public PssgNode(XElement elem, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.File = file; this.ParentNode = node; this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(elem.Name.LocalName);// PssgSchema.GetNode(elem.Name.LocalName); this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; foreach (XAttribute xAttr in elem.Attributes()) { attr = new PssgAttribute(xAttr, file, this); this.Attributes.Add(attr); } // Add data, and sub nodes code here if (elem.FirstNode != null && elem.FirstNode is XText) { = this.FromString(elem.Value); this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } else { = new byte[0]; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(elem.Elements().Count()); int nodeCount = 0; foreach (XElement subElem in elem.Elements()) { this.ChildNodes.Add(new PssgNode(subElem, file, this)); ++nodeCount; } } PssgSchema.SetNodeDataTypeIfNull(this.NodeInfo, this.ValueType); }
public PssgAttribute(PssgSchema.Attribute attributeInfo, object data, PssgFile file, PssgNode ParentNode) { this.AttributeInfo = attributeInfo; = data; this.file = file; this.ParentNode = ParentNode; }
public PssgNode(string name, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.File = file; this.ParentNode = node; this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(name); this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); = new byte[0]; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); }
public PssgAttribute(XAttribute xAttr, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.file = file; this.ParentNode = node; // = PssgSchema.GetAttributeId(ParentNode.Name, xAttr.Name.LocalName); this.AttributeInfo = PssgSchema.AddAttribute(this.ParentNode.Name, xAttr.Name.LocalName);// PssgSchema.GetAttribute(this.ParentNode.Name, xAttr.Name.LocalName); = this.FromString(xAttr.Value); PssgSchema.SetAttributeDataTypeIfNull(this.AttributeInfo, this.ValueType); }
public static PssgSchema.Node RenameNode(PssgNode pssgNode, string nodeName) { PssgSchema.Node node = PssgSchema.AddNode(nodeName); foreach (PssgAttribute attr in pssgNode.Attributes) { PssgSchema.AddAttribute(node.Name, attr.AttributeInfo.Name, attr.AttributeInfo.DataType); } return(node); }
public PssgAttribute(PssgBinaryReader reader, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.file = file; this.ParentNode = node; int id = reader.ReadInt32(); this.AttributeInfo = PssgSchema.GetAttribute(id); this.size = reader.ReadInt32(); = reader.ReadAttributeValue(this.AttributeInfo.DataType, size); this.AttributeInfo = PssgSchema.AddAttribute(this.ParentNode.Name, this.Name, this.ValueType); }
public void RemoveChild(PssgNode childNode) { if (this.ChildNodes.Remove(childNode)) { childNode.ParentNode = null; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to remove child node."); } }
public PssgAttribute(XAttribute xAttr, PssgFile file, PssgNode node) { this.file = file; this.ParentNode = node; // = PssgSchema.GetAttributeId(ParentNode.Name, xAttr.Name.LocalName); string attrName = xAttr.Name.LocalName.StartsWith("___") ? xAttr.Name.LocalName.Substring(3) : xAttr.Name.LocalName; this.AttributeInfo = PssgSchema.AddAttribute(this.ParentNode.Name, attrName);// PssgSchema.GetAttribute(this.ParentNode.Name, xAttr.Name.LocalName); = this.FromString(xAttr.Value); PssgSchema.SetAttributeDataTypeIfNull(this.AttributeInfo, this.ValueType); }
public PssgNode SetChild(PssgNode childNode, PssgNode newChildNode) { newChildNode.File = this.File; newChildNode.ParentNode = this; PssgNode node = this.ChildNodes.Set(childNode, newChildNode); if (node != null) { node.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(node); } return(node); }
//public static void CreatePssgInfo(out PssgNodeInfo[] nodeInfo, out PssgAttributeInfo[] attributeInfo) //{ // nodeInfo = new PssgNodeInfo[entries.Count]; // List<PssgAttributeInfo> attrInfo = new List<PssgAttributeInfo>(); // int i = 0, j = 0; // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Node> node in entries) // { // nodeInfo[i] = new PssgNodeInfo(i + 1, node.Key); // foreach (Attribute attr in node.Value.Attributes) // { // attr.Id = ++j; // PssgAttributeInfo aInfo = new PssgAttributeInfo(attr.Id, attr.Name); // attrInfo.Add(aInfo); // nodeInfo[i].attributeInfo.Add(attr.Id, aInfo); // } // node.Value.Id = ++i; // } // attributeInfo = attrInfo.ToArray(); //} public static PssgSchema.Node AddNode(PssgNode node) { Node sNode = new Node(node.Name); sNode.DataType = node.ValueType; foreach (PssgAttribute attr in node.Attributes) { Attribute sAttr = new Attribute(attr.Name, attr.ValueType); sNode.Attributes.Add(sAttr); } return(PssgSchema.AddNode(sNode)); }
public PssgNode AppendChild(PssgNode childNode) { if (this.IsDataNode == true) { return(null); } if (this.ChildNodes == null) { this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } childNode.File = this.File; childNode.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(childNode); childNode.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(childNode); return(childNode); }
