PointIsInside() public static method

Checks if given point is inside the edges. The point must be in the same space than node positions
public static PointIsInside ( Vector3 point, List nodes, List edges ) : bool
point UnityEngine.Vector3
nodes List
edges List
return bool
        void GenerateSubEdgeTargets()
            UnityEngine.Random.seed = subEdgeRandomSeed;

            int safeCount  = 0;
            int pointCount = 0;

            subEdgeTargets = new List <Vector3>();

            while (safeCount < 1000)

                //Get random point inside the boundaries
                float randX = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minX, maxX);
                float randZ = UnityEngine.Random.Range(minZ, maxZ);

                Vector3 point = new Vector3(randX, 0f, randZ);

                //If point is inside the polygon, proceed
                if (EdgeGraphUtility.PointIsInside(point, nodes, edges))
                    //Check if the point is inside the margins
                    if (subEdgeTargetMargin > 0)
                        float toClosest = Mathf.Infinity;
                        //Edge closest;

                        foreach (var edge in edges)
                            Vector2 closestXZ    = Edge.GetClosestPointOnEdge(point, nodes.Find(x => x.ID == edge.Node1).Position, nodes.Find(x => x.ID == edge.Node2).Position);
                            Vector3 closestPoint = new Vector3(closestXZ.x, 0f, closestXZ.y);
                            float   dist         = Vector3.Distance(point, closestPoint);
                            if (dist < toClosest)
                                toClosest = dist;
                                //closest = edge;

                        if (toClosest < subEdgeTargetMargin)

                    //If new point is too close to existing one, discard it
                    bool pointIsTooClose = false;
                    foreach (var target in subEdgeTargets)
                        if (Vector3.Distance(point, target) < subEdgeMinDistance)
                            pointIsTooClose = true;

                    if (!pointIsTooClose)

                if (pointCount >= subEdgeTargetCount)