public void Should_be_able_to_publish_to_an_exchange()
            var exchange = managementClient.GetExchanges().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == testExchange);
            if (exchange == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    string.Format("Test exchange '{0}' hasn't been created", testExchange));

            var publishInfo = new PublishInfo(testQueue, "Hello World");
            var result = managementClient.Publish(exchange, publishInfo);

            // the testExchange isn't bound to a queue
        public void Should_be_able_to_get_messages_from_a_queue()
            var queue = managementClient.GetQueues().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == testQueue);
            if (queue == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Test queue has not been created");

            var defaultExchange = new Exchange { Name = "amq.default", Vhost = "/" };

            var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
                { "app_id", "management-test"}

            var publishInfo = new PublishInfo(properties, testQueue, "Hello World", "string");

            managementClient.Publish(defaultExchange, publishInfo);

            var criteria = new GetMessagesCriteria(1, false);
            var messages = managementClient.GetMessagesFromQueue(queue, criteria);

            foreach (var message in messages)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("message.Payload = {0}", message.Payload);
                foreach (var property in message.Properties)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("key: '{0}', value: '{1}'", property.Key, property.Value);