/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// Xml example:
        /// <![CDATA[
        ///		<Property Name="Shooting" Type="Movies.Location" Nullable="false" />
        /// ]]>
        /// </example>
        ///<param name="mmodel"></param>
        ///<param name="entityType"> </param>
        ///<param name="scP"></param>
        public static MetaComplexProperty Parse(MetaModel mmodel, MetaEntityType entityType, XElement scP)
            var p = new MetaComplexProperty
                            EntityType = entityType,
                            FullName = entityType.FullName.Dot(scP.Att("Name")),
                            Name = scP.Att("Name"),
                            Nullable = scP.Att("Name").ToLower() == "true"

            mmodel.ComplexProperties.Add(p.FullName, p);

            MetaComplexType ct;

            if (mmodel.ComplexTypes.ContainsKey(scP.Att("Type")))
                ct = mmodel.ComplexTypes[scP.Att("Type")];
                var ctNode = MetaComplexType.FindNode(mmodel, scP.Att("Type"));

                if(ctNode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't find the ComplexType " + scP.Att("Type") +
                        ". The type was used in " + entityType.FullName.Dot(scP.Att("Name")));

                ct = MetaComplexType.Parse(mmodel, ctNode);

            p.ComplexType = ct;

            return p;
         * <Association Name="FK_movies_genres">
          <End Type="Movies.Genre" Role="genre" Multiplicity="0..1" />
          <End Type="Movies.Movie" Role="movie" Multiplicity="*" />
        <Principal Role="genre">
          <PropertyRef Name="Id" />
        <Dependent Role="movie">
          <PropertyRef Name="GenreId" />
         * */
        public static MetaAssociationRole Parse(MetaModel mmodel, MetaEntityType fromET, XElement navP)
            var fullName = navP.Att("Relationship") + '.' + navP.Att("ToRole");

                return mmodel.AssociationRoles[fullName];

            // navP : <NavigationProperty Name="Movies" Relationship="Movies.FK_movies_genres" FromRole="genre" ToRole="movie" />
            var a = new MetaAssociationRole();

            a.FullName = fullName;
            a.Name = a.FullName.LastPart();
            a.NavigationProperty = (from p in fromET.NavigationProperties where p.Name == navP.Att("Name") select p).FirstOrDefault();

            mmodel.AssociationRoles.Add(a.FullName, a);

            var assNode = mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.D("Association").WithName(navP.Att("Relationship").LastPart());

            var role = assNode.Es("End").FirstWhere("Role", navP.Att("ToRole"));

            var toE = mmodel.EntityTypes.ContainsKey(role.Att("Type")) ? mmodel.EntityTypes[role.Att("Type")] : MetaEntityType.Parse(mmodel, role.Att("Type"));

            a.MultiplicityValue = role.Att("Multiplicity");
            a.ToEntityType = toE;

            return a;
        public static bool IsComplexPropertyNode(MetaModel mmodel, XElement scP)
            if (mmodel.ComplexTypes.ContainsKey(scP.Att("Type")))
                return true;

            return mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.Es("ComplexType").FirstWhere("Name", scP.Att("Type").LastPart()) != null;
        public static MetaContainer Parse(MetaModel mmodel, string name)
            var node = mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.D(NodeName).WithName(name);

            if (node == null)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find the container " + name);

            return Parse(mmodel, node);
        public static MetaEntitySet Parse(MetaModel mmodel, string fullName)
            var node = mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.D(NodeName).WithName(fullName.LastPart());

            if (node == null)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find the EntitySet " + fullName);

            return Parse(mmodel, null, node);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// Xml example:
        /// <![CDATA[
        ///		<Property Type="String" Name="City" MaxLength="50" FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
        /// ]]>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <param name="ct"></param>
        /// <param name="prop"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MetaComplexTypeProperty Parse(MetaModel metaModel, MetaComplexType ct, XElement prop)
            var p = new MetaComplexTypeProperty
                            FullName = ct.FullName.Dot(prop.Att("Name")),
                            Name = prop.Att("Name"),
                            Type = prop.Att("Type"),
                            ComplexType = ct

            return p;
        public static MetaContainer Parse(MetaModel mmodel, XElement node)
            if(node.Name.LocalName != NodeName)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Node. To parse a " + NodeName + " you need to provide an XElement with the same name.");

            var c = new MetaContainer();

            c.Name = node.Att("Name");
            c.FullName = node.Parent.Att("Namespace") + '.' + c.Name;

            foreach (var eSet in node.Es("EntitySet"))
                c.EntitySets.Add(MetaEntitySet.Parse(mmodel, c, eSet));

            mmodel.Containers[c.FullName] = c;

            return c;
        public static MetaScalarProperty Parse(MetaModel mmodel, MetaEntityType et, XElement node)
            var fullName = et.FullName + '.' + node.Att("Name");

            if (mmodel.ScalarProperties.ContainsKey(fullName))
                return mmodel.ScalarProperties[fullName];

            var sp = new MetaScalarProperty()
                   		FullName = fullName,
                   		Name = node.Att("Name"),
                   		Nullable = node.Att("Nullable") == "true",
                   		Type = node.Att("Type"),
                   		EntityType = et

            mmodel.ScalarProperties.Add(fullName, sp);

