        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached.  The Parameter
        /// property is typically used to configure the page.</param>
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            t_from_testcommon tf = (t_from_testcommon)e.Parameter; //getting data from test_info_common

            testname    = tf.testname;
            soiltype    = tf.soiltype;
            landcovered = tf.landcovered;
            season      = tf.season;
            temp_c      = tf.temp_c;
            humidity    = tf.humidity;
        private async void soil_test_commom_cont_button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                //checking weather test name already exists or not : start
                SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(Class1.dbPath);
                conn.CreateTable <testdata>();
                var    query    = conn.Table <testdata>();
                string testname = "Ntej";
                foreach (var v5 in query)
                    if (testname_box.Text == v5.testname)
                        testname = v5.testname;
                if (testname == testname_box.Text)  //if
                    MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("The testname you typed already exists, please choose aother", "Sorry");
                    await msg.ShowAsync();
                //checking weather test name already exists or not : end
                    //string theURI = "http://free.worldweatheronline.com/feed/weather.ashx?q=" + lat + "," + longi + "&format=json&num_of_days=2&key=5e02e86375070423131001";

                    if (testname_box.Text != "" && soil_type_combo.SelectedIndex != -1 && land_covered_box.Text != "" && season_box.SelectedIndex != -1) //else --> if
                        t_from_testcommon tf = new t_from_testcommon()
                            testname = testname_box.Text, soiltype = soil_type_combo.SelectedIndex, landcovered = land_covered_box.Text, season = season_box.SelectedIndex, temp_c = present_weat_block.Text, humidity = humidity_block_txt_Copy.Text
                        if (Internet_notifier.Text != "") //else --> if --> if
                            present_weat_block.Text         = "";
                            humidity_block_txt_Copy.Text    = "";
                            windspeed_block_txt_Copy.Text   = "";
                            visibility_block_txt_Copy.Text  = "";
                            cloud_cover_block_txt_Copy.Text = "";
                            pricip_block_txt_copy.Text      = "";
                            pree_block_txt_copy.Text        = "";

                            var md = new MessageDialog("Are you sure you want to continue without weather condition results?");
                            md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Yes", (UICommandInvokedHandler) =>
                                this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(soiltestOptions), tf);
                            md.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Recheck Internet Connection", (UICommandInvokedHandler) =>
                                if (IsConnectedToInternet())  //else --> if --> if --> if
                                    Internet_notifier.Text = "";
                                    Getcoordinates(place, zip); //calling this method to set lat , longi and location values
                                    // GetjasonValues(lat.ToString(), longi.ToString());
                                    present_weat_block.Text         = "";
                                    humidity_block_txt_Copy.Text    = "";
                                    windspeed_block_txt_Copy.Text   = "";
                                    visibility_block_txt_Copy.Text  = "";
                                    cloud_cover_block_txt_Copy.Text = "";
                                    pricip_block_txt_copy.Text      = "";
                                    pree_block_txt_copy.Text        = "";
                            await md.ShowAsync();
                            this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(soiltestOptions), tf);
                        MessageDialog msg = new MessageDialog("Missed some fields, please enter them to continue", "Error");
                        await msg.ShowAsync();
                //exception handling