public void RandomizeBackstories() { CustomPawn currentPawn = state.CurrentPawn; PawnKindDef kindDef = currentPawn.Pawn.kindDef; FactionDef factionDef = kindDef.defaultFactionType; if (factionDef == null) { factionDef = Faction.OfPlayer.def; } List <BackstoryCategoryFilter> backstoryCategoryFiltersFor = Reflection.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.GetBackstoryCategoryFiltersFor(currentPawn.Pawn, factionDef); // Generate a bio from which to get the backstories if (!Reflection.PawnBioAndNameGenerator.TryGetRandomUnusedSolidBioFor(backstoryCategoryFiltersFor, kindDef, currentPawn.Gender, null, out PawnBio pawnBio)) { // Other mods are patching the vanilla method in ways that cause it to return false. If that happens, // we use our duplicate implementation instead. if (!PawnBioGenerator.TryGetRandomUnusedSolidBioFor(backstoryCategoryFiltersFor, kindDef, currentPawn.Gender, null, out pawnBio)) { // If we still can't get a bio with our duplicate implementation, we pick backstories completely at random. currentPawn.Childhood = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Backstories.GetChildhoodBackstoriesForPawn(currentPawn).RandomElement(); if (currentPawn.BiologicalAge >= 20) { currentPawn.Adulthood = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Backstories.GetAdulthoodBackstoriesForPawn(currentPawn).RandomElement(); } return; } } currentPawn.Childhood = pawnBio.childhood; // TODO: Can we remove the hard-coded adult age and get the value from a provider instead? // Probably not in vanilla, but maybe if other mods somehow override the "20" that's hard-coded in the vanilla code. if (currentPawn.BiologicalAge >= 20) { currentPawn.Adulthood = pawnBio.adulthood; } }
public void AddPawn(CustomPawn customPawn) { pawns.Add(customPawn); }
public static Backstory RandomAdulthood(CustomPawn customPawn) { return(PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Backstories.GetAdulthoodBackstoriesForPawn(customPawn).RandomElement()); }
public Pawn GenerateSameKindAndGenderOfPawn(CustomPawn customPawn) { return(GenerateKindAndGenderOfPawn(customPawn.Pawn.kindDef, customPawn.Gender)); }
public void DeleteAllPawnRelationships(CustomPawn pawn) { PrepareCarefully.Instance.RelationshipManager.DeletePawn(pawn); }
public bool Contains(PawnRelationDef def, CustomPawn source, CustomPawn target) { return(Find(def, source, target) != null); }
public List <HairDef> GetHairs(CustomPawn pawn) { return(GetHairs(pawn.Pawn.def, pawn.Gender)); }
public CustomPawn LoadPawn(SaveRecordPawnV3 record) { PawnKindDef pawnKindDef = null; if (record.pawnKindDef != null) { pawnKindDef = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.pawnKindDef); if (pawnKindDef == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not find the pawn kind definition for the saved character: \"" + record.pawnKindDef + "\""); return(null); } } ThingDef pawnThingDef = ThingDefOf.Human; if (record.thingDef != null) { ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.thingDef); if (thingDef != null) { pawnThingDef = thingDef; } } Pawn source; if (pawnKindDef != null) { source = new Randomizer().GenerateKindOfColonist(pawnKindDef); } else { source = new Randomizer().GenerateColonist(); }; CustomPawn pawn = new CustomPawn(source); if (pawn.Id == null) { pawn.GenerateId(); } else { pawn.Id =; } pawn.Type = CustomPawnType.Colonist; pawn.Gender = record.gender; if (record.age > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.age; pawn.BiologicalAge = record.age; } if (record.chronologicalAge > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = record.chronologicalAge; } if (record.biologicalAge > 0) { pawn.BiologicalAge = record.biologicalAge; } pawn.FirstName = record.firstName; pawn.NickName = record.nickName; pawn.LastName = record.lastName; HairDef h = FindHairDef(record.hairDef); if (h != null) { pawn.HairDef = h; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load hair definition \"" + record.hairDef + "\""); Failed = true; } pawn.HeadGraphicPath = record.headGraphicPath; pawn.Pawn.story.hairColor = record.hairColor; if (record.melanin >= 0.0f) { pawn.MelaninLevel = record.melanin; } else { pawn.MelaninLevel = PawnColorUtils.FindMelaninValueFromColor(record.skinColor); } // Set the skin color (only for Alien Races). if (pawn.AlienRace != null) { pawn.SkinColor = record.skinColor; } Backstory backstory = FindBackstory(record.childhood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Childhood = backstory; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load childhood backstory definition \"" + record.childhood + "\""); Failed = true; } if (record.adulthood != null) { backstory = FindBackstory(record.adulthood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Adulthood = backstory; } else { Log.Warning("Could not load adulthood backstory definition \"" + record.adulthood + "\""); Failed = true; } } // Get the body type from the save record. If there's no value in the save, then assign the // default body type from the pawn's backstories. // TODO: 1.0 /* * BodyType? bodyType = null; * try { * bodyType = (BodyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BodyType), record.bodyType); * } * catch (Exception) { * } * if (!bodyType.HasValue) { * if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { * bodyType = pawn.Adulthood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); * } * else { * bodyType = pawn.Childhood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); * } * } * if (bodyType.HasValue) { * pawn.BodyType = bodyType.Value; * } */ BodyTypeDef bodyType = null; try { bodyType = DefDatabase <BodyTypeDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.bodyType); } catch (Exception) { } if (bodyType == null) { if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { bodyType = pawn.Adulthood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } else { bodyType = pawn.Childhood.BodyTypeFor(pawn.Gender); } } if (bodyType != null) { pawn.BodyType = bodyType; } pawn.ClearTraits(); for (int i = 0; i < record.traitNames.Count; i++) { string traitName = record.traitNames[i]; Trait trait = FindTrait(traitName, record.traitDegrees[i]); if (trait != null) { pawn.AddTrait(trait); } else { Log.Warning("Could not load trait definition \"" + traitName + "\""); Failed = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < record.skillNames.Count; i++) { string name = record.skillNames[i]; SkillDef def = FindSkillDef(pawn.Pawn, name); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load skill definition \"" + name + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } pawn.currentPassions[def] = record.passions[i]; pawn.originalPassions[def] = record.passions[i]; pawn.SetOriginalSkillLevel(def, record.skillValues[i]); pawn.SetUnmodifiedSkillLevel(def, record.skillValues[i]); } if (record.originalPassions != null && record.originalPassions.Count == record.skillNames.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < record.skillNames.Count; i++) { string name = record.skillNames[i]; SkillDef def = FindSkillDef(pawn.Pawn, name); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load skill definition \"" + name + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } //pawn.originalPassions[def] = record.originalPassions[i]; } } foreach (var layer in PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn)) { if (layer.Apparel) { pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, null); } } for (int i = 0; i < record.apparelLayers.Count; i++) { int layerIndex = record.apparelLayers[i]; PawnLayer layer = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.FindLayerFromDeprecatedIndex(layerIndex); if (layer == null) { Log.Warning("Could not find pawn layer from saved pawn layer index: \"" + layerIndex + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.apparel[i]); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load thing definition for apparel \"" + record.apparel[i] + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } ThingDef stuffDef = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.apparelStuff[i])) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(record.apparelStuff[i]); if (stuffDef == null) { Log.Warning("Could not load stuff definition \"" + record.apparelStuff[i] + "\" for apparel \"" + record.apparel[i] + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } } pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, def); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, stuffDef); pawn.SetColor(layer, record.apparelColors[i]); } OptionsHealth healthOptions = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Health.GetOptions(pawn); for (int i = 0; i < record.implants.Count; i++) { SaveRecordImplantV3 implantRecord = record.implants[i]; UniqueBodyPart uniqueBodyPart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(implantRecord.bodyPart, implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? implantRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { uniqueBodyPart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, implantRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniqueBodyPart == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the implant because it could not find the needed body part \"" + implantRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (implantRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + implantRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); Failed = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = uniqueBodyPart.Record; if (implantRecord.recipe != null) { RecipeDef recipeDef = FindRecipeDef(implantRecord.recipe); if (recipeDef == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the implant because it could not find the recipe definition \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } bool found = false; foreach (var p in recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts) { if (p.defName.Equals(bodyPart.def.defName)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Log.Warning("Prepare carefully could not apply the saved implant recipe \"" + implantRecord.recipe + "\" to the body part \"" + bodyPart.def.defName + "\". Recipe does not support that part."); Failed = true; continue; } Implant implant = new Implant(); implant.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; implant.recipe = recipeDef; implant.label = implant.Label; pawn.AddImplant(implant); } } foreach (var injuryRecord in record.injuries) { HediffDef def = DefDatabase <HediffDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(injuryRecord.hediffDef); if (def == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find the hediff definition \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } InjuryOption option = healthOptions.FindInjuryOptionByHediffDef(def); if (option == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find a matching injury option for the saved hediff \"" + injuryRecord.hediffDef + "\""); Failed = true; continue; } BodyPartRecord bodyPart = null; if (injuryRecord.bodyPart != null) { UniqueBodyPart uniquePart = healthOptions.FindBodyPartByName(injuryRecord.bodyPart, injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex.Value : 0); if (uniquePart == null) { uniquePart = FindReplacementBodyPart(healthOptions, injuryRecord.bodyPart); } if (uniquePart == null) { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not add the injury because it could not find the needed body part \"" + injuryRecord.bodyPart + "\"" + (injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex != null ? " with index " + injuryRecord.bodyPartIndex : "")); Failed = true; continue; } bodyPart = uniquePart.Record; } Injury injury = new Injury(); injury.Option = option; injury.BodyPartRecord = bodyPart; if (injuryRecord.severity != null) { injury.Severity = injuryRecord.Severity; } if (injuryRecord.painFactor != null) { injury.PainFactor = injuryRecord.PainFactor; } pawn.AddInjury(injury); } pawn.CopySkillsAndPassionsToPawn(); pawn.ClearPawnCaches(); return(pawn); }
