/// <summary>Test the parser on a treebank.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Test the parser on a treebank. Parses will be written to stdout, and /// various other information will be written to stderr and stdout, /// particularly if <code>op.testOptions.verbose</code> is true. /// </remarks> /// <param name="testTreebank">The treebank to parse</param> /// <returns> /// The labeled precision/recall F<sub>1</sub> (EVALB measure) /// of the parser on the treebank. /// </returns> public virtual double TestOnTreebank(Treebank testTreebank) { log.Info("Testing on treebank"); Timing treebankTotalTimer = new Timing(); TreePrint treePrint = op.testOptions.TreePrint(op.tlpParams); ITreebankLangParserParams tlpParams = op.tlpParams; ITreebankLanguagePack tlp = op.Langpack(); PrintWriter pwOut; PrintWriter pwErr; if (op.testOptions.quietEvaluation) { NullOutputStream quiet = new NullOutputStream(); pwOut = tlpParams.Pw(quiet); pwErr = tlpParams.Pw(quiet); } else { pwOut = tlpParams.Pw(); pwErr = tlpParams.Pw(System.Console.Error); } if (op.testOptions.verbose) { pwErr.Print("Testing "); pwErr.Println(testTreebank.TextualSummary(tlp)); } if (op.testOptions.evalb) { EvalbFormatWriter.InitEVALBfiles(tlpParams); } PrintWriter pwFileOut = null; if (op.testOptions.writeOutputFiles) { string fname = op.testOptions.outputFilesPrefix + "." + op.testOptions.outputFilesExtension; try { pwFileOut = op.tlpParams.Pw(new FileOutputStream(fname)); } catch (IOException ioe) { Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe); } } PrintWriter pwStats = null; if (op.testOptions.outputkBestEquivocation != null) { try { pwStats = op.tlpParams.Pw(new FileOutputStream(op.testOptions.outputkBestEquivocation)); } catch (IOException ioe) { Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(ioe); } } if (op.testOptions.testingThreads != 1) { MulticoreWrapper <IList <IHasWord>, IParserQuery> wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper <IList <IHasWord>, IParserQuery>(op.testOptions.testingThreads, new ParsingThreadsafeProcessor(pqFactory, pwErr)); LinkedList <Tree> goldTrees = new LinkedList <Tree>(); foreach (Tree goldTree in testTreebank) { IList <IHasWord> sentence = GetInputSentence(goldTree); goldTrees.Add(goldTree); pwErr.Println("Parsing [len. " + sentence.Count + "]: " + SentenceUtils.ListToString(sentence)); wrapper.Put(sentence); while (wrapper.Peek()) { IParserQuery pq = wrapper.Poll(); goldTree = goldTrees.Poll(); ProcessResults(pq, goldTree, pwErr, pwOut, pwFileOut, pwStats, treePrint); } } // for tree iterator wrapper.Join(); while (wrapper.Peek()) { IParserQuery pq = wrapper.Poll(); Tree goldTree_1 = goldTrees.Poll(); ProcessResults(pq, goldTree_1, pwErr, pwOut, pwFileOut, pwStats, treePrint); } } else { IParserQuery pq = pqFactory.ParserQuery(); foreach (Tree goldTree in testTreebank) { IList <CoreLabel> sentence = GetInputSentence(goldTree); pwErr.Println("Parsing [len. " + sentence.Count + "]: " + SentenceUtils.ListToString(sentence)); pq.ParseAndReport(sentence, pwErr); ProcessResults(pq, goldTree, pwErr, pwOut, pwFileOut, pwStats, treePrint); } } // for tree iterator //Done parsing...print the results of the evaluations treebankTotalTimer.Done("Testing on treebank"); if (op.testOptions.quietEvaluation) { pwErr = tlpParams.Pw(System.Console.Error); } if (saidMemMessage) { ParserUtils.PrintOutOfMemory(pwErr); } if (op.testOptions.evalb) { EvalbFormatWriter.CloseEVALBfiles(); } if (numSkippedEvals != 0) { pwErr.Printf("Unable to evaluate %d parser hypotheses due to yield mismatch\n", numSkippedEvals); } // only created here so we know what parser types are supported... IParserQuery pq_1 = pqFactory.ParserQuery(); if (summary) { if (pcfgLB != null) { pcfgLB.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgChildSpecific != null) { pcfgChildSpecific.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgLA != null) { pcfgLA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgCB != null) { pcfgCB.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgDA != null) { pcfgDA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgTA != null) { pcfgTA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgLL != null && pq_1.GetPCFGParser() != null) { pcfgLL.Display(false, pwErr); } if (depDA != null) { depDA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (depTA != null) { depTA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (depLL != null && pq_1.GetDependencyParser() != null) { depLL.