public PssgNode AppendChild(PssgNode childNode) { if (this.IsDataNode == true) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot append a child node to a data node"); } if (this.ChildNodes == null) { this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } childNode.File = this.File; childNode.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(childNode); childNode.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(childNode); return(childNode); }
public PssgNode AppendChild(PssgNode childNode) { if (this.IsDataNode == true) { MessageBox.Show("Adding sub nodes to a node with data is not allowed!", "PSSG Editor", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return(null); } if (this.ChildNodes == null) { this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } childNode.File = this.File; childNode.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(childNode); childNode.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(childNode); return(childNode); }
public PssgNode(PssgNode nodeToCopy) { this.File = nodeToCopy.File; this.ParentNode = nodeToCopy.ParentNode; this.NodeInfo = nodeToCopy.NodeInfo; this.size = nodeToCopy.size; this.attributeSize = nodeToCopy.attributeSize; this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; foreach (PssgAttribute attrToCopy in nodeToCopy.Attributes) { attr = new PssgAttribute(attrToCopy); attr.ParentNode = this; this.Attributes.Add(attr); } if (nodeToCopy.IsDataNode) { =; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } else { = new byte[0]; // Each node at least 12 bytes (id + size + arg size) this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(nodeToCopy.ChildNodes.Count); foreach (PssgNode subNodeToCopy in nodeToCopy.ChildNodes) { PssgNode node = new PssgNode(subNodeToCopy); node.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(node); } } }
public PssgNode AppendChild(PssgNode childNode) { if (this.IsDataNode == true) { MessageBox.Show("Adding sub nodes to a node with data is not allowed!", "PSSG Editor", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return null; } if (this.ChildNodes == null) { this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } childNode.File = this.File; childNode.ParentNode = this; this.ChildNodes.Add(childNode); childNode.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(childNode); return childNode; }
public void Write(PssgNode node) { node.Attributes["height"].Value = header.height; node.Attributes["width"].Value = header.width; if (node.HasAttribute("numberMipMapLevels") == true) { if ((int)header.mipMapCount - 1 >= 0) { node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value = header.mipMapCount - 1; } else { node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value = 0u; } } if (header.ddspf.rGBBitCount == 32) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "ui8x4"; } else if (header.ddspf.rGBBitCount == 8) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "u8"; } else { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(header.ddspf.fourCC)).ToLower(); } List <PssgNode> textureImageBlocks = node.FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCK"); if (bdata2 != null && bdata2.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < textureImageBlocks.Count; i++) { switch (textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["typename"].ToString()) { case "Raw": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(0) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[0]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[0].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeX": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(1) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[1]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[1].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawPositiveY": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(2) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[2]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[2].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeY": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(3) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[3]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[3].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawPositiveZ": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(4) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[4]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[4].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeZ": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(5) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[5]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[5].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; } } } else { if ((uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value > 1) { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } textureImageBlocks[0].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata; textureImageBlocks[0].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata.Length; } }
