private void barExplorYear_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { frmNumSelect fys = new frmNumSelect(); fys.strType = " and (type = '所安全工器具出库单' ) "; fys.StrSQL = "select distinct num from PJ_anqgjcrkd where (type = '所安全工器具出库单') "; if (fys.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExportAQGJSCKEdit etdjh = new ExportAQGJSCKEdit(); etdjh.ExportExcelProjectCKD("", fys.strNum); } }
private void barCopy_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { frmNumSelect fys = new frmNumSelect(); fys.strType = " and 1=1"; fys.StrSQL = "select distinct dhht from PJ_clrkysd where 1=1 and dhht!=''"; if (fys.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string filter = " where 1=1"; if(fys.strNum!="全部") filter = " where dhht='" + fys.strNum + "'"; IList<PJ_clrkysd> datalist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetListByWhere<PJ_clrkysd>( filter ); IList<PJ_clcrkd> cdatalist = new List<PJ_clcrkd>(); string num = ""; IList<PJ_clcrkd> pnumli = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetListByWhere <PJ_clcrkd>(" where id like '" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "%' and type='工程材料入库单' order by id desc "); if (pnumli.Count == 0) num = "SCRK" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + string.Format("{0:D4}", 1); else { num = "SCRK" + (Convert.ToDecimal(pnumli[0].num.Replace("SCRK", "")) + 1); } PJ_clcrkd lc = null; foreach (PJ_clrkysd ysd in datalist) { lc = MainHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOne<PJ_clcrkd>(" where lyparent='"+ysd.ID +"' and type = '工程材料入库单'"); if (lc == null) { PJ_clcrkd clc = new PJ_clcrkd(); clc.ID = clc.CreateID(); clc.ssgc = ysd.ssgc; clc.ssxm = ysd.ssxm; clc.type = "工程材料入库单"; clc.num = num; clc.wpmc = ysd.wpmc; clc.wpgg = ysd.wpgg; clc.wpdw = ysd.wpdw; clc.wpdj = ysd.wpdj; clc.wpcj = ysd.ghdw; clc.wpsl = ysd.wpsl; clc.kcsl = ysd.wpsl; clc.indate = ysd.indate; clc.lyparent = ysd.ID; cdatalist.Add(clc); Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(100000));//0.1毫秒 } } frmCLRKYSShow fss = new frmCLRKYSShow(); fss.DataList = cdatalist; if (fss.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (PJ_clcrkd clc in cdatalist) { double i = 0; System.Collections.IList mclist = ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select sum(cast(kcsl as float) ) from PJ_clcrkd where (type = '工程材料入库单' or type = '工程材料入库单原始库存')" + " and wpmc='" + clc.wpmc + "' " + " and ssgc='" + clc.ssgc + "' " + " and wpgg='" + clc.wpgg + "' and id!='" + clc.ID + "' "); if (mclist[0] != null) i = Convert.ToDouble(mclist[0].ToString()); clc.zkcsl = (Convert.ToDouble(clc.kcsl) + i).ToString(); Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.Create<PJ_clcrkd>(clc); } MsgBox.ShowTipMessageBox("导入成功!"); } } }
private void SubmitButton_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { frmModleSubmit fm = new frmModleSubmit(); fm.RecordWorkFlowData = WorkFlowData; fm.CurrRecord = currRecord; if (currRecord.Status == "申报") fm.Status = "add"; else fm.Status = "edit"; fm.Kind = currRecord.Kind; frmNumSelect fys = new frmNumSelect(); fys.strType = " and (type = '所安全工器具出库单' ) "; fys.StrSQL = "select distinct ssgc from PJ_anqgjcrkd where (type = '所安全工器具出库单' ) "; if (fys.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExportAQGJSCKEdit export = new ExportAQGJSCKEdit(); export.CurrRecord = currRecord; export.IsWorkflowCall = isWorkflowCall; export.ParentTemple = parentTemple; export.RecordWorkFlowData = WorkFlowData; export.ExportExcelSubmit(ref parentTemple, "", fys.strNum, false); fm.ParentTemple = parentTemple; if (fm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (fjly == null) fjly = new frmModleFjly(); fjly.btn_Submit_Click(sender, e); if (MainHelper.UserOrg.OrgName.IndexOf("局") == -1) export.ExportExceljhbAllSubmitToWF_ModleRecordWorkTaskIns("", fys.strNum); else export.ExportExceljhbAllSubmitToWF_ModleRecordWorkTaskIns("", fys.strNum); gridControl1.FindForm().Close(); } } }
private void btView_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { //IList<PJ_anqgjcrkd> datalist = gridView1.DataSource as IList<PJ_anqgjcrkd>; frmNumSelect fys = new frmNumSelect(); fys.strType = " and (type = '局安全工器具入库单' or type = '局安全工器具入库单原始库存') "; fys.StrSQL = "select distinct num from PJ_anqgjcrkd where (type = '局安全工器具入库单' or type = '局安全工器具入库单原始库存') "; if (fys.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ExportAQGJRKEdit etdjh = new ExportAQGJRKEdit(); etdjh.ExportExcelProjectCKD(parentID,fys.strNum); } }