public IpAddresses ExtractDns() { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); List <Directive> directives = GetDirectiveList("dhcp-option"); if (directives != null) { foreach (Directive d in directives) { string[] fields = d.Text.Split(' '); if (fields.Length != 2) { continue; } if (fields[0] == "DNS") { result.Add(fields[1]); } if (fields[0] == "DNS6") { result.Add(fields[1]); } } } return(result); }
public void Add(IpAddresses addresses) { foreach (IpAddress ip in addresses.IPs) { Add(ip); } }
public void Activation() { try { if (m_current != null) { throw new Exception(Messages.NetworkLockUnexpectedAlreadyActive); } NetworkLockPlugin nextCurrent = null; string requestedMode = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetLower("netlock.mode"); if (requestedMode == "auto") { requestedMode = Platform.Instance.OnNetworkLockRecommendedMode(); } if (requestedMode != "none") { foreach (NetworkLockPlugin plugin in Modes) { if (plugin.GetSupport()) { if (requestedMode == plugin.GetCode()) { nextCurrent = plugin; break; } } } } if (nextCurrent == null) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Fatal, Messages.NetworkLockNoMode); } else { string message = Messages.NetworkLockActivation + " - " + nextCurrent.GetName(); Engine.Instance.WaitMessageSet(message, false); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.InfoImportant, message); // This is not useless: resolve hostnames (available later as cache) before a possible lock of DNS server. IpAddresses ips = nextCurrent.GetAllIps(true); nextCurrent.Activation(); m_current = nextCurrent; } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Fatal, e); } Recovery.Save(); }
public IpAddresses Clone() { IpAddresses n = new IpAddresses(); foreach (IpAddress ip in IPs) { n.Add(ip.Clone()); } return(n); }
public void Tests() { IpAddresses dns = DnsManager.ResolveDNS("", true); Add("Test DNS IPv4", (dns.CountIPv4 == 2) ? Messages.Ok : Messages.Failed); Add("Test DNS IPv6", (dns.CountIPv6 == 2) ? Messages.Ok : Messages.Failed); Add("Test Ping IPv4", Platform.Instance.Ping(dns.OnlyIPv4.First, 5000).ToString() + " ms"); Add("Test Ping IPv6", Platform.Instance.Ping(dns.OnlyIPv6.First, 5000).ToString() + " ms"); Add("Test HTTP IPv4", TestUrl("http://" + "ipv4." + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); Add("Test HTTP IPv6", TestUrl("http://" + "ipv6." + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); Add("Test HTTPS", TestUrl("https://" + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); }
public void Tests() { IpAddresses dns = DnsManager.ResolveDNS("", true); Add("Test DNS IPv4", (dns.CountIPv4 == 2) ? LanguageManager.GetText("Ok") : LanguageManager.GetText("Failed")); Add("Test DNS IPv6", (dns.CountIPv6 == 2) ? LanguageManager.GetText("Ok") : LanguageManager.GetText("Failed")); Add("Test Ping IPv4", TestPing(Constants.WebSiteIPv4)); Add("Test Ping IPv6", TestPing(Constants.WebSiteIPv6)); Add("Test HTTP IPv4", TestUrl("http://" + Constants.WebSiteIPv4 + "/test/")); Add("Test HTTP IPv6", TestUrl("http://[" + Constants.WebSiteIPv6 + "]/test/")); Add("Test HTTPS", TestUrl("https://" + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj is IpAddresses == false) { return(false); } IpAddresses two = obj as IpAddresses; // Works because ToString sort items. return(ToString() == two.ToString()); }
public void Tests() { IpAddresses dns = DnsManager.ResolveDNS("", true); Add("Test DNS IPv4", (dns.CountIPv4 == 2) ? Messages.Ok : Messages.Failed); Add("Test DNS IPv6", (dns.CountIPv6 == 2) ? Messages.Ok : Messages.Failed); Add("Test HTTP", TestUrl("http://" + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); Add("Test HTTPS", TestUrl("https://" + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); /* #if !EDDIENET20 * Add("JsonTest", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new IpAddress(""))); #endif */ }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } if (obj is IpAddresses == false) { return(false); } IpAddresses two = obj as IpAddresses; // Note: return false if contains the same IPs but in different order // 2.19.5 return(ToString() == two.ToString()); }
public virtual IpAddresses ResolveDNS(string host) { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); try { IPHostEntry entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(host); foreach (IPAddress ip in entry.AddressList) { result.Add(ip.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { } return(result); }