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factLB != null) { factLB.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factChildSpecific != null) { factChildSpecific.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factLA != null) { factLA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factCB != null) { factCB.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factDA != null) { factDA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factTA != null) { factTA.Display(false, pwErr); } if (factLL != null && pq_1.GetFactoredParser() != null) { factLL.Display(false, pwErr); } if (pcfgCatE != null) { pcfgCatE.Display(false, pwErr); } foreach (IEval eval in evals) { eval.Display(false, pwErr); } foreach (BestOfTopKEval eval_1 in topKEvals) { eval_1.Display(false, pwErr); } } // these ones only have a display mode, so display if turned on!! if (pcfgRUO != null) { pcfgRUO.Display(true, pwErr); } if (pcfgCUO != null) { pcfgCUO.Display(true, pwErr); } if (tsv) { NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); pwErr.Println("factF1\tfactDA\tfactEx\tpcfgF1\tdepDA\tfactTA\tnum"); if (factLB != null) { pwErr.Print(nf.Format(factLB.GetEvalbF1Percent())); } pwErr.Print("\t"); if (pq_1.GetDependencyParser() != null && factDA != null) { pwErr.Print(nf.Format(factDA.GetEvalbF1Percent())); } pwErr.Print("\t"); if (factLB != null) { pwErr.Print(nf.Format(factLB.GetExactPercent())); } pwErr.Print("\t"); if (pcfgLB != null) { pwErr.Print(nf.Format(pcfgLB.GetEvalbF1Percent())); } pwErr.Print("\t"); if (pq_1.GetDependencyParser() != null && depDA != null) { pwErr.Print(nf.Format(depDA.GetEvalbF1Percent())); } pwErr.Print("\t"); if (pq_1.GetPCFGParser() != null && factTA != null) { pwErr.Print(nf.Format(factTA.GetEvalbF1Percent())); } pwErr.Print("\t"); if (factLB != null) { pwErr.Print(factLB.GetNum()); } pwErr.Println(); } double f1 = 0.0; if (factLB != null) { f1 = factLB.GetEvalbF1(); } //Close files (if necessary) if (pwFileOut != null) { pwFileOut.Close(); } if (pwStats != null) { pwStats.Close(); } if (parserQueryEvals != null) { foreach (IParserQueryEval parserQueryEval in parserQueryEvals) { parserQueryEval.Display(false, pwErr); } } return(f1); }
/* some documentation for Roger's convenience * {pcfg,dep,combo}{PE,DE,TE} are precision/dep/tagging evals for the models * * parser is the PCFG parser * dparser is the dependency parser * bparser is the combining parser * * during testing: * tree is the test tree (gold tree) * binaryTree is the gold tree binarized * tree2b is the best PCFG paser, binarized * tree2 is the best PCFG parse (debinarized) * tree3 is the dependency parse, binarized * tree3db is the dependency parser, debinarized * tree4 is the best combo parse, binarized and then debinarized * tree4b is the best combo parse, binarized */ public static void Main(string[] args) { Options op = new Options(new EnglishTreebankParserParams()); // op.tlpParams may be changed to something else later, so don't use it till // after options are parsed. StringUtils.LogInvocationString(log, args); string path = "/u/nlp/stuff/corpora/Treebank3/parsed/mrg/wsj"; int trainLow = 200; int trainHigh = 2199; int testLow = 2200; int testHigh = 2219; string serializeFile = null; int i = 0; while (i < args.Length && args[i].StartsWith("-")) { if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[i], "-path") && (i + 1 < args.Length)) { path = args[i + 1]; i += 2; } else { if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[i], "-train") && (i + 2 < args.Length)) { trainLow = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i + 1]); trainHigh = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i + 2]); i += 3; } else { if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[i], "-test") && (i + 2 < args.Length)) { testLow = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i + 1]); testHigh = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[i + 2]); i += 3; } else { if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[i], "-serialize") && (i + 1 < args.Length)) { serializeFile = args[i + 1]; i += 2; } else { if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[i], "-tLPP") && (i + 1 < args.Length)) { try { op.tlpParams = (ITreebankLangParserParams)System.Activator.CreateInstance(Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(args[i + 1])); } catch (TypeLoadException e) { log.Info("Class not found: " + args[i + 1]); throw new Exception(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { log.Info("Couldn't instantiate: " + args[i + 1] + ": " + e.ToString()); throw new Exception(e); } catch (MemberAccessException e) { log.Info("illegal access" + e); throw new Exception(e); } i += 2; } else { if (args[i].Equals("-encoding")) { // sets encoding for TreebankLangParserParams op.tlpParams.SetInputEncoding(args[i + 1]); op.tlpParams.SetOutputEncoding(args[i + 1]); i += 2; } else { i = op.SetOptionOrWarn(args, i); } } } } } } } // System.out.println(tlpParams.getClass()); ITreebankLanguagePack tlp = op.tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack(); op.trainOptions.sisterSplitters = Generics.NewHashSet(Arrays.AsList(op.tlpParams.SisterSplitters())); // BinarizerFactory.TreeAnnotator.setTreebankLang(tlpParams); PrintWriter pw = op.tlpParams.Pw(); op.testOptions.Display(); op.trainOptions.Display(); op.Display(); op.tlpParams.Display(); // setup tree transforms Treebank trainTreebank = op.tlpParams.MemoryTreebank(); MemoryTreebank testTreebank = op.tlpParams.TestMemoryTreebank(); // Treebank blippTreebank = ((EnglishTreebankParserParams) tlpParams).diskTreebank(); // String blippPath = "/afs/ir.stanford.edu/data/linguistic-data/BLLIP-WSJ/"; // blippTreebank.loadPath(blippPath, "", true); Timing.StartTime(); log.Info("Reading trees..."); testTreebank.LoadPath(path, new NumberRangeFileFilter(testLow, testHigh, true)); if (op.testOptions.increasingLength) { testTreebank.Sort(new TreeLengthComparator()); } trainTreebank.LoadPath(path, new NumberRangeFileFilter(trainLow, trainHigh, true)); Timing.Tick("done."); log.Info("Binarizing trees..."); TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer binarizer; if (!op.trainOptions.leftToRight) { binarizer = new TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer(op.tlpParams, op.forceCNF, !op.trainOptions.OutsideFactor(), true, op); } else { binarizer = new TreeAnnotatorAndBinarizer(op.tlpParams.HeadFinder(), new LeftHeadFinder(), op.tlpParams, op.forceCNF, !op.trainOptions.OutsideFactor(), true, op); } CollinsPuncTransformer collinsPuncTransformer = null; if (op.trainOptions.collinsPunc) { collinsPuncTransformer = new CollinsPuncTransformer(tlp); } ITreeTransformer debinarizer = new Debinarizer(op.forceCNF); IList <Tree> binaryTrainTrees = new List <Tree>(); if (op.trainOptions.selectiveSplit) { op.trainOptions.splitters = ParentAnnotationStats.GetSplitCategories(trainTreebank, op.trainOptions.tagSelectiveSplit, 0, op.trainOptions.selectiveSplitCutOff, op.trainOptions.tagSelectiveSplitCutOff, op.tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack()); if (op.trainOptions.deleteSplitters != null) { IList <string> deleted = new List <string>(); foreach (string del in op.trainOptions.deleteSplitters) { string baseDel = tlp.BasicCategory(del); bool checkBasic = del.Equals(baseDel); for (IEnumerator <string> it = op.trainOptions.splitters.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext();) { string elem = it.Current; string baseElem = tlp.BasicCategory(elem); bool delStr = checkBasic && baseElem.Equals(baseDel) || elem.Equals(del); if (delStr) { it.Remove(); deleted.Add(elem); } } } log.Info("Removed from vertical splitters: " + deleted); } } if (op.trainOptions.selectivePostSplit) { ITreeTransformer myTransformer = new TreeAnnotator(op.tlpParams.HeadFinder(), op.tlpParams, op); Treebank annotatedTB = trainTreebank.Transform(myTransformer); op.trainOptions.postSplitters = ParentAnnotationStats.GetSplitCategories(annotatedTB, true, 0, op.trainOptions.selectivePostSplitCutOff, op.trainOptions.tagSelectivePostSplitCutOff, op.tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack()); } if (op.trainOptions.hSelSplit) { binarizer.SetDoSelectiveSplit(false); foreach (Tree tree in trainTreebank) { if (op.trainOptions.collinsPunc) { tree = collinsPuncTransformer.TransformTree(tree); } //tree.pennPrint(tlpParams.pw()); tree = binarizer.TransformTree(tree); } //binaryTrainTrees.add(tree); binarizer.SetDoSelectiveSplit(true); } foreach (Tree tree_1 in trainTreebank) { if (op.trainOptions.collinsPunc) { tree_1 = collinsPuncTransformer.TransformTree(tree_1); } tree_1 = binarizer.TransformTree(tree_1); binaryTrainTrees.Add(tree_1); } if (op.testOptions.verbose) { binarizer.DumpStats(); } IList <Tree> binaryTestTrees = new List <Tree>(); foreach (Tree tree_2 in testTreebank) { if (op.trainOptions.collinsPunc) { tree_2 = collinsPuncTransformer.TransformTree(tree_2); } tree_2 = binarizer.TransformTree(tree_2); binaryTestTrees.Add(tree_2); } Timing.Tick("done."); // binarization BinaryGrammar bg = null; UnaryGrammar ug = null; IDependencyGrammar dg = null; // DependencyGrammar dgBLIPP = null; ILexicon lex = null; IIndex <string> stateIndex = new HashIndex <string>(); // extract grammars IExtractor <Pair <UnaryGrammar, BinaryGrammar> > bgExtractor = new BinaryGrammarExtractor(op, stateIndex); //Extractor bgExtractor = new SmoothedBinaryGrammarExtractor();//new BinaryGrammarExtractor(); // Extractor lexExtractor = new LexiconExtractor(); //Extractor dgExtractor = new DependencyMemGrammarExtractor(); if (op.doPCFG) { log.Info("Extracting PCFG..."); Pair <UnaryGrammar, BinaryGrammar> bgug = null; if (op.trainOptions.cheatPCFG) { IList <Tree> allTrees = new List <Tree>(binaryTrainTrees); Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(allTrees, binaryTestTrees); bgug = bgExtractor.Extract(allTrees); } else { bgug = bgExtractor.Extract(binaryTrainTrees); } bg = bgug.second; bg.SplitRules(); ug = bgug.first; ug.PurgeRules(); Timing.Tick("done."); } log.Info("Extracting Lexicon..."); IIndex <string> wordIndex = new HashIndex <string>(); IIndex <string> tagIndex = new HashIndex <string>(); lex = op.tlpParams.Lex(op, wordIndex, tagIndex); lex.InitializeTraining(binaryTrainTrees.Count); lex.Train(binaryTrainTrees); lex.FinishTraining(); Timing.Tick("done."); if (op.doDep) { log.Info("Extracting Dependencies..."); binaryTrainTrees.Clear(); IExtractor <IDependencyGrammar> dgExtractor = new MLEDependencyGrammarExtractor(op, wordIndex, tagIndex); // dgBLIPP = (DependencyGrammar) dgExtractor.extract(new ConcatenationIterator(trainTreebank.iterator(),blippTreebank.iterator()),new TransformTreeDependency(tlpParams,true)); // DependencyGrammar dg1 = dgExtractor.extract(trainTreebank.iterator(), new TransformTreeDependency(op.tlpParams, true)); //dgBLIPP=(DependencyGrammar)dgExtractor.extract(blippTreebank.iterator(),new TransformTreeDependency(tlpParams)); //dg = (DependencyGrammar) dgExtractor.extract(new ConcatenationIterator(trainTreebank.iterator(),blippTreebank.iterator()),new TransformTreeDependency(tlpParams)); // dg=new DependencyGrammarCombination(dg1,dgBLIPP,2); dg = dgExtractor.Extract(binaryTrainTrees); //uses information whether the words are known or not, discards unknown words Timing.Tick("done."); //System.out.print("Extracting Unknown Word Model..."); //UnknownWordModel uwm = (UnknownWordModel)uwmExtractor.extract(binaryTrainTrees); //Timing.tick("done."); System.Console.Out.Write("Tuning Dependency Model..."); dg.Tune(binaryTestTrees); //System.out.println("TUNE DEPS: "+tuneDeps); Timing.Tick("done."); } BinaryGrammar boundBG = bg; UnaryGrammar boundUG = ug; IGrammarProjection gp = new NullGrammarProjection(bg, ug); // serialization if (serializeFile != null) { log.Info("Serializing parser..."); LexicalizedParser parser = new LexicalizedParser(lex, bg, ug, dg, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex, op); parser.SaveParserToSerialized(serializeFile); Timing.Tick("done."); } // test: pcfg-parse and output ExhaustivePCFGParser parser_1 = null; if (op.doPCFG) { parser_1 = new ExhaustivePCFGParser(boundBG, boundUG, lex, op, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex); } ExhaustiveDependencyParser dparser = ((op.doDep && !op.testOptions.useFastFactored) ? new ExhaustiveDependencyParser(dg, lex, op, wordIndex, tagIndex) : null); IScorer scorer = (op.doPCFG ? new TwinScorer(new ProjectionScorer(parser_1, gp, op), dparser) : null); //Scorer scorer = parser; BiLexPCFGParser bparser = null; if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) { bparser = (op.testOptions.useN5) ? new BiLexPCFGParser.N5BiLexPCFGParser(scorer, parser_1, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, gp, stateIndex, wordIndex, tagIndex) : new