public void AddFactionPawn(PawnKindDef kindDef, bool startingPawn) { FactionDef factionDef = kindDef.defaultFactionType; Faction faction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.GetFaction(factionDef); // Workaround to force pawn generation to skip adding weapons to the pawn. // Might be a slightly risky hack, but the finally block should guarantee that // the weapons money range always gets set back to its original value. // TODO: Try to remove this at a later date. It would be nice if the pawn generation // request gave you an option to skip weapon and equipment generation. FloatRange savedWeaponsMoney = kindDef.weaponMoney; kindDef.weaponMoney = new FloatRange(0, 0); Pawn pawn = null; try { pawn = randomizer.GeneratePawn(new PawnGenerationRequestWrapper() { Faction = faction, KindDef = kindDef, Context = PawnGenerationContext.NonPlayer, WorldPawnFactionDoesntMatter = true }.Request); if ( != null) {; } if (pawn.inventory != null) { pawn.inventory.DestroyAll(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warning("Failed to create faction pawn of kind " + kindDef.defName); Log.Message(e.Message); Log.Message(e.StackTrace); if (pawn != null) { pawn.Destroy(); } state.AddError("EdB.PC.Panel.PawnList.Error.FactionPawnFailed".Translate()); return; } finally { kindDef.weaponMoney = savedWeaponsMoney; } // Reset the quality and damage of all apparel. foreach (var a in pawn.apparel.WornApparel) { a.SetQuality(QualityCategory.Normal); a.HitPoints = a.MaxHitPoints; } CustomPawn customPawn = new CustomPawn(pawn); customPawn.Type = startingPawn ? CustomPawnType.Colonist : CustomPawnType.World; if (!startingPawn) { CustomFaction customFaction = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Factions.FindRandomCustomFactionByDef(factionDef); if (customFaction != null) { customPawn.Faction = customFaction; } } PrepareCarefully.Instance.AddPawn(customPawn); state.CurrentPawn = customPawn; PawnAdded(customPawn); }
// Pawn-related actions. public void SelectPawn(CustomPawn pawn) { state.CurrentPawn = pawn; }
public SaveRecordPawnV4(CustomPawn pawn) { = pawn.Id; this.thingDef = pawn.Pawn.def.defName; this.type = pawn.Type.ToString(); if (pawn.Type == CustomPawnType.World && pawn.Faction != null) { this.faction = new SaveRecordFactionV4(); this.faction.def = pawn.Faction.Def != null ? pawn.Faction.Def.defName : null; this.faction.index = pawn.Faction.Index; this.faction.leader = pawn.Faction.Leader; } this.pawnKindDef = pawn.OriginalKindDef != null ? pawn.OriginalKindDef.defName : pawn.Pawn.kindDef.defName; this.originalFactionDef = pawn.OriginalFactionDef != null ? pawn.OriginalFactionDef.defName : null; this.gender = pawn.Gender; if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { this.adulthood = pawn.Adulthood.identifier; } else { this.adulthood = pawn.LastSelectedAdulthoodBackstory?.identifier; } this.childhood = pawn.Childhood.identifier; this.skinColor = pawn.Pawn.story.SkinColor; this.melanin = pawn.Pawn.story.melanin; this.hairDef = pawn.HairDef.defName; this.hairColor = pawn.Pawn.story.hairColor; this.headGraphicPath = pawn.HeadGraphicPath; this.bodyType = pawn.BodyType.defName; this.firstName = pawn.FirstName; this.nickName = pawn.NickName; this.lastName = pawn.LastName; this.age = 0; this.biologicalAge = pawn.BiologicalAge; this.chronologicalAge = pawn.ChronologicalAge; foreach (var trait in pawn.Traits) { if (trait != null) { this.traitNames.Add(trait.def.defName); this.traitDegrees.Add(trait.Degree); } } foreach (var skill in pawn.Pawn.skills.skills) { SaveRecordSkillV4 skillRecord = new SaveRecordSkillV4(); = skill.def.defName; skillRecord.value = pawn.GetUnmodifiedSkillLevel(skill.def); skillRecord.passion = pawn.currentPassions[skill.def]; this.skills.Add(skillRecord); } foreach (var layer in PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.PawnLayers.GetLayersForPawn(pawn)) { if (layer.Apparel) { ThingDef apparelThingDef = pawn.GetAcceptedApparel(layer); Color color = pawn.GetColor(layer); if (apparelThingDef != null) { ThingDef apparelStuffDef = pawn.GetSelectedStuff(layer); SaveRecordApparelV4 apparelRecord = new SaveRecordApparelV4(); apparelRecord.layer = layer.Name; apparelRecord.apparel = apparelThingDef.defName; apparelRecord.stuff = apparelStuffDef != null ? apparelStuffDef.defName : ""; apparelRecord.color = color; this.apparel.Add(apparelRecord); } } } OptionsHealth healthOptions = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Providers.Health.GetOptions(pawn); foreach (Implant implant in pawn.Implants) { var saveRecord = new SaveRecordImplantV3(implant); if (implant.BodyPartRecord != null) { UniqueBodyPart part = healthOptions.FindBodyPartsForRecord(implant.BodyPartRecord); if (part != null && part.Index > 0) { saveRecord.bodyPartIndex = part.Index; } } this.implants.Add(saveRecord); } foreach (Injury injury in pawn.Injuries) { var saveRecord = new SaveRecordInjuryV3(injury); if (injury.BodyPartRecord != null) { UniqueBodyPart part = healthOptions.FindBodyPartsForRecord(injury.BodyPartRecord); if (part != null && part.Index > 0) { saveRecord.bodyPartIndex = part.Index; } } this.injuries.Add(saveRecord); } ThingComp alienComp = ProviderAlienRaces.FindAlienCompForPawn(pawn.Pawn); if (alienComp != null) { alien = new SaveRecordAlienV4(); alien.crownType = ProviderAlienRaces.GetCrownTypeFromComp(alienComp); alien.skinColor = ProviderAlienRaces.GetSkinColorFromComp(alienComp); alien.skinColorSecond = ProviderAlienRaces.GetSkinColorSecondFromComp(alienComp); alien.hairColorSecond = ProviderAlienRaces.GetHairColorSecondFromComp(alienComp); } }