// Note: If cache is expired, but new query don't return IPs, old cache it's returned. public static IpAddresses ResolveDNS(string host, bool nocache) { if (nocache) { return(Platform.Instance.ResolveDNS(host)); } else { DnsManagerEntry entry = null; lock (m_cache) { if (m_cache.ContainsKey(host)) { entry = m_cache[host]; } else { entry = new DnsManagerEntry(); } } Int64 now = Utils.UnixTimeStamp(); Int64 delay = now - entry.TimeStamp; Int64 ttl = 3600; if ((Engine.Instance != null) && (Engine.Instance.Storage != null)) { ttl = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetInt("dns.cache.ttl"); } if (delay >= ttl) { IpAddresses result = Platform.Instance.ResolveDNS(host); if (result.Count != 0) { entry.Response = result; entry.TimeStamp = now; lock (m_cache) { m_cache[host] = entry; } } } return(entry.Response); } }
public IpAddresses ExtractGateway() { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); if (ExistsDirective("route-gateway")) { string ip = GetOneDirectiveText("route-gateway"); result.Add(ip); } if (ExistsDirective("ifconfig-ipv6")) { string[] fields = GetOneDirectiveText("ifconfig-ipv6").Split(' '); if (fields.Length == 2) { result.Add(fields[1]); } } return(result); }
public void Tests() { IpAddresses dns = DnsManager.ResolveDNS("", true); Add("Test DNS IPv4", (dns.CountIPv4 == 2) ? LanguageManager.GetText("Ok") : LanguageManager.GetText("Failed")); Add("Test DNS IPv6", (dns.CountIPv6 == 2) ? LanguageManager.GetText("Ok") : LanguageManager.GetText("Failed")); /* Changed in 2.17.1 * Add("Test Ping IPv4", Platform.Instance.Ping(dns.OnlyIPv4.First, 5000).ToString() + " ms"); * Add("Test Ping IPv6", Platform.Instance.Ping(dns.OnlyIPv6.First, 5000).ToString() + " ms"); * * Add("Test HTTP IPv4", TestUrl("http://" + "ipv4." + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); * Add("Test HTTP IPv6", TestUrl("http://" + "ipv6." + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); * Add("Test HTTPS", TestUrl("https://" + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); */ Add("Test Ping IPv4", Platform.Instance.Ping(new IpAddress(Constants.WebSiteIPv4), 5000).ToString() + " ms"); Add("Test Ping IPv6", Platform.Instance.Ping(new IpAddress(Constants.WebSiteIPv6), 5000).ToString() + " ms"); Add("Test HTTP IPv4", TestUrl("http://" + Constants.WebSiteIPv4 + "/test/")); Add("Test HTTP IPv6", TestUrl("http://[" + Constants.WebSiteIPv6 + "]/test/")); Add("Test HTTPS", TestUrl("https://" + Constants.Domain + "/test/")); }
public IpAddresses GetIpsWhiteListIncoming() { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); // Whitelist { string list = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("netlock.whitelist.incoming.ips"); list = list.Replace("\u2028", ","); // macOS Hack // TOCLEAN List <string> hosts = list.StringToList(); foreach (string host in hosts) { string host2 = host; int posComment = host2.IndexOf("#"); if (posComment != -1) { host2 = host2.Substring(0, posComment).Trim(); } result.Add(host2); } } return(result); }
public ConnectionActive BuildConnectionActive(bool preview) { // If preview, no physical additional files are created. ConnectionActive connectionActive = new ConnectionActive(); Storage s = Engine.Instance.Storage; connectionActive.OpenVpnProfileStartup = new OvpnBuilder(); OvpnBuilder ovpn = connectionActive.OpenVpnProfileStartup; ovpn.AppendDirective("setenv", "IV_GUI_VER " + Constants.Name + Constants.VersionDesc, "Client level"); if (s.GetBool("openvpn.skip_defaults") == false) { ovpn.AppendDirectives(Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.directives"), "Client level"); string directivesPath = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.directives.path"); if (directivesPath.Trim() != "") { try { if (Platform.Instance.FileExists(directivesPath)) { string text = Platform.Instance.FileContentsReadText(directivesPath); ovpn.AppendDirectives(text, "Client level"); } else { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("FileNotFound", directivesPath)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("FileErrorRead", directivesPath, ex.Message)); } } Provider.OnBuildOvpnDefaults(ovpn); ovpn.AppendDirectives(OvpnDirectives, "Server level"); if (Path != "") { if (Platform.Instance.FileExists(Path)) { string text = Platform.Instance.FileContentsReadText(Path); ovpn.AppendDirectives(text, "Config file"); string dirPath = Platform.Instance.FileGetDirectoryPath(Path); ovpn.NormalizeRelativePath(dirPath); } } } if (s.Get("openvpn.dev_node") != "") { ovpn.AppendDirective("dev-node", s.Get("openvpn.dev_node"), ""); } if (s.Get("network.entry.iface") != "") { ovpn.AppendDirective("local", s.Get("network.entry.iface"), ""); ovpn.RemoveDirective("nobind"); } else { ovpn.RemoveDirective("local"); ovpn.AppendDirective("nobind", "", ""); } int rcvbuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.rcvbuf"); if (rcvbuf == -2) { rcvbuf = Platform.Instance.GetRecommendedRcvBufDirective(); } if (rcvbuf == -2) { rcvbuf = -1; } if (rcvbuf != -1) { ovpn.AppendDirective("rcvbuf", rcvbuf.ToString(), ""); } int sndbuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.sndbuf"); if (sndbuf == -2) { sndbuf = Platform.Instance.GetRecommendedSndBufDirective(); } if (sndbuf == -2) { sndbuf = -1; } if (sndbuf != -1) { ovpn.AppendDirective("sndbuf", sndbuf.ToString(), ""); } string proxyDirectiveName = ""; string proxyDirectiveArgs = ""; string proxyMode = s.GetLower("proxy.mode"); string proxyWhen = s.GetLower("proxy.when"); if ((proxyWhen == "none") || (proxyWhen == "web")) { proxyMode = "none"; } if (proxyMode == "tor") { proxyDirectiveName = "socks-proxy"; } else if (proxyMode == "http") { proxyDirectiveName = "http-proxy"; } else if (proxyMode == "socks") { proxyDirectiveName = "socks-proxy"; } if (proxyDirectiveName != "") { proxyDirectiveArgs += s.Get("") + " " + s.Get("proxy.port"); if ((s.GetLower("proxy.mode") != "none") && (s.GetLower("proxy.mode") != "tor")) { if (s.Get("proxy.auth") != "None") { string fileNameAuthOvpn = ""; if (preview) { fileNameAuthOvpn = "dummy.ppw"; } else { connectionActive.ProxyAuthFile = new TemporaryFile("ppw"); fileNameAuthOvpn = connectionActive.ProxyAuthFile.Path; string fileNameData = s.Get("proxy.login") + "\n" + s.Get("proxy.password") + "\n"; Platform.Instance.FileContentsWriteText(connectionActive.ProxyAuthFile.Path, fileNameData, Encoding.Default); // TOFIX: Check if OpenVPN expect UTF-8 Platform.Instance.FileEnsurePermission(connectionActive.ProxyAuthFile.Path, "600"); } proxyDirectiveArgs += " " + ovpn.EncodePath(fileNameAuthOvpn) + " " + s.Get("proxy.auth").ToLowerInvariant(); // 2.6 Auth Fix } } ovpn.AppendDirective(proxyDirectiveName, proxyDirectiveArgs, ""); } if (Constants.FeatureIPv6ControlOptions) { if (s.GetLower("network.ipv4.mode") == "in") { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = true; } else if (s.GetLower("network.ipv4.mode") == "in-out") { if (SupportIPv4) { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = true; } else { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = false; } } else if (s.GetLower("network.ipv4.mode") == "in-block") { if (SupportIPv4) { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = true; } else { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = false; // Out, but doesn't matter, will be blocked. } } else if (s.GetLower("network.ipv4.mode") == "out") { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = false; } else if (s.GetLower("network.ipv4.mode") == "block") { connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = false; // Out, but doesn't matter, will be blocked. } if (Engine.Instance.GetNetworkIPv6Mode() == "in") { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = true; } else if (Engine.Instance.GetNetworkIPv6Mode() == "in-out") { if (SupportIPv6) { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = true; } else { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = false; } } else if (Engine.Instance.GetNetworkIPv6Mode() == "in-block") { if (SupportIPv6) { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = true; } else { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = false; } } else if (Engine.Instance.GetNetworkIPv6Mode() == "out") { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = false; } else if (Engine.Instance.GetNetworkIPv6Mode() == "block") { connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = false; } if (Software.GetTool("openvpn").VersionAboveOrEqual("2.4")) { ovpn.RemoveDirective("redirect-gateway"); // Remove if exists ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"redirect-gateway\"", "Forced at client side"); if (connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 == false) { ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"dhcp-option DNS6\"", "Client side"); ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"tun-ipv6\"", "Client side"); ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"ifconfig-ipv6\"", "Client side"); } if ((connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 == false) && (connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 == false)) { // no redirect-gateway } else if ((connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 == true) && (connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 == false)) { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } else if ((connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 == false) && (connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 == true)) { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "ipv6 !ipv4 def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } else { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } } else { // OpenVPN <2.4, IPv6 not supported, IPv4 required. connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = true; connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = false; if (connectionActive.TunnelIPv4) { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } else { ovpn.AppendDirective("route-nopull", "", "For Routes Out"); // 2.9, this is used by Linux resolv-conf DNS method. Need because route-nopull also filter pushed dhcp-option. // Incorrect with other provider, but the right-approach (pull-filter based) require OpenVPN <2.4. ovpn.AppendDirective("dhcp-option", "DNS " + Constants.DnsVpn, ""); } } } else { string routesDefault = s.Get("routes.default"); connectionActive.TunnelIPv4 = (routesDefault == "in"); connectionActive.TunnelIPv6 = (routesDefault == "in"); if (routesDefault == "out") { if (Software.GetTool("openvpn").VersionAboveOrEqual("2.4")) { ovpn.RemoveDirective("redirect-gateway"); // Remove if exists ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"redirect-gateway\"", "For Routes Out"); } else // Compatibility <2.4 { ovpn.AppendDirective("route-nopull", "", "For Routes Out"); // For DNS // < 2.9. route directive useless, and DNS are forced manually in every supported platform. // TOCLEAN /* * ovpn += "dhcp-option DNS " + Constants.DnsVpn + "\n"; // Manually because route-nopull skip it * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; */ // 2.9, this is used by Linux resolv-conf DNS method. Need because route-nopull also filter pushed dhcp-option. // Incorrect with other provider, but the right-approach (pull-filter based) require OpenVPN <2.4. ovpn.AppendDirective("dhcp-option", "DNS " + Constants.DnsVpn, ""); } } } // For Checking foreach (IpAddress ip in IpsExit.IPs) { connectionActive.AddRoute(ip, "vpn_gateway", "For Checking Route"); } string routes = s.Get("routes.custom"); string[] routes2 = routes.Split(';'); foreach (string route in routes2) { string[] routeEntries = route.Split(','); if (routeEntries.Length != 3) { continue; } string ipCustomRoute = routeEntries[0]; IpAddresses ipsCustomRoute = new IpAddresses(ipCustomRoute); if (ipsCustomRoute.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, LanguageManager.GetText("CustomRouteInvalid", ipCustomRoute.ToString())); } else { string action = routeEntries[1]; string notes = routeEntries[2]; foreach (IpAddress ip in ipsCustomRoute.IPs) { bool layerIn = false; if (ip.IsV4) { layerIn = connectionActive.TunnelIPv4; } else if (ip.IsV6) { layerIn = connectionActive.TunnelIPv6; } string gateway = ""; if ((layerIn == false) && (action == "in")) { gateway = "vpn_gateway"; } if ((layerIn == true) && (action == "out")) { gateway = "net_gateway"; } if (gateway != "") { connectionActive.AddRoute(ip, gateway, (notes != "") ? notes.Safe() : ipCustomRoute); } } } } if (proxyMode == "tor") { if (preview == false) { TorControl.SendNEWNYM(); } IpAddresses torNodeIps = TorControl.GetGuardIps((preview == false)); foreach (IpAddress torNodeIp in torNodeIps.IPs) { if (((connectionActive.TunnelIPv4) && (torNodeIp.IsV4)) || ((connectionActive.TunnelIPv6) && (torNodeIp.IsV6))) { connectionActive.AddRoute(torNodeIp, "net_gateway", "Tor Guard"); } } } { string managementPasswordFile = "dummy.ppw"; if (preview == false) { connectionActive.ManagementPassword = RandomGenerator.GetHash(); connectionActive.ManagementPasswordFile = new TemporaryFile("ppw"); managementPasswordFile = connectionActive.ManagementPasswordFile.Path; Platform.Instance.FileContentsWriteText(managementPasswordFile, connectionActive.ManagementPassword, Encoding.ASCII); // UTF8 not recognized by OpenVPN Platform.Instance.FileEnsurePermission(managementPasswordFile, "600"); } ovpn.AppendDirective("management", " " + Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.management_port") + " " + ovpn.EncodePath(managementPasswordFile), ""); } // Experimental - Allow identification as Public Network in Windows. Advanced Option? // ovpn.Append("route-metric 512"); // ovpn.Append("route"); Provider.OnBuildConnectionActive(this, connectionActive); Provider.OnBuildConnectionActiveAuth(connectionActive); Platform.Instance.OnBuildOvpn(ovpn); ovpn.AppendDirectives(Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.custom"), "Custom level"); foreach (ConnectionActiveRoute route in connectionActive.Routes) { if ((route.Address.IsV6) || (Constants.FeatureAlwaysBypassOpenvpnRoute)) { } else { // We never find a better method to manage IPv6 route via OpenVPN, at least <2.4.4 ovpn.AppendDirective("route", route.Address.ToOpenVPN() + " " + route.Gateway, route.Notes.Safe()); } } ovpn.Normalize(); return(connectionActive); }