BiLexPCFGParser(scorer, parser_1, dparser, bg, ug, dg, lex, op, gp, stateIndex , wordIndex, tagIndex); } Evalb pcfgPE = new Evalb("pcfg PE", true); Evalb comboPE = new Evalb("combo PE", true); AbstractEval pcfgCB = new Evalb.CBEval("pcfg CB", true); AbstractEval pcfgTE = new TaggingEval("pcfg TE"); AbstractEval comboTE = new TaggingEval("combo TE"); AbstractEval pcfgTEnoPunct = new TaggingEval("pcfg nopunct TE"); AbstractEval comboTEnoPunct = new TaggingEval("combo nopunct TE"); AbstractEval depTE = new TaggingEval("depnd TE"); AbstractEval depDE = new UnlabeledAttachmentEval("depnd DE", true, null, tlp.PunctuationWordRejectFilter()); AbstractEval comboDE = new UnlabeledAttachmentEval("combo DE", true, null, tlp.PunctuationWordRejectFilter()); if (op.testOptions.evalb) { EvalbFormatWriter.InitEVALBfiles(op.tlpParams); } // int[] countByLength = new int[op.testOptions.maxLength+1]; // Use a reflection ruse, so one can run this without needing the // tagger. Using a function rather than a MaxentTagger means we // can distribute a version of the parser that doesn't include the // entire tagger. IFunction <IList <IHasWord>, List <TaggedWord> > tagger = null; if (op.testOptions.preTag) { try { Type[] argsClass = new Type[] { typeof(string) }; object[] arguments = new object[] { op.testOptions.taggerSerializedFile }; tagger = (IFunction <IList <IHasWord>, List <TaggedWord> >)Sharpen.Runtime.GetType("edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger").GetConstructor(argsClass).NewInstance(arguments); } catch (Exception e) { log.Info(e); log.Info("Warning: No pretagging of sentences will be done."); } } for (int tNum = 0; tNum < ttSize; tNum++) { Tree tree = testTreebank[tNum]; int testTreeLen = tree_2.Yield().Count; if (testTreeLen > op.testOptions.maxLength) { continue; } Tree binaryTree = binaryTestTrees[tNum]; // countByLength[testTreeLen]++; System.Console.Out.WriteLine("-------------------------------------"); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number: " + (tNum + 1)); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Length: " + testTreeLen); //tree.pennPrint(pw); // System.out.println("XXXX The binary tree is"); // binaryTree.pennPrint(pw); //System.out.println("Here are the tags in the lexicon:"); //System.out.println(lex.showTags()); //System.out.println("Here's the tagnumberer:"); //System.out.println(Numberer.getGlobalNumberer("tags").toString()); long timeMil1 = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); Timing.Tick("Starting parse."); if (op.doPCFG) { //log.info(op.testOptions.forceTags); if (op.testOptions.forceTags) { if (tagger != null) { //System.out.println("Using a tagger to set tags"); //System.out.println("Tagged sentence as: " + tagger.processSentence(cutLast(wordify(binaryTree.yield()))).toString(false)); parser_1.Parse(AddLast(tagger.Apply(CutLast(Wordify(binaryTree.Yield()))))); } else { //System.out.println("Forcing tags to match input."); parser_1.Parse(CleanTags(binaryTree.TaggedYield(), tlp)); } } else { // System.out.println("XXXX Parsing " + binaryTree.yield()); parser_1.Parse(binaryTree.YieldHasWord()); } } //Timing.tick("Done with pcfg phase."); if (op.doDep) { dparser.Parse(binaryTree.YieldHasWord()); } //Timing.tick("Done with dependency phase."); bool bothPassed = false; if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) { bothPassed = bparser.Parse(binaryTree.YieldHasWord()); } //Timing.tick("Done with combination phase."); long timeMil2 = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(); long elapsed = timeMil2 - timeMil1; log.Info("Time: " + ((int)(elapsed / 100)) / 10.00 + " sec."); //System.out.println("PCFG Best Parse:"); Tree tree2b = null; Tree tree2 = null; //System.out.println("Got full best parse..."); if (op.doPCFG) { tree2b = parser_1.GetBestParse(); tree2 = debinarizer.TransformTree(tree2b); } //System.out.println("Debinarized parse..."); //tree2.pennPrint(); //System.out.println("DepG Best Parse:"); Tree tree3 = null; Tree tree3db = null; if (op.doDep) { tree3 = dparser.GetBestParse(); // was: but wrong Tree tree3db = debinarizer.transformTree(tree2); tree3db = debinarizer.TransformTree(tree3); tree3.PennPrint(pw); } //tree.pennPrint(); //((Tree)binaryTrainTrees.get(tNum)).pennPrint(); //System.out.println("Combo