//public static void CreatePssgInfo(out PssgNodeInfo[] nodeInfo, out PssgAttributeInfo[] attributeInfo) //{ // nodeInfo = new PssgNodeInfo[entries.Count]; // List<PssgAttributeInfo> attrInfo = new List<PssgAttributeInfo>(); // int i = 0, j = 0; // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Node> node in entries) // { // nodeInfo[i] = new PssgNodeInfo(i + 1, node.Key); // foreach (Attribute attr in node.Value.Attributes) // { // attr.Id = ++j; // PssgAttributeInfo aInfo = new PssgAttributeInfo(attr.Id, attr.Name); // attrInfo.Add(aInfo); // nodeInfo[i].attributeInfo.Add(attr.Id, aInfo); // } // node.Value.Id = ++i; // } // attributeInfo = attrInfo.ToArray(); //} public static PssgSchema.Node AddNode(PssgNode node) { Node sNode = new Node(node.Name); sNode.DataType = node.ValueType; foreach (PssgAttribute attr in node.Attributes) { Attribute sAttr = new Attribute(attr.Name, attr.ValueType); sNode.Attributes.Add(sAttr); } PssgSchema.AddNode(sNode); return sNode; }
public static PssgSchema.Node RenameNode(PssgNode pssgNode, string nodeName) { PssgSchema.Node node = PssgSchema.AddNode(nodeName); foreach (PssgAttribute attr in pssgNode.Attributes) { PssgSchema.AddAttribute(node.Name, attr.AttributeInfo.Name, attr.AttributeInfo.DataType); } return node; }
public PssgFile(PssgFileType fileType) { this.FileType = fileType; this.RootNode = new PssgNode("PSSGDATABASE", this, null); }
private void CubeMapCreatePreview(PssgNode node, int targetCount) { // Make Preview try { cubeMapImageLabel.Text = ""; int height = 0; int width = 0; cubeMapPictureBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; height = cubeMapPictureBox.Height; width = cubeMapPictureBox.Width; FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format = FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_DDS; System.Drawing.Bitmap image = null; if (targetCount > 5) { targetCount = 0; cubeMapPictureBox.Tag = 0; } else { cubeMapPictureBox.Tag = targetCount; } DdsFile dds = new DdsFile(node, false); dds.Write(File.Open(Application.StartupPath + "\\", FileMode.Create), targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); if (cubeMapPictureBox.Image != null) { cubeMapPictureBox.Image.Dispose(); cubeMapPictureBox.Image = null; } /*foreach (CNode sub in node.subNodes) { if (targetCount == 0 && sub.attributes["typename"].ToString() == "Raw") { CubeMapWriteDDS(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "Raw" + ".dds", node, targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "Raw" + ".dds", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); } else if (targetCount == 1 && sub.attributes["typename"].ToString() == "RawNegativeX") { CubeMapWriteDDS(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawNegativeX" + ".dds", node, targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawNegativeX" + ".dds", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); } else if (targetCount == 2 && sub.attributes["typename"].ToString() == "RawPositiveY") { CubeMapWriteDDS(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawPositiveY" + ".dds", node, targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawPositiveY" + ".dds", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); } else if (targetCount == 3 && sub.attributes["typename"].ToString() == "RawNegativeY") { CubeMapWriteDDS(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawNegativeY" + ".dds", node, targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawNegativeY" + ".dds", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); } else if (targetCount == 4 && sub.attributes["typename"].ToString() == "RawPositiveZ") { CubeMapWriteDDS(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawPositiveZ" + ".dds", node, targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawPositiveZ" + ".dds", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); } else if (targetCount == 5 && sub.attributes["typename"].ToString() == "RawNegativeZ") { CubeMapWriteDDS(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawNegativeZ" + ".dds", node, targetCount); image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "RawNegativeZ" + ".dds", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); } }*/ if (image.Height <= height && image.Width <= width) { cubeMapPictureBox.Dock = DockStyle.None; cubeMapPictureBox.Width = image.Width; cubeMapPictureBox.Height = image.Height; } cubeMapPictureBox.Image = image; } catch { if (cubeMapPictureBox.Image != null) { cubeMapPictureBox.Image.Dispose(); cubeMapPictureBox.Image = null; } cubeMapImageLabel.Text = "Could not create preview!"; //MessageBox.Show("Could not create preview!", "No Preview", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
public void MoveNode(PssgNode source, PssgNode target) { source.ParentNode.RemoveChild(source); target.AppendChild(source); }