public virtual bool OnDnsSwitchDo(ConnectionActive connectionActive, IpAddresses dns) { return(true); }
public static IpAddresses GetGuardIps() { IpAddresses ips = new IpAddresses(); try { string controlHost = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("").ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); if ((controlHost != "") && (controlHost.ToLowerInvariant() != "localhost")) { // Guard IPS are used to avoid routing loop, that occur only if the Tor host is the same machine when OpenVPN run. return(ips); } TcpClient s = Connect(); Write(s, "getinfo circuit-status\n"); Flush(s); string circuits = Read(s); string[] circuitsLines = circuits.Split('\n'); foreach (string circuit in circuitsLines) { string[] circuitItems = circuit.Split(' '); if (circuitItems.Length < 3) { continue; } if (circuitItems[1] != "BUILT") { continue; } string id = circuitItems[2]; id = id.Substring(1, id.IndexOf('~') - 1); Write(s, "getinfo ns/id/" + id + "\n"); string nodeInfo = Read(s); string[] nodeLines = nodeInfo.Split('\n'); foreach (string line in nodeLines) { string[] lineItems = line.Split(' '); if (lineItems.Length < 7) { continue; } if (lineItems[0] != "r") { continue; } string ip = lineItems[6]; if (ips.Contains(ip) == false) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.TorControlGuardIp, ip, id)); ips.Add(ip); } } } s.Close(); if (ips.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, Messages.TorControlNoIps); //throw new Exception(Messages.TorControlNoIps); } } catch (Exception e) { //throw new Exception(MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.TorControlException, e.Message)); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.TorControlException, e.Message)); } return(ips); }
public Json Compute(ConnectionActive connectionActive) { Json jRoute = new Json(); jRoute["address"].Value = Address.ToCIDR(); if (Gateway == "vpn_gateway") { jRoute["interface"].Value = connectionActive.Interface.Id; IpAddresses vpnGateways = connectionActive.OpenVpnProfileWithPush.ExtractGateway(); if (Address.IsV4) { if (vpnGateways.OnlyIPv4.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogWarning("Unable to compute route for " + Address.ToCIDR() + ": IPv4 VPN gateway not available."); return(null); } else { jRoute["gateway"].Value = vpnGateways.OnlyIPv4.First.Address; } } else if (Address.IsV6) { if (vpnGateways.OnlyIPv6.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogVerbose("Unable to compute route for " + Address.ToCIDR() + ": IPv6 VPN gateway not available."); return(null); } else { jRoute["gateway"].Value = vpnGateways.OnlyIPv6.First.Address; } } else { return(null); } } else if (Gateway == "net_gateway") { if (Address.IsV4) { IpAddress netGateway = Engine.Instance.GetDefaultGatewayIPv4(); if (netGateway == null) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogWarning("Unable to compute route for " + Address.ToCIDR() + ": IPv4 Net gateway not available."); return(null); } else { jRoute["gateway"].Value = netGateway.Address; jRoute["interface"].Value = Engine.Instance.GetDefaultInterfaceIPv4(); } } else if (Address.IsV6) { IpAddress netGateway = Engine.Instance.GetDefaultGatewayIPv6(); if (netGateway == null) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogVerbose("Unable to compute route for " + Address.ToCIDR() + ": IPv6 Net gateway not available."); return(null); } else { jRoute["gateway"].Value = netGateway.Address; jRoute["interface"].Value = Engine.Instance.GetDefaultInterfaceIPv6(); } } else { return(null); } } else { // ClodoTemp: Unsupported on Windows for now, we need the interface. IpAddress ip = new IpAddress(Gateway); if (ip.Valid == false) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogWarning("Gateway " + Gateway + " invalid."); return(null); } else if ((Address.IsV4) && (ip.IsV6)) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogWarning("Gateway " + Gateway + " is IPv6 but used for IPv4 address."); return(null); } else if ((Address.IsV6) && (ip.IsV4)) { Engine.Instance.Logs.LogWarning("Gateway " + Gateway + " is IPv4 but used for IPv6 address."); return(null); } else { jRoute["gateway"].Value = ip.Address; } } return(jRoute); }
public OvpnBuilder BuildOVPN(bool preview) { // If preview, no physical additional files are created. Storage s = Engine.Instance.Storage; OvpnBuilder ovpn = new OvpnBuilder(); if (s.GetBool("openvpn.skip_defaults") == false) { ovpn.AppendDirectives(Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.directives"), "Client level"); string directivesPath = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.directives.path"); if (directivesPath.Trim() != "") { try { if (Platform.Instance.FileExists(directivesPath)) { string text = Platform.Instance.FileContentsReadText(directivesPath); ovpn.AppendDirectives(text, "Client level"); } else { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.FileNotFound, directivesPath)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.FileErrorRead, directivesPath, ex.Message)); } } Provider.OnBuildOvpnDefaults(ovpn); ovpn.AppendDirectives(OvpnDirectives, "Server level"); if (Path != "") { if (Platform.Instance.FileExists(Path)) { string text = Platform.Instance.FileContentsReadText(Path); ovpn.AppendDirectives(text, "Config file"); string dirPath = Platform.Instance.FileGetDirectoryPath(Path); ovpn.NormalizeRelativePath(dirPath); } } } if (s.Get("openvpn.dev_node") != "") { ovpn.AppendDirective("dev-node", s.Get("openvpn.dev_node"), ""); } int rcvbuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.rcvbuf"); if (rcvbuf == -2) { rcvbuf = Platform.Instance.GetRecommendedRcvBufDirective(); } if (rcvbuf == -2) { rcvbuf = -1; } if (rcvbuf != -1) { ovpn.AppendDirective("rcvbuf", rcvbuf.ToString(), ""); } int sndbuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.sndbuf"); if (sndbuf == -2) { sndbuf = Platform.Instance.GetRecommendedSndBufDirective(); } if (sndbuf == -2) { sndbuf = -1; } if (sndbuf != -1) { ovpn.AppendDirective("sndbuf", sndbuf.ToString(), ""); } string proxyDirectiveName = ""; string proxyDirectiveArgs = ""; string proxyMode = s.GetLower("proxy.mode"); string proxyWhen = s.GetLower("proxy.when"); if ((proxyWhen == "none") || (proxyWhen == "web")) { proxyMode = "none"; } if (proxyMode == "tor") { proxyDirectiveName = "socks-proxy"; } else if (proxyMode == "http") { proxyDirectiveName = "http-proxy"; } else if (proxyMode == "socks") { proxyDirectiveName = "socks-proxy"; } if (proxyDirectiveName != "") { proxyDirectiveArgs += s.Get("") + " " + s.Get("proxy.port"); if ((s.GetLower("proxy.mode") != "none") && (s.GetLower("proxy.mode") != "tor")) { if (s.Get("proxy.auth") != "None") { string fileNameAuthOvpn = ""; if (preview) { fileNameAuthOvpn = "dummy.ppw"; } else { ovpn.FileProxyAuth = new TemporaryFile("ppw"); fileNameAuthOvpn = ovpn.FileProxyAuth.Path.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); // 2.6, Escaping for Windows string fileNameData = s.Get("proxy.login") + "\n" + s.Get("proxy.password") + "\n"; Platform.Instance.FileContentsWriteText(ovpn.FileProxyAuth.Path, fileNameData); Platform.Instance.FileEnsurePermission(ovpn.FileProxyAuth.Path, "600"); } proxyDirectiveArgs += " \"" + fileNameAuthOvpn + "\" " + s.Get("proxy.auth").ToLowerInvariant(); // 2.6 Auth Fix } } ovpn.AppendDirective(proxyDirectiveName, proxyDirectiveArgs, ""); } if (Lib.Common.Constants.AlphaFeatures) { if (Software.GetTool("openvpn").VersionAboveOrEqual("2.4")) { // IP Layer routes ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"redirect-gateway\"", "Forced at client side"); bool ipv4In = true; bool ipv6In = true; if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv4.route") == "in-always") { ipv4In = true; } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv4.route") == "in-out") { if (SupportIPv4) { ipv4In = true; } else { ipv4In = false; } } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv4.route") == "in-block") { if (SupportIPv4) { ipv4In = true; } else { ipv4In = false; // Out, but doesn't matter, will be blocked. } } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv4.route") == "out") { ipv4In = false; } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv4.route") == "block") { ipv4In = false; // Out, but doesn't matter, will be blocked. } if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv6.route") == "in-always") { ipv6In = true; } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv6.route") == "in-out") { if (SupportIPv4) { ipv6In = true; } else { ipv6In = false; } } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv6.route") == "in-block") { if (SupportIPv6) { ipv6In = true; } else { ipv6In = false; // Out, but doesn't matter, will be blocked. } } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv6.route") == "out") { ipv6In = false; } else if (s.GetLower("protocol.ipv6.route") == "block") { ipv6In = false; // Out, but doesn't matter, will be blocked. } if ((ipv4In == false) && (ipv6In == false)) { // no redirect-gateway } else if ((ipv4In == true) && (ipv6In == false)) { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } else if ((ipv4In == false) && (ipv6In == true)) { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "ipv6 !ipv4 def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } else { ovpn.AppendDirective("redirect-gateway", "ipv6 def1 bypass-dhcp", ""); } } else { // ClodoTemp: If <2.4 ? Ipv6 are anyway non managed well. } } else { } string routesDefault = s.Get("routes.default"); if (routesDefault == "out") { if (Software.GetTool("openvpn").VersionAboveOrEqual("2.4")) { ovpn.RemoveDirective("redirect-gateway"); // Remove if exists ovpn.AppendDirective("pull-filter", "ignore \"redirect-gateway\"", "For Routes Out"); } else // Compatibility <2.4 { ovpn.AppendDirective("route-nopull", "", "For Routes Out"); // For DNS // < 2.9. route directive useless, and DNS are forced manually in every supported platform. // TOCLEAN /* * ovpn += "dhcp-option DNS " + Constants.DnsVpn + "\n"; // Manually because route-nopull skip it * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; * ovpn += "route vpn_gateway # AirDNS\n"; */ // 2.9, Can be removed when resolv-conf method it's not binded anymore in up/down ovpn directive // TOFIX ovpn.AppendDirective("dhcp-option", "DNS " + Lib.Common.Constants.DnsVpn, ""); } // For Checking foreach (IpAddress ip in IpsExit.IPs) { if (ip.IsV4) // TOFIX IPv6 { ovpn.AppendDirective("route", ip.ToOpenVPN() + " vpn_gateway", "For Checking Route"); } } } string routes = s.Get("routes.custom"); string[] routes2 = routes.Split(';'); foreach (string route in routes2) { string[] routeEntries = route.Split(','); if (routeEntries.Length != 3) { continue; } string ipCustomRoute = routeEntries[0]; IpAddresses ipsCustomRoute = new IpAddresses(ipCustomRoute); if (ipsCustomRoute.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.CustomRouteInvalid, ipCustomRoute.ToString())); } else { string action = routeEntries[1]; string notes = routeEntries[2]; string gateway = ""; if ((routesDefault == "out") && (action == "in")) { gateway = "vpn_gateway"; } if ((routesDefault == "in") && (action == "out")) { gateway = "net_gateway"; } if (gateway != "") { foreach (IpAddress ip in ipsCustomRoute.IPs) { if (ip.IsV4) { ovpn.AppendDirective("route", ip.ToOpenVPN() + " " + gateway, (notes != "") ? Utils.StringSafe(notes) : ipCustomRoute); } // TOFIX IPv6 /* * else if(ipCustomRoute.IsV6) * ovpn.AppendDirective("route-ipv6", ipCustomRoute.ToOpenVPN() + " " + gateway + "_ipv6", Utils.StringSafe(notes)); */ } } } } if (routesDefault == "in") { if (proxyMode == "tor") { IpAddresses torNodeIps = TorControl.GetGuardIps(); foreach (IpAddress torNodeIp in torNodeIps.IPs) { if (torNodeIp.IsV4) { ovpn.AppendDirective("route", torNodeIp.ToOpenVPN() + " net_gateway", "Tor Circuit"); } // TOFIX IPv6 /* * else if(torNodeIp.IsV6) * ovpn.AppendDirective("route-ipv6", torNodeIp.ToOpenVPN() + " net_gateway_ipv6", "Tor Circuit"); */ } } } ovpn.AppendDirective("management", " " + Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.management_port"), ""); ovpn.AppendDirectives(Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("openvpn.custom"), "Custom level"); // Experimental - Allow identification as Public Network in Windows. Advanced Option? // ovpn.Append("route-metric 512"); // ovpn.Append("route"); Provider.OnBuildOvpn(this, ovpn); Provider.OnBuildOvpnAuth(ovpn); Platform.Instance.OnBuildOvpn(ovpn); ovpn.Normalize(); string ovpnText = ovpn.Get(); Provider.OnBuildOvpnPost(ref ovpnText); return(ovpn); }
public virtual IpAddresses GetNetworkLockWhiteListOutgoingIPs() { IpAddresses list = new IpAddresses(); return(list); }
public IpAddresses GetAllIps(bool includeIpUsedByClient) { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); // Custom { string list = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("netlock.allowed_ips"); list = list.Replace("\u2028", ","); // OS X Hack // TOCLEAN List <string> hosts = Utils.StringToList(list); foreach (string host in hosts) { string host2 = host; int posComment = host2.IndexOf("#"); if (posComment != -1) { host2 = host2.Substring(0, posComment).Trim(); } result.Add(host2); } } // Routes Out { string routes = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("routes.custom"); string[] routes2 = routes.Split(';'); foreach (string route in routes2) { string[] routeEntries = route.Split(','); if (routeEntries.Length < 2) { continue; } string host = routeEntries[0]; string action = routeEntries[1]; if (action == "out") { result.Add(host); } } } // DNS if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("netlock.allow_dns")) { result.Add(Platform.Instance.DetectDNS()); } if (includeIpUsedByClient) { // Providers foreach (Provider provider in Engine.Instance.ProvidersManager.Providers) { result.Add(provider.GetNetworkLockAllowedIps()); } // Servers lock (Engine.Instance.Connections) { Dictionary <string, ConnectionInfo> servers = new Dictionary <string, ConnectionInfo>(Engine.Instance.Connections); foreach (ConnectionInfo infoServer in servers.Values) { result.Add(infoServer.IpsEntry); } } } return(result); }
public virtual IpAddresses GetNetworkLockAllowedIps() { IpAddresses list = new IpAddresses(); return(list); }
public virtual bool OnDnsSwitchDo(IpAddresses dns) { return(true); }
public static IpAddresses GetGuardIps(bool force) { // This is called a lots of time. Int64 now = Utils.UnixTimeStamp(); if ((force == false) && ((now - m_lastGuardTime < 60))) { return(m_lastGuardIps); } IpAddresses ips = new IpAddresses(); try { string controlHost = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("").ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); if ((controlHost != "") && (controlHost.ToLowerInvariant() != "localhost")) { // Guard IPS are used to avoid routing loop, that occur only if the Tor host is the same machine when OpenVPN run. return(ips); } List <string> ipsMessages = new List <string>(); using (TcpClient s = new TcpClient()) { Connect(s); Write(s, "getinfo circuit-status\n"); Flush(s); string circuits = Read(s); string[] circuitsLines = circuits.Split('\n'); foreach (string circuit in circuitsLines) { string id = circuit.ToLowerInvariant().RegExMatchOne("\\d+\\sbuilt\\s\\$([0-9a-f]+)"); if (id != "") { Write(s, "getinfo ns/id/" + id.ToUpperInvariant() + "\n"); string nodeInfo = Read(s); string[] nodeLines = nodeInfo.Split('\n'); foreach (string line in nodeLines) { string ip = line.RegExMatchOne("r\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s(.+?)\\s"); if ((IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) && (!ips.Contains(ip))) { ips.Add(ip); ipsMessages.Add(ip + " (circuit)"); } } } } Write(s, "getconf bridge\n"); Flush(s); string bridges = Read(s); if (bridges.IndexOf("meek") == -1) //Panic if we have meek enabled, don't yet know what to do :-( { string[] bridgeLines = bridges.Split('\n'); foreach (string bridge in bridgeLines) { List <string> matches = bridge.ToLowerInvariant().RegExMatchSingle("250.bridge=(.+?)\\s([0-9a-f\\.\\:]+?):\\d+\\s"); if ((matches != null) && (matches.Count == 2)) { string bridgeType = matches[0]; string ip = matches[1]; if ((IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) && (!ips.Contains(ip))) { ips.Add(matches[1]); ipsMessages.Add(matches[1] + " (" + bridgeType + ")"); } } } } else { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlMeekUnsupported")); } if (ips.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlNoIps")); //throw new Exception(Messages.TorControlNoIps); } else { string list = String.Join("; ", ipsMessages.ToArray()); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlGuardIps", list)); } } } catch (Exception e) { //throw new Exception(LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlException, e.Message)); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlException", e.Message)); } m_lastGuardIps = ips; m_lastGuardTime = now; return(ips); }
public virtual IpAddresses ResolveDNS(string host) { IpAddresses result = new IpAddresses(); try { IPHostEntry entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(host); foreach (IPAddress ip in entry.AddressList) { result.Add(ip.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { /* * Fallback to nslookup.exe * 2.14: Occur some cases (for example Check DNS on IPv6 server without IPv6 DNS (pull-ignore)) * when GetHostEntry throw "A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup" WSANO_RECOVERY * but at the same time nslookup.exe give the correct answer without any error. * 2.14: For the moment is useless this fallback, because the CheckDNS still works (probably parallel DNS) * Search WSANO_RECOVERY in session.cs for more notes. */ /* * if( (e is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) && ((e as System.Net.Sockets.SocketException).ErrorCode == 11003)) // WSANO_RECOVERY * { * try * { * SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); * s.Path = LocateExecutable("nslookup.exe"); * s.Arguments.Add(SystemShell.EscapeHost(host)); * s.NoDebugLogTemp = true; * s.Run(); * * if (s.StdOut.StartsWith("DNS request timed out") == false) * { * int posAnswer = s.StdOut.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); * if (posAnswer != -1) * { * // Cleanup. Cannot find a better alternative: when WSANO_RECOVERY occur * // Dns.GetHostEntry fail, also C getaddrinfo fail, only nslookup.exe works. * string d = s.StdOut.Substring(posAnswer + host.Length); * d = d.Replace("Name:", ""); * d = d.Replace("Aliases:", ""); * d = d.Replace("Address:", ""); * d = d.Replace("Addresses:", ""); * d = d.Replace("\t", " "); * d = d.Replace("\r", " "); * d = d.Replace("\n", " "); * d = UtilsString.StringCleanSpace(d); * foreach (string ip in d.Split(' ')) * { * if (IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) * result.Add(ip); * } * } * } * } * catch (Exception) * { * * } * } */ } return(result); }