Best Parse:"); Tree tree4 = null; if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) { try { tree4 = bparser.GetBestParse(); if (tree4 == null) { tree4 = tree2b; } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { log.Info("Blocked, using PCFG parse!"); tree4 = tree2b; } } if (op.doPCFG && !bothPassed) { tree4 = tree2b; } //tree4.pennPrint(); if (op.doDep) { depDE.Evaluate(tree3, binaryTree, pw); depTE.Evaluate(tree3db, tree_2, pw); } ITreeTransformer tc = op.tlpParams.Collinizer(); ITreeTransformer tcEvalb = op.tlpParams.CollinizerEvalb(); if (op.doPCFG) { // System.out.println("XXXX Best PCFG was: "); // tree2.pennPrint(); // System.out.println("XXXX Transformed best PCFG is: "); // tc.transformTree(tree2).pennPrint(); //System.out.println("True Best Parse:"); //tree.pennPrint(); //tc.transformTree(tree).pennPrint(); pcfgPE.Evaluate(tc.TransformTree(tree2), tc.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); pcfgCB.Evaluate(tc.TransformTree(tree2), tc.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); Tree tree4b = null; if (op.doDep) { comboDE.Evaluate((bothPassed ? tree4 : tree3), binaryTree, pw); tree4b = tree4; tree4 = debinarizer.TransformTree(tree4); if (op.nodePrune) { NodePruner np = new NodePruner(parser_1, debinarizer); tree4 = np.Prune(tree4); } //tree4.pennPrint(); comboPE.Evaluate(tc.TransformTree(tree4), tc.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); } //pcfgTE.evaluate(tree2, tree); pcfgTE.Evaluate(tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree2), tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); pcfgTEnoPunct.Evaluate(tc.TransformTree(tree2), tc.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); if (op.doDep) { comboTE.Evaluate(tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree4), tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); comboTEnoPunct.Evaluate(tc.TransformTree(tree4), tc.TransformTree(tree_2), pw); } System.Console.Out.WriteLine("PCFG only: " + parser_1.ScoreBinarizedTree(tree2b, 0)); //tc.transformTree(tree2).pennPrint(); tree2.PennPrint(pw); if (op.doDep) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Combo: " + parser_1.ScoreBinarizedTree(tree4b, 0)); // tc.transformTree(tree4).pennPrint(pw); tree4.PennPrint(pw); } System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Correct:" + parser_1.ScoreBinarizedTree(binaryTree, 0)); /* * if (parser.scoreBinarizedTree(tree2b,true) < parser.scoreBinarizedTree(binaryTree,true)) { * System.out.println("SCORE INVERSION"); * parser.validateBinarizedTree(binaryTree,0); * } */ tree_2.PennPrint(pw); } // end if doPCFG if (op.testOptions.evalb) { if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) { EvalbFormatWriter.WriteEVALBline(tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree_2), tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree4)); } else { if (op.doPCFG) { EvalbFormatWriter.WriteEVALBline(tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree_2), tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree2)); } else { if (op.doDep) { EvalbFormatWriter.WriteEVALBline(tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree_2), tcEvalb.TransformTree(tree3db)); } } } } } // end for each tree in test treebank if (op.testOptions.evalb) { EvalbFormatWriter.CloseEVALBfiles(); } // op.testOptions.display(); if (op.doPCFG) { pcfgPE.Display(false, pw); System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Grammar size: " + stateIndex.Size()); pcfgCB.Display(false, pw); if (op.doDep) { comboPE.Display(false, pw); } pcfgTE.Display(false, pw); pcfgTEnoPunct.Display(false, pw); if (op.doDep) { comboTE.Display(false, pw); comboTEnoPunct.Display(false, pw); } } if (op.doDep) { depTE.Display(false, pw); depDE.Display(false, pw); } if (op.doPCFG && op.doDep) { comboDE.Display(false, pw); } }
