internal void Delete(int id = 0) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Address a = db.Addresses.Where(x => x.ID == id).Where(x => == true).First<Address>(); = false; db.SubmitChanges(); }
internal void MatchOrSave() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); try { InvoiceAddress address = (from a in db.InvoiceAddresses where a.first.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.first.ToLower().Trim()) && a.last.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.last.ToLower().Trim()) && a.street1.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.street1.ToLower().Trim()) && a.street2.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.street2.ToLower().Trim()) && && a.state.Equals(this.state) && a.postal_code.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.postal_code.ToLower().Trim()) select a).First(); this.ID = address.ID; } catch { try { = (from c in db.Countries join st in db.States on c.ID equals st.countryID where st.abbr.Equals(this.state.ToUpper().Trim()) select; } catch { } db.InvoiceAddresses.InsertOnSubmit(this); db.SubmitChanges(); } }
internal void ValidateCurrentPassword(string pass) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Customer c = db.Customers.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.ID)).First<Customer>(); if (c.password != UDF.EncryptString(pass)) { throw new Exception("The current password you entered was incorrect. Try Again"); } }
public DistributionCenter GetNearest(Address address) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); DistributionCenter distcenter = new DistributionCenter(); try { double earth = 3963.1676; // radius of Earth in miles DCList d = (from dc in db.DistributionCenters where dc.State1.countryID == address.State1.countryID select new DCList { ID = dc.ID, distance = earth * ( 2 * Math.Atan2( Math.Sqrt((Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Latitude - address.latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2) * Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Latitude - address.latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2)) + ((Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Longitude - address.longitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2)) * (Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Longitude - address.longitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2))) * Math.Cos(Convert.ToDouble(address.latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.Cos(Convert.ToDouble(dc.Latitude) * (Math.PI / 180))), Math.Sqrt(1 - ((Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Latitude - address.latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2) * Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Latitude - address.latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2)) + ((Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Longitude - address.longitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2)) * (Math.Sin((Convert.ToDouble(dc.Longitude - address.longitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) / 2))) * Math.Cos(Convert.ToDouble(address.latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.Cos(Convert.ToDouble(dc.Latitude) * (Math.PI / 180)))) ) ) }).OrderBy(x => x.distance).First<DCList>(); distcenter = db.DistributionCenters.Where(x => x.ID == d.ID).First<DistributionCenter>(); } catch { DCList d = (from dc in db.DistributionCenters where dc.State1.countryID == address.State1.countryID select new DCList { ID = dc.ID, distance = 0 }).OrderBy(x => x.distance).First<DCList>(); distcenter = db.DistributionCenters.Where(x => x.ID == d.ID).First<DistributionCenter>(); }; return distcenter; }
internal static List<FaqTopic> GetAll() { try { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); return db.FaqTopics.OrderBy(x => x.topic).ToList<FaqTopic>(); } catch (Exception) { return new List<FaqTopic>(); } }
public static List<Banner> GetRandomBanners(int count = 5) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); List<Banner> banners = new List<Banner>(); banners = db.Banners.Where(x => x.isVisible.Equals(1)).ToList<Banner>(); banners = UDF.Shuffle<Banner>(banners); banners = banners.Take(count).ToList<Banner>(); return banners; }
internal void BindOrders() { if (this._ID > 0) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); this.Orders = db.Carts.Where(x => x.cust_id.Equals(this.ID) && x.payment_id > 0).ToList<Cart>(); } else { this.Orders = new List<Cart>(); } }
