public void PersistEfModelByType <T>(SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, int bulkCopyTimeout, IEnumerable <T> source)
            // Need to recurse through collections to get child types and also save.
            var tableName = GetTableNameFromType <T>();

            _logger.LogInfo($"  Starting Bulk insert of {source.Count()} items of type {typeof(T).Name}");
            var bulkInsert = new BulkInsert();

            bulkInsert.InsertWithIds(tableName, source, connection, sqlTransaction, bulkCopyTimeout);
            _logger.LogInfo($"  Finished Bulk insert of {source.Count()} items of type {typeof(T).Name}");

            Type objType    = typeof(T);
            var  properties = objType.GetProperties().ToList();

            // Deal with any children in collections
            var listsOfCollectionChildEntitys = properties.Where(p =>
                                                                 p.PropertyType.IsGenericType && p.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection <>))

            foreach (var childEntityList in listsOfCollectionChildEntitys)
                var childListType = childEntityList.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments.First();

                var listType            = typeof(List <>);
                var constructedListType = listType.MakeGenericType(childListType);

                var subItems = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedListType) as IList;

                if (subItems != null)
                    foreach (T item in source)
                        object propValue = childEntityList.GetValue(item, null);
                        var    elems     = propValue as IEnumerable;
                        if (elems != null)
                            foreach (var elem in elems)

                    if (subItems.Any())
                        // Create a generic version from a runtime type to call with this child set of items
                        .Invoke(this, new object[] { connection, sqlTransaction, bulkCopyTimeout, subItems });
        public void PersistEfModelByTypeWithoutCollections <T>(SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, int bulkCopyTimeout, IEnumerable <T> source)
            // Need to recurse through collections to get child types and also save.

            var tableName = GetTableNameFromType <T>();

            _logger.LogInfo($"  Starting Bulk insert of {source.Count()} items of type {typeof(T).Name}");
            var bulkInsert = new BulkInsert();

            bulkInsert.InsertWithIds(tableName, source, connection, sqlTransaction, bulkCopyTimeout);
            _logger.LogInfo($"  Finished Bulk insert of {source.Count()} items of type {typeof(T).Name}");

            Type objType    = typeof(T);
            var  properties = objType.GetProperties().ToList();

            // Deal with any children not in a collection
            var instanceOfChildEntities = properties.Where(p => p.PropertyType.IsClass && p.PropertyType.Assembly.FullName.Contains("ESFA.DC.ILR.ReferenceDataService.ReferenceInput.Model")).ToList();

            foreach (var instanceOfChildEntity in instanceOfChildEntities)
                var childListType = instanceOfChildEntity.PropertyType;

                var listType            = typeof(List <>);
                var constructedListType = listType.MakeGenericType(childListType);

                var subItems = Activator.CreateInstance(constructedListType) as IList;

                foreach (T item in source)
                    object childValue = instanceOfChildEntity.GetValue(item, null);

                    if (childValue != null)

                // Create a generic version from a runtime type to call with this child set of items
                .Invoke(this, new object[] { connection, sqlTransaction, bulkCopyTimeout, subItems });