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address2); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address2); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), postCode); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address2); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), provinceCity); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), phoneNumber); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), china); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), weight); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), milkPowder); excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), moneyAmount); //excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), realkk); //excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), pingzhangEmail); ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), deutschland); ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address); ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address2); ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), address3); ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), fullAddressCn); ////row++; ////row++; ////row++; ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), count); ////excel.Insert("DHL申请表", string.Format("D{0}:{1}{0}", row++, endColumn), weight); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during inserting information into excel for dealworthier.\n" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } finally { excel.Close(); } return(destExcelFile); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during generating files for rainbow:" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(string.Empty); } }
private string GenerateRainbowFiles(List <PacketInfo> packetInfos, string folder) { try { string destExcelFile = CreateOutputFile( Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName, RAINBOW_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, folder, RAINBOW_EXCEL_OUTPUT_FILENAME); #region error message if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destExcelFile)) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Create excel file for rainbow failed.\nMaybe rainbow template file missed.\nMake sure the template file exists in the same folder with the executable file.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(string.Empty); } #endregion Excel rainbowExcel = new Excel(destExcelFile); try { string packTitle = string.Empty; string pingzhangEmail = string.Empty; string realkk = string.Empty; string JHT = string.Empty; string OttoBrennerStr4a = string.Empty; string PLZ47877 = string.Empty; string OrtWillich = string.Empty; string TelNr021548839989 = string.Empty; string recipientName = string.Empty; string address = string.Empty; string postCode = string.Empty; string provinceCity = string.Empty; string phoneNumber = string.Empty; string china = string.Empty; string item = string.Empty; string count = string.Empty; string weight = string.Empty; string moneyAmount = string.Empty; string fullAddressCn = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < packetInfos.Count; i++) { PacketInfo pi = packetInfos[i]; packTitle += string.Format("'包裹单{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), i + 1); pingzhangEmail += "'*****@*****.**'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); realkk += "'realkk'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); JHT += "'JHT International GmbH'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); OttoBrennerStr4a += "'Otto Brenner Str.4a'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); PLZ47877 += "'47877'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); OrtWillich += "'Willich'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); TelNr021548839989 += "'02154 8839989'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); recipientName += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.RecipientNameEn); address += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.AddressEn); postCode += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.PostCode); provinceCity += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.ProvinceCityEn); phoneNumber += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.PhoneNumber); china += "'China'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); item += "'Milk powder'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); count += "'10'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); weight += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), (pi.Weight / 1000).ToString("0")); moneyAmount += "'115.90'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","); fullAddressCn += string.Format("'{0}'" + (i >= packetInfos.Count - 1 ? string.Empty : ","), pi.FullAddress); } string endColumn = Excel.GetColumnIndex("C", packetInfos.Count - 1); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 1, endColumn), packTitle); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 2, endColumn), pingzhangEmail); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 3, endColumn), realkk); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 5, endColumn), JHT); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 6, endColumn), OttoBrennerStr4a); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 7, endColumn), PLZ47877); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 8, endColumn), OrtWillich); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 9, endColumn), TelNr021548839989); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 10, endColumn), recipientName); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 11, endColumn), address); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 13, endColumn), postCode); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 14, endColumn), provinceCity); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 15, endColumn), phoneNumber); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 16, endColumn), china); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 17, endColumn), item); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 18, endColumn), count); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 19, endColumn), weight); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 20, endColumn), moneyAmount); rainbowExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("C{0}:{1}{0}", 21, endColumn), fullAddressCn); } finally { rainbowExcel.Close(); } return(destExcelFile); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during generating files for rainbow:" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(string.Empty); } }
private string GenerateSupermarketFiles(List <PacketInfo> packetInfos, string folder) { try { string destExcelFile = CreateOutputFile( Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName, SUPERMARKET_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, folder, SUPERMARKET_EXCEL_OUTPUT_FILENAME); #region error message if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destExcelFile)) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Create excel file for supermarket failed.\nMaybe supermarket template file missed.\nMake sure the template file exists in the same folder with the executable file.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(string.Empty); } #endregion // Write data into excel. Excel supermarketExcel = new Excel(destExcelFile); try { for (int i = 0; i < packetInfos.Count; i++) { PacketInfo pi = packetInfos[i]; if (!supermarketExcel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Empty, CreatePacketInfoSupermarketValues(i + 1, pi))) { #region error message MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during write data into excel file for supermarket:" + pi.RecipientNameCn, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); #endregion return(string.Empty); } } } catch (Exception ex) { #region error message MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during write data into excel file for supermarket:" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); #endregion return(string.Empty); } finally { supermarketExcel.Close(); } return(destExcelFile); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( this, "Error occured during generating files for supermarket:" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return(string.Empty); } }
private void UpdateShipmentNumberInPackingList(string packingListExcel) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; Excel excel = null; try { excel = new Excel(packingListExcel, true); } catch { MessageBox.Show( this, "Open Excel file of packing list failed.\nMake sure the Excel file was not opened and try again.", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } try { DataSet ds = excel.Get("Sheet1", string.Empty); if (null == ds) { return; } for (int i = 1; i <= ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { excel.Insert("Sheet1", string.Format("G{0}:G{0}", i), string.Format("'x{0}'", Guid.NewGuid().ToString())); } excel.Close(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); Application.DoEvents(); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex); } try { excel = new Excel(packingListExcel, true); DataSet ds = excel.Get("Sheet1", string.Empty); if (null == ds) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]; //Trace.WriteLine(dr.ItemArray[1].ToString()); string recipientNameCn = dr.ItemArray[1].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipientNameCn)) { continue; } string recipientNamePinyin = HanZiToPinYin.Convert(recipientNameCn); PdfPacketInfoEx ppi = PdfPacketInfoEx.GetItem(recipientNamePinyin, _packetInfos, true); if (null == ppi) { PdfPacketInfoEx ppi1 = new PdfPacketInfoEx(string.Empty, PacketTypes.Unknown, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0); ppi1.MatchedRecipientName = recipientNameCn; _packetInfos.Add(ppi1); lvwPdfPacketInfos.Items.Add(new PdfPacketInfoListViewItem(ppi1)); continue; } ppi.MatchedRecipientName = recipientNameCn; try { excel.Update( "Sheet1", "运单号", string.Format("{0}:{1}", ppi.RecipientName, ppi.ShipmentNumber), //"序号", dr.ItemArray[0].ToString()); //"收货人", recipientNameCn); //"序号", dr.ItemArray[0].ToString()); "reserved", dr.ItemArray[6].ToString()); ppi.Updated = true; //Trace.WriteLine(dr.ItemArray[0].ToString()); //if (dr.ItemArray[0].ToString().Equals("28")) // Trace.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex); } //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Matched: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", recipientNameCn, ppi.RecipientName, ppi.ShipmentNumber, ppi.Weight)); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Error occured during udpate shipment number into excel file.\n" + ex.ToString(), this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } finally { excel.Close(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } }