static void Main(string[] args) { Core.Platform.Instance = new Eddie.Platforms.Osx(); CommandLine.InitSystem(Environment.CommandLine); // Due to a bug in Xamarin, that don't recognize resources inside Core library if Mono is bundled, we embed some resources in entry assembly. Core.ResourcesFiles.LoadString (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly (), "license.txt", "License.txt"); Core.ResourcesFiles.LoadString (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly (), "thirdparty.txt", "ThirdParty.txt"); Core.ResourcesFiles.LoadString (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly (), "tos.txt", "TOS.txt"); Core.ResourcesFiles.Count (); if (CommandLine.SystemEnvironment.Exists ("cli")) { Core.Engine engine = new Core.Engine (); if (engine.Initialization (true)) { engine.ConsoleStart (); engine.Join (); } } else { Engine engine = new Engine (); if (engine.Initialization (false) == false) return; NSApplication.Init (); NSApplication.Main (args); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Platform.Instance = new Eddie.Platforms.Linux(); CommandLine.InitSystem(Environment.CommandLine); Engine engine = new Engine(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); if (engine.Initialization(true)) { engine.ConsoleStart(); } }