public void Write(PssgNode node) { node.Attributes["height"].Value = header.height; node.Attributes["width"].Value = header.width; if (node.HasAttribute("numberMipMapLevels") == true) { if ((int)header.mipMapCount - 1 >= 0) { node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value = header.mipMapCount - 1; } else { node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value = 0u; } } if (header.ddspf.rGBBitCount == 32) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "ui8x4"; } else if (header.ddspf.rGBBitCount == 8) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "u8"; } else { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(header.ddspf.fourCC)).ToLower(); } List<PssgNode> textureImageBlocks = node.FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCK"); if (bdata2 != null && bdata2.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < textureImageBlocks.Count; i++) { switch (textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["typename"].ToString()) { case "Raw": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(0) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[0]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[0].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeX": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(1) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[1]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[1].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawPositiveY": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(2) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[2]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[2].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeY": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(3) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[3]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[3].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawPositiveZ": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(4) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[4]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[4].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeZ": if (bdata2.ContainsKey(5) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata2[5]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata2[5].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; } } } else { if ((uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value > 1) { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } textureImageBlocks[0].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = bdata; textureImageBlocks[0].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)bdata.Length; } }
public DdsFile(PssgNode node, bool cubePreview) { magic = 0x20534444; header.size = 124; header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_CAPS | DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_HEIGHT | DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_WIDTH | DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_PIXELFORMAT; header.height = (uint)(node.Attributes["height"].Value); header.width = (uint)(node.Attributes["width"].Value); switch ((string)node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value) { // gimp doesn't like pitch, so we'll go with linear size case "dxt1": header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value) / 2; header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((string)node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value).ToUpper()), 0); break; case "dxt1_srgb": header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value) / 2; header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DXT1"), 0); break; case "dxt2": case "dxt3": case "dxt4": case "dxt5": header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((string)node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value).ToUpper()), 0); break; case "dxt5_srgb": header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DXT5"), 0); break; case "ui8x4": header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); // is this right? header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS | DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_RGB; header.ddspf.fourCC = 0; header.ddspf.rGBBitCount = 32; header.ddspf.rBitMask = 0xFF0000; header.ddspf.gBitMask = 0xFF00; header.ddspf.bBitMask = 0xFF; header.ddspf.aBitMask = 0xFF000000; break; case "u8": header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); // is this right? // Interchanging the commented values will both work, not sure which is better header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_LUMINANCE; //header.ddspf.flags |= DDS_PIXELFORMAT.Flags.DDPF_ALPHA; header.ddspf.fourCC = 0; header.ddspf.rGBBitCount = 8; header.ddspf.rBitMask = 0xFF; //header.ddspf.aBitMask = 0xFF; break; } if (node.HasAttribute("automipmap") == true && node.HasAttribute("numberMipMapLevels") == true) { if ((uint)node.Attributes["automipmap"].Value == 0 && (uint)node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value > 0) { header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT; header.mipMapCount = (uint)((uint)node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value + 1); header.caps |= DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_MIPMAP | DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; } } header.reserved1 = new uint[11]; header.ddspf.size = 32; header.caps |= DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_TEXTURE; List<PssgNode> textureImageBlocks = node.FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCK"); if ((uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value > 1) { bdata2 = new Dictionary<int, byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < textureImageBlocks.Count; i++) { switch (textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["typename"].ToString()) { case "Raw": header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX; bdata2.Add(0, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawNegativeX": header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX; bdata2.Add(1, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawPositiveY": header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY; bdata2.Add(2, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawNegativeY": header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY; bdata2.Add(3, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawPositiveZ": header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ; bdata2.Add(4, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawNegativeZ": header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ; bdata2.Add(5, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; } } if (cubePreview == true) { header.caps2 = 0; } else if (bdata2.Count == (uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value) { header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP; header.flags = header.flags ^ DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; header.pitchOrLinearSize = 0; header.caps |= DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Read)"); } } else { bdata = (byte[])textureImageBlocks[0].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value; } }
public PssgNode SetChild(PssgNode childNode, PssgNode newChildNode) { newChildNode.File = this.File; newChildNode.ParentNode = this; PssgNode node = this.ChildNodes.Set(childNode, newChildNode); if (node != null) node.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.AddNode(node); return node; }
public void RemoveChild(PssgNode childNode) { this.ChildNodes.Remove(childNode); childNode.ParentNode = null; childNode.File = null; }
private void createPreview(PssgNode node) { // Make Preview try { textureImageLabel.Text = ""; int height = 0; int width = 0; texturePictureBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; height = texturePictureBox.Height; width = texturePictureBox.Width; DdsFile dds = new DdsFile(node, false); dds.Write(File.Open(Application.StartupPath + "\\", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read), -1); // Dispose of Old Images if (texturePictureBox.Image != null) { texturePictureBox.Image.Dispose(); texturePictureBox.Image = null; } // Setup New Image FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format = FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_DDS; System.Drawing.Bitmap image = FreeImage.LoadBitmap(Application.StartupPath + "\\", FREE_IMAGE_LOAD_FLAGS.DEFAULT, ref format); if (image.Height <= height && image.Width <= width) { texturePictureBox.Dock = DockStyle.None; texturePictureBox.Width = image.Width; texturePictureBox.Height = image.Height; } texturePictureBox.Image = image; } catch (Exception ex) { if (texturePictureBox.Image != null) { texturePictureBox.Image.Dispose(); texturePictureBox.Image = null; } textureImageLabel.Text = "Could not create preview! Export/Import may still work in certain circumstances." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; //MessageBox.Show("Could not create preview! Export/Import may still work in certain circumstances." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine // + ex.Message, "No Preview", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
private void createView(PssgNode node) { // Determine if we need a DataGridView or a RichTextBox based on data to be displayed dataGridView.Rows.Clear(); dataGridView.TopLeftHeaderCell.Value = node.Name; int i = 0; foreach (PssgAttribute pair in node.Attributes) { dataGridView.Rows.Add(pair.Value); dataGridView.Rows[i].HeaderCell.Value = pair.Name; dataGridView.Rows[i].Cells[0].ValueType = pair.ValueType; dataGridView.Rows[i].Tag = pair; i++; } dataGridView.Tag = node; dataGridView.BringToFront(); if (node.IsDataNode) { richTextBox1.Text = node.ToString();//EndianBitConverter.ToString(; richTextBox1.Visible = true; if (node.Attributes.Count == 0) { richTextBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; richTextBox1.BringToFront(); } else { richTextBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; richTextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(richTextBox1.Size.Width, 214); dataGridView.BringToFront(); } } else { richTextBox1.Visible = false; } }
public TreeNode CreateTreeViewNode(PssgNode node) { TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(); treeNode.Text = node.Name; treeNode.Tag = node; if (node.ChildNodes != null) { foreach (PssgNode subNode in node.ChildNodes) { treeNode.Nodes.Add(CreateTreeViewNode(subNode)); } } node.TreeNode = treeNode; return treeNode; }
private void importNodeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Xml files|*.xml|All files|*.*"; dialog.Title = "Select a xml file"; dialog.FileName = "node.xml"; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { PssgNode node = ((PssgNode)treeView.SelectedNode.Tag); using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(dialog.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(fileStream); PssgNode newNode = new PssgNode((XElement)((XElement)xDoc.FirstNode).FirstNode, pssg, node.ParentNode); if (node.ParentNode != null) { node = node.ParentNode.SetChild(node, newNode); } else { node.File.RootNode = newNode; } } clearVars(false); setupEditor(MainTabs.All); treeView.SelectedNode = node.TreeNode; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not import the node!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, "Import Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public PssgNode(PssgNode nodeToCopy) { this.File = nodeToCopy.File; this.ParentNode = nodeToCopy.ParentNode; this.NodeInfo = nodeToCopy.NodeInfo; this.size = nodeToCopy.size; this.attributeSize = nodeToCopy.attributeSize; this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; foreach (PssgAttribute attrToCopy in nodeToCopy.Attributes) { attr = new PssgAttribute(attrToCopy); this.Attributes.Add(attr); } if (nodeToCopy.IsDataNode) { =; this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); } else { = new byte[0]; // Each node at least 12 bytes (id + size + arg size) this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(nodeToCopy.ChildNodes.Count); int nodeCount = 0; foreach (PssgNode subNodeToCopy in nodeToCopy.ChildNodes) { this.ChildNodes.Add(new PssgNode(subNodeToCopy)); nodeCount++; } } }
public static DdsFile ToDdsFile(this PssgNode node, bool cubePreview) { DdsFile dds = new DdsFile(); dds.header.height = (uint)(node.Attributes["height"].Value); dds.header.width = (uint)(node.Attributes["width"].Value); switch ((string)node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value) { // gimp doesn't like pitch, so we'll go with linear size case "dxt1": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value) / 2; dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((string)node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value).ToUpper()), 0); break; case "dxt1_srgb": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value) / 2; dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DX10"), 0); dds.header10.dxgiFormat = DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB; break; case "dxt2": case "dxt3": case "dxt4": case "dxt5": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(((string)node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value).ToUpper()), 0); break; case "dxt3_srgb": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DX10"), 0); dds.header10.dxgiFormat = DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB; break; case "dxt5_srgb": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DX10"), 0); dds.header10.dxgiFormat = DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB; break; case "BC7": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DX10"), 0); dds.header10.dxgiFormat = DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM; break; case "BC7_srgb": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_FOURCC; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DX10"), 0); dds.header10.dxgiFormat = DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB; break; case "ui8x4": case "u8x4": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_PITCH; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); // is this right? dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS | DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_RGB; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = 0; dds.header.ddspf.rGBBitCount = 32; dds.header.ddspf.rBitMask = 0xFF0000; dds.header.ddspf.gBitMask = 0xFF00; dds.header.ddspf.bBitMask = 0xFF; dds.header.ddspf.aBitMask = 0xFF000000; break; case "u8": dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_PITCH; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = ((uint)node.Attributes["height"].Value * (uint)node.Attributes["width"].Value); // is this right? // Interchanging the commented values will both work, not sure which is better dds.header.ddspf.flags |= DdsPixelFormat.Flags.DDPF_LUMINANCE; //header.ddspf.flags |= DDS_PIXELFORMAT.Flags.DDPF_ALPHA; dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = 0; dds.header.ddspf.rGBBitCount = 8; dds.header.ddspf.rBitMask = 0xFF; //header.ddspf.aBitMask = 0xFF; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Texel format not supported."); } // Mip Maps if (node.HasAttribute("automipmap") == true && node.HasAttribute("numberMipMapLevels") == true) { if ((uint)node.Attributes["automipmap"].Value == 0 && (uint)node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value > 0) { dds.header.flags |= DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT; dds.header.mipMapCount = (uint)((uint)node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value + 1); dds.header.caps |= DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_MIPMAP | DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; } } // Byte Data List <PssgNode> textureImageBlocks = node.FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCK"); if ((uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value > 1) { dds.bdata2 = new Dictionary <int, byte[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < textureImageBlocks.Count; i++) { switch (textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["typename"].ToString()) { case "Raw": dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX; dds.bdata2.Add(0, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawNegativeX": dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX; dds.bdata2.Add(1, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawPositiveY": dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY; dds.bdata2.Add(2, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawNegativeY": dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY; dds.bdata2.Add(3, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawPositiveZ": dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ; dds.bdata2.Add(4, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; case "RawNegativeZ": dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ; dds.bdata2.Add(5, (byte[])textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value); break; } } if (cubePreview == true) { dds.header.caps2 = 0; } else if (dds.bdata2.Count == (uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value) { dds.header.caps2 |= DdsHeader.Caps2.DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP; dds.header.flags = dds.header.flags ^ DdsHeader.Flags.DDSD_LINEARSIZE; dds.header.pitchOrLinearSize = 0; dds.header.caps |= DdsHeader.Caps.DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Read)"); } } else { dds.bdata = (byte[])textureImageBlocks[0].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value; } return(dds); }
public PssgNode(PssgBinaryReader reader, PssgFile file, PssgNode node, bool useDataNodeCheck) { this.File = file; this.ParentNode = node; int id = reader.ReadInt32(); this.NodeInfo = PssgSchema.GetNode(id); this.size = reader.ReadInt32(); long end = reader.BaseStream.Position + size; this.attributeSize = reader.ReadInt32(); long attributeEnd = reader.BaseStream.Position + attributeSize; if (attributeEnd > reader.BaseStream.Length || end > reader.BaseStream.Length) { throw new Exception("This file is improperly saved and not supported by this version of the PSSG editor." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Get an older version of the program if you wish to take out its contents, but, put it back together using this program and a non-modded version of the pssg file."); } // Each attr is at least 8 bytes (id + size), so take a conservative guess this.Attributes = new PssgAttributeCollection(); PssgAttribute attr; while (reader.BaseStream.Position < attributeEnd) { attr = new PssgAttribute(reader, file, this); this.Attributes.Add(attr); } bool isDataNode = false; switch (Name) { case "BOUNDINGBOX": case "DATA": case "DATABLOCKDATA": case "DATABLOCKBUFFERED": case "INDEXSOURCEDATA": case "INVERSEBINDMATRIX": case "MODIFIERNETWORKINSTANCEUNIQUEMODIFIERINPUT": case "NeAnimPacketData_B1": case "NeAnimPacketData_B4": case "RENDERINTERFACEBOUNDBUFFERED": case "SHADERINPUT": case "TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA": case "TRANSFORM": isDataNode = true; break; } if (isDataNode == false && useDataNodeCheck == true) { long currentPos = reader.BaseStream.Position; // Check if it has subnodes while (reader.BaseStream.Position < end) { int tempID = reader.ReadInt32(); if (tempID < 0)//tempID > file.nodeInfo.Length || { isDataNode = true; break; } else { int tempSize = reader.ReadInt32(); if ((reader.BaseStream.Position + tempSize > end) || (tempSize == 0 && tempID == 0) || tempSize < 0) { isDataNode = true; break; } else if (reader.BaseStream.Position + tempSize == end) { break; } else { reader.BaseStream.Position += tempSize; } } } reader.BaseStream.Position = currentPos; } if (isDataNode) { = reader.ReadNodeValue(GetValueType(), (int)(end - reader.BaseStream.Position)); this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection(); //data = reader.ReadBytes((int)(end - reader.BaseStream.Position)); } else { = new byte[0]; // Each node at least 12 bytes (id + size + arg size) this.ChildNodes = new PssgNodeCollection((int)(end - reader.BaseStream.Position) / 12); int nodeCount = 0; while (reader.BaseStream.Position < end) { this.ChildNodes.Add(new PssgNode(reader, file, this, useDataNodeCheck)); nodeCount++; } } PssgSchema.SetNodeDataTypeIfNull(this.NodeInfo, this.ValueType); }