public virtual void ProcessResults(IParserQuery pq, Tree goldTree, PrintWriter pwErr, PrintWriter pwOut, PrintWriter pwFileOut, PrintWriter pwStats, TreePrint treePrint) { if (pq.SaidMemMessage()) { saidMemMessage = true; } Tree tree; IList <IHasWord> sentence = pq.OriginalSentence(); try { tree = pq.GetBestParse(); } catch (NoSuchParseException) { tree = null; } IList <ScoredObject <Tree> > kbestPCFGTrees = null; if (tree != null && kbestPCFG > 0) { kbestPCFGTrees = pq.GetKBestPCFGParses(kbestPCFG); } //combo parse goes to pwOut (System.out) if (op.testOptions.verbose) { pwOut.Println("ComboParser best"); Tree ot = tree; if (ot != null && !op.tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack().IsStartSymbol(ot.Value())) { ot = ot.TreeFactory().NewTreeNode(op.tlpParams.TreebankLanguagePack().StartSymbol(), Java.Util.Collections.SingletonList(ot)); } treePrint.PrintTree(ot, pwOut); } else { treePrint.PrintTree(tree, pwOut); } // **OUTPUT** // print various n-best like outputs (including 1-best) // print various statistics if (tree != null) { if (op.testOptions.printAllBestParses) { IList <ScoredObject <Tree> > parses = pq.GetBestPCFGParses(); int sz = parses.Count; if (sz > 1) { pwOut.Println("There were " + sz + " best PCFG parses with score " + parses[0].Score() + '.'); Tree transGoldTree = collinizer.TransformTree(goldTree); int iii = 0; foreach (ScoredObject <Tree> sot in parses) { iii++; Tree tb = sot.Object(); Tree tbd = debinarizer.TransformTree(tb); tbd = subcategoryStripper.TransformTree(tbd); pq.RestoreOriginalWords(tbd); pwOut.Println("PCFG Parse #" + iii + " with score " + tbd.Score()); tbd.PennPrint(pwOut); Tree tbtr = collinizer.TransformTree(tbd); // pwOut.println("Tree size = " + tbtr.size() + "; depth = " + tbtr.depth()); kGoodLB.Evaluate(tbtr, transGoldTree, pwErr); } } } else { // Huang and Chiang (2006) Algorithm 3 output from the PCFG parser if (op.testOptions.printPCFGkBest > 0 && op.testOptions.outputkBestEquivocation == null) { IList <ScoredObject <Tree> > trees = kbestPCFGTrees.SubList(0, op.testOptions.printPCFGkBest); Tree transGoldTree = collinizer.TransformTree(goldTree); int i = 0; foreach (ScoredObject <Tree> tp in trees) { i++; pwOut.Println("PCFG Parse #" + i + " with score " + tp.Score()); Tree tbd = tp.Object(); tbd.PennPrint(pwOut); Tree tbtr = collinizer.TransformTree(tbd); kGoodLB.Evaluate(tbtr, transGoldTree, pwErr); } } else { // Chart parser (factored) n-best list if (op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood > 0 && pq.HasFactoredParse()) { // DZ: debug n best trees IList <ScoredObject <Tree> > trees = pq.GetKGoodFactoredParses(op.testOptions.printFactoredKGood); Tree transGoldTree = collinizer.TransformTree(goldTree); int ii = 0; foreach (ScoredObject <Tree> tp in trees) { ii++; pwOut.Println("Factored Parse #" + ii + " with score " + tp.Score()); Tree tbd = tp.Object(); tbd.PennPrint(pwOut); Tree tbtr = collinizer.TransformTree(tbd); kGoodLB.Evaluate(tbtr, transGoldTree, pwOut); } } else { //1-best output if (pwFileOut != null) { pwFileOut.Println(tree.ToString()); } } } } //Print the derivational entropy if (op.testOptions.outputkBestEquivocation != null && op.testOptions.printPCFGkBest > 0) { IList <ScoredObject <Tree> > trees = kbestPCFGTrees.SubList(0, op.testOptions.printPCFGkBest); double[] logScores = new double[trees.Count]; int treeId = 0; foreach (ScoredObject <Tree> kBestTree in trees) { logScores[treeId++] = kBestTree.Score(); } //Re-normalize double entropy = 0.0; double denom = ArrayMath.LogSum(logScores); foreach (double logScore in logScores) { double logPr = logScore - denom; entropy += System.Math.Exp(logPr) * (logPr / System.Math.Log(2)); } entropy *= -1; //Convert to bits pwStats.Printf("%f\t%d\t%d\n", entropy, trees.Count, sentence.Count); } } // **EVALUATION** // Perform various evaluations specified by the user if (tree != null) { //Strip subcategories and remove punctuation for evaluation tree = subcategoryStripper.TransformTree(tree); Tree treeFact = collinizer.TransformTree(tree); //Setup the gold tree if (op.testOptions.verbose) { pwOut.Println("Correct parse"); treePrint.PrintTree(goldTree, pwOut); } Tree transGoldTree = collinizer.TransformTree(goldTree); if (transGoldTree != null) { transGoldTree = subcategoryStripper.TransformTree(transGoldTree); } //Can't do evaluation in these two cases if (transGoldTree == null) { pwErr.Println("Couldn't transform gold tree for evaluation, skipping eval. Gold tree was:"); goldTree.PennPrint(pwErr); numSkippedEvals++; return; } else { if (treeFact == null) { pwErr.Println("Couldn't transform hypothesis tree for evaluation, skipping eval. Tree was:"); tree.PennPrint(pwErr); numSkippedEvals++; return; } else { if (treeFact.Yield().Count != transGoldTree.Yield().Count) { IList <ILabel> fYield = treeFact.Yield(); IList <ILabel> gYield = transGoldTree.Yield(); pwErr.Println("WARNING: Evaluation could not be performed due to gold/parsed yield mismatch."); pwErr.Printf(" sizes: gold: %d (transf) %d (orig); parsed: %d (transf) %d (orig).