public void del_sub() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsubcode.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Subject code field is empty."); tbxsubcode.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsubject.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Subject field is empty."); tbxsubject.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxlec.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Lecture field is empty."); tbxlec.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxlab.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Laboratory field is empty."); tbxlab.Focus(); return; } UserSubClass z = new UserSubClass(); bool isDeleted = z.Delete_sub(d1, UserSubClass.Fullname, UserSubClass.Schoolyear, UserSubClass.Semester); bool isDeleteStudsub = z.Delete_Studsub(Convert.ToInt32(d6)); if (isDeleted && isDeleteStudsub) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Deleted!"); } }
private void create_sub() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsubcode.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Subject code field is empty."); tbxsubcode.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsubject.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Subject field is empty."); tbxsubject.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxlec.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Lecture field is empty."); tbxlec.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxlab.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Laboratory field is empty."); tbxlab.Focus(); return; } UserSubClass.Subcode = Convert.ToString(tbxsubcode.Text); UserSubClass.Subdescript = Convert.ToString(tbxsubject.Text); UserSubClass.Lec = Convert.ToString(tbxlec.Text); UserSubClass.Lab = Convert.ToString(tbxlab.Text); UserSubClass.Units = Convert.ToString(tbxunits.Text); UserSubClass z = new UserSubClass(); bool iscreate = z.createSub(UserSubClass.Subcode, UserSubClass.Subdescript, UserSubClass.Lec, UserSubClass.Lab, UserSubClass.Units, UserSubClass.Fullname, UserSubClass.Schoolyear, UserSubClass.Semester); }
private void TestBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserSubClass.TempConnection = string.Concat("Server = ", txtServerName.Text, "; Database = ", txtDatabase.Text, "; Uid = ", txtUsername.Text, "; Pwd = ", txtPassword.Text, "; Port = ", txtPort.Text, ";"); //Properties.Settings.Default.MyConnectionString = UserSubClass.TempConnection; UserSubClass z = new UserSubClass(); bool isTestSuccess = z.test_conn(); if (!isTestSuccess) { conn_statusLbl.Text = "Connection Successful"; conn_statusLbl.Visible = true; SaveBtn.Enabled = true; } else { conn_statusLbl.Text = "Connection Error!"; conn_statusLbl.Visible = true; } }
public void update_sub() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsubcode.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Subject code field is empty."); tbxsubcode.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsubject.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Subject field is empty."); tbxsubject.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxlec.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Lecture field is empty."); tbxlec.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxlab.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Laboratory field is empty."); tbxlab.Focus(); return; } UserSubClass.Subcode = Convert.ToString(tbxsubcode.Text); UserSubClass.Subdescript = Convert.ToString(tbxsubject.Text); UserSubClass.Lec = Convert.ToString(tbxlec.Text); UserSubClass.Lab = Convert.ToString(tbxlab.Text); UserSubClass.Units = Convert.ToString(tbxunits.Text); d7 = Convert.ToInt32(d6); UserSubClass z = new UserSubClass(); bool isUpdated = z.Update_sub(d7, UserSubClass.Fullname, UserSubClass.Schoolyear, UserSubClass.Semester); bool isUpdateStud = z.Update_StudSub(d7); if (isUpdated && isUpdateStud) { XtraMessageBox.Show("Updated!"); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Error unable to update!"); } }
private void verify() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxscholyer.Text)) { tbxscholyer.Focus(); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxsem.Text)) { tbxsem.Focus(); return; } Char c = '-'; DateTime date = DateTime.Now; int d1 = Convert.ToInt32(date.Year); int d2 = Convert.ToInt32(date.Month); string[] schoolyear = Convert.ToString(tbxscholyer.Text).Split(c); int count = 0; foreach (string school in schoolyear) { int year = Convert.ToInt32(school); if ((year >= d1) && (count == 1)) { if ((string.Compare(Convert.ToString(tbxsem.Text), "2nd") == 0) && d2 < 6) { count++; } if ((string.Compare(Convert.ToString(tbxsem.Text), "1st") == 0) && d2 > 7) { count++; } } else if ((year <= d1) && (count == 0)) { count++; } } if (count == 2) { tbxsubcode.Enabled = true; tbxsubject.Enabled = true; tbxlab.Enabled = true; tbxlec.Enabled = true; tbxunits.Enabled = true; createbtn.Enabled = true; updatebtn.Enabled = true; deletebtn.Enabled = true; tblcreate_sub.Enabled = true; UserSubClass.Schoolyear = Convert.ToString(tbxscholyer.Text); UserSubClass.Semester = Convert.ToString(tbxsem.Text); UserSubClass z = new UserSubClass(); bool verify = z.insScholYer(UserSubClass.Schoolyear, UserSubClass.Semester); if (!verify) { XtraMessageBox.Show("ERROR OCCURED!"); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Verified!"); } } else if (count != 2) { tbxscholyer.Text = ""; tbxsubcode.Enabled = false; tbxsubject.Enabled = false; tbxlab.Enabled = false; tbxlec.Enabled = false; tbxunits.Enabled = false; createbtn.Enabled = false; updatebtn.Enabled = false; deletebtn.Enabled = false; tblcreate_sub.Enabled = false; XtraMessageBox.Show("Unable to verify school year"); } tbxsubcode.Focus(); }
public void Curriculum_Disp() { Curriculum_data = UserSubClass.Get_Curriculum(); Curriculum_table.DataSource = Curriculum_data; }
public void Disp_CurrentSub() { data = UserSubClass.Get_CurrentSub(); tblcreate_sub.DataSource = data; Cor_tbl.DataSource = data; }
public void Disp_Curriculum() { data3 = UserSubClass.Get_StudCurriculum(); gridcontrol_curriculum.DataSource = data3; }
public void Disp_COR() { data2 = UserSubClass.Get_COR(); gridControl_COR.DataSource = data2; }
public void DispAdd_sub() { data = UserSubClass.Get_AddedSub(); add_subdtgv.DataSource = data; }