//Audio audioHelper, Cue mystery)
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor fills in the menu contents.
        /// </summary>
        public CreateOrFindSessionScreen(ScreenManager screenManager, NetworkSessionType sessionType, AudioManager audioManager)
            : base(GetMenuTitle(sessionType), false)
            networkHelper = new NetworkHelper();
            networkInterface = new NetworkInterface();
            this.audioManager = audioManager;
            //this.audioHelper = audioHelper;
            //this.mystery = mystery;
            this.sessionType = sessionType;

            // Create our menu entries.
            MenuEntry createSessionMenuEntry = new MenuEntry(Resources.CreateSession);
            MenuEntry findSessionsMenuEntry = new MenuEntry(Resources.FindSessions);
            MenuEntry backMenuEntry = new MenuEntry(Resources.Back);

            // Hook up menu event handlers.
            createSessionMenuEntry.Selected += CreateSessionMenuEntrySelected;
            findSessionsMenuEntry.Selected += FindSessionsMenuEntrySelected;
            backMenuEntry.Selected += OnCancel;

            // Add entries to the menu.
        /// <summary>
        /// The main game constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public TRA_Game()
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);

            graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1067;
            graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 600;

            // Create components.
            screenManager = new ScreenManager(this);

            Components.Add(new MessageDisplayComponent(this));
            Components.Add(new GamerServicesComponent(this));
            //Components.Add(new VersionDrawer(this, 0.01f, screenManager.Font));

            audioManager = new AudioManager(this);

            Services.AddService(typeof(AudioManager), audioManager);
            // Activate the first screens.
            screenManager.AddScreen(new SplashScreen());
            //screenManager.AddScreen(new BackgroundScreen(false));
            //screenManager.AddScreen(new MainMenuScreen(false, null));

            //Update the audio
            //audioHelper = new Audio("Content\\TRA_Game.xgs");
        public override void LoadContent()
            this.audioManager = (AudioManager)ScreenManager.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioManager));
            if (this.audioManager == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("No audio Manager");

            this.audioManager.PlaySong("mystery", true);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads graphics content for this screen. The background texture is quite
        /// big, so we use our own local ContentManager to load it. This allows us
        /// to unload before going from the menus into the game itself, wheras if we
        /// used the shared ContentManager provided by the Game class, the content
        /// would remain loaded forever.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()
            if (content == null)
                content = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Game.Services, "Content");

            this.audioManager = (AudioManager)this.ScreenManager.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioManager));

            texture = content.Load<Texture2D>("splash");
            ScreenManager.Game.Components.Add(new VersionDrawer(ScreenManager.Game, 0.01f));

        public override void LoadContent()
            this.audioManager = (AudioManager)ScreenManager.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioManager));

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads graphics content used by the lobby screen.
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()
            ContentManager content = ScreenManager.Game.Content;

            isReadyTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("chat_ready");
            hasVoiceTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("chat_able");
            isTalkingTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("chat_talking");
            voiceMutedTexture = content.Load<Texture2D>("chat_mute");

            this.audioManager = (AudioManager)ScreenManager.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioManager));
        //Audio audioHelper)
        void LeaveSessionFromGame(AudioManager audioManager)
            // Remove the NetworkSessionComponent.

            // Remove the NetworkSession service.

            // Dispose the NetworkSession.
            networkSession = null;

            // If we have a sessionEndMessage string explaining why the session has
            // ended (maybe this was a network disconnect, or perhaps the host kicked
            // us out?) create a message box to display this reason to the user.
            MessageBoxScreen messageBox;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionEndMessage))
                messageBox = new MessageBoxScreen(sessionEndMessage, false);
                messageBox = null;

            // At this point we normally want to return the user all the way to the
            // main menu screen. But what if they just joined a session? In that case
            // they went through this flow of screens:
            //  - MainMenuScreen
            //  - CreateOrFindSessionsScreen
            //  - JoinSessionScreen (if joining, skipped if creating a new session)
            //  - LobbyScreeen
            // If we have these previous screens on the history stack, and the user
            // backs out of the LobbyScreen, the right thing is just to pop off the
            // LobbyScreen and JoinSessionScreen, returning them to the
            // CreateOrFindSessionsScreen (we cannot just back up to the
            // JoinSessionScreen, because it contains search results that will no
            // longer be valid). But if the user is in gameplay, or has been in
            // gameplay and then returned to the lobby, the screen stack will have
            // been emptied.
            // To do the right thing in both cases, we scan through the screen history
            // stack looking for a CreateOrFindSessionScreen. If we find one, we pop
            // any subsequent screens so as to return back to it, while if we don't
            // find it, we just reset everything and go back to the main menu.

            GameScreen[] screens = screenManager.GetScreens();

            // Look for the CreateOrFindSessionsScreen.
            for (int i = 0; i < screens.Length; i++)
                if (screens[i] is CreateOrFindSessionScreen)
                    // If we found one, pop everything since then to return back to it.
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < screens.Length; j++)

                    // Display the why-did-the-session-end message box.
                    if (messageBox != null)


            // If we didn't find a CreateOrFindSessionsScreen, reset everything and
            // go back to the main menu. The why-did-the-session-end message box
            // will be displayed after the loading screen has completed.
            LoadingScreen.Load(screenManager, false, new BackgroundScreen(NetworkSessionComponent.Level.shipMap),
                                                     new MainMenuScreen(),
        // Audio audioHelper)
        public static void LeaveSessionFromGame(ScreenManager screenManager, AudioManager audioManager)
            // Search through Game.Components to find the NetworkSessionComponent.
            foreach (IGameComponent component in screenManager.Game.Components)
                NetworkSessionComponent self = component as NetworkSessionComponent;

                if (self != null)
                    // Display a message box to confirm the user really wants to leave.
                    string message;

                    if (self.networkSession.IsHost)
                        message = Resources.ConfirmEndSession;
                        message = Resources.ConfirmLeaveSession;

                    MessageBoxScreen confirmMessageBox = new MessageBoxScreen(message);

                    // Hook the messge box ok event to actually leave the session.
                    confirmMessageBox.Accepted += delegate

