private void SyncEbayData_ActiveListingTab(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.buttonSyncEbayData.Enabled = false; // // For simplicity, we will delete all active listings before updating. // EbayListingDAL.DeleteAllListings(); List <AccountType> allAccounts = AccountUtil.GetAllAccounts(); foreach (AccountType account in allAccounts) { List <EbayActiveListingType> activeListings = EbaySellingBiz.GetMyActiveListing(account); if (activeListings == null) { continue; } foreach (EbayActiveListingType activeListing in activeListings) { EbayListingDAL.InsertOrUpdateOneActiveListing(activeListing); } } this.buttonSyncEbayData.Enabled = true; }
private void ToolStripMenuItemViewMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int rowIdx = this.dataGridViewPostSale.CurrentRow.Index; String orderLineItemId = this.dataGridViewPostSale.Rows[rowIdx].Cells[PostSaleDgv_OrderLineItemIdIdx].Value.ToString(); EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); if (trans == null) { return; } AccountType account = AccountUtil.GetAccount(trans.SellerName); if (account == null) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("此账号{0}未绑定到系统", trans.SellerName), "抱歉", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } FrmUserMessage frmUserMessage = new FrmUserMessage(); frmUserMessage.EbayTransaction = trans; frmUserMessage.Account = account; frmUserMessage.ShowDialog(); if (frmUserMessage.SentMessage || frmUserMessage.MarkMsgAsReplied) { LoadPostSaleData(); } }
// Upload tracking number to ebay. // While uploading tracking number, ebay requires two fields: // - tracking number // - carrier // Use Ebay API CompleteSale to fulfill this task, see page: // private void ToolStripMenuItemUploadTrackingNum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selectedRows = this.dataGridViewAllOrders.SelectedRows; if (selectedRows.Count != 1) { return; } String orderLineItemId = selectedRows[0].Cells[OrderDgv_OrderLineItemIndex].Value.ToString(); EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); if (trans == null) { return; } if (trans.ShippingTrackingNo != "") { MessageBox.Show("该订单已经上传跟踪号", "抱歉", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } FrmUploadTrackingNumber frmUploadTrackingNumber = new FrmUploadTrackingNumber(); frmUploadTrackingNumber.account = AccountUtil.GetAccount(trans.SellerName); frmUploadTrackingNumber.ebayTrans = trans; frmUploadTrackingNumber.Show(); trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); selectedRows[0].Cells[OrderDgv_TrackingNoIndex].Value = trans.ShippingTrackingNo; }
private void ToolStripMenuItemLeaveFeedback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selectedRows = this.dataGridViewAllOrders.SelectedRows; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selectedRows) { String orderLineItemId = row.Cells[OrderDgv_OrderLineItemIndex].Value.ToString(); EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); if (trans == null) { continue; } AccountType account = AccountUtil.GetAccount(trans.SellerName); if (account == null) { continue; } EbayTransactionBiz.LeaveFeedback(account, trans.OrderId, trans.BuyerId, trans.ItemId, trans.EbayTransactionId); EbayTransactionDAL.UpdateTransactionSellerLeftFeedback(trans.TransactionId, true); row.Cells[OrderDgv_SellerLeftFeedbackIndex].Value = 1; } MessageBox.Show("留好评成功", "恭喜", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void btnAddOrUpdateAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ebayAccount = this.textBoxEbayAccount.Text; if (ebayAccount.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入Ebay账号", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } string ebayToken = this.textBoxEbayToken.Text; if (ebayToken.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入Ebay Token", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } AccountType account = new AccountType(); account.ebayAccount = ebayAccount; account.ebayToken = ebayToken; account.paypalAccount = this.textBoxPayPalAccount.Text.Trim(); account.paypalUsername = this.textBoxPayPalUsername.Text.Trim(); account.paypalPassword = this.textBoxPayPalPassword.Text.Trim(); account.paypalSignature = this.textBoxPayPalSignature.Text.Trim(); bool update = false; AccountType existedAccount = AccountUtil.GetAccountByEbayUsername(ebayAccount); if (existedAccount != null) { if (existedAccount.isEqual(account)) { MessageBox.Show("无任何信息需要更新!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } update = true; } if (update) { AccountUtil.UpdateOneAccount(account); MessageBox.Show("更新账号信息成功!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { AccountUtil.AddOneAccount(account); this.listBoxAllAccounts.Items.Add(account); MessageBox.Show("添加账号信息成功!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private void LoadAllAccounts() { this.listBoxAllAccounts.Items.Clear(); List <AccountType> accounts = AccountUtil.GetAllAccounts(); foreach (AccountType account in accounts) { this.listBoxAllAccounts.Items.Add(account); } }