%n", gYield.Count, goldTree.Yield().Count, fYield.Count, tree.Yield().Count); pwErr.Println(" gold: " + SentenceUtils.ListToString(gYield, true)); pwErr.Println(" pars: " + SentenceUtils.ListToString(fYield, true)); numSkippedEvals++; return; } } } if (topKEvals.Count > 0) { IList <Tree> transGuesses = new List <Tree>(); int kbest = System.Math.Min(op.testOptions.evalPCFGkBest, kbestPCFGTrees.Count); foreach (ScoredObject <Tree> guess in kbestPCFGTrees.SubList(0, kbest)) { transGuesses.Add(collinizer.TransformTree(guess.Object())); } foreach (BestOfTopKEval eval in topKEvals) { eval.Evaluate(transGuesses, transGoldTree, pwErr); } } //PCFG eval Tree treePCFG = pq.GetBestPCFGParse(); if (treePCFG != null) { Tree treePCFGeval = collinizer.TransformTree(treePCFG); if (pcfgLB != null) { pcfgLB.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgChildSpecific != null) { pcfgChildSpecific.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgLA != null) { pcfgLA.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgCB != null) { pcfgCB.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgDA != null) { // Re-index the leaves after Collinization, stripping traces, etc. treePCFGeval.IndexLeaves(true); transGoldTree.IndexLeaves(true); pcfgDA.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgTA != null) { pcfgTA.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgLL != null && pq.GetPCFGParser() != null) { pcfgLL.RecordScore(pq.GetPCFGParser(), pwErr); } if (pcfgRUO != null) { pcfgRUO.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgCUO != null) { pcfgCUO.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (pcfgCatE != null) { pcfgCatE.Evaluate(treePCFGeval, transGoldTree, pwErr); } } //Dependency eval // todo: is treeDep really useful here, or should we really use depDAEval tree (debinarized) throughout? We use it for parse, and it sure seems like we could use it for tag eval, but maybe not factDA? Tree treeDep = pq.GetBestDependencyParse(false); if (treeDep != null) { Tree goldTreeB = binarizerOnly.TransformTree(goldTree); Tree goldTreeEval = goldTree.DeepCopy(); goldTreeEval.IndexLeaves(true); goldTreeEval.PercolateHeads(op.Langpack().HeadFinder()); Tree depDAEval = pq.GetBestDependencyParse(true); depDAEval.IndexLeaves(true); depDAEval.PercolateHeadIndices(); if (depDA != null) { depDA.Evaluate(depDAEval, goldTreeEval, pwErr); } if (depTA != null) { Tree undoneTree = debinarizer.TransformTree(treeDep); undoneTree = subcategoryStripper.TransformTree(undoneTree); pq.RestoreOriginalWords(undoneTree); // pwErr.println("subcategoryStripped tree: " + undoneTree.toStructureDebugString()); depTA.Evaluate(undoneTree, goldTree, pwErr); } if (depLL != null && pq.GetDependencyParser() != null) { depLL.RecordScore(pq.GetDependencyParser(), pwErr); } Tree factTreeB; if (pq.HasFactoredParse()) { factTreeB = pq.GetBestFactoredParse(); } else { factTreeB = treeDep; } if (factDA != null) { factDA.Evaluate(factTreeB, goldTreeB, pwErr); } } //Factored parser (1best) eval if (factLB != null) { factLB.Evaluate(treeFact, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (factChildSpecific != null) { factChildSpecific.Evaluate(treeFact, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (factLA != null) { factLA.Evaluate(treeFact, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (factTA != null) { factTA.Evaluate(tree, boundaryRemover.TransformTree(goldTree), pwErr); } if (factLL != null && pq.GetFactoredParser() != null) { factLL.RecordScore(pq.GetFactoredParser(), pwErr); } if (factCB != null) { factCB.Evaluate(treeFact, transGoldTree, pwErr); } foreach (IEval eval_1 in evals) { eval_1.Evaluate(treeFact, transGoldTree, pwErr); } if (parserQueryEvals != null) { foreach (IParserQueryEval eval in parserQueryEvals) { eval_1.Evaluate(pq, transGoldTree, pwErr); } } if (op.testOptions.evalb) { // empty out scores just in case NanScores(tree); EvalbFormatWriter.WriteEVALBline(treeFact, transGoldTree); } } pwErr.Println(); }