public void SetStatus(int statusID) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); OrderHistory status = new OrderHistory { dateAdded = DateTime.UtcNow, changedBy = "System", orderID = this.ID, statusID = statusID }; db.OrderHistories.InsertOnSubmit(status); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void Remove(HttpContext ctx, int partID = 0) { if (this.payment_id == 0) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); CartItem i = db.CartItems.Where(x => x.order_id == this.ID).Where(x => x.partID == partID).First<CartItem>(); db.CartItems.DeleteOnSubmit(i); db.SubmitChanges(); clearShippingType(); } else { UDF.ExpireCart(ctx, this.cust_id); } }
internal void BindAddresses() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); if (this.billingID != 0) { this.Address = db.Addresses.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.billingID)).FirstOrDefault<Address>(); } if (this.shippingID != 0) { this.Address1 = db.Addresses.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.shippingID)).FirstOrDefault<Address>(); } this.Cart.BindAddresses(); }
internal void Update(string first, string last, string street1, string street2, string city, int state_id, string zip, bool residential = false) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); this.first = first; this.last = last; this.street1 = street1; this.street2 = street2; = city; this.state = state_id; this.postal_code = zip; this.residential = residential; db.SubmitChanges(); }
public Cart GetByPayment(string confirmnumber) { try { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Cart cart = (from c in db.Carts join p in db.Payments on c.payment_id equals p.ID where p.confirmationKey.Equals(confirmnumber) select c).First(); return cart; } catch (Exception) { return null; } }
public static bool CheckCustomerEmail(string email = null) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); if (email == null) { return true; } else { bool exists = false; if(db.Customers.Where(x => > 0) { exists = true; } return exists; } }
public void Update(HttpContext ctx, int partID = 0, int quantity = 0) { if (this.payment_id == 0) { if (quantity > 0) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); CartItem i = db.CartItems.Where(x => x.order_id == this.ID).Where(x => x.partID == partID).First<CartItem>(); i.quantity = quantity; db.SubmitChanges(); } else { Remove(ctx, partID); } clearShippingType(); } else { UDF.ExpireCart(ctx,this.cust_id); } }
internal void ClearAddress(int id) { if (this.billingID == id || this.shippingID == id) { Customer tmp = new Customer(); EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); tmp = db.Customers.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.ID)).FirstOrDefault<Customer>(); if (tmp.billingID == id) { tmp.billingID = 0; } if (tmp.shippingID == id) { tmp.shippingID = 0; } db.SubmitChanges(); } }
internal void Save(int cust_id = 0) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); // We are going to make an attempt at saving the Address record this.cust_id = cust_id; // First let's Sanitize our Addresses UDF.Sanitize(this,new string[]{"street2", "state1","latitude","longitude"}); Address new_address = this; db.Addresses.InsertOnSubmit(new_address); db.SubmitChanges(); this.ID = new_address.ID; }
public static List<BasicCountry> GetBasic() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); List<BasicCountry> countries = (from c in db.Countries select new BasicCountry { ID = c.ID, name =, abbr = c.abbr, states = (from s in db.States where s.countryID.Equals(c.ID) select new BasicState { stateID = s.stateID, state = s.state1, abbr = s.abbr }).ToList<BasicState>() }).ToList<BasicCountry>(); return countries; }
internal void MatchOrSave() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Address address = (from a in db.Addresses where a.cust_id.Equals(this.cust_id) && a.first.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.first.ToLower().Trim()) && a.last.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.last.ToLower().Trim()) && a.street1.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.street1.ToLower().Trim()) && a.street2.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.street2.ToLower().Trim()) && && a.state.Equals(this.state) && a.postal_code.ToLower().Trim().Equals(this.postal_code.ToLower().Trim()) select a).FirstOrDefault(); if(address != null && address.ID > 0) { this.ID = address.ID; } else { db.Addresses.InsertOnSubmit(this); db.SubmitChanges(); } }
public void Empty() { if (this.payment_id == 0) { if (this.cust_id > 0) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); List<CartItem> items = new List<CartItem>(); try { items = db.CartItems.Where(x => x.order_id == this.ID).ToList<CartItem>(); db.CartItems.DeleteAllOnSubmit(items); db.SubmitChanges(); } catch { }; } foreach (CartItem i in this.CartItems) { this.CartItems.Remove(i); } } else { UDF.ExpireCart(this.cust_id); } }