private void buttonFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccountType account = new AccountType(); account.ebayAccount = UserName; account.ebayToken = Token; AccountType existedAccount = AccountUtil.GetAccountByEbayUsername(UserName); if (existedAccount != null) { MessageBox.Show("已存在此账号token,需先删除已有账号!", "抱歉", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } AccountUtil.AddOneAccount(account); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
private void FrmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Maximize the main window. this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; // Adjust the tab page size to accomodate to the screen. // [ZHI_TODO] Size frmSize = this.Size; // Set the default startDate/endDate. TimeSpan timeSpan = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0, 0); DateTime prevThreeDay = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeSpan); this.dateTimePickerStartTime.Value = prevThreeDay; // Initialize all account info. AccountUtil.ReloadAllAccounts(); // Setup all the datagridview columns: // - Active listing // - Order // - Message // - Postsale SetupTabControlDataGridViewColumns(); // Check whether the Access file is existed. if (DBConnectionUtil.CheckAccessFileExistence() == false) { MessageBox.Show("数据库文件路径没有配置\r\n系统设置->数据库设置", "抱歉", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } // // Load all the data. // - Order data. // - Active listing data. // - Message data. // - Postsale data. // This is a bit slow, however simple. LoadData(); }
private void buttonDelAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AccountType account = (AccountType)this.listBoxAllAccounts.SelectedItem; if (account == null) { MessageBox.Show("没有选中任何账号", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } bool result = AccountUtil.DeleteOneAccount(account.ebayAccount); if (result) { this.listBoxAllAccounts.Items.Remove(account); this.textBoxEbayAccount.Text = ""; this.textBoxEbayToken.Text = ""; MessageBox.Show("删除账号信息成功!", "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("删除账号信息失败!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
// // User selected transactions and clicked "mark as shipped". // private void ToolStripMenuItemMarkAsShipped_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("你确认发货么?\r\n发货后,ebay会标记成已发货状态。", "确认发货?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection selectedRows = this.dataGridViewAllOrders.SelectedRows; // First check if every transaction item has a related sku. foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selectedRows) { String orderLineItemId = row.Cells[OrderDgv_OrderLineItemIndex].Value.ToString(); EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); if (trans == null) { return; } if (trans.IsPaid == false) { MessageBox.Show("有些商品没有付款,不能发货!", "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (trans.IsShipped == true) { MessageBox.Show("有些商品已经发货,不能重新发货!", "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } if (trans.ItemSKU == null || trans.ItemSKU.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("有些商品没有指定SKU!", "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } } List <String> handledOrderIds = new List <String>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in selectedRows) { String orderLineItemId = row.Cells[OrderDgv_OrderLineItemIndex].Value.ToString(); EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); if (trans == null) { return; } if (trans.IsPaid == false || trans.IsShipped == true) { MessageBox.Show("商品未付款或者已经发货!", "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); continue; } String orderId = trans.OrderId; if (handledOrderIds.Contains(orderId)) { continue; } AccountType account = null; List <AccountType> allAccounts = AccountUtil.GetAllAccounts(); foreach (AccountType accountType in allAccounts) { if (accountType.ebayAccount == trans.SellerName) { account = accountType; break; } } if (account == null || account.SellerApiContext == null) { MessageBox.Show("账号没有初始化!", "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } EbayTransactionBiz.CompleteSale(account, trans.OrderId, trans.BuyerId, trans.ItemId, trans.EbayTransactionId, false, true, true, true /*isShipped*/); handledOrderIds.Add(orderId); StringCollection orderIds = new StringCollection(); orderIds.Add(trans.OrderId); TimeFilter timeFilter = new TimeFilter(); timeFilter.TimeFrom = this.dateTimePickerStartTime.Value; timeFilter.TimeTo = this.dateTimePickerEndTime.Value; List <EbayTransactionType> transList = EbayTransactionBiz.GetAllOrders(account, timeFilter, orderIds); if (transList.Count != 1) { MessageBox.Show("交易在ebay系统中不存在!", "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); continue; } if (transList[0].IsShipped == false) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("该交易没有在ebay系统中标记成功! 用户id={0}", trans.BuyerId), "失败", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); continue; } // ZHI_TODO //ItemDAL.ShipItem(trans.ItemSKU, trans.SaleQuantity); // Update transaction shipped date. EbayTransactionDAL.UpdateTransactionShippedStatus(trans.TransactionId, true /*shipped*/, transList[0].ShippedDate); Logger.WriteSystemUserLog(string.Format("标记交易已发货成功: userId={0}, 商品名={1}", trans.BuyerId, trans.ItemTitle)); row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#90EE90"); } MessageBox.Show("标记成发货成功!", "成功", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
// // // Only incomplete transactions can be combined, otherwise there will be error message: // "Some transactions have already been completed, you can only combine incomplete transactions". // public static bool MergeOrders(List <String> transactionIds) { if (transactionIds.Count < 2) { return(false); } // Verify that all transactions are between same buyer and seller. String buyer = ""; String seller = ""; Double total = 0.0; foreach (String tranId in transactionIds) { EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransactonById(tranId); if (trans == null) { return(false); } if (buyer != "" && buyer != trans.BuyerName) { return(false); } if (seller != "" && seller != trans.SellerName) { return(false); } buyer = trans.BuyerName; seller = trans.SellerName; total += trans.ItemPrice * trans.SaleQuantity; } AccountType account = AccountUtil.GetAccount(seller); if (account == null) { return(false); } AddOrderCall addOrderCall = new AddOrderCall(account.SellerApiContext); OrderType orderType = new eBay.Service.Core.Soap.OrderType(); orderType = new eBay.Service.Core.Soap.OrderType(); orderType.CreatingUserRole = TradingRoleCodeType.Seller; orderType.PaymentMethods = new eBay.Service.Core.Soap.BuyerPaymentMethodCodeTypeCollection(); orderType.PaymentMethods.Add(BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.PayPal); orderType.Total = new eBay.Service.Core.Soap.AmountType(); orderType.Total.Value = total; orderType.Total.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.USD; orderType.TransactionArray = new eBay.Service.Core.Soap.TransactionTypeCollection(); foreach (String tranId in transactionIds) { EbayTransactionType trans = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransactonById(tranId); if (trans == null) { return(false); } TransactionType tranType = new TransactionType(); tranType.Item = new ItemType(); tranType.Item.ItemID = trans.ItemId; tranType.TransactionID = trans.EbayTransactionId; orderType.TransactionArray.Add(tranType); } String orderId = addOrderCall.AddOrder(orderType); return(true); }
} // GetOrdersAsync // Get messages from ebay async. // Returns number of new messages retrieved. private int GetMessagesAsync(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, out bool canceled) { canceled = false; int messagesFetched = 0; List <AccountType> allAccounts = AccountUtil.GetAllAccounts(); foreach (AccountType account in allAccounts) { StringCollection messageIds = EbayMessageBiz.GetAllMessageIds(account, startDate, endDate); StringCollection newMessageIds = new StringCollection(); foreach (String messageId in messageIds) { EbayMessageType messageType = EbayMessageDAL.GetOneMessage(messageId); if (messageType == null) { newMessageIds.Add(messageId); } } int