            return sp;
        //   <EntitySet Name="Genres" EntityType="Movies.Genre" />
        //   <EntitySet Name="Movies" EntityType="Movies.Movie" />
        //   <EntitySet Name="People" EntityType="Movies.Person" />
        //   <EntitySet Name="Roles" EntityType="Movies.Role" />
        public static MetaEntitySet Parse(MetaModel mmodel, MetaContainer c, XElement node)
            if (node.Name.LocalName != NodeName)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Node. To parse an " + NodeName + " you need to provide an XElement with the same node name.");

            var fullName = c.FullName + '.' + node.Att("Name");

            if (mmodel.EntitySets.ContainsKey(fullName))
                return mmodel.EntitySets[fullName];

            var m = new MetaEntitySet
                            FullName = fullName,
                            Name = node.Att("Name"),
                            Container = c

            mmodel.EntitySets.Add(fullName, m);
            m.EntityType = MetaEntityType.Parse(mmodel, node.Att("EntityType"), m);

            /* todo: process store
            // check for mapping
            var mapEnt = file.Mapping.d("EntitySetMapping").WithName(m.Name);

            if (mapEnt != null)
                // we have a mapping! so we should have a MappingFrag...
                var mapFrag = mapEnt.d("MappingFragment").FirstOrDefault();

                if (mapFrag != null) // load the store
                    m.Store = MetaEntitySetStore.Parse(file, mapFrag.Att("StoreEntitySet"));

            if (m.Store != null)
                m.Store.EntityTypeStore = m.EntityType.Store;

            return m;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// Xml Example:
        /// <![CDATA[
        ///		<ComplexType Name="Location">
        ///			<Property Type="String" Name="City" MaxLength="50" FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
        ///			<Property Type="String" Name="State" MaxLength="50" FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
        ///			<Property Type="String" Name="Country" MaxLength="50" FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
        ///		</ComplexType>
        /// ]]>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="metaModel"></param>
        /// <param name="cType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static MetaComplexType Parse(MetaModel metaModel, XElement cType)
            var fullName = metaModel.Namespace.Dot(cType.Att("Name"));

            if (metaModel.ComplexTypes.ContainsKey(fullName))
                return metaModel.ComplexTypes[fullName];

            var ct = new MetaComplexType();

            ct.FullName = fullName;
            ct.Name = cType.Att("Name");

            foreach (var prop in cType.Es("Property"))
                ct.Properties.Add(MetaComplexTypeProperty.Parse(metaModel, ct, prop));

            metaModel.ComplexTypes.Add(ct.FullName, ct);

            return ct;
        // <NavigationProperty Name="Movies" Relationship="Movies.FK_movies_genres" FromRole="genre" ToRole="movie" />
        public static MetaNavigationProperty Parse(MetaModel mmodel, MetaEntityType et, XElement node)
            var fullName = et.FullName + '.' + node.Att("Name");

            if (mmodel.NavigationProperties.ContainsKey(fullName))
                return mmodel.NavigationProperties[fullName];

            var m = new MetaNavigationProperty
                            FullName = fullName,
                            Name = node.Att("Name")

            mmodel.NavigationProperties.Add(fullName, m);

            m.AssociationRole = MetaAssociationRole.Parse(mmodel, et, node);

            m.EntityType = m.AssociationRole.ToEntityType;

            return m;
 public void TestMetaModelLoad()
     var edmx = new EdmxFile(@"Movies.edmx");
     var model = new MetaModel(edmx);
        public static List<MetaEntitySet> ParseAll(MetaModel mmodel)
            // Eg: <EntityContainer Name="MoviesContainer" annotation:LazyLoadingEnabled="true">
            var container = mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.E("EntityContainer");

            if (container == null)
                throw new Exception("Couldn't find the EntityContainer. The edmx file appears to be invalid.");

            var list = (from n in container.D("EntitySet")
                        select Parse(mmodel, container.Att("Name") + '.' + n.Att("Name"))).ToList();

            return list;
 public static XElement FindNode(MetaModel mmodel, string name)
     return mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.Es("ComplexType").WithName(name.LastPart());
        public static MetaEntityType Parse(MetaModel mmodel, string fullName, MetaEntitySet eSet = null)
            if (mmodel.EntityTypes.ContainsKey(fullName))
                return mmodel.EntityTypes[fullName];

            var m = new MetaEntityType
                            FullName = fullName,
                            Name = fullName.LastPart(),
                            EntitySet = eSet

            // need to add before processing related meta-models
            mmodel.EntityTypes.Add(m.FullName, m);

            var node = mmodel.EdmxFile.Concept.D(NodeName).WithName(m.Name);

            var keyNames = (from k in node.D("PropertyRef") select k.Att("Name")).ToList();

            // parsing properties
            foreach (var scP in node.D("Property"))
                // Property elements with a Type attribute reprents a ComplexProperty
                if (MetaComplexProperty.IsComplexPropertyNode(mmodel, scP))
                    m.ComplexProperties.Add(MetaComplexProperty.Parse(mmodel, m, scP));
                    var sp = MetaScalarProperty.Parse(mmodel, m, scP);
                    sp.isKey = keyNames.Contains(scP.Att("Name"));


            foreach (var navP in node.D("NavigationProperty"))
                m.NavigationProperties.Add(MetaNavigationProperty.Parse(mmodel, m, navP));

            // todo: process store

            return m;