        // Export the joined data.
        private static void ExportTheJoinedFeatureClass(IFeatureClass featClass, string dataSetName)
            Geoprocessor GP = new Geoprocessor();

            // FeatureClass to Feature Class Tool
            ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass importRoads = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
            importRoads.in_features = featClass;
            importRoads.out_name    = dataSetName + jurisNameNoSpace + "_ToCheck";
            importRoads.out_path    = @"C:\temp\AddressCrossCheck.gdb";

            // Execute the Feature Class to Feature Class Tool
            Console.WriteLine("Exporting the Joined " + dataSetName + "...");
            GP.Execute(importRoads, null);

            // Back to Main function.
        // Import the table and feature classes.
        public static void ImportDataToFGDB()
            // Import the text file as a table to the newly-created filegeodatabase.
            // Initialize the geoprocessor.
            Geoprocessor GP = new Geoprocessor();

            // IMPORT THE TEXT FILE
            // Table to Table Tool.
            ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.TableToTable importTable = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.TableToTable();
            importTable.in_rows = textFilePathName;
            //importTable.out_path = @"C:\temp\AddressCrossCheck.gdb";
            importTable.out_path = @"C:\temp\" + fileGeodatabaseName;
            ////// remove space in juris name
            ////jurisNameNoSpace = jurisToCheck.Replace(" ", "");
            ////importTable.out_name = "tbl" + jurisNameNoSpace.Trim() + "_Report";
            importTable.out_name = "tbl_" + countyName + "Report";

            // Execute the Table to Table Tool
            Console.WriteLine("Importing Text File as Table...");
            GP.Execute(importTable, null);  // if you get an error on this line it might be b/c there already a table in the fgdb with the same name.

            // Import the feature classes (address points and roads).

            // Re-initialize the geoprocessor
            GP = new Geoprocessor();

            // Connect to sde sgid
            var        factoryType       = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesGDB.SdeWorkspaceFactory");
            var        workspaceFactory2 = (IWorkspaceFactory2)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
            IWorkspace sgid = workspaceFactory2.OpenFromFile(@"C:\Users\gbunce\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.4\ArcCatalog\DC_agrc@[email protected]", 0);
            var        sgidFeatureWorkspace = (IFeatureWorkspace)sgid;

            addressPointsSGID = sgidFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("SGID10.LOCATION.AddressPoints");
            var roadsSGID = sgidFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("SGID10.TRANSPORTATION.Roads");

            // FeatureClass to Feature Class Tool
            ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass importAddrPnts = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
            importAddrPnts.in_features  = addressPointsSGID;
            importAddrPnts.where_clause = countyOrAddressSystem + @" = '" + jurisToCheck + @"'";
            importAddrPnts.out_name     = "AddrPnts" + "_SGID";
            //importAddrPnts.out_path = @"C:\temp\AddressCrossCheck.gdb";
            importAddrPnts.out_path = @"C:\temp\" + fileGeodatabaseName;

            // Execute the Feature Class to Feature Class Tool
            Console.WriteLine("Importing Address Points as Feature Class...");
            GP.Execute(importAddrPnts, null);

            // IMPORT THE ROADS
            // Re-initialize the geoprocessor
            GP = new Geoprocessor();

            // FeatureClass to Feature Class Tool
            ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass importRoads = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ConversionTools.FeatureClassToFeatureClass();
            importRoads.in_features = roadsSGID;
            string roadsFieldType = "";

            if (countyOrAddressSystem == "AddSystem")
                roadsFieldType = "ADDRSYS";
                roadsFieldType = "COUNTY";
            importRoads.where_clause = roadsFieldType + @"_L = '" + jurisToCheck + @"' or " + roadsFieldType + @"_R = '" + jurisToCheck + @"'";
            importRoads.out_name     = "Roads" + "_SGID";
            //importRoads.out_path = @"C:\temp\AddressCrossCheck.gdb";
            importRoads.out_path = @"C:\temp\" + fileGeodatabaseName;

            // Execute the Feature Class to Feature Class Tool
            Console.WriteLine("Importing Roads as Feature Class...");
            GP.Execute(importRoads, null);

            // Close the SDE connection (workspace).

            // Join the table to the feature class