messageNumRetrievePerTime = 1; int apiCallTimes = newMessageIds.Count / messageNumRetrievePerTime; bool needExtraCall = (newMessageIds.Count % messageNumRetrievePerTime) != 0; if (needExtraCall) { apiCallTimes += 1; } List <EbayMessageType> allTrans = new List <EbayMessageType>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < apiCallTimes; ++ii) { StringCollection messageIdsLoc = new StringCollection(); for (int jj = ii * messageNumRetrievePerTime; jj < ii * messageNumRetrievePerTime + messageNumRetrievePerTime; ++jj) { if (jj > newMessageIds.Count - 1) { break; } messageIdsLoc.Add(newMessageIds[jj]); } TimeFilter timeFilter = new TimeFilter(); timeFilter.TimeFrom = startDate; timeFilter.TimeTo = endDate; // Update the description and progress on the modal form // using Control.Invoke. Invoke will run the anonymous // function to set the label's text on the UI thread. // Since it's illegal to touch the UI control on the worker // thread that we're on right now. int retrievedCount = (ii + 1) * messageNumRetrievePerTime; if (retrievedCount > newMessageIds.Count) { retrievedCount = newMessageIds.Count; } List <EbayMessageType> messageList = EbayMessageBiz.GetAllMessageByIds(account, messageIdsLoc); foreach (EbayMessageType messageType in messageList) { // We are pretty sure the message didn't exist. EbayMessageDAL.InsertOneMessage(messageType); // Update the transaction message status. String recipientUserId = messageType.RecipientUserId; String sender = messageType.Sender; String sellerName = messageType.SellerName; String buyerId = sellerName == sender ? recipientUserId : sender; TransactionMessageStatus messageStatus = EbayMessageDAL.GetTransactionMessageStatus(buyerId, sellerName, messageType.ItemID); List <EbayTransactionType> transList = EbayTransactionDAL.GetTransactionsBySellerBuyerItem(sellerName, buyerId, messageType.ItemID); foreach (EbayTransactionType trans in transList) { EbayTransactionDAL.UpdateTransactionMessageStatus(trans.TransactionId, messageStatus); } } String labelHintStr = string.Format("正在从Ebay获取消息信息, 账号 {0}, 共{1}个新消息, 已获得{2}个消息", account.ebayAccount, newMessageIds.Count, retrievedCount); int progressBarValue = (int)((double)(ii + 1) / apiCallTimes * 100); frmProgress.SetLabelHintAndProgressBarValue(labelHintStr, progressBarValue); // Periodically check for a Cancellation // If the user clicks the cancel button, or tries to close // the progress form the m_fmProgress.Cancel flag will be set to true. if (frmProgress.Cancel) { canceled = true; return(messagesFetched); } } // for (int ii = 0; ii < apiCallTimes; ++ii) messagesFetched += newMessageIds.Count; } // foreach (AccountType account in AllAccounts) canceled = false; return(messagesFetched); } // GetMessagesAsync
// Get the orders asynchronously. // Returns number of orders updated. private int GetOrdersAsync(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, out bool canceled) { canceled = false; int ordersFetched = 0; List <AccountType> allAccounts = AccountUtil.GetAllAccounts(); foreach (AccountType account in allAccounts) { StringCollection orderIds = EbayTransactionBiz.GetAllOrderIds(account, startDate, endDate); StringCollection newOrderIds = new StringCollection(); foreach (String orderId in orderIds) { newOrderIds.Add(orderId); } int orderNumRetrievePerTime = 1; int apiCallTimes = newOrderIds.Count / orderNumRetrievePerTime; bool needExtraCall = (newOrderIds.Count % orderNumRetrievePerTime) != 0; if (needExtraCall) { apiCallTimes += 1; } List <EbayTransactionType> allTrans = new List <EbayTransactionType>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < apiCallTimes; ++ii) { StringCollection orderIdsLoc = new StringCollection(); for (int jj = ii * orderNumRetrievePerTime; jj < ii * orderNumRetrievePerTime + orderNumRetrievePerTime; ++jj) { if (jj > newOrderIds.Count - 1) { break; } orderIdsLoc.Add(newOrderIds[jj]); } TimeFilter timeFilter = new TimeFilter(); timeFilter.TimeFrom = startDate; timeFilter.TimeTo = endDate; List <EbayTransactionType> transList = EbayTransactionBiz.GetAllOrders(account, timeFilter, orderIdsLoc); foreach (EbayTransactionType trans in transList) { allTrans.Add(trans); } // Update the description and progress on the modal form // using Control.Invoke. Invoke will run the anonymous // function to set the label's text on the UI thread. // Since it's illegal to touch the UI control on