private static void TestPrefixConfig(string tableNamePrefix, string testSql)
			// arrange
			var enumToLookup = new EnumToLookup
				TableNamePrefix = tableNamePrefix
			TestConfig(testSql, enumToLookup);
		public void ExampleOfUsingApply()
			using (var context = new MyDbContext())
				var enumToLookup = new EnumToLookup();
				enumToLookup.NameFieldLength = 42; // optional, example of how to override default values

				// This would normally be run inside either a db initializer Seed()
				// or the migration Seed() method which both provide access to a context.
		private static void TestConfig(string testSql, EnumToLookup enumToLookup)
			Database.SetInitializer(new TestInitializer(enumToLookup));
			using (var context = new MagicContext())
				var roger = new Rabbit { Name = "Roger", TehEars = Ears.Pointy };

				// assert
				context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(testSql); // should explode if anything is wrong
		public void ExampleOfGeneratingSql()
			using (var context = new MyDbContext())
				var enumToLookup = new EnumToLookup();

				// if you need to get at the raw sql to run a migration separately then use:
				var migrationSql = enumToLookup.GenerateMigrationSql(context);
				// you'd probably want to write this to a file and then add it to source control, but for
				// the purpose of demonstration we'll write it to the console instead:

				// at some point you'd then run the sql (probably not like this, but this serves as a test that it's working)