public override List<ZoneEntryStruct> GetSpawns() { List<ZoneEntryStruct> ZoneSpawns = new List<ZoneEntryStruct>(); List<byte[]> SpawnPackets = GetPacketsOfType("OP_ZoneEntry", PacketDirection.ServerToClient); foreach (byte[] SpawnPacket in SpawnPackets) { ZoneEntryStruct NewSpawn = new ZoneEntryStruct(); ByteStream Buffer = new ByteStream(SpawnPacket); NewSpawn.SpawnName = Buffer.ReadString(true); NewSpawn.SpawnName = Utils.MakeCleanName(NewSpawn.SpawnName); NewSpawn.SpawnID = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.Level = Buffer.ReadByte(); float UnkSize = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.IsNPC = Buffer.ReadByte(); UInt32 Bitfield = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.Showname = (Bitfield >> 28) & 1; NewSpawn.TargetableWithHotkey = (Bitfield >> 27) & 1; NewSpawn.Targetable = (Bitfield >> 26) & 1; NewSpawn.ShowHelm = (Bitfield >> 24) & 1; NewSpawn.Gender = (Bitfield >> 20) & 3; Byte OtherData = Buffer.ReadByte(); Buffer.SkipBytes(8); // Skip 8 unknown bytes NewSpawn.DestructableString1 = ""; NewSpawn.DestructableString2 = ""; NewSpawn.DestructableString3 = ""; if ((OtherData & 1) > 0) { //SQLOut(String.Format("-- OBJECT FOUND SpawnID {0}", SpawnID.ToString("x"))); //Console.WriteLine("Otherdata is {0} Skipping Stuff.", OtherData.ToString("x")); NewSpawn.DestructableString1 = Buffer.ReadString(false); NewSpawn.DestructableString2 = Buffer.ReadString(false); NewSpawn.DestructableString3 = Buffer.ReadString(false); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableID1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableID2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableID3 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableID4 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk3 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk4 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk5 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk6 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk7 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk8 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableUnk9 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DestructableByte = Buffer.ReadByte(); //SQLOut(String.Format("-- DES: {0,8:x} {1,8:x} {2,8:d} {3,8:d} {4,8:d} {5,8:d} {6,8:x} {7,8:x} {8,8:x} {9,8:x} {10,8:x} {11,8:x} {12,8:x} {13,2:x} {14} {15} {16}", // DestructableUnk1, DestructableUnk2, DestructableID1, DestructableID2, DestructableID3, DestructableID4, // DestructableUnk3, DestructableUnk4, DestructableUnk5, DestructableUnk6, DestructableUnk7, DestructableUnk8, // DestructableUnk9, DestructableByte, DestructableString1, DestructableString2, DestructableString3)); } NewSpawn.Size = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.Face = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.WalkSpeed = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.RunSpeed = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.Race = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.PropCount = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.BodyType = 0; if (NewSpawn.PropCount >= 1) { NewSpawn.BodyType = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); for (int j = 1; j < NewSpawn.PropCount; ++j) Buffer.SkipBytes(4); } Buffer.SkipBytes(1); // Skip HP % NewSpawn.HairColor = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.BeardColor = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.EyeColor1 = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.EyeColor2 = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.HairStyle = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.Beard = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.DrakkinHeritage = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DrakkinTattoo = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DrakkinDetails = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(1); // Skip Holding NewSpawn.Deity = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(8); // Skip GuildID and GuildRank NewSpawn.Class = Buffer.ReadByte(); Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // Skip PVP, Standstate, Light, Flymode NewSpawn.EquipChest2 = Buffer.ReadByte(); bool UseWorn = (NewSpawn.EquipChest2 == 255); Buffer.SkipBytes(2); // 2 Unknown bytes; NewSpawn.Helm = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.LastName = Buffer.ReadString(false); Buffer.SkipBytes(5); // AATitle + unknown byte NewSpawn.PetOwnerID = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(25); // Unknown byte + 6 unknown uint32 UInt32 Position1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position3 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position4 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position5 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.YPos = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position3 & 0x7FFFF)); NewSpawn.Heading = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position4 & 0xFFF)); NewSpawn.XPos = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position4 >> 12) & 0x7FFFF); NewSpawn.ZPos = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position5 & 0x7FFFF)); for (int ColourSlot = 0; ColourSlot < 9; ++ColourSlot) NewSpawn.SlotColour[ColourSlot] = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.MeleeTexture1 = 0; NewSpawn.MeleeTexture2 = 0; if (NPCType.IsPlayableRace(NewSpawn.Race)) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { NewSpawn.Equipment[i] = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Equip1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Equip0 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); } if (NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] > 0) { NewSpawn.EquipChest2 = (byte)NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST]; } NewSpawn.ArmorTintRed = (byte)((NewSpawn.SlotColour[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] >> 16) & 0xff); NewSpawn.ArmorTintGreen = (byte)((NewSpawn.SlotColour[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] >> 8) & 0xff); NewSpawn.ArmorTintBlue = (byte)(NewSpawn.SlotColour[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] & 0xff); if (NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_PRIMARY] > 0) NewSpawn.MeleeTexture1 = NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_PRIMARY]; if (NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_SECONDARY] > 0) NewSpawn.MeleeTexture2 = NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_SECONDARY]; if (UseWorn) NewSpawn.Helm = (byte)NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_HEAD]; else NewSpawn.Helm = 0; } else { // Non playable race NewSpawn.MeleeTexture1 = NewSpawn.SlotColour[3]; NewSpawn.MeleeTexture2 = NewSpawn.SlotColour[6]; } if (NewSpawn.EquipChest2 == 255) NewSpawn.EquipChest2 = 0; if (NewSpawn.Helm == 255) NewSpawn.Helm = 0; if ((OtherData & 4) > 0) { NewSpawn.Title = Buffer.ReadString(false); } if ((OtherData & 8) > 0) { NewSpawn.Suffix = Buffer.ReadString(false); } // unknowns Buffer.SkipBytes(8); NewSpawn.IsMercenary = Buffer.ReadByte(); ZoneSpawns.Add(NewSpawn); } return ZoneSpawns; }
public override List<ZoneEntryStruct> GetSpawns() { List<ZoneEntryStruct> ZoneSpawns = new List<ZoneEntryStruct>(); List<byte[]> SpawnPackets = GetPacketsOfType("OP_ZoneEntry", PacketDirection.ServerToClient); foreach (byte[] SpawnPacket in SpawnPackets) { ZoneEntryStruct NewSpawn = new ZoneEntryStruct(); ByteStream Buffer = new ByteStream(SpawnPacket); NewSpawn.SpawnName = Buffer.ReadString(true); NewSpawn.SpawnName = Utils.MakeCleanName(NewSpawn.SpawnName); NewSpawn.SpawnID = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.Level = Buffer.ReadByte(); float UnkSize = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.IsNPC = Buffer.ReadByte(); UInt32 Bitfield = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.Gender = (Bitfield & 3); Byte OtherData = Buffer.ReadByte(); Buffer.SkipBytes(8); // Skip 8 unknown bytes NewSpawn.DestructableString1 = ""; NewSpawn.DestructableString2 = ""; NewSpawn.DestructableString3 = ""; if ((NewSpawn.IsNPC > 0) && ((OtherData & 1) > 0)) { // Destructable Objects NewSpawn.DestructableString1 = Buffer.ReadString(false); NewSpawn.DestructableString2 = Buffer.ReadString(false); NewSpawn.DestructableString3 = Buffer.ReadString(false); Buffer.SkipBytes(53); } if ((OtherData & 4) > 0) { // Auras Buffer.ReadString(false); Buffer.ReadString(false); Buffer.SkipBytes(54); } NewSpawn.PropCount = Buffer.ReadByte(); if (NewSpawn.PropCount > 0) NewSpawn.BodyType = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); else NewSpawn.BodyType = 0; for (int j = 1; j < NewSpawn.PropCount; ++j) Buffer.SkipBytes(4); Buffer.SkipBytes(1); // Skip HP % NewSpawn.HairColor = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.BeardColor = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.EyeColor1 = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.EyeColor2 = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.HairStyle = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.Beard = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.DrakkinHeritage = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DrakkinTattoo = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.DrakkinDetails = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.EquipChest2 = Buffer.ReadByte(); bool UseWorn = (NewSpawn.EquipChest2 == 255); Buffer.SkipBytes(2); // 2 Unknown bytes; NewSpawn.Helm = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.Size = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.Face = Buffer.ReadByte(); NewSpawn.WalkSpeed = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.RunSpeed = Buffer.ReadSingle(); NewSpawn.Race = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(1); // Skip Holding NewSpawn.Deity = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(8); // Skip GuildID and GuildRank NewSpawn.Class = Buffer.ReadByte(); Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // Skip PVP, Standstate, Light, Flymode NewSpawn.LastName = Buffer.ReadString(true); Buffer.SkipBytes(6); NewSpawn.PetOwnerID = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(25); NewSpawn.MeleeTexture1 = 0; NewSpawn.MeleeTexture2 = 0; if ( (NewSpawn.IsNPC == 0) || NPCType.IsPlayableRace(NewSpawn.Race)) { for (int ColourSlot = 0; ColourSlot < 9; ++ColourSlot) NewSpawn.SlotColour[ColourSlot] = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { NewSpawn.Equipment[i] = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Equip3 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Equip2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Equip1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Equip0 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); } if (NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] > 0) { NewSpawn.EquipChest2 = (byte)NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST]; } NewSpawn.ArmorTintRed = (byte)((NewSpawn.SlotColour[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] >> 16) & 0xff); NewSpawn.ArmorTintGreen = (byte)((NewSpawn.SlotColour[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] >> 8) & 0xff); NewSpawn.ArmorTintBlue = (byte)(NewSpawn.SlotColour[Constants.MATERIAL_CHEST] & 0xff); if (NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_PRIMARY] > 0) NewSpawn.MeleeTexture1 = NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_PRIMARY]; if (NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_SECONDARY] > 0) NewSpawn.MeleeTexture2 = NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_SECONDARY]; if (UseWorn) NewSpawn.Helm = (byte)NewSpawn.Equipment[Constants.MATERIAL_HEAD]; else NewSpawn.Helm = 0; } else { // Non playable race Buffer.SkipBytes(20); NewSpawn.MeleeTexture1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(16); NewSpawn.MeleeTexture2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(16); } if (NewSpawn.EquipChest2 == 255) NewSpawn.EquipChest2 = 0; if (NewSpawn.Helm == 255) NewSpawn.Helm = 0; UInt32 Position1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position3 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position4 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Position5 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); NewSpawn.YPos = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position1 >> 12)); NewSpawn.ZPos = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position3 >> 13) & 0x7FFFF); NewSpawn.XPos = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position4) & 0x7FFFF); NewSpawn.Heading = Utils.EQ19ToFloat((Int32)(Position5) & 0x7FFFF); if ((OtherData & 16) > 0) { NewSpawn.Title = Buffer.ReadString(false); } if ((OtherData & 32) > 0) { NewSpawn.Suffix = Buffer.ReadString(false); } // unknowns Buffer.SkipBytes(8); NewSpawn.IsMercenary = Buffer.ReadByte(); Buffer.SkipBytes(54); Debug.Assert(Buffer.GetPosition() == Buffer.Length(), "Length mismatch while parsing zone spawns"); ZoneSpawns.Add(NewSpawn); } return ZoneSpawns; }