the worker // thread that we're on right now. int retrievedCount = (ii + 1) * orderNumRetrievePerTime; if (retrievedCount > newOrderIds.Count) { retrievedCount = newOrderIds.Count; } String labelHintStr = string.Format("正在从Ebay获取交易信息, 账号 {0}, 共{1}个订单, 已获得{2}个订单信息", account.ebayAccount, newOrderIds.Count, retrievedCount); int progressBarValue = (int)((double)(ii + 1) / apiCallTimes * 100); frmProgress.SetLabelHintAndProgressBarValue(labelHintStr, progressBarValue); foreach (EbayTransactionType trans in allTrans) { bool result = EbayTransactionDAL.InsertOrUpdateOneTransaction(trans); if (result == false) { canceled = true; return(ordersFetched); } } // Periodically check for a Cancellation // If the user clicks the cancel button, or tries to close // the progress form the m_fmProgress.Cancel flag will be set to true. if (frmProgress.Cancel) { canceled = true; return(ordersFetched); } } // for (int ii = 0; ii < apiCallTimes; ++ii) ordersFetched += newOrderIds.Count; } // foreach (AccountType account in AllAccounts) canceled = false; return(ordersFetched); } // GetOrdersAsync
private void SendMessageAsync(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { object[] paramArr = e.Argument as object[]; DataTable dtOrders = (DataTable)paramArr[0]; String messageToSend = (String)paramArr[1]; int curIdx = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dtOrders.Rows) { curIdx++; String sellerName = StringUtil.GetSafeString(row["SellerName"]); String buyerId = StringUtil.GetSafeString(row["BuyerId"]); String itemId = StringUtil.GetSafeString(row["ItemId"]); String orderLineItemId = StringUtil.GetSafeString(row["OrderLineItemId"]); EbayTransactionType transLoc = EbayTransactionDAL.GetOneTransaction(orderLineItemId); if (transLoc == null) { continue; } String subject = String.Format("{0} sent a message on item {1} with itemId {2}", sellerName, buyerId, itemId); AccountType account = AccountUtil.GetAccount(sellerName); if (account == null) { continue; } String labelHintStr = String.Format("正在向买家 {0} 发送消息.... 进度 {1} / {2}", buyerId, curIdx, dtOrders.Rows.Count); int progressBarValue = (int)((double)(curIdx) / dtOrders.Rows.Count * 100); frmProgress.SetLabelHintAndProgressBarValue(labelHintStr, progressBarValue); if (frmProgress.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; e.Result = curIdx; return; } messageToSend = replaceMessageMacros(messageToSend, transLoc); bool result = EbayMessageBiz.SendMessageToBuyer(account, buyerId, itemId, subject, messageToSend, true /*emailCopyToSender*/, eBay.Service.Core.Soap.QuestionTypeCodeType.General); if (result) { DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; DateTime endTime = startTime; startTime = startTime.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)); startTime = startTime.ToUniversalTime(); endTime = endTime.ToUniversalTime(); // Get all message ids within this five minutes. StringCollection msgIds = EbayMessageBiz.GetAllMessageIds(account, startTime, endTime); // Skip the messages we have retrieved. StringCollection newMsgIds = new StringCollection(); { foreach (String msgId in msgIds) { EbayMessageType existedMessage = EbayMessageDAL.GetOneMessage(msgId); if (existedMessage != null) { continue; } newMsgIds.Add(msgId); } } List <EbayMessageType> newMessages = EbayMessageBiz.GetAllMessageByIds(account, newMsgIds); Logger.WriteSystemLog(String.Format("Retrieved new messages count={0}", newMsgIds.Count)); foreach (EbayMessageType messageType in newMessages) { // We are pretty sure the message didn't exist. EbayMessageDAL.InsertOneMessage(messageType); // Update the transaction message status. String recipientUserId = messageType.RecipientUserId; String senderName = messageType.Sender; String sellerNameLoc = messageType.SellerName; String buyerIdLoc = sellerNameLoc == senderName ? recipientUserId : senderName; // [ZHI_TODO] TransactionMessageStatus messageStatus = EbayMessageDAL.GetTransactionMessageStatus(buyerIdLoc, sellerNameLoc, messageType.ItemID); List <EbayTransactionType> transList = EbayTransactionDAL.GetTransactionsBySellerBuyerItem(sellerNameLoc, buyerIdLoc, messageType.ItemID); foreach (EbayTransactionType trans in transList) { EbayTransactionDAL.UpdateTransactionMessageStatus(trans.TransactionId, messageStatus); } } } else { Logger.WriteSystemUserLog("发送消息失败!"); } } e.Result = OrdersDataTable.Rows.Count; } // SendMessageAsync