public override void SelectColor(CustomPawn pawn, Color color) { pawn.SkinColor = color; }
public override Color GetSelectedColor(CustomPawn pawn) { return(pawn.SkinColor); }
public CustomPawn Load(PrepareCarefully loadout, string name) { SaveRecordPawnV3 pawnRecord = new SaveRecordPawnV3(); string modString = ""; string version = ""; try { Scribe.loader.InitLoading(ColonistFiles.FilePathForSavedColonist(name)); Scribe_Values.Look <string>(ref version, "version", "unknown", false); Scribe_Values.Look <string>(ref modString, "mods", "", false); try { Scribe_Deep.Look <SaveRecordPawnV3>(ref pawnRecord, "colonist", null); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message(modString, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput); Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.PawnPreset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Colonist was created with the following mods: " + modString); return(null); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to load preset file"); throw e; } finally { // I don't fully understand how these cross-references and saveables are resolved, but // if we don't clear them out, we get null pointer exceptions. HashSet <IExposable> saveables = (HashSet <IExposable>)(typeof(PostLoadIniter).GetField("saveablesToPostLoad", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(Scribe.loader.initer)); saveables.Clear(); List <IExposable> crossReferencingExposables = (List <IExposable>)(typeof(CrossRefHandler).GetField("crossReferencingExposables", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(Scribe.loader.crossRefs)); crossReferencingExposables.Clear(); Scribe.loader.FinalizeLoading(); } if (pawnRecord == null) { Messages.Message(modString, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput); Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.PawnPreset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); Log.Warning("Colonist was created with the following mods: " + modString); return(null); } PresetLoaderVersion3 loader = new PresetLoaderVersion3(); CustomPawn loadedPawn = loader.LoadPawn(pawnRecord); if (loadedPawn != null) { CustomPawn idConflictPawn = PrepareCarefully.Instance.Pawns.FirstOrDefault((CustomPawn p) => { return(p.Id == loadedPawn.Id); }); if (idConflictPawn != null) { loadedPawn.GenerateId(); } return(loadedPawn); } else { loadout.State.AddError(loader.ModString); loadout.State.AddError("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.NoCharacter".Translate()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + modString); return(null); } }
public void RemovePawn(CustomPawn customPawn) { pawns.Remove(customPawn); }
protected override void DrawPanelContent(State state) { /* * // Test code for adjusting the size and position of the portrait. * if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { * if (Event.current.shift) { * if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow) { * float portraitWidth = RectPortrait.width; * portraitWidth -= 1f; * float portraitHeight = Mathf.Floor(portraitWidth * 1.4f); * RectPortrait = new Rect(RectPortrait.x, RectPortrait.y, portraitWidth, portraitHeight); * Log.Message("RectPortrait = " + RectPortrait); * } * else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow) { * float portraitWidth = RectPortrait.width; * portraitWidth += 1f; * float portraitHeight = Mathf.Floor(portraitWidth * 1.4f); * RectPortrait = new Rect(RectPortrait.x, RectPortrait.y, portraitWidth, portraitHeight); * Log.Message("RectPortrait = " + RectPortrait); * } * } * else { * if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow) { * RectPortrait = RectPortrait.OffsetBy(new Vector2(-1, 0)); * Log.Message("RectPortrait = " + RectPortrait); * } * else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow) { * RectPortrait = RectPortrait.OffsetBy(new Vector2(1, 0)); * Log.Message("RectPortrait = " + RectPortrait); * } * else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow) { * RectPortrait = RectPortrait.OffsetBy(new Vector2(0, -1)); * Log.Message("RectPortrait = " + RectPortrait); * } * else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow) { * RectPortrait = RectPortrait.OffsetBy(new Vector2(0, 1)); * Log.Message("RectPortrait = " + RectPortrait); * } * } * } */ base.DrawPanelContent(state); CustomPawn currentPawn = state.CurrentPawn; CustomPawn pawnToSelect = null; CustomPawn pawnToSwap = null; CustomPawn pawnToDelete = null; List <CustomPawn> pawns = GetPawnListFromState(state); int colonistCount = pawns.Count(); if (IsMinimized(state)) { // Count label. Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; float headerWidth = Text.CalcSize(PanelHeader).x; Rect countRect = new Rect(10 + headerWidth + 3, 3, 50, 27); GUI.color = Style.ColorTextPanelHeader; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; Widgets.Label(countRect, "EdB.PC.Panel.PawnList.PawnCount".Translate(colonistCount)); GUI.color = Color.white; // Maximize button. if (RectHeader.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { GUI.color = Style.ColorButtonHighlight; } else { GUI.color = Style.ColorButton; } GUI.DrawTexture(RectMaximize, IsTopPanel() ? Textures.TextureMaximizeDown : Textures.TextureMaximizeUp); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(RectHeader, false)) { SoundDefOf.ThingSelected.