internal void Get() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); if (this.ID > 0) { FaqTopic tmp = db.FaqTopics.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.ID)).FirstOrDefault<FaqTopic>(); this.ID = tmp.ID; this.topic = tmp.topic; this.dateAdded = tmp.dateAdded; this.FAQs = tmp.FAQs; } else if (this.topic != null && this.topic.Length > 0) { FaqTopic tmp = db.FaqTopics.Where(x => x.topic.Equals(this.topic)).FirstOrDefault<FaqTopic>(); this.ID = tmp.ID; this.topic = tmp.topic; this.dateAdded = tmp.dateAdded; this.FAQs = tmp.FAQs; } else { this.ID = 0; this.topic = ""; this.dateAdded = DateTime.UtcNow; } }
public int getTheme(HttpContext ctx) { HttpCookie activeTheme = new HttpCookie("activetheme"); activeTheme = ctx.Request.Cookies.Get("activetheme"); int themeid = 0; if (activeTheme != null && activeTheme.Value != null) { int inttest; if (int.TryParse(activeTheme.Value, out inttest)) { themeid = Convert.ToInt32(activeTheme.Value); } } else { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); themeid = db.Themes.Where(x => => x.ID).FirstOrDefault(); activeTheme = new HttpCookie("activetheme"); activeTheme.Value = themeid.ToString(); activeTheme.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1); ctx.Response.Cookies.Add(activeTheme); } return themeid; }
internal void Save() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Settings settings = new Settings(); bool RequireCustomerActivation = true; if (settings.Get("RequireCustomerActivation") == "false") { RequireCustomerActivation = false; } // Make sure we don't have an account with this e-mail address Customer cust = this.GetCustomerByEmail(); if (cust != null && cust.ID > 0) { throw new Exception("An account using the E-Mail address you provided already exists."); } // We are going to make an attempt at saving the Customer record Customer new_customer = new Customer { email =, fname = this.fname, lname = this.lname, phone =, dateAdded = this.dateAdded, isSuspended = this.isSuspended, isValidated = this.isValidated, validator = this.validator, password = this.password, receiveNewsletter = this.receiveNewsletter, receiveOffers = this.receiveOffers, }; if (!RequireCustomerActivation) { new_customer.isValidated = 1; } db.Customers.InsertOnSubmit(new_customer); db.SubmitChanges(); this.ID = new_customer.ID; if (RequireCustomerActivation) { SendValidation(); } }
public void Add(HttpContext ctx, int partID = 0, int quantity = 1) { if (this.payment_id == 0) { APIPart part = CURTAPI.GetPart(partID); string upcval = part.attributes.Where(x => x.key.ToLower().Equals("upc")).Select(x => x.value).FirstOrDefault(); string weight = part.attributes.Where(x => x.key.ToLower().Equals("weight")).Select(x => x.value).FirstOrDefault(); CartItem i = new CartItem(partID, quantity, Convert.ToDecimal(part.listPrice.Replace("$", "")), part.shortDesc, upcval, Convert.ToDecimal(weight)); EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); try { CartItem item = db.CartItems.Where(x => x.partID == partID).Where(x => x.order_id == this.ID).First<CartItem>(); item.quantity += quantity; } catch { i.order_id = this.ID; db.CartItems.InsertOnSubmit(i); }; db.SubmitChanges(); clearShippingType(); } else { UDF.ExpireCart(ctx,this.cust_id); } }
public void Save(List<InvoiceItem> items, List<InvoiceCode> codes) { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); this.created = DateTime.UtcNow; this.paid = false; try { Invoice i = db.Invoices.Where(x => x.curtOrder.Equals(this.curtOrder)).First<Invoice>(); } catch { db.Invoices.InsertOnSubmit(this); db.SubmitChanges(); foreach (InvoiceItem itm in items) { itm.invoiceID =; } db.InvoiceItems.InsertAllOnSubmit(items); foreach (InvoiceCode code in codes) { code.invoiceID =; } db.InvoiceCodes.InsertAllOnSubmit(codes); db.SubmitChanges(); } }
private Dictionary<int,List<ThemeFile>> getBaseFiles(HttpContext ctx) { Dictionary<int, List<ThemeFile>> files = new Dictionary<int, List<ThemeFile>>(); List<ThemeFile> basefiles = new List<ThemeFile>(); int themeID = getTheme(ctx); string keyname = themeID + "basefiles"; if (ctx.Session[keyname] != null && themeID == getSessionTheme(ctx)) { basefiles = (List<ThemeFile>)ctx.Session[keyname]; } else { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); basefiles = db.Themes.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(themeID)).SelectMany(x => x.ThemeFiles.Where(y => y.ThemeArea.controller.ToLower().Equals("base"))).OrderBy(x => x.ThemeFileTypeID).ThenBy(x => x.renderOrder).ToList(); ctx.Session[keyname] = basefiles; } foreach(ThemeFile file in basefiles) { if(!files.Keys.Contains(file.ThemeFileTypeID)) { List<ThemeFile> sublist = new List<ThemeFile>(); sublist.Add(file); files.Add(file.ThemeFileTypeID,sublist); } else { files[file.ThemeFileTypeID].Add(file); } } return files; }
