BuildFLASHImages() public static method

public static BuildFLASHImages ( string targetPath, string>.Dictionary bspDict, string>.Dictionary debugMethodConfig, LiveMemoryLineHandler lineHandler ) : List
targetPath string
bspDict string>.Dictionary
debugMethodConfig string>.Dictionary
lineHandler LiveMemoryLineHandler
return List
        public static List <ProgrammableRegion> BuildProgrammableBlocksFromSettings(IDebugStartService service, IESP32Settings settings)
            List <ProgrammableRegion> blocks;

            if (BuildProgrammableBlocksFromSynthesizedESPIDFVariables(service, out blocks))
                //Nothing to do. Successfully built the block list.
                bool patchBootloader = settings.PatchBootloader;
                blocks = ESP32StartupSequence.BuildFLASHImages(service.TargetPath, service.SystemDictionary, settings.FLASHSettings, patchBootloader);

            if (settings.FLASHResources != null)
                foreach (var r in settings.FLASHResources)
                    if (r.Valid)
        public static List <ProgrammableRegion> BuildProgrammableBlocksFromSettings(IDebugStartService service, IESP32Settings settings)
            List <ProgrammableRegion> blocks;

            if (service.MCU.Configuration.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries.count", out var tmp) && int.TryParse(tmp, out var binaryCount) && binaryCount > 0)
                blocks = new List <ProgrammableRegion>();
                for (int i = 0; i < binaryCount; i++)
                    string fn = service.MCU.Configuration[$"com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries[{i}].path"];

                    blocks.Add(new ProgrammableRegion
                        FileName = fn,
                        Size     = File.ReadAllBytes(fn).Length,
                        Offset   = int.Parse(service.MCU.Configuration[$"com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries[{i}].address"])
                bool patchBootloader = settings.PatchBootloader;
                blocks = ESP32StartupSequence.BuildFLASHImages(service.TargetPath, service.SystemDictionary, settings.FLASHSettings, patchBootloader);

            if (settings.FLASHResources != null)
                foreach (var r in settings.FLASHResources)
                    if (r.Valid)
        public IGDBStubInstance StartGDBStub(IDebugStartService startService, DebugStartContext context)
            var settings = context.Configuration as ESP32GDBStubSettings;

            if (settings == null)
                throw new Exception("Missing ESP32 stub settings");

            int comPort;

            if (context.ResolvedDevices?.BestMatch.COMPortNumber.HasValue == true)
                comPort = context.ResolvedDevices.BestMatch.COMPortNumber ?? 1;
                if (settings.COMPort?.StartsWith("COM", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != true)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid COM port specifier: " + settings.COMPort);
                comPort = int.Parse(settings.COMPort.Substring(3));

            var regions = ESP32StartupSequence.BuildFLASHImages(startService.TargetPath, startService.SystemDictionary, settings.FLASHSettings, settings.PatchBootloader);

            if (settings.FLASHResources != null)
                foreach (var r in settings.FLASHResources)
                    if (r.Valid)

            foreach (var r in regions)
                var pythonExe = Path.GetFullPath(context.Method.Directory + @"\..\..\..\..\bin\bash.exe");

                string args = $"python /esp32-bsp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/ttyS{comPort - 1} {settings.AdditionalToolArguments} write_flash";
                foreach (var region in regions)
                    if (region.FileName.Contains(" "))
                        throw new Exception($"{region.FileName} contains spaces in path. Cannot program it using Please move your project to a directory without spaces.");
                    args += $" 0x{region.Offset:x} " + region.FileName.Replace('\\', '/');

                var tool = startService.LaunchCommandLineTool(new CommandLineToolLaunchInfo
                    Command   = pythonExe,
                    Arguments = $"--login -c \"{args}\"",

                return(new GDBStubInstance(context, regions)
                    Tool = tool

            throw new OperationCanceledException();
        bool LoadFLASH(DebugStartContext context, IDebugStartService service, ISimpleGDBSession session, ESP32OpenOCDSettings settings, ESP32GDBStub stub)
            string val;

            if (!service.SystemDictionary.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.load_flash", out val) || val != "1")
                //This is a RAM-only configuration
                if (settings.ProgramUsingIDF)
                    string bash, bashArgs;
                    if (!service.SystemDictionary.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.bash", out bash) || !service.SystemDictionary.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.bash_args", out bashArgs))
                        throw new Exception("ESP-IDF did not report esptool arguments");

                    if (service.SystemDictionary.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.script", out var script) && File.Exists(script))
                        var lines = File.ReadAllLines(script).ToList();
                        int idx   = Enumerable.Range(0, lines.Count).FirstOrDefault(i => lines[i].Contains("def hard_reset(self):"));
                        if (idx > 0 && idx < (lines.Count - 1))
                            if (!lines[idx + 1].Contains("self._port.setDTR(False)"))
                                if (service.GUIService.Prompt("The binary used in the current ESP-IDF contains known compatibility issue with Cygwin. Do you want to patch it automatically?"))
                                    Regex rgIndent = new Regex("^([ \t]*)[^ \t]");
                                    var   m        = rgIndent.Match(lines[idx + 1]);
                                    lines.Insert(idx + 1, m.Groups[1].Value + "self._port.setDTR(False)  # IO0=HIGH");
                                    File.WriteAllLines(script, lines.ToArray());

                    var tool = service.LaunchCommandLineTool(new CommandLineToolLaunchInfo
                        Command   = bash,
                        Arguments = bashArgs

                    ESP32StubDebugController.GDBStubInstance.ReportFLASHProgrammingProgress(tool, service, session);

                    string text       = tool.AllText;
                    int    validLines = text.Split('\n').Count(l => l.Trim() == "Hash of data verified.");
                    int    binCount   = 0;
                    if (service.MCU.Configuration.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries.count", out var tmp))
                        int.TryParse(tmp, out binCount);
                    binCount = 0;

                    if (validLines < binCount)
                        service.GUIService.Report("Warning: some of the FLASH regions could not be programmed. Please examine the stub output for details.", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    List <ProgrammableRegion> blocks;
                    if (service.MCU.Configuration.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries.count", out var tmp) && int.TryParse(tmp, out var binaryCount) && binaryCount > 0)
                        blocks = new List <ProgrammableRegion>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < binaryCount; i++)
                            string fn = service.MCU.Configuration[$"com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries[{i}].path"];

                            blocks.Add(new ProgrammableRegion
                                FileName = fn,
                                Size     = File.ReadAllBytes(fn).Length,
                                Offset   = int.Parse(service.MCU.Configuration[$"com.sysprogs.esp32.esptool.binaries[{i}].address"])
                        bool patchBootloader = (settings as IESP32Settings)?.PatchBootloader ?? false;
                        blocks = ESP32StartupSequence.BuildFLASHImages(service.TargetPath, service.SystemDictionary, settings.FLASHSettings, patchBootloader);

                    if (settings.FLASHResources != null)
                        foreach (var r in settings.FLASHResources)
                            if (r.Valid)

                    Regex rgFLASHSize = new Regex("Auto-detected flash size ([0-9]+) KB");
                    if (settings.CheckFLASHSize)
                        var match = stub.Tool.AllText.Split('\n').Select(s => rgFLASHSize.Match(s)).FirstOrDefault(m => m.Success);
                        if (match != null)
                            int detectedSizeKB  = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                            int specifiedSizeMB = 0;
                            switch (settings.FLASHSettings.Size)
                            case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size1MB:
                                specifiedSizeMB = 1;

                            case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size2MB:
                                specifiedSizeMB = 2;

                            case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size4MB:
                                specifiedSizeMB = 4;

                            case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size8MB:
                                specifiedSizeMB = 8;

                            case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size16MB:
                                specifiedSizeMB = 16;

                            if (detectedSizeKB < (specifiedSizeMB * 1024) && detectedSizeKB >= 1024)
                                if (service.GUIService.Prompt($"The FLASH size specified via Project Properties is greater than the actual SPI FLASH size on your device. Please switch FLASH size to {detectedSizeKB / 1024}MB or less.\nDo you want to cancel FLASH programming?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning))
                                    throw new OperationCanceledException();

                    using (var ctx = session.CreateScopedProgressReporter("Programming FLASH...", new[] { "Programming FLASH memory" }))
                        int   blkNum        = 0;
                        Regex rgWriteXBytes = new Regex("wrote ([0-9]+) bytes from file");
                        foreach (var blk in blocks)
                            ctx.ReportTaskProgress(blkNum++, blocks.Count);
                            string path      = blk.FileName.Replace('\\', '/');
                            var    result    = session.RunGDBCommand($"mon program_esp32 \"{path}\" 0x{blk.Offset:x}");
                            bool   succeeded = result.StubOutput?.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Contains("** Programming Finished **")) != null;
                            if (!succeeded)
                                throw new Exception("FLASH programming failed. Please review the gdb/OpenOCD logs for details.");
                            var m = result.StubOutput.Select(l => rgWriteXBytes.Match(l)).FirstOrDefault(m2 => m2.Success);
                            if (m == null)
                                throw new Exception("FLASH programming did not report the amount of written bytes. Please review the gdb/OpenOCD logs for details.");
                            int bytesWritten = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                            if (bytesWritten == 0 && blk.Size > 0)
                                throw new Exception("FLASH programming did not write any data. This is a known bug of ESP32 OpenOCD. Please restart your device and JTAG programmer and try again.");

            if (!session.RunGDBCommand("mon reset halt").IsDone)
                throw new Exception("Failed to reset target after programming");

        bool LoadFLASH(DebugStartContext context, IDebugStartService service, ISimpleGDBSession session, ESP32OpenOCDSettings settings, ESP32GDBStub stub)
            string val;

            if (!service.SystemDictionary.TryGetValue("com.sysprogs.esp32.load_flash", out val) || val != "1")
                //This is a RAM-only configuration
                var blocks = ESP32StartupSequence.BuildFLASHImages(service.TargetPath, service.SystemDictionary, settings.FLASHSettings, (settings as IESP32Settings)?.PatchBootloader ?? false);

                if (settings.FLASHResources != null)
                    foreach (var r in settings.FLASHResources)
                        if (r.Valid)

                Regex rgFLASHSize = new Regex("Auto-detected flash size ([0-9]+) KB");
                if (settings.CheckFLASHSize)
                    var match = stub.Tool.AllText.Split('\n').Select(s => rgFLASHSize.Match(s)).FirstOrDefault(m => m.Success);
                    if (match != null)
                        int detectedSizeKB  = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
                        int specifiedSizeMB = 0;
                        switch (settings.FLASHSettings.Size)
                        case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size1MB:
                            specifiedSizeMB = 1;

                        case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size2MB:
                            specifiedSizeMB = 2;

                        case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size4MB:
                            specifiedSizeMB = 4;

                        case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size8MB:
                            specifiedSizeMB = 8;

                        case ESP8266BinaryImage.ESP32FLASHSize.size16MB:
                            specifiedSizeMB = 16;

                        if (detectedSizeKB < (specifiedSizeMB * 1024) && detectedSizeKB >= 1024)
                            if (service.GUIService.Prompt($"The FLASH size specified via Project Properties is greater than the actual SPI FLASH size on your device. Please switch FLASH size to {detectedSizeKB / 1024}MB or less.\nDo you want to cancel FLASH programming?", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning))
                                throw new OperationCanceledException();

                using (var ctx = session.CreateScopedProgressReporter("Programming FLASH...", new[] { "Programming FLASH memory" }))
                    int   blkNum        = 0;
                    Regex rgWriteXBytes = new Regex("wrote ([0-9]+) bytes from file");
                    foreach (var blk in blocks)
                        ctx.ReportTaskProgress(blkNum++, blocks.Count);
                        string path      = blk.FileName.Replace('\\', '/');
                        var    result    = session.RunGDBCommand($"mon program_esp32 \"{path}\" 0x{blk.Offset:x}");
                        bool   succeeded = result.StubOutput?.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Contains("** Programming Finished **")) != null;
                        if (!succeeded)
                            throw new Exception("FLASH programming failed. Please review the gdb/OpenOCD logs for details.");
                        var m = result.StubOutput.Select(l => rgWriteXBytes.Match(l)).FirstOrDefault(m2 => m2.Success);
                        if (m == null)
                            throw new Exception("FLASH programming did not report the amount of written bytes. Please review the gdb/OpenOCD logs for details.");
                        int bytesWritten = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                        if (bytesWritten == 0 && blk.Size > 0)
                            throw new Exception("FLASH programming did not write any data. This is a known bug of ESP32 OpenOCD. Please restart your device and JTAG programmer and try again.");

            if (!session.RunGDBCommand("mon reset halt").IsDone)
                throw new Exception("Failed to reset target after programming");