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); Maximize(); } return; } float cursor = 0; GUI.BeginGroup(RectScrollFrame); scrollView.Begin(RectScrollView); try { LabelTrimmer nameTrimmer = scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? nameTrimmerWithScrollbar : nameTrimmerNoScrollbar; LabelTrimmer descriptionTrimmer = scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? descriptionTrimmerWithScrollbar : descriptionTrimmerNoScrollbar; foreach (var pawn in pawns) { bool selected = pawn == currentPawn; Rect rect = RectEntry; rect.y += cursor; rect.width -= (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? 16 : 0); GUI.color = Style.ColorPanelBackground; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, BaseContent.WhiteTex); GUI.color = Color.white; if (selected || rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (selected) { GUI.color = new Color(66f / 255f, 66f / 255f, 66f / 255f); Widgets.DrawBox(rect, 1); } GUI.color = Color.white; Rect deleteRect = RectButtonDelete.OffsetBy(rect.position); deleteRect.x = deleteRect.x - (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? 16 : 0); if (CanDeleteLastPawn || colonistCount > 1) { Style.SetGUIColorForButton(deleteRect); GUI.DrawTexture(deleteRect, Textures.TextureButtonDelete); // For some reason, this GUI.Button call is causing weirdness with text field focus (select // text in one of the name fields and hover over the pawns in the pawn list to see what I mean). // Replacing it with a mousedown event check fixes it for some reason. //if (GUI.Button(deleteRect, string.Empty, Widgets.EmptyStyle)) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && deleteRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { // Shift-click skips the confirmation dialog if (Event.current.shift) { // Delete after we've iterated and drawn everything pawnToDelete = pawn; } else { CustomPawn localPawn = pawn; Find.WindowStack.Add( new Dialog_Confirm("EdB.PC.Panel.PawnList.Delete.Confirm".Translate(), delegate { PawnDeleted(localPawn); }, true, null, true) ); } } GUI.color = Color.white; } if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Rect swapRect = RectButtonSwap.OffsetBy(rect.position); swapRect.x -= (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? 16 : 0); if (CanDeleteLastPawn || colonistCount > 1) { Style.SetGUIColorForButton(swapRect); GUI.DrawTexture(swapRect, pawn.Type == CustomPawnType.Colonist ? Textures.TextureButtonWorldPawn : Textures.TextureButtonColonyPawn); if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && swapRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { pawnToSwap = pawn; } GUI.color = Color.white; } } } Rect pawnRect = RectPortrait.OffsetBy(rect.position); GUI.color = Color.white; RenderTexture pawnTexture = pawn.GetPortrait(pawnRect.size); Rect clipRect = RectEntry.OffsetBy(rect.position); try { GUI.BeginClip(clipRect); GUI.DrawTexture(RectPortrait, (Texture)pawnTexture); } finally { GUI.EndClip(); } GUI.color = new Color(238f / 255f, 238f / 255f, 238f / 255f); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; Rect nameRect = RectName.OffsetBy(rect.position); nameRect.width = nameRect.width - (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? 16 : 0); Vector2 nameSize = Text.CalcSize(pawn.Pawn.LabelShort); Widgets.Label(nameRect, nameTrimmer.TrimLabelIfNeeded(pawn.Pawn.LabelShort)); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = new Color(184f / 255f, 184f / 255f, 184f / 255f); Rect professionRect = RectDescription.OffsetBy(rect.position); professionRect.width = professionRect.width - (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible ? 16 : 0); string description = null; if (pawn.IsAdult) { if (pawn.Adulthood != null) { description = pawn.Adulthood.TitleShortCapFor(pawn.Gender); } } else { description = pawn.Childhood.TitleShortCapFor(pawn.Gender); } if (!description.NullOrEmpty()) { Widgets.Label(professionRect, descriptionTrimmer.TrimLabelIfNeeded(description)); } if (pawn != state.CurrentPawn && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && pawnToSwap == null) { pawnToSelect = pawn; } cursor += rect.height + SizeEntrySpacing; } cursor -= SizeEntrySpacing; } finally { scrollView.End(cursor); GUI.EndGroup(); } GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; if (Widgets.ButtonText(RectButtonAdd, "EdB.PC.Common.Add".Translate(), true, false, true)) { SoundDefOf.SelectDesignator.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); AddingPawn(StartingPawns); } if (Widgets.ButtonText(RectButtonAdvancedAdd, "...", true, false, true)) { ShowPawnKindDialog(); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (pawnToDelete != null) { PawnDeleted(pawnToDelete); } else if (pawnToSwap != null) { PawnSwapped(pawnToSwap); } else if (pawnToSelect != null) { PawnSelected(pawnToSelect); } }
public void SelectPawn(CustomPawn pawn) { PawnSelected(pawn); }
abstract public void AddToPawn(CustomPawn customPawn, Pawn pawn);
public bool Load(PrepareCarefully loadout, string presetName) { List <SaveRecordPawnV3> pawns = new List <SaveRecordPawnV3>(); List <SaveRecordPawnV3> hiddenPawns = new List <SaveRecordPawnV3>(); List <SaveRecordRelationshipV3> savedRelationships = new List <SaveRecordRelationshipV3>(); List <SaveRecordParentChildGroupV3> parentChildGroups = new List <SaveRecordParentChildGroupV3>(); Failed = false; int startingPoints = 0; bool usePoints = false; try { Scribe.loader.InitLoading(PresetFiles.FilePathForSavedPreset(presetName)); Scribe_Values.Look <bool>(ref usePoints, "usePoints", true, false); Scribe_Values.Look <int>(ref startingPoints, "startingPoints", 0, false); Scribe_Values.Look <string>(ref ModString, "mods", "", false); try { Scribe_Collections.Look <SaveRecordPawnV3>(ref pawns, "colonists", LookMode.Deep, null); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } try { Scribe_Collections.Look <SaveRecordPawnV3>(ref hiddenPawns, "hiddenPawns", LookMode.Deep, null); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } try { Scribe_Collections.Look <SaveRecordRelationshipV3>(ref savedRelationships, "relationships", LookMode.Deep, null); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } try { Scribe_Collections.Look <SaveRecordParentChildGroupV3>(ref parentChildGroups, "parentChildGroups", LookMode.Deep, null); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } List <SaveRecordEquipmentV3> tempEquipment = new List <SaveRecordEquipmentV3>(); Scribe_Collections.Look <SaveRecordEquipmentV3>(ref tempEquipment, "equipment", LookMode.Deep, null); loadout.Equipment.Clear(); if (tempEquipment != null) { List <EquipmentSelection> equipment = new List <EquipmentSelection>(tempEquipment.Count); foreach (var e in tempEquipment) { ThingDef thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(e.def); if (thingDef == null) { string replacementDefName; if (thingDefReplacements.TryGetValue(e.def, out replacementDefName)) { thingDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(replacementDefName); } } ThingDef stuffDef = null; Gender gender = Gender.None; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.stuffDef)) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(e.stuffDef); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.gender)) { try { gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), e.gender); } catch (Exception) { Log.Warning("Failed to load gender value for animal."); Failed = true; continue; } } if (thingDef != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.stuffDef)) { EquipmentKey key = new EquipmentKey(thingDef, null, gender); EquipmentRecord record = PrepareCarefully.Instance.EquipmentDatabase.LookupEquipmentRecord(key); if (record != null) { equipment.Add(new EquipmentSelection(record, e.count)); } else { Log.Warning("Could not find equipment in equipment database: " + key); Failed = true; continue; } } else { if (stuffDef != null) { EquipmentKey key = new EquipmentKey(thingDef, stuffDef, gender); EquipmentRecord record = PrepareCarefully.Instance.EquipmentDatabase.LookupEquipmentRecord(key); if (record == null) { string thing = thingDef != null ? thingDef.defName : "null"; string stuff = stuffDef != null ? stuffDef.defName : "null"; Log.Warning(string.Format("Could not load equipment/resource from the preset. This may be caused by an invalid thing/stuff combination: " + key)); Failed = true; continue; } else { equipment.Add(new EquipmentSelection(record, e.count)); } } else { Log.Warning("Could not load stuff definition \"" + e.stuffDef + "\" for item \"" + e.def + "\""); Failed = true; } } } else { Log.Warning("Could not load thing definition \"" + e.def + "\""); Failed = true; } } loadout.Equipment.Clear(); foreach (var e in equipment) { loadout.Equipment.Add(e); } } else { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.EquipmentFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning("Failed to load equipment from preset"); Failed = true; } //PrepareCarefully.Instance.Config.pointsEnabled = usePoints; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Failed to load preset file"); throw e; } finally { PresetLoader.ClearSaveablesAndCrossRefs(); } List <CustomPawn> allPawns = new List <CustomPawn>(); List <CustomPawn> colonistCustomPawns = new List <CustomPawn>(); try { foreach (SaveRecordPawnV3 p in pawns) { CustomPawn pawn = LoadPawn(p); if (pawn != null) { allPawns.Add(pawn); colonistCustomPawns.Add(pawn); } else { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.NoCharacter".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } List <CustomPawn> hiddenCustomPawns = new List <CustomPawn>(); try { if (hiddenPawns != null) { foreach (SaveRecordPawnV3 p in hiddenPawns) { CustomPawn pawn = LoadPawn(p); if (pawn != null) { allPawns.Add(pawn); hiddenCustomPawns.Add(pawn); } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully failed to load a hidden character from the preset"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.Failed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } loadout.ClearPawns(); foreach (CustomPawn p in colonistCustomPawns) { loadout.AddPawn(p); } loadout.RelationshipManager.Clear(); loadout.RelationshipManager.InitializeWithCustomPawns(colonistCustomPawns.AsEnumerable().Concat(hiddenCustomPawns)); bool atLeastOneRelationshipFailed = false; List <CustomRelationship> allRelationships = new List <CustomRelationship>(); if (savedRelationships != null) { try { foreach (SaveRecordRelationshipV3 r in savedRelationships) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.source) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( || string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.relation)) { atLeastOneRelationshipFailed = true; Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully failed to load a custom relationship from the preset: " + r); continue; } CustomRelationship relationship = LoadRelationship(r, allPawns); if (relationship == null) { atLeastOneRelationshipFailed = true; Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully failed to load a custom relationship from the preset: " + r); } else { allRelationships.Add(relationship); } } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.RelationshipFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning(e.ToString()); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } if (atLeastOneRelationshipFailed) { Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.RelationshipFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); } } loadout.RelationshipManager.AddRelationships(allRelationships); if (parentChildGroups != null) { foreach (var groupRecord in parentChildGroups) { ParentChildGroup group = new ParentChildGroup(); if (groupRecord.parents != null) { foreach (var id in groupRecord.parents) { CustomPawn parent = FindPawnById(id, colonistCustomPawns, hiddenCustomPawns); if (parent != null) { var pawn = parent; if (pawn != null) { group.Parents.Add(pawn); } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not load a custom parent relationship because it could not find a matching pawn in the relationship manager."); } } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not load a custom parent relationship because it could not find a pawn with the saved identifer."); } } } if (groupRecord.children != null) { foreach (var id in groupRecord.children) { CustomPawn child = FindPawnById(id, colonistCustomPawns, hiddenCustomPawns); if (child != null) { var pawn = child; if (pawn != null) { group.Children.Add(pawn); } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not load a custom child relationship because it could not find a matching pawn in the relationship manager."); } } else { Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not load a custom child relationship because it could not find a pawn with the saved identifer."); } } } loadout.RelationshipManager.ParentChildGroups.Add(group); } } loadout.RelationshipManager.ReassignHiddenPawnIndices(); if (Failed) { Messages.Message(ModString, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput); Messages.Message("EdB.PC.Dialog.Preset.Error.ThingDefFailed".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.ThreatBig); Log.Warning("Preset was created with the following mods: " + ModString); return(false); } return(true); }
public IEnumerable <BodyPartRecord> AllSkinCoveredBodyParts(CustomPawn pawn) { BodyPartDictionary dictionary = GetBodyPartDictionary(pawn.Pawn.def); return(dictionary.AllSkinCoveredBodyParts); }
public OptionsHair GetHairsForRace(CustomPawn pawn) { return(GetHairsForRace(pawn.Pawn.def)); }
public BodyPartRecord FirstBodyPartRecord(CustomPawn pawn, string bodyPartDefName) { BodyPartDictionary dictionary = GetBodyPartDictionary(pawn.Pawn.def); return(dictionary.FirstBodyPartRecord(bodyPartDefName)); }
public void AddRelationship(PawnRelationDef def, CustomPawn source, CustomPawn target) { PrepareCarefully.Instance.RelationshipManager.AddRelationship(def, source, target); }
public BodyPartRecord FirstBodyPartRecord(CustomPawn pawn, BodyPartDef def) { return(FirstBodyPartRecord(pawn, def.defName)); }
public void ReplacePawn(CustomPawn pawn) { PrepareCarefully.Instance.RelationshipManager.DeletePawn(pawn); PrepareCarefully.Instance.RelationshipManager.AddVisibleParentChildPawn(pawn); }
protected void Resize() { float headerSize = 0; headerSize = HeaderHeight; if (HeaderLabel != null) { headerSize = HeaderHeight; } HeaderHeight = 32; RowGroupHeaderHeight = 36; FooterHeight = 40f; WindowPadding = 18; ContentMargin = new Vector2(10f, 18f); WindowSize = new Vector2(440f, 584f); ButtonSize = new Vector2(140f, 40f); ContentSize = new Vector2(WindowSize.x - WindowPadding * 2 - ContentMargin.x * 2, WindowSize.y - WindowPadding * 2 - ContentMargin.y * 2 - FooterHeight - headerSize); ContentRect = new Rect(ContentMargin.x, ContentMargin.y + headerSize, ContentSize.x, ContentSize.y); ScrollRect = new Rect(0, 0, ContentRect.width, ContentRect.height); HeaderRect = new Rect(ContentMargin.x, ContentMargin.y, ContentSize.x, HeaderHeight); FooterRect = new Rect(ContentMargin.x, ContentRect.y + ContentSize.y + 20, ContentSize.x, FooterHeight); GenderSize = new Vector2(48, 48); SingleButtonRect = new Rect(ContentSize.x / 2 - ButtonSize.x / 2, (FooterHeight / 2) - (ButtonSize.y / 2), ButtonSize.x, ButtonSize.y); CancelButtonRect = new Rect(0, (FooterHeight / 2) - (ButtonSize.y / 2), ButtonSize.x, ButtonSize.y); ConfirmButtonRect = new Rect(ContentSize.x - ButtonSize.x, (FooterHeight / 2) - (ButtonSize.y / 2), ButtonSize.x, ButtonSize.y); Vector2 portraitSize = new Vector2(70, 70); float portraitOverflow = 8; float nameOffset = 2; float descriptionOffset = -2; float radioWidth = 36; Vector2 nameSize = new Vector2(ContentRect.width - portraitSize.x - radioWidth, portraitSize.y * 0.5f); table = new WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn>(); table.Rect = new Rect(, ContentRect.size); table.RowHeight = portraitSize.y; table.RowGroupHeaderHeight = RowGroupHeaderHeight; table.RowColor = new Color(28f / 255f, 32f / 255f, 36f / 255f); table.AlternateRowColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); table.SelectedRowColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); table.SupportSelection = true; table.SelectedAction = (CustomParentChildPawn pawn) => { if (!DisabledPawns.Contains(pawn)) { SoundDefOf.TickTiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); Select(pawn); } }; table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn> .Column() { Name = "Portrait", DrawAction = (CustomParentChildPawn pawn, Rect rect, WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn> .Metadata metadata) => { GUI.color = Color.white; if (!pawn.Hidden) { var texture = pawn.Pawn.GetPortrait(new Vector2(portraitSize.x, portraitSize.y + portraitOverflow * 2)); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rect.position.x, rect.position.y - portraitOverflow, portraitSize.x, portraitSize.y + portraitOverflow * 2), texture as Texture); } else { GUI.color = Style.ColorButton; Rect genderRect = new Rect(rect.MiddleX() - GenderSize.HalfX(), rect.MiddleY() - GenderSize.HalfY(), GenderSize.x, GenderSize.y); if (pawn.Pawn.Gender == Gender.Female) { GUI.DrawTexture(genderRect, Textures.TextureGenderFemaleLarge); } else if (pawn.Pawn.Gender == Gender.Male) { GUI.DrawTexture(genderRect, Textures.TextureGenderMaleLarge); } else { GUI.DrawTexture(genderRect, Textures.TextureGenderlessLarge); } GUI.color = Color.white; } }, Width = portraitSize.x }); table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn> .Column() { Name = "Description", Width = nameSize.x, AdjustForScrollbars = true, DrawAction = (CustomParentChildPawn parentChildPawn, Rect rect, WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn> .Metadata metadata) => { CustomPawn pawn = parentChildPawn.Pawn; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + nameOffset, rect.width, nameSize.y), parentChildPawn.Name); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; string description; if (!parentChildPawn.Hidden) { string age = pawn.BiologicalAge != pawn.ChronologicalAge ? "EdB.PC.Pawn.AgeWithChronological".Translate(new object[] { pawn.BiologicalAge, pawn.ChronologicalAge }) : "EdB.PC.Pawn.AgeWithoutChronological".Translate(new object[] { pawn.BiologicalAge }); description = pawn.Gender != Gender.None ? "EdB.PC.Pawn.PawnDescriptionWithGender".Translate(new object[] { pawn.ProfessionLabelShort, pawn.Gender.GetLabel(), age }) : "EdB.PC.Pawn.PawnDescriptionNoGender".Translate(new object[] { pawn.ProfessionLabelShort, age }); } else { string profession = "EdB.PC.Pawn.HiddenPawnProfession".Translate(); description = pawn.Gender != Gender.None ? "EdB.PC.Pawn.HiddenPawnDescriptionWithGender".Translate(new object[] { profession, pawn.Gender.GetLabel() }) : "EdB.PC.Pawn.HiddenPawnDescriptionNoGender".Translate(new object[] { profession }); } Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.Label(new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + nameSize.y + descriptionOffset, rect.width, nameSize.y), description); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } }); table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn> .Column() { Name = "RadioButton", Width = radioWidth, DrawAction = (CustomParentChildPawn pawn, Rect rect, WidgetTable <CustomParentChildPawn> .Metadata metadata) => { if (DisabledPawns != null && DisabledPawns.Contains(pawn)) { GUI.color = Style.ColorControlDisabled; GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.28f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rect.x, rect.MiddleY() - 12, 24, 24), Textures.TextureRadioButtonOff); GUI.color = Color.white; } else { if (Widgets.RadioButton(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.MiddleY() - 12), this.SelectedPawn == pawn)) { Select(pawn); } } } }); resizeDirtyFlag = false; }
public Pawn GenerateSameKindOfPawn(CustomPawn customPawn) { return(GenerateKindOfPawn(customPawn.Pawn.kindDef)); }
public CustomPawn CreatePawn() { // TODO: Evaluate //Pawn source = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(PawnKindDefOf.Colonist, Faction.OfColony); Pawn source = new Randomizer().GenerateColonist(); = new Pawn_HealthTracker(source); CustomPawn pawn = new CustomPawn(source); pawn.Gender = this.gender; if (age > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = age; pawn.BiologicalAge = age; } if (chronologicalAge > 0) { pawn.ChronologicalAge = chronologicalAge; } if (biologicalAge > 0) { pawn.BiologicalAge = biologicalAge; } pawn.FirstName = this.firstName; pawn.NickName = this.nickName; pawn.LastName = this.lastName; HairDef h = FindHairDef(this.hairDef); if (h != null) { pawn.HairDef = h; } pawn.HeadGraphicPath = this.headGraphicPath; pawn.SetColor(PawnLayers.Hair, hairColor); pawn.SetColor(PawnLayers.HeadType, skinColor); Backstory backstory = FindBackstory(childhood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Childhood = backstory; } backstory = FindBackstory(adulthood); if (backstory != null) { pawn.Adulthood = backstory; } int traitCount = pawn.Traits.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < traitCount; i++) { pawn.ClearTrait(i); } for (int i = 0; i < traitNames.Count; i++) { string traitName = traitNames[i]; if (i >= traitCount) { break; } Trait trait = FindTrait(traitName, traitDegrees[i]); if (trait != null) { pawn.SetTrait(i, trait); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.skillNames.Count; i++) { string name = this.skillNames[i]; SkillDef def = FindSkillDef(pawn.Pawn, name); if (def == null) { continue; } pawn.currentPassions[def] = this.passions[i]; pawn.SetUnmodifiedSkillLevel(def, this.skillValues[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < PawnLayers.Count; i++) { if (PawnLayers.IsApparelLayer(i)) { pawn.SetSelectedApparel(i, null); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(i, null); } } for (int i = 0; i < this.apparelLayers.Count; i++) { int layer = this.apparelLayers[i]; ThingDef def = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(this.apparel[i]); if (def == null) { continue; } ThingDef stuffDef = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.apparelStuff[i])) { stuffDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(this.apparelStuff[i]); if (stuffDef == null) { continue; } } pawn.SetSelectedApparel(layer, def); pawn.SetSelectedStuff(layer, stuffDef); pawn.SetColor(layer, this.apparelColors[i]); } return(pawn); }
protected void Select(CustomPawn pawn) { this.SelectedPawn = pawn; SelectAction?.Invoke(pawn); }
public IEnumerable <CustomHeadType> GetHeadTypes(CustomPawn pawn) { return(GetHeadTypes(pawn.Pawn.def, pawn.Gender)); }