public static void ToPssgNode(this DdsFile dds, PssgNode node) { node.Attributes["height"].Value = dds.header.height; node.Attributes["width"].Value = dds.header.width; if (node.HasAttribute("numberMipMapLevels") == true) { if ((int)dds.header.mipMapCount - 1 >= 0) { node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value = dds.header.mipMapCount - 1; } else { node.Attributes["numberMipMapLevels"].Value = 0u; } } if (dds.header.ddspf.rGBBitCount == 32) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "ui8x4"; } else if (dds.header.ddspf.rGBBitCount == 8) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "u8"; } else if (dds.header.ddspf.fourCC == 808540228) //DX10 { if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_TYPELESS || dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "BC7"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "BC7_srgb"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_TYPELESS || dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "dxt1"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "dxt1_srgb"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_TYPELESS || dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "dxt3"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "dxt3_srgb"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_TYPELESS || dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "dxt5"; } else if (dds.header10.dxgiFormat == DXGI_Format.DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB) { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = "dxt5_srgb"; } else { throw new FormatException("The dds has an invalid or unsupported format type!"); } } else { node.Attributes["texelFormat"].Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(dds.header.ddspf.fourCC)).ToLower(); } List <PssgNode> textureImageBlocks = node.FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCK"); if (dds.bdata2 != null && dds.bdata2.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < textureImageBlocks.Count; i++) { switch (textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["typename"].ToString()) { case "Raw": if (dds.bdata2.ContainsKey(0) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata2[0]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata2[0].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeX": if (dds.bdata2.ContainsKey(1) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata2[1]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata2[1].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawPositiveY": if (dds.bdata2.ContainsKey(2) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata2[2]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata2[2].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeY": if (dds.bdata2.ContainsKey(3) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata2[3]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata2[3].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawPositiveZ": if (dds.bdata2.ContainsKey(4) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata2[4]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata2[4].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; case "RawNegativeZ": if (dds.bdata2.ContainsKey(5) == true) { textureImageBlocks[i].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata2[5]; textureImageBlocks[i].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata2[5].Length; } else { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } break; } } } else { if ((uint)node.Attributes["imageBlockCount"].Value > 1) { throw new Exception("Loading cubemap failed because not all blocks were found. (Write)"); } textureImageBlocks[0].FindNodes("TEXTUREIMAGEBLOCKDATA")[0].Value = dds.bdata; textureImageBlocks[0].Attributes["size"].Value = (UInt32)dds.bdata.Length; } }
private void tag() { PssgNode node; if (pssg.RootNode == null) { node = new PssgNode("PSSGDATABASE", pssg, null); pssg.RootNode = node; setupEditor(MainTabs.All); } else { node = pssg.RootNode; } PssgAttribute attribute = node.AddAttribute("creatorApplication", "EgoPSSGEditor 10.2"); }
private void addTextureToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textureTreeView.SelectedNode == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select a texture to copy first!", "Select a Texture", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } AddTexture ATForm = new AddTexture(idTextBox.Text + "_2"); if (ATForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // Copy and Edit Name PssgNode nodeToCopy = (PssgNode)textureTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag; PssgNode newTexture = new PssgNode(nodeToCopy); newTexture.Attributes["id"].Value = ATForm.TName; // Add to Library if (nodeToCopy.ParentNode != null) { nodeToCopy.ParentNode.AppendChild(newTexture); } else { nodeToCopy.AppendChild(newTexture); } // Populate treeViews clearVars(false); setupEditor(MainTabs.Textures); textureTreeView.SelectedNode = textureTreeView.Nodes[textureTreeView.Nodes.Count - 1]; } }
private void allTvAddNode() { PssgNode parentNode = pssg.RootNode == null ? null : ((PssgNode)treeView.SelectedNode.Tag); using (AddBox aBox = new AddBox(pssg, 0)) { if (aBox.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { PssgNode newNode; if (pssg.RootNode == null) { newNode = new PssgNode(aBox.NodeName, pssg, null); pssg.RootNode = newNode; } else { newNode = parentNode.AppendChild(aBox.NodeName); } if (newNode == null) { return; } TreeNode newTreeNode = pssg.CreateTreeViewNode(newNode); if (parentNode == null) treeView.Nodes.Add(newTreeNode); else treeView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(newTreeNode); treeView.SelectedNode = newTreeNode; } } }