public static List<Banner> GetBanners() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); List<Banner> banners = new List<Banner>(); banners = db.Banners.Where(x => x.isVisible.Equals(1)).OrderBy(x => x.order).ToList<Banner>(); return banners; }
internal void SendCancelNotice() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Payment payment = this.getPayment(); string toemail = db.Customers.Where(x => x.ID == this.cust_id).Select(x =>; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TextInfo myTI = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; Settings settings = new Settings(); string[] tos = { toemail }; decimal total = 0; sb.Append("<html><body style=\"font-family: arial, helvetica,sans-serif;\">"); sb.Append("<a href=\"" + settings.Get("SiteURL") + "\"><img src=\"" + settings.Get("EmailLogo") + "\" alt=\"" + settings.Get("SiteName") + "\" /></a>"); sb.Append("<h2>We're Sorry</h2>"); sb.Append("<hr />"); sb.AppendFormat("<p>Your recent order placed with {0} has been cancelled. Google Checkout was unable to process your payment. The order details are listed below.</p>", settings.Get("SiteName")); sb.AppendFormat("<p><strong>Order ID:</strong> {0}<br />", this.payment_id); sb.AppendFormat("<strong>Paid By:</strong> {0} on {1}</p>",, String.Format("{0:M/d/yyyy} at {0:h:mm tt}", payment.created)); sb.AppendFormat("<strong>Payment Status:</strong> {0}</p>", payment.status); sb.Append("<p style=\"font-size: 12px;\"><strong style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Billing Address:</strong><br />"); sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}<br />", this.Billing.first, this.Billing.last); sb.AppendFormat("{0}{1}<br />{2}, {3} {4}<br />{5}</p>", this.Billing.street1, this.Billing.street2,, this.Billing.State1.abbr, this.Billing.postal_code,; sb.Append("<p style=\"font-size: 12px;\"><strong style=\"font-size: 14px;\">Shipping Address:</strong><br />"); sb.AppendFormat("{0} {1}<br />", this.Shipping.first, this.Shipping.last); sb.AppendFormat("{0}{1}<br />{2}, {3} {4}<br />{5}</p>", this.Shipping.street1, this.Shipping.street2,, this.Shipping.State1.abbr, this.Shipping.postal_code,; sb.Append("<table style=\"width: 100%;\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\"><thead><tr><th style=\"background-color: #343434; color: #fff;\">Item</th><th style=\"background-color: #343434; color: #fff;\">Quantity</th><th style=\"background-color: #343434; color: #fff;\">Price</th></tr></thead><tbody style=\"font-size: 12px;\">"); foreach (CartItem item in this.CartItems) { sb.AppendFormat("<tr><td><a href=\"" + settings.Get("SiteURL") + "part/{0}\">{1}</a></td><td style=\"text-align:center;\">{2}</td><td style=\"text-align:right;\">{3}</td></tr>", item.partID, item.shortDesc, item.quantity, String.Format("{0:C}", item.price)); total += (item.quantity * item.price); } sb.Append("</tbody><tfoot style=\"font-size: 12px;\">"); sb.AppendFormat("<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"border-top: 1px solid #222;text-align: right;\">({0}) Shipping:</td>", myTI.ToTitleCase(this.shipping_type.Replace("_", " "))); sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"border-top: 1px solid #222;text-align:right;\">{0}</td></tr>", (this.shipping_price == 0) ? "Free" : String.Format("{0:C}", this.shipping_price)); sb.Append("<tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align: right;\"><strong>Total:<strong></td>"); total += this.shipping_price; sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"text-align:right;\"><strong>{0}</strong></td></tr>", String.Format("{0:C}", total)); sb.Append("</tfoot></table>"); sb.Append("<hr /><br />"); sb.Append("<p style='font-size:11px'>We hope you come back and try your order again. If you have any questions, please <a href='" + settings.Get("SiteURL") + "contact'>contact us</a>.</p>"); sb.Append("</body></html>"); UDF.SendEmail(tos, settings.Get("SiteName") + " Order Cancellation Notice", true, sb.ToString()); }
internal void SetTax() { decimal tax = 0; tax = Math.Round((this.GetSubTotal() * (this.Shipping.State1.taxRate / 100)),2); EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Cart c = db.Carts.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.ID)).FirstOrDefault<Cart>(); = tax; db.SubmitChanges(); = tax; }
public int GetPaymentID() { int paymentID = 0; try { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); paymentID = db.Carts.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.ID)).Select(x => x.payment_id).First(); } catch {} return paymentID; }
public void RemoveCart() { EcommercePlatformDataContext db = new EcommercePlatformDataContext(); Cart i = db.Carts.Where(x => x.ID.Equals(this.ID)).First<Cart>(); db.Carts.DeleteOnSubmit(i); db.SubmitChanges(); }