private void InitialLogin() { ConnectionToDB myconn = new ConnectionToDB(); DataTable MyDataTable; MyDataTable = myconn.GetDataTable("select Instance_name From sys.V_$INSTANCE"); this.Text = this.Text + " @ " + MyDataTable.Rows[0][0].ToString(); foreach (RibbonTab ribonTab in sowaidribbon.Tabs) { ribonTab.Visible = false; } //***************888 Rectangle rect = Screen.FromHandle(this.Handle).WorkingArea; rect.Location = new Point(0, 0); this.MaximizedBounds = rect; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; Theme.ColorTable = new sowaidRibbonRendererColorTableBlack(); //*********** //pnlToolBar.Width = splitContainer2.Width / 3 * 2; //pnlToolBar.Left = splitContainer2.Width - pnlToolBar.Width; //pnlToolBar.Height = splitContainer2.Panel1.Height; //pnlToolBar.Top = 0; splitContainer2.SplitterWidth = 1; splitContainer2.SplitterDistance = sowaidribbon.Height; // pbxSowaidLogo.Height = splitContainer2.Panel1.Height + 10; pbxLogo.Left = 0; pbxLogo.Top = 27; //tmrCurrentTime.Start(); // lblUserLable.Text = "اسم المستخدم : ....."; //glb_function.glb_strUserName = ""; // lblUserLable.Left = pnlRight.Width / 2 - lblUserLable.Width / 2; RemoveUserToolIcons(); frmLogin myform = new frmLogin(); myform.ShowDialog(this); //if (glb_function.glb_strUserName == "") //{ // this.Close(); // return; //} lblUserLable.Text = " " + glb_function.glb_strUserName; // lblUserLable.Left = pbxLogout.Left + lblUserLable.Width -50; //lblUserLable.Top = pbxLogout.Top; ConnectionToDB cnn = new ConnectionToDB(); //dtUserForm = cnn.GetDataTable("select p.swid,m.form_name,m.form_type from models_file m " + // " join privilege_file p on(m.swid = p.model_no and user_no = " + glb_function.glb_strUserId + ")" + // " union all" + // " select p.swid, m.form_name, m.form_type from models_account m" + // " join privilege_account p on (m.swid = p.model_no and user_no = " + glb_function.glb_strUserId + ")" + // " union all" + // " select p.swid,m.form_name,m.form_type from MODELS_CHARITIES m " + // " join PRIVILEGE_CHARITIES p on(m.swid = p.model_no and user_no = " + glb_function.glb_strUserId + ")" + // ""); dtUserForm = cnn.GetDataTable("select u.swid,m.form_name,m.form_eng_name,m.form_type from templet_header m,user_templet u " + " where m.swid = u.templet_id and u.user_id= " + glb_function.glb_strUserId); CreateToolIcons(this); }