public override void Run()
            _converter = new MovListToCodeConverter(Properties.Settings.Default.movementsList.Count,Properties.Settings.Default.allowedMovements);

            movCode=(int)_converter.Convert(new ushort[] { 1, 3 }, null, null, null);
            movCode = (int)_converter.Convert(new ushort[] { 1, 2 }, null, null, null);
            movCode = (int)_converter.Convert(new ushort[] { 5 }, null, null, null);
            movCode = (int)_converter.Convert(new ushort[] { 1, 3, 6 }, null, null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Worker method performing the actual validation process
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidationWorker()
             * This was done because certain required value objects like movement lists have
             * nothing to do with pattern recognising.
            int okCount = 0;
            int failCount = 0;
            int expected;
            int predicted;

            ClassifToMovCodeConverter c2mConverter = new ClassifToMovCodeConverter();
            MovListToCodeConverter ml2cConverter = new MovListToCodeConverter(totalSingleMovements, allowedComplexMovements);

            c2mConverter.multipleActivation = _patternRecognizer.multipleActivationEnabled;
            c2mConverter.activationLevel = _patternRecognizer.activationLevel;
            c2mConverter.activationTolerance = _patternRecognizer.activationTolerance;

            c2mConverter.movementCodes = _patternRecognizer.trainingPackage.movementCodes;

            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>> confusionMatrix = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, int>>();
            Dictionary<int, int> predictedDictionary;

            progressLog.Log(ProgressLogItem.Info, "*********** VALIDATION ************");

            foreach (DataSet dataSet in _patternRecognizer.trainingPackage.validationSets)
                expected = dataSet.movementCode;

                okCount = 0;
                failCount = 0;

                foreach (DataWindow dataWindow in dataSet.set)
                    double[] inputVector = new double[_patternRecognizer.inputDim];

                    for (int j = 0; j < dataWindow.features.Values.Count; j++)
                        double[] channelVector = (double[])dataWindow.features.Values.ElementAt(j);
                        for (int k = 0; k < channelVector.Length; k++)
                            inputVector[(j * channelVector.Length) + k] = channelVector[k];

                    double[] outputVector = (double[])_patternRecognizer.Classify(inputVector);

                    //Here we must determine which movement code corresponds better
                    //with the input vector. The method for doing this changes depending on
                    //whether we are using explicit movement codes or not, so we implement it using a converter class

                    if (_patternRecognizer.multipleActivationEnabled)
                        List<ushort> movementList = (List<ushort>)c2mConverter.Convert(outputVector, null, null, null);
                        predicted = (int)ml2cConverter.Convert(movementList.ToArray(), null, null, null);

                        //The following happens when several outputs went active producing an impossible composite movement
                        //such as "rest + open" or "open + close", for instance.
                        if (predicted == -1) predicted = movementList.First();

                        //TODO: in this case, we opt for getting the
                        //first movement of the list, bur we could do other things, like try and remove an element at
                        //a tome and see when we come to a valid combination

                    else predicted = (int)c2mConverter.Convert(outputVector, null, null, null);

                    //Now we check if the predicted movement matches the expected movement
                    if (predicted == expected) okCount++;
                    else failCount++;

                    //Additionally, we compose the confusion matrix.
                    if (confusionMatrix.TryGetValue(expected, out predictedDictionary))
                        int predictedCount;

                        if (predictedDictionary.TryGetValue(predicted, out predictedCount))
                        else predictedDictionary.Add(predicted, 1);
                        predictedDictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                        predictedDictionary.Add(predicted, 1);
                        confusionMatrix.Add(expected, predictedDictionary);


                string report = "Testing movement <mov " + expected + "/> -> correct: " + Math.Round(100 * okCount / (double)(okCount + failCount), 2) + "%";

                confusionMatrix.TryGetValue(expected, out predictedDictionary);
                if (predictedDictionary.Keys.Count > 1)
                    report = report + "; misclassified as: ";
                    foreach (int prediction in predictedDictionary.Keys)
                        if (prediction != expected)
                            report = report + "<mov " + prediction + "/> " + Math.Round(100 * predictedDictionary[prediction] / (double)(okCount + failCount), 2) + "%; ";


                progressLog.Log(ProgressLogItem.Info, report);

            progressLog.Log(ProgressLogItem.Info, "********* VALIDATION FINISHED *********");
        /// <summary>
        /// Composes a recording schedule by using as inputs the list of selected movements, the number of 
        /// simultaneous movements and checking the restrictions for combining movements
        /// </summary>
        public void ComposeSchedule()
            ObservableCollection<ScheduleItem> schedule = recordingConfig.schedule;
            List<ushort[]> provList = new List<ushort[]>();
            ushort[] movement;

            if ((_selectedMovements.Count <= 0) || (simultMovements <= 0)) return;

            if (_simultMovements > 1) recursiveCompose(provList, new ushort[_simultMovements], 0, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < _selectedMovements.Count; i++)
                    movement = new ushort[_simultMovements];
                    movement[0] = (ushort)_selectedMovements.ElementAt(i).idTag;

            if (provList.Count > 0)
                //At this point we should have a list of allowed compound movements created from the list
                //of selected simple movements and the number simultaneous movements selected. Now we compose
                //a schedule including rests and repetitions

                //Adding as much initial rests as WarmupItems are configured in the recording configuration. These
                //WILL NOT BE RECORDED

                MovListToCodeConverter converter =
                    new MovListToCodeConverter(numSingleMovements
                                                , allowedComplexMovements);

                for (int i = 0; i < recordingConfig.scheduleWarmupItems; i++)
                    movement = new ushort[1];
                    movement[0] = 0;
                    schedule.Add(new ScheduleItem((int)converter.Convert(movement,null,null,null), movement));

                for (int i = 0; i < provList.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < recordingConfig.repetitions; j++)
                        schedule.Add(new ScheduleItem((int)converter.Convert(provList.ElementAt(i),null,null,null), provList.ElementAt(i)));

                        movement = new ushort[1];
                        movement[0] = 0;
                        schedule.Add(new ScheduleItem((int)converter.Convert(movement,null,null,null), movement)); //An rest after each movement

                //The schedule is now complete.