public void AddLog(LogEntry l) { m_items.Add (l); if (m_items.Count >= Engine.Instance.Storage.GetInt ("gui.log_limit")) m_items.RemoveAt (0); RefreshUI (); }
// ---------------------------------------------------- // Logging // ---------------------------------------------------- public virtual void OnLog(LogEntry l) { // An exception, to have a clean, standard 'man' output without logging header. if (CommandLine.SystemEnvironment.Exists("help")) { Console.WriteLine(l.Message); return; } if (l.Type != LogType.Realtime) { string lines = l.GetStringLines().Trim(); if (Storage != null) { lock (Storage) { if (Storage.Get("console.mode") == "batch") Console.WriteLine(lines); if (Storage.Get("console.mode") == "keys") Console.WriteLine(lines); if (Storage.GetBool("log.file.enabled")) { try { string logPath = Storage.Get("log.file.path").Trim(); Encoding encoding = Storage.GetEncoding("log.file.encoding"); List<string> paths = Logs.ParseLogFilePath(logPath); foreach (string path in paths) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); string text = Platform.Instance.NormalizeString(lines + "\n"); Platform.Instance.FileContentsAppendText(path, text, encoding); } } catch(Exception e) { Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, MessagesFormatter.Format("Log to file disabled due to error, {1}", e.Message)); Storage.SetBool ("log.file.enabled", false); } } } } } }
public override void OnLog(LogEntry l) { base.OnLog(l); if ( (Engine.Storage == null) || (Engine.Storage.GetBool("cli") == false) ) { lock (LogEntries) { LogEntries.Add(l); } if (FormMain != null) FormMain.RefreshUi(RefreshUiMode.Log); if (FormMain == null) // Otherwise it's showed from the RefreshUI in the same UI Thread { if (l.Type == LogType.Fatal) { MessageBox.Show(FormMain, l.Message, Constants.Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
public void Log(LogEntry l) { string msg = l.Message; TableLogsController.AddLog (l); if ((msg != "") && (l.Type != LogType.Verbose)) { if(Engine.IsConnected() == false) { Window.Title = Constants.Name + " - " + msg; MnuTrayStatus.Title = "> " + msg; } } if (l.Type >= LogType.InfoImportant) { StatusItem.ToolTip = msg; if(Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("gui.osx.sysbar.show_info")) StatusItem.Title = msg; } if (l.Type >= LogType.InfoImportant) Notification (msg, ""); if (l.Type >= LogType.InfoImportant) RequestAttention (); if (l.Type == LogType.Fatal) GuiUtils.MessageBox (msg); }
public void Log(LogEntry l) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { LogDelegate inv = new LogDelegate(this.Log); this.BeginInvoke(inv, new object[] { l }); } else { lock (this) { string Msg = l.Message; if (l.Type > LogType.Realtime) { ListViewItemLog Item = new ListViewItemLog(); Item.ImageKey = l.Type.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); Item.Text = ""; Item.SubItems.Add(l.GetDateForList()); Item.SubItems.Add(l.GetMessageForList()); Item.ToolTipText = l.Message; Item.Info = l; lstLogs.Items.Add(Item); Item.EnsureVisible(); if (lstLogs.Items.Count >= Engine.Storage.GetInt("gui.log_limit")) lstLogs.Items.RemoveAt(0); } if ((Msg != "") && (l.Type != LogType.Verbose)) { String ShortMsg = Msg; if (ShortMsg.Length > 40) ShortMsg = ShortMsg.Substring(0, 40) + "..."; string notifyText = Constants.Name + " - " + ShortMsg; if (l.Type >= LogType.InfoImportant) { Text = Constants.Name + " - " + Msg; } //if(Engine.IsConnected() == false) { //Text = Constants.Name + " - " + Msg; mnuStatus.Text = "> " + Msg; if (m_notifyIcon != null) { m_notifyIcon.Text = notifyText; m_notifyIcon.BalloonTipText = Msg; if (Engine.Storage.GetBool("")) { if (l.Type >= LogType.InfoImportant) { if (l.Type == LogType.Warning) m_notifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning; else if (l.Type == LogType.Error) m_notifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Error; else if (l.Type == LogType.Fatal) m_notifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Error; else m_notifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info; m_notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(l.BalloonTime); } } } } } if (l.Type == LogType.Fatal) { MessageBox.Show(this, Msg, Constants.Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } }
public void Log(LogType Type, string Message, int BalloonTime, Exception e) { // Avoid repetition if (Message == m_logLast) return; m_logLast = Message; LogEntry l = new LogEntry(); l.Type = Type; l.Message = Message; l.BalloonTime = BalloonTime; l.Exception = e; if (l.Type > LogType.Realtime) { m_lastLogMessage = l.Message; m_logDotCount += 1; m_logDotCount = m_logDotCount % 10; } Entries.Add(l); if( (Engine.Instance != null) && (Engine.Instance.Storage != null) && (Entries.Count >= Engine.Instance.Storage.GetInt("gui.log_limit")) ) Entries.RemoveAt(0); if(LogEvent != null) LogEvent(l); XmlItem xml = new XmlItem("command"); xml.SetAttribute("action", "ui.log"); l.WriteXML(xml); Engine.Instance.Command(xml); Engine.Instance.OnLog(l); }
public override void OnLog(LogEntry l) { base.OnLog (l); lock (LogsPending) { LogsPending.Add (l); } OnRefreshUi (